I say YES. YOU say NO....Numero Tre! Enjoy!



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,537

    An older one I've had here before, but one I so love:

    The moment one definitely commits oneself, the Providence moves, too.  All sorts of things occur to help one that would never have otherwise occurred.  A whole stream of events issue from the commitment, raising in one's favor all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance which no one could have dreamt would come one's way.  Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it.  Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.  Begin it now.       -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,537

    I tried when he was younger to have positive thoughts about Barron Trump. It certainly is much more difficult now. First, none of the Trump children are worth a didley as far as I can tell and Barron has had the best of everything from day one. it doesn't sound like a great recipe to me.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    I really enjoyed and appreciated all the comments made in the last few days!

    Random things that bother me: First, and I just heard Biden say this yesterday, that "in the USA everyone is treated equally." Hummm, that's the concept but not the truth. Rather, everyone in USA is SUPPOSED to be treated equally. The framers of the Constitution in fact wrote the Constitution for RICH WHITE MEN only! Not poor white men, not women, not people of color, not native Americans! Of course, many years and 27 amendments later, all people in USA are supposed to be treated equally. We know that is not how things are. The wealthy still have the advantage, and while justice is most often served, it isn't always. Our society revolves around the almighty dollar!

    I still believe in constantly striving to achieve "equal justice for all." Social values are always slow to change.

    I also believe every adult in US should know the preamble to the Constitution! The Preamble is the most magnificent 52 words, ever written!

    What part of the Constitution is so confusing to the SCOTUS? Presidents take an oath stating they will defend the Constitution.

    The 14th Amendment sec. 3 states "No person…….shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid OR GIVEN COMFORT TO THE ENEMIES THEREOF….."

    This isn't rocket science! Trump clearly engaged in the insurrection since he started the march at the Ellipse and he definitely comforted those who stormed the Capitol and tried to change the election results when he told the insurrectionists "I LOVE YOU"

    The organizing militias are absolutely being monitored. The chatter on social media has grown, but they are being tracked on more than social media and I do believe most if not all, will be prevented from carrying out their mission. These militia just love "the fight" and will take sides with anyone who gives legitimacy to their desires to fight! They don't love Trump as much as they love to fight!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,537

    I agree. It is in fact dismaying to have equality that has never truly been. In some areas I barely notice, but I really hate that schools are/can be especially disproportionate. I really feel everyone should have the chance to go as far as they want to w/o undue financial strains. Likewise, I feel everyone should be able to avail themselves of technical schooling if higher education is not something they want to pursue.

    One of the other things I notice highly is that if you have money you most times get better qualified legal help of ALL kinds, as well as often times very slow justice and sometimes you get out of it altogether. Like you MM I am totally disgusted that a Constitution can clearly state laws and rules to live by and then have the enforcement community totally ignore them. I am gratified that someone finally got around to Trump, got him indicted and now has him on trial. Sadly, he is still getting away with gamesmanship in the form of having his flunkie bootlickers speak for him.

    I do understand this close to the end it may be easier or in the end better to by-pass doing much. I frankly think he is more guilty than sin and will be found so. At the same time, I think those who are standing in for him should be recognized in some way for what they are doing. I don't know what that would entail exactly but from where I stand, they are not doing what we the people actually hired them for. It is to me not so much that they are there, but that they admit they are there to say what Trump can't — because he doesn't want to go to jail. Perhaps they should go for him.

    I do know that when some of our earliest documents were written it was (even though our framers were fantastic) a simpler, less evolved time and what is today wasn't even dreamed of then. Still, we haven't done well at all. We definitely have not kept pace and in the end, money has always been the God of all. We so need to have truly meaningful changes — where everyone is actually equal — in everything. Opportunities, education, paying taxes, getting health care, jobs, homes, good food, reasonable corporations who pay their share of taxes as well. We could do so very much better.

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,238

    I'm sorry to hear you've gotten any threatening behavior, exbrnxgrl. My son's middle school had their Multicultural Festival last week, and it was amazing how many countries were represented by the student body in their Parade of Cultures. Israeli and Pakistani students were both in the parade, and both groups of kids were applauded. Perhaps because it was all kids, but if anyone had any hateful baggage, they respectfully left it at home. In the end, it was a lovely event.

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,329


    Thank you for your comforting message. Though retired, I sub at my former school , a lot… four, days last week, four days this week, three days the next so I felt comfortable speaking to my former principal and feel a bit less anxious as she herself was already considering possible issues.
    I don’t feel comfortable with public recognition, plaques, or the like but I do feel a bit of pride about our Multicultural Night. Even if my name is forgotten one day, and it will be, it will still be my legacy and that is why I am sick to even think we have to worry.

  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,621
    edited May 2024

    Caryn, it grieves me to say that your feelings are warranted in light of the unrest in our country during these times. I think it’s wise to practice caution. I wish it hadn’t come to this, but it has. I’m glad you spoke with your principal and that she is on the ball and on the same page as you.

    In today’s world, you cannot predict what might set someone off. Just like last summer when I told the woman at the pool that her use of the n word offended me, and she started screaming at me that she didn’t care.

    I would love to be able to write letters to the editor of my local paper about all the good things President Biden has done. The reason I don’t is because I fear backlash from Trumpers. It’s the reason I won’t put any political signs in my yard, either, and I plan to vote early so I don’t have to stand in line at the polls among the Trumpers.

    I currently don’t see a whole lot of Trump flags and signs around here yet, but unfortunately that will no doubt change as election draws nearer. I’m already cognizant that I need to avoid my Trumper neighbor.

    For the life of me, I’ll never understand anti-semitism. Exbrnxgrl, you have every right to be proud of the Multicultural Night you began, and you are making a difference!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,537

    My friends have made the story of my life. In a thousand ways they have turned my limitations into beautiful privileges and enabled me to walk serene and happy in the shadow cast by my deprivation.

    Helen Keller

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,238

    I know many people don't like course language, so I'll just let everyone imagine me excitedly cussing a happy blue streak.

    It seems Dan, my former employer, has given up the fight. My team and I all got checks for our unpaid wages claim through DoL. He has until June 10 to pay the penalty amounts, but it looks like he'll follow through to save money. (The penalties are halved if he pays out before then.) Even at half penalties, it's still $12-18,000 per teammate who filed. This will be such a boon for so many of my old crew who are just pushing to get by.

    Happy, happy dance!!!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,837

    Caryn, the multicultural night is a wonderful legacy to the kids at your school. What a sad time we live in that for any gathering, security is a real concern.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,837

    Awesome, miriandra!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,837

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 3,708

    miriandra, do your happy dance and cuss all you want! You have won the good fight and deserve to express yourself in any manner you choose.

    exbrnxgrl, I am sorry that times have had this impact on your legacy multicultural event. It really hurts when children have to bear the brunt of horrible adult behaviors. We used to have these at the college and it was a wonderful way for the students to learn about the culture and to taste the cultural dishes. It was a peaceful experience. Blame this on the Loon.

  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,621
    edited May 2024

    Yay! Miriandra!!! You gotta be feeling pretty satisfied right about now! I hope you pop a bottle of champagne to celebrate!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,537

    Miriandra, I am thrilled and even though I may not say them often, I'm still a fan of 'colorful' words. I am so pleased for the ladies who decided to throw in with you. You have not only your own sense and happiness from a victory but have no reason to feel stress that your teammates lost out by following you.

    Caryn, it is sad. Diversity is truly part of the spice of life. I don't understand many things though having to do with racism. Sad indeed are those who ruin beauty and wisdom, especially in a setting given over to learning and knowledge. Betrayal and others are right — it is the students who lose. This is something they may never get another chance to experience so I hope it is not ruined for them. Bless you for the caring and your contributions.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,537
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,537
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,537

    and the whole Reps. party as well.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,537

    They all belong in a lock-up.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,537
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,537
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,537
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,537
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,537
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,537
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,537

    Oops, one too many I guess, eh, Rudy. You caught yourself for the cops.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,537
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,537

    We did McDonalds some (certainly not daily) but when the prices went up they lost us. Apparently, they have now lost more than they can gain. Wonder how many former customers will go back. Hint: I'm in no hurry.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,537
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,537