Anyone else work in a school and afraid to go back?



  • Where my daughter teaches they make rounds to make sure all are in compliance. I don't understand how one teacher could get away with this and no one said a word? The elementary schools are doing fine and those little kids are compliant!! My grandson now goes 2-days a week. He was so happy to see all his friends. He said he actually learned something. We have the rapid testing here as well.

    Mavericksmom, I hope you are okay. I hope you get your 6-month leave. It's too much stress.

    Hopefully by the next school year everyone will be vaccinated. I hope they make it mandatory unless you have a medical reason.

  • kksmom, No she wasn’t an anti-masker but she thought that as long as she was 6 feet away from first row of students, she was safe. I am an aide in her class for one/two periods a day depending on the rotation. I tried to get her to wear a mask, then our state came out with new stricter guidelines and I sent email to my principals asking for them to remind everyone about the importance of wearing a mask. I told them I was in a classroom where the teacher was in front of class teaching without a mask, and how the students are gathering in groups and taking their masks off outside after school. They made the announcements but never asked about the teacher without the mask. I was told by some teachers that teachers are maskless in meetings and someone from administration is at those meetings and say nothing! I saw a group of maskless staff eating in a lunchroom, sitting around a table and talking as if Covid would stay away if they were eating! It is sooooo frustrating!

    I have the ability to stay away from the adults and the students are following the rules, so I feel relatively safe, although now I feel less safe!

    My husband’s cousin and her husband worked the polls in MI and the both ended up with Covid from doing that! Three days after the election they were told another poll worker tested positive for Covid! The husband died today from it! My husband’s cousin recovered but it was difficult for her.

  • Just wanted to update: I got the first vaccine yesterday! Pfizer, 2nd shot in 3 weeks.
    We have been in person since Labor Day so the stress level has been reduced a little and hopefully will be almost gone in a month. With Pfizer, it takes about a week for protection to kick in. I am in a small town so I did not think it would happen this soon. We just got an email at work that said they had extra doses from the first responder group and sent us a link to register. I quickly answered all of the questions and hightailed it to the district health office where only one person was actually administering the shots. So far, just a sore arm, but I have read that you are more likely to get the fever, fatigue, etc. from the 2nd shot. Now, I am trying to get my 84 yr. old mother a shot, but slots are already filled up. She is on a waiting list at the health district and her dr.’s office. Good luck to everyone working in schools!
  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Posts: 1,275

    Very glad to hear you got your vaccine! I just filled out a survey from my school yesterday as they are polling us to see how many would want the vaccine if offered via our school district. I can't wait to get both the first and second vaccines! I know it isn't 100% but it is something

    Now I need to reach out to all about a danger not related to Covid. That of radicalized groups. Please bring awareness to your districts if they are not currently all virtual, unless you are in an area where this wouldn't apply.

    ***This is an excerpt from an email I sent my superintendent this morning. I put in a request to go all virtual at least until the political turmoil calms down. I am NOT writing this as any political statement, but out of concern for the lives of staff and students in every school! If the moderators feel this is not appropriate, I understand. But if it perhaps saves even one person harm, then I think it is worth saying. I REALLY wish I didn't have to feel the need to put this on this message board. I do not use any other social media, no FaceBook or twitter etc.

    The following is the excerpt:

    Sadly, our area has a lot of radicalized citizens who, I am sure, cheered for those who broke into the Capital on Wednesday. I am not talking about Republicans who voted for Trump, I am talking about those who see Trump as their pass to break the law! I am talking about the radical right! While they are a small fraction of the right, they can do great harm, far worse than what happened on Wednesday. While schools may not be a target for those leading this movement, it could very well be a signal to kids from radicalized families, to bring guns to school to harm those students and staff they perceive as being on "the wrong side." Remember, these people have children and (my district) and other districts, teach their children! High school and middle school age children are easily caught up in movements such as these. They have the capability to discharge weapons but lack the mental ability to fully comprehend what the consequences of such actions can have! Remember, mental health is already at an all-time low due to the pandemic.

    Should attacks happen at local buildings, local police will not be able to be counted on to protect the schools. Things could escalate faster than any of us expect and I don't want to see anyone harmed! The district can always say going virtual is due to Covid numbers and the new variant, so as not to further instigate those who are part of this radical movement.

    This is NOT normal times.

    End of excerpt:

    What happened on Wednesday is the beginning not the end of this unrest. Those of us in contested states are especially vulnerable. Please stay safe! Feel free to pass any of this on to your districts. We will survive, but honestly, we faced cancer, some like myself more than once, Covid and now this!

    I apologize if this seems offensive to anyone. I am NOT trying to be political, I am trying to save staff and students in our schools from harm!

    Do whatever you can to KEEP THE CALM!!!!!!

  • Hi Mavericksmom, I understand where you are coming from. This craziness started over the summer. Some people just think they are entitled to destroy and this makes it worse for the rest of us.

    I hope you get the vaccine soon. My daughter is scheduled to receive it soon and her school will be a vaccine center. I live on the border of Delaware and PA. Thank goodness we don't live in New York! Take care.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Posts: 1,275

    Hi Flashlight,

    I deleted my previous post as I didn’t feel right sharing.

    I will be glad to get the vaccine and hopefully my school will run a clinic for employees as they do for the flu. I personally will feel better after receiving two vaccines, although I am aware one can still get Covid.

  • Kikki
    Kikki Posts: 5

    Hi Mavericksmom and everyone else who posted on here. I live in Ohio and many of the schools including the one my sister in law teaches special ed in have gone back to full time since October. They have not had a huge outbreak of cases, and my sister in law has not contracted the virus, as far as we know. That being said, she is in her late 30's, not her sixties and she's in good health and has never had cancer(lucky her)! This is a difficult decision you and others have to make and my heart goes out to all of you. I was a nurse in a huge community emergency department when I had surgery in January of last year, and started radiation in late February. I was in the middle of radiation treatment, when I had to take some time off of work to let my skin heal. In the meantime, I had a MO and a radiation oncologist who were not very forthcoming with the little bit of information they had regarding my risk, etc. with Coronavirus. My radiation oncologist finally said in April, that he didnt think me working in the E.R. was a good idea, but if I worked anywhere else as a nurse I wouldnt be allowed to wear an N95, so that wasn’t a great idea either. I decided and was able to leave my job but I didnt want to. I've worked my whole life as a nurse and it killed me to do it. I also was angry, because I wished my job could be held for me; but I knew this was going to be a long haul to get a vaccine, etc. I, like many of you who have posted on here was disgusted by how many viewed nurses and teachers as “expendable”. YOU are all worth so much more than a job. However, I understand that some of you cannot afford to leave yours or do not want to. I am just sorry that many of you are put in the position you are right now regarding your job over your health. I don't know what the future holds for me; but I'd like to hopefully be around to see it. Maybe you can get a virtual job? Or go back once you get vaccinated? That would be my advice. My friends/former coworkers tell me stories about people who are sick with the virus and have lingering effects after. Everyone, take care and be safe.😀

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Posts: 5,375


    Thank you for your support! Teachers, in most states, are tier 1B for vaccinations which means that as soon as 1A is done, we’re up! However, since each state, county and district is handling vaccines differently it is difficult to say when this will happen for all. School employees who have quit won’t be able to get their jobs back easily, but again every district will handle things differently.

    When my district returns to in person learning we know that some families will choose to remain in the distance learning model. Teachers who have valid medical reasons for not returning will be given first crack at teaching those in distance learning. Teachers who have medically fragile family members will be given second priority. Those who simply feel unsafe can apply for unpaid leaves, subject to board approval. Our district is also trying to offer on site vaccinations, when they become available.

    I think my district has done a great job, albeit a fairly impossible one, of trying to run a school district and keep people safe at the same time. There is no way to guarantee that everyone will be 100% safe from infection, even with vaccines. There is also no way to make every stakeholder happy. Most of the teachers in my district want to come back once the infection level in our county decreases and we are vaccinated. There is a small group who do not want to come back despite not having a valid medical reason for remaining at home. It is a tough reality for sure, but again, bear in mind that that we have no centralized education system in the US. Every school district makes their own decisions with input from their county and state.

  • We've been in school since Sept. So far so good. We have some strict guidelines in place in our district. Few cases here and there which has only evolved into a class and the teacher going remote for quarantine.

    Tough getting vaccination appts. I was able to get one as well as many other staff in the building as soon as they announced the education group. Those appts. went fast and within a few hours, none to be found. Not looking forward to the second shot. The nurse at the hospital said to expect side effects no matter Pfizer or Moderna. I got the Pfizer. Arm hurt for about a day then it was gone.

    I'd like to believe this is a step to us going back to being "normal" but I know there is no going back and I hate to think of this being a new normal. So sick of wearing a mask!!!

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Posts: 1,275

    I just signed myself and my husband up for pre-registration for a vaccine whenever the state goes to 1B status. My husband will qualify because he is much older than me and qualifies for "75 and older." I qualify because of working in the school with special education students. Many of our students come every day except Fridays which is still all virtual.

    I think we are all tired of it. With my luck I will finally get an appointment for the vaccine and will end up getting the virus before I can get the vaccine! Hope not, but that's kind of the way things usually happen for me.

    Not worrying, life is too short for that.

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Posts: 5,375

    My county notified us that educators will be able to receive vaccines after 2/28. My school district is reopening on 2/22 for part time in person instruction. We were burning up our text groups as we joined the online crush to make appointments and helped each other once we’d gotten our own appointments. I had my phone, iPad and laptop in front of me as I tried any way I could to get in. The sites were clearly overwhelmed but I finally got a confirmed appointment for 3/3!

  • Very glad to hear you got an appointment!!!! As I stated on another thread, I don't think I will get a vaccine anytime soon. I am not holding my breath that I will even get an appointment for a vaccine by the summer and feel more confident that I will actually get Covid way before I will get the vaccine.

    People where I live in Bucks Co PA have been cheating the system, a kind of "every person for them self" mentality. When the county issued an email informing someone who legitimately registered for a test, that person forwarded their invite to friends who passed it on to other friends and eventually put it on social media. Because of their total lack of respect for the system, people like myself and my husband got bumped back. Instead of moving the person who shared their invite and all who jumped on board to the back of the list, they rescheduled their appointments, only kicking off those who didn't meet the A1 classification. So, now however many people who were originally ahead of me became exponentially larger! As we know all too well, cheaters do get rewarded!

    Yesterday another student tested positive for Covid, asymptomatic and had attended school the previous day. It seems an almost daily event at my school and I don't even react to it anymore. My reaction is more like "oh, okay." I have students for in person learning five days a week and was only spared today and tomorrow by a snowstorm!

    The stress of limited vaccines continues to build, but there is no one to vent my frustration to. Those I work with are in the same situation, my RETIRED siblings all got vaccinate....lucky them, and my adult children don't think it is a big deal! I am sure there are a lot of us that feel depressed because the handling of the vaccine distribution has made us feel we aren't worth giving the vaccine to. We feel invalidated, that our lives are not worth a vaccine.

    I honestly don't know how I avoided the disease so far, but I wear a cloth mask with filter at school, even at lunch at my desk! I eat cheese sticks and a banana that I can slip between my mask and mouth, and keep the mask on normally in between bites. I only allow myself a few quick gulps of water during the day because I don't want to remove my mask. I don't touch surfaces and try to distance, but really, distancing is impossible because I help students and need to get close to them at times. I should mention I use a clean mask and new filter daily.

    I have put on 20 pounds since the start of the pandemic so I am even more obese than I was. Not a good thing, but I simply can't focus on dieting with all the stress and an uncertain future.

    I take it one day at a time, keep more of my thoughts to myself and try to survive. We are currently still in hybrid mode, although most of the special ed students I work with are 5 in person 5 days. The district plans to go "all in" five days a week, the first full week in April, immediately after spring break. Who thought going all in after another super spreader holiday is beyond me. I need to work so I guess I will be there in the midst of the chaos.

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Posts: 5,375

    Mavericks mom,

    I can feel your frustration and I sharedit as until yesterday I had no idea when I’d be allowed to make an appointment. The vaccine roll out has been flawed and the weather hasn’t helped. I am sure there are some cheaters in my county but for the most part people have been respectful and are waiting their turn. Our biggest problem has been inconsistent supplies of the vaccine.

    It is hard for me to say who should be given priority. Elderly retirees with co-morbidities? Police officers? There are so many who need the vaccine that I realize that despite my age, profession and being stage IV, others have even greater need and I am glad to let them go ahead of me.

    We have had our distance learning support centers, some special day classes and some kindergartners on campus, part time, for several months. There have been no staff to student virus transmissions nor vice a versa. On a personal level, I take all recommended precautions but don’t worry excessively. I am not a worrier by nature but that’s just my personality. I simply can’t wait to teach real, live children and I feel that my district has done an excellent job on the health and safety measures.

  • You are right, exbrnxgrl ! I shouldn't worry about who should/should not get the vaccine first. I wrote out of frustration.

    You are also right about being in the classroom! The single best joy I have are the moments when I work one on one with a student and help them with their lesson! The kids are awesome! I really need to worry less, continue to be as safe as possible, and do what I love which is working with the children!

    By the way, the cheating was a big deal in my county, it was headline news and caused the shut down of a vaccine center for an entire day! Honestly, I can understand why someone might have shared the information, they just didn't think it through.

    I am taking a deep breath and pretending for a while, that Covid is not part of my life. Easy to do now with a fresh blanket of snow.

    I do feel sorry for those in the south who are dealing with freezing weather and no power! I really need to put things into better perspective.

    Thanks again!

  • My school board approved "All In" to begin April 5th. Not a smart choice for many reasons, including the fact that it is Easter Monday and many will have been unmasked around friends and family. There is a myth that once vaccinated one can't get Covid, but that isn't true. The vaccines make you better able to cope with Covid should you get it, basically keep you out of the hospital and alive!

    I did a lot of research this week. I still can't get an appointment for a vaccine, but I am hopeful. I didn't want the J & J vaccine because I didn't think it was as good, now after my research I prefer the J & J vaccine for several reasons. Most importantly, the Pfizer/Moderna have a huge chance for human error between thawing and injecting. J & J, not so much. J & J has a reported lesser efficacy, but that is more due to test subjects than the vaccine.

    I am NOT refusing an appointment due to type of vaccine given at any place I can get vaccinated. Any of the three will hopefully do the job I want it to, aka Keep me out of a hospital and alive! I will take whatever I can get.

    Not sure what "hoops" everyone else has to jump through but in suburbs of Philadelphia, it is a fiasco! I am registered on the county and hospital sites as well as pharmacies. I am 1A. Every night I set my alarm for 11:50 PM, get up, go on a pharmacy link and wait for midnight, when they load new appointments. Last night there were many to chose from however, I am not as fast as others and no matter what time I picked someone beat me to it and I don't go for the first one.

    The problem is after the fiasco of picking at time, being denied, picking another time, being denied........ I am wide awake! Last night I could not fall back to sleep until after 1:30, other nights it is later than that. Not a problem on a Saturday night when I don't have to get up early the following day, not great when I am up at 5 AM on a work day.

    I have resigned to the fact that I many not get a vaccine any time soon, and that I may be unvaccinated when all the kids come back into the class rooms. Fact of life I can't change.

    I am happy to hear many have been able to get vaccinated, hopefully I will get vaccinated before I get Covid, but again, out of my control. My worst fear, that I will get it and infect my 80 year old husband and he will die from it. I don't think I could live with myself if that happened.

    What a hot mess in an ever increasing "me first" society.

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Posts: 5,375


    We started in person learning last week, which was the day after our Presidents week break. Students who traveled more than 150 miles outside the county still had to quarantine for 10 days so 3 of my students won’t return until tomorrow. Are some families less than honest about the traveling they did? Likely, yes but I think the majority have been honest.

    Due to supply problems, I will take whatever vaccine is offered at my site! My first appointment is this Wednesday evening. I have been thinking about why I am less worried than some about contracting Covid19. I take all recommended precautions and that’s all I can do. I have no illusion of promises or guarantees against infection. My school district is making it as safe as they know how to and starting tomorrow, educators will begin vaccinations in my county. I also think that being stage IV for almost 10 years gives me a bit of a different perspective.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Posts: 1,275

    Our district just had employees interested in getting the J & J vaccine pre-register. Supposedly starting next week employees will be getting vaccinated. They didn't say how many but I am supposed to be in the first tier due to my job in the school. They aren't going by the 1A or 1B rating. This is a state run program only for school employees. I am not holding my breath though. My DH got his first vaccine, Pfizer, tonight. I am relieved! I have been living in fear that I would get it and pass it on to him and he would die. I couldn't live with myself if that happened. Thankfully, I can put that fear to rest!

    Covid and politics have caused me such mental stress. I think I had three mental breakdowns since December. The 24/7 stress, compounded at work, bringing all the kids back right after spring break, has taken a bigger toll on me than breast cancer did (both times combined!!!!)

    I don't even care about breast cancer anymore. I refused hormonal therapy (Letrozole) a year and a half ago, and I am so glad I did! For me, for my stage one cancer, it wasn't worth the side effects of the drug. I am canceling my May appointments Mammogram, US and seeing the NP. I am tired of the whole medical community and I need a long break from all of it. I am not advocating this for anyone else, but I know this is the right choice for me. I am tired of the medical community telling me what I need to do and when! The Covid vaccine fiasco has made me much less trusting. I don't think I will be alive in 10 years anyway and I just want to live the rest of my life the way I want to. I want to eat what I want, exercise because I feel like it, not because the doctors say I should! I definitely don't want someone squishing my one and only boob in the vice aka mammography machine! I never get peace of mind after a mammogram and I know it can't be good for my breast! I am willing to take the risk because it benefits my quality of life! My doctors apparently felt the same since they refused to remove my other breast telling me the chances were so low that I would ever get cancer in that breast. I also had extensive genetic testing, all normal. I am saying NO to anything that involves searching for a cancer that isn't there!

    I totally understand how you feel about Covid, exbrnxgrl! I feel the same. I don't even care anymore if I get the vaccine or not! I pre-registered with the county, school, three hospitals and a pharmacy. I lost way too much sleep trying to score an appointment at national brand pharmacies, and I won't do it anymore! If I get a vaccine great, if not, so be it! I don't feel like jumping through the medical community's hoops anymore! Time to enjoy life again and let things play out as they will!

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Posts: 5,375


    You do sound as if a break is needed. It’s definitely been a stressful year for almost everyone. It is unfortunate that every state and every county had all sorts of different criteria for who got vaccinated and when. Clearly, the supply shortage was a huge contributor toward the confusion. I have been working very hard to not get stressed about things I can’t control, but I’m not always successful. I got my first vaccine, Pfizer, this past Wednesday. The venue was Levi’s Stadium and there wasas much excitement as there would be if we were going to a football game. Almost everyone there was in the field of education and the process was relatively quick and very well organized.

    Enjoy your medical break but don’t neglect your health for too long, especially with respect to bc. I was essentially stage IV de novo. It’s been almost 10 years and though I have had it far easier than most, stage IV is a road you don’t want to go down.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Posts: 8,178

    President Biden has announced all teachers and school staff must be vaccinated by the end of March. That order supersedes what out “wonderful “ governor has decided. So my teacher DD has an appointment next week. No matter your political lean, this is a good thing.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Posts: 8,178


  • flashlight
    flashlight Posts: 311

    Hi Mavericksmom, I understand why you need a break. I pushed back my last MO visit a month. Please reconsider getting your mammogram, During Covid my MO said most of her patients were refusing to get their mammo done. I found that it was so much better then it was in the past because they honor your appointment time and there was only one other person in the changing waiting room. Radiologist read it right a way. Yes, it made me anxious, but I knew how I would feel if I didn't do it. You can always put off seeing your NP. Since my liver function labs finally came back normal I have graduated to a every 6 months MO visit. I am happy with that! I haven't been able to get the vaccine either. My daughter who is a teacher hasn't received it. For teachers it hasn't gone as planned. They gave her school district only 1000 of the J&J last week. My grandson goes back full time in 2-weeks and my daughter has full time 7th graders starting the first week in April. There hasn't been any cases of Covid during the hybrid sessions at both schools. Most of my daughter's students English is their second language. I think and remain hopeful we are turning the corner on this pandemic. Hang in there!

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Posts: 1,275

    exbrnxgrl, spookiesmom and flashlight, thank you for your responses. I absolutely need a break!!! Flashlight, your daughter is lucky that her schools haven't had positive cases, we get one at least every other day, we are in hybrid, half the students, five days a week. Some weeks we have 3-5 between staff and students. It doesn't even matter to me anymore. The first couple I freaked out about, then, like the numbers of deaths in the country, I got used to it. Now, it is common place. I suspect when they move the kids back to "all in" immediately after spring break, that we will see many more positive cases. I will let you know how the vaccine program goes. I hope it goes well.

    As you all know, breast cancer is individual, so when I say I am not sure when (or if) I will ever have another mammogram or MO visit, I am speaking ONLY for myself, my body, my cancer. So many factors go into what is acceptable treatment that it is a very personal decision for the patient. I am making the decisions, like my choice to NOT take Letrozole, because I have much more faith in myself than I have for any doctor! I know when there is something wrong with my body. My second diagnosis, 15 1/2 yrs after the first, was found because I felt something, not by touch, I felt a strange pain at the exact site where they found the cancer, and it was early, only 14 mm. They would not have found it if I hadn't told them where to look! It didn't even show up on the mammogram, it only showed up on the US. I don't have that breast anymore. My surgeon told me at my follow up visit that I was cancer free. I had all the tests, mammograms, US, MRI and all was good for my real and fake breast as of May of 2020. I did extensive genetic testing and all is good there too.

    Maybe some day I will "fear" breast cancer again, but I don't now. I realize one doesn't need to fear breast cancer to get a mammogram, but usually the women who don't fear it are the same people who feel such relief after having a negative mammogram. I never felt relief after a negative mammogram, especially since my cancer was never seen on a mammogram.

    Anyway, to have or not have another mammogram is not etched in stone for me, but a long pause from mammograms is. I need a break from all things least six months to a year!

    I need time to deal with my mental health and the enormous stress in my job. The thing with mental health during a pandemic is that EVERYONE is going through the same thing, maybe not to the same degree, but it isn't like having a particular stress and having someone who is "fine/normal" helping you get through it. Everyone within a community is experiencing the same thing so the best we can do is share what works for us and what doesn't.

    By the way, we are noticing more and more bad behavior in our middle school students, not unlike this time of year pre-pandemic. What causes me more concern is that we only have half the students on any given day but the same amount of troubled kids! We have students on restricted movement, who need an escort when they leave a classroom! I am told by my friends working with the 8th grade, that vapping is on the rise! The kids are feeling the stress from the pandemic too! I am dreading April 5th when they all come back! I am really concerned about the students! I am just glad I don't work in the high school. Sadly, the county I live in has one of the largest number of citizens who were arrested for the insurrection on the Capitol. I always worry about students and guns, but I worry more now than ever before!

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Posts: 5,375


    I am so sorry that your experiences with the medical community have been negative and you’ve been stressed about work. Have you considered therapy to help you cope with your stress? I know it’s not for everyone but it might be worth a try.

    As for fear, I fear neither bc nor death. I have been stage IV for almost 10 years and am simply not ready to die yet. Of course this may be totally out of my control but I do keep up with any and all appointments, treatments and scans. I don’t love any of it but I have children, grandchildren and will be retiring at the end of this school year and I want to enjoy all of those things for as long as possible. Take good care.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 47,999


  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Posts: 1,275

    Key word....ELIGIBLE!!!! This in no way guarantees anyone a vaccine by May or even close to it. In fact, I suspect it will work against many, just like it worked against me when I first registered with my state. I registered on Jan. 15th and was a 1B category. Then a couple of weeks later my category was moved to 1A. Sounds great right? WRONG, because when they changed the status of 1B to 1A, thousands of people registered again ahead of me and by the time I could register again, my registration date got bumped back to January 21st! My county is only up to 1/17 and there are literally about 50,000 people or more ahead of my registration date.

    I was lucky enough to get a J & J vaccine this past week via my school, who, by the way, did not go by 1A, etc. They went by school job category and since I work in special education, I was in the first wave. I might add, that they weren't logical with the "order" after special education and I feel for my co-workers who won't get a vaccine until mid to late April even though we are getting ALL students k-12 back five days a week starting April 5th! Our K-4 has been all in five days a week for about 4 weeks now.

    In Pennsylvania our vaccine distribution is the worst! The department of health made a mess of it! Horrifically shameful!!!!!!!!

  • flashlight
    flashlight Posts: 311

    Hi Mavericksmom, So glad you received the J&J vaccination! Governor Wolf prioritized teachers and staff last week to receive the J&J. So far supply has been limited, but my daughter was able to schedule a vaccination appt for next Friday through school. I agree, PA isn't doing a great job. They left vaccinations to the counties then they short changed them with less supply. I think they should gather information from states that are doing a good job. New Mexico, Texas, Alabama, Florida, Alaska, North and South Dakota and West Virginia to name a few. Thank God we have vaccinations! If the government really does come through and we can get more supply more will be scheduled to be vaccinated by the end of April. Hopefully, we won't have to wait until July to have an outside barbeque.

  • harley07
    harley07 Posts: 404

    @Mavericksmom - I really feel for you and see the stress in your posts. Glad to hear you received the J&J vaccine which will offer protection. Given the scope of the pandemic I feel there is no way vaccine distribution will be 100% equitable. I have worked in my office throughout the pandemic and know that some of my coworkers are less cautious than I. I am 63 so not yet eligible for the vaccine in my county. The way I look at it is that for each person that is vaccinated it helps all of us as that is one more person that has a fairly high level of protection, will not become seriously ill and hopefully cannot pass the virus to another person. Is your school offering some type of counseling or support for staff as you prepare the children's return

  • flashlight
    flashlight Posts: 311

    I just read this and it should give us some hope. The pandemic is fading. New daily cases are at their lowest level since last October. Deaths have continued to decline. Each vaccination pushes us closer to our pre-pandemic normal. According to the CDC, 13% of the adult population of the U.S. are fully vaccinated, including 32% of people age 65 and over.

    Not all will be vaccinated because just like the flu vaccine they will refuse. My daughter has to clean and disinfect between classes with a strong cleaner. There has been meetings, but not much in the way of support, except from fellow staff. Most of the teachers want to get back and resume a kind of a normal routine. They all hate virtual learning and the stress that brings and most will have to do both. Some parents won't be sending their children back and will continue with virtual learning. These cyber kids are the children you have to feel sorry for.

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Posts: 5,375


    I'm so happy for you as I know the vaccination issue weighed heavy on your mind. My school district did not prioritize employees by position but opened it up to everyone once my county announced that anyone who works for a school district was eligible. Levi's Stadium served as a huge vaccination site for many of us and my district was diligent in finding appointments at other locations. They have also put a protocol in place should you feel unwell after a vaccine and are unable to teach.

    Monday marks are fourth week back for partial in person instruction and I am tickled pink to be back! Strangely, even though I went back a week before I received my first vaccine, I never had any real fear. I took, and still take, all recommended precautions but I simply cannot live with stress over something I can't control. I've felt that way for decades and it has been useful in not freaking out over things beyond my control, even mbc.

    We did have an odd incident in one of our classes. A child tested positive so the whole class, eacher, and aide were sent home. Our biggest question? Why did the parents send their child to school while they were waiting on the results of a COVID test? Everyone has a part to play in ending this pandemic and I simply cannot understand people's self centered behavior at all.

  • bcincolorado
    bcincolorado Posts: 4,762

    Both my kids are teachers. One had to start doing classes from home because one of the teachers in the building was COVID positive so they put everyone back to online learning again. Most have all had their shots now at least (at least one dose) Second delayed due to snowstorm!!! UGH!!!! Daughter (in another state) called and found out from someone else (she has been seriously ill with meningitis and almost died 3 months ago and only working part time now) that someone in the building let her know there was a case in their hallway!! They all mask and are super careful. They do not even trust the cleaning done by janitors and do it again themselves and between all their classes. Chairs are distanced and classes limited. Still there. She is still terrified and has both doses of her vaccine done.