I say YES. YOU say NO....Numero Tre! Enjoy!



  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,621
    edited May 2024

    It boggles the mind that any woman could vote for Trump. Haley just wants to be a part of his admin if….. Well, he said she ain’t in the running for his VP. She’ll take anything, tho.

    Yes, I thought orange blob looked blah. His hair is thinning and looked even more weird than usual.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,469

    Trump is definitely not well and has not been for a long time. From what I read he actually has had 'some' dementia since he was forced to leave the WH. Well, it was hard for anyone to know for sure since he was not heard from nearly as much. Busy at first playing MaraLago president with I think a mocked up desk etc. Then he got busy with hiding documents and of course there was golf.

    I do think he felt like he would dodge any indictments and or trials and that did not happen. So, for that reason I actually think perhaps his dementia just descended on him like a ton of bricks. He has done little but whine and or sleep. I do not feel one bit of sorrow for him. My sorrow is how long it took to even get him in a trial — any trial. If I'm discouraged it is because we really do have two sets of laws while saying we don't. There are so many who were involved in Jan 6th. with Trump — aiding and abetting — like Ginny Thomas. She should be on her way to jail along with her worthless husband.

    As for Nikki Haley — she does what she thinks will keep her foot in the door. Panders in whatever way she can to stay viable. She is though as disgusting as are all of the spineless who still keep kissing that tarnished, worthless ring. They are a totally disgusting group.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,832

    I shouldn't be amazed by the abject hypocrisy displayed by whole Republican party (which the exception of Liz Cheney, Mitt Romney & possibly a few more), but…..wow…..at some point, Trump will be out of the picture & they will be left with no dignity or self-respect at all.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 3,690

    May that happen sooner than later, ruth. Next week wouldn't be any too soon.

  • trishyla1
    trishyla1 Member Posts: 104

    Anyone else getting inundated with anti-women, anti-Biden, anti-liberal garbage on their Facebook feed? In the past few days my feed has gone from innocuous content, like cat memes and movie clips and food reviews to these horrendously misogynistic, violent fascist screeds. It's awful. I hope it's an isolated phenomenon, but I fear the algorithms are being manipulated by either Russian bots or creepy billionaire Trump supporters.

    I hate feeling this paranoid.

  • trishyla1
    trishyla1 Member Posts: 104

  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,621

    trishyla, I’m not getting horrid stuff on FB, but I keep a limited presence there. However, my Google newsfeed has had an increasing amount of favorable conservative leaning headlines and it’s irritating. I never click any of those links, never open anything from any Fox affiliate. I subscribe to the Washington Post and seek out and read NPR articles and other liberal slanting articles, so it seems to me that algorithms should shoot more content like that my way. Instead, it’s just the opposite. I guess I will have to stop checking Google news. I’ve had enough of the bs.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    I do the same, devinemrsm!

    We had a Verizon tech come to our house this week to install new tv boxes and new Wi-Fi. He paired the remotes and showed my husband how to use them (our former remotes were larger and different) and when he would say "you can enter the channel number for live tv," he kept going to NewsMax! He went there several times and it was hard to pretend it didn't bother me! It wasn't random, he had to be MAGA.

    Really sad what is happening. I keep thinking of the Nazi's in Germany. So many parallels, people didn't speak up, then it was too late. I see our country doing the same.

    It is really out of our hands. I do deep breathing exercises and meditation to try to stay calm.

  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,621

    Yes, it would seem the Verizon guy was Maga. I always pay attention to what people have on their tv. Today at the eye doctor it was HGV. Even tho I’m pretty sure the eye dr is Republican because during Covid he was frustrated with all the restrictions. But other than that, he never talked politics. It was just a feeling I got. But he’s a great eye dr.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,469

    Compassion is not religious business, it is human business; it is not luxury, it is essential for our own peace and mental stability; it is essential for human survival.

    the Dalai Lama

  • trishyla1
    trishyla1 Member Posts: 104

    I think I've come up with a way to deal with the crud Facebook has been throwing my way.

    The algorithms measure engagement, not approval or disapproval. So the only way to suppress the garbage is to disengage whenever it appears. My new strategy is to exit Facebook completely whenever my feed includes MAGA content.

    I may immediately go back on, but I'm hoping my disengagement tells Facebook I don't want that kind of stuff in my feed. If enough of us do that, maybe the algorithms will stop disseminating propaganda. Maybe.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,469

    I don't see much on my Facebook, but I'm not a huge user either. I get stuck with getting ads from the Internet any time I use it to ask questions which is often. I have noted as well the same things (no matter how many times I say to stop the e-mail) turning up which I'm sure are what is used to keep it so far free. So have to put up with whether I like it or not. Guess it could be worse.

    I will stay worried, but I do think much of our news and even the cable news we mainly watch (MSNBC ) is guilty as well of using scare stories and often allowing things to sound bad when I'm not so sure they are THAT bad. They don't want all the viewership to go the channel that gets weary and dreary and a bit scary.

    It is hard to walk a line here because it is heard a lot and hard to figure out how much is hype and how much is something to feel great concern about. I also am hearing a lot about Pres. Biden and the economy. It is worrisome, but then again part of it is determined on just who will answer the phone and are they just throwing almost anything out there or is it something they have carefully decided over time. All meaning, many things are set up to scare either side, but we are getting a lot of it. Likely as I do think all in all the Reps. are taking quite a beating. They agree very little and just as much so with each other. They have a rotten nominee who may or not make it up to election time, and there is likely no one who could generate much enthusiasm if there is a last-minute switch.

    They are banking unfortunately on their SC buddies so we really do have to win and as big as possible.
    All I hear about it right now is how close it will be. Well, hopefully, messaging will get better. As the Rev said this morning on Morning Joe — our side has to all come on like street fighters. That is what the Loon is and that is the way to knock that game down. I rather agree. Nice with the Reps. and the Loon will never cut it.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,469
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,469
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,469
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,469
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,469
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,469
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,469

    Does anyone in that family ever tell the truth?

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,469
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,469
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,469
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,469

    And the Fox host is about as far right and ass-kis***g as you can get.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,469
    edited May 2024

    BREAKING: Donald Trump is rocked by nightmare news as Senate Democrats formally launch an inquiry into his shockingly corrupt request for $1 billion in campaign cash from oil companies.

    And it gets even better....

    The chairs of the Senate Finance and Budget committees joined together for a joint statement to announce that they sent letters to nine oil companies to demand more information on the shady Mar-a-Lago meeting during which Trump asked for the money.

    Reportedly, Trump told the oil companies that they'd get a great "deal" if they helped get him elected because he'll slash their taxes and gut regulations to boost their profits.

    Trump promised to trash Biden's historic, life-saving climate initiatives on "the first day"of his new administration — trading the future of the planet for his own MAGA political goals.

    "Time and time again, both Mr. Trump and the U.S. oil and gas industry have proved they are willing to sell out Americans to pad their own pockets," said Senators Ron Wyden and Sheldon Whitehouse.

    "And now, emboldened by impunity, Mr. Trump and Big Oil are flaunting their indifference to U.S. citizens’ economic well-being for all to see, conferring on how to trade campaign cash for policy changes. Such potential abuses must be scrutinized," they went on.

    The Democratically-controlled committees are seeking "descriptions of policy proposals discussed" and "materials distributed to any attendees" at the meeting.

    This is about to get good...

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,469
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,469
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,469
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,469
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,469
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,469