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November 2020 Surgery Group



  • rmayfair2011
    rmayfair2011 Member Posts: 5
    edited November 2020

    Hello all, first time posting but have been lurking here for a while trying to absorb what I can. I have my lumpectomy w/sentinel node scheduled for 11/17 and I'm ready to get this out but also not quite ready to get it started. I'm a very anxious person and I procrastinate horribly. I pushed this off for a while because I struggle with decision making.

    I think I updated my signature correctly, but I am 36 with invasive ductal carcinoma w/micropapillary features, Stage 1, Grade 2. The lump I have is about 1cm in the areola right under the skin, so the nipple cannot be saved. I first noticed this lump at least a year ago but at that time it was tiny and would disappear so I didn't think much of it. I could only feel it certain times of the month where it felt like it would float to the surface and then disappear. My anxiety about doctors kept me from getting it checked and believe me I kick myself that I didn't get it done sooner but I'm glad I finally did. My genetic testing came back all negative except with a 'Variant of Unknown Significance' in the CHEK2 gene. No family history of breast cancer.

    I've struggled with whether I should do the lumpectomy or mastectomy. The doctor I am seeing keeps telling me because of my age she recommends a mastectomy and doesn't understand why I don't want reconstruction (I mainly don't want the extra procedures and surgery process and also with my little A cups I don't feel I'm losing all that much. Although the radiation part is a worry and I've been trying to decide whether it's worth it to save what I'll have left just to radiate it all.) But she is adamant that I won't like what I'll look like. I am trying to get a second opinion in before the surgery date, if only for a slightly more comforting doctor. I also struggle with the idea of radiation but feel like so much time has passed in between the initial biopsy and the surgery that I would definitely need it now if I didn't need it before.

    Sorry this was a long post and probably not all for this thread's category but my hands just kept typing. Thank you all for sharing your stories and info, I have read through a lot of threads and the community has calmed my nerves quite a bit when I'm here. Much love and luck to you all!

  • Lilir
    Lilir Member Posts: 38
    edited November 2020

    hi RMayfair.

    Please I have been watching TED talks... And it seems like women with breast cancer having to conform to society is a fairly common issue.

    It is my opinion, that it is your body and you do what you want when you want it. You can always explore reconstruction options later. I do not see anything wrong with your decision although I am choosing reconstruction. Not just any reconstruction. I want the fat transfer and everything. It is my choice. It’s what I want. Fortunately for me I me, it fits societal standards.

    Don’t be shy! Bring out your inner warrior. Forget what your doctors want. Do what you want!

    Finally, I have found mediation to be very helpful during these times. Like you, I live in constant worry. When everything is good, I find something to worry about. However, I am finding mediatation and quigong to be very helpful. Today, I am scared and sad. My surgery is on Friday, Nov 6. BMX with reconstruction. I have never had surgery before and part of me is also very sad. I am loosing original parts. However, I am finding myself not really drifting into this panic mode that I usually enter where everything becomes a problem and I begin to sweat even small stuff.

    Best of luck!!

  • Lilir
    Lilir Member Posts: 38
    edited November 2020

    I am the day before u, ealga.

    I am scared. There is no doubt about that. But, I am firm in my decision. BMX with reconstruction. I feel I am loosing my boobs on my terms. Cancer not making me do this.

  • Slmurray
    Slmurray Member Posts: 5
    edited November 2020

    Hadmy surgery today, went very smoothly and my surgeon was absolutely wonderful, truly a gift to her profession. Now it’s time to wait, only report she could give was that the sentinel nodes removed were really small and appearance was normal, the tumor removed was exactly as she expected, . I’ll focus on this and take deep breathes until Monday. The worst part was having to retake the covid test, they really seem to have made this procedure very smooth and focus on being completely devoted to my well being.

    Prayers to all of you who are coming up to your surgery date, the wait was truly the hardest part of it so far and continues to be.

  • hrv17
    hrv17 Member Posts: 7
    edited November 2020

    slmurray - I'm glad to hear your surgery went well! Yes the wait is horrible. Do you get your path results Monday? Its nice to celebrate having the bad stuff removed!

  • ealga
    ealga Member Posts: 24
    edited November 2020

    hi all, Simurray glad it went well! good luck with your pathology. the waiting is agony.

    Lilir best of luck to you tomorrow. I'm right behind you. Looking foward to connecting with you next week. Sending healing hugs to you.

  • Slmurray
    Slmurray Member Posts: 5
    edited November 2020

    yes, Monday...sort of wish I’d planned ahead, surgery was an option on Monday...results take 2-3 days...for once I’m not looking forward to a weekend

  • JanetM
    JanetM Member Posts: 47
    edited November 2020

    I finally have a date, Thursday the 19th. I have to go the day before to have the dye injected for the SNB..

    Now I just need to get my ducks in a row at home and at work.

    I am confident in my decision to have the BMX with DIEP reconstruction.

  • TheBoysMomma
    TheBoysMomma Member Posts: 2
    edited November 2020

    My left side mast. is scheduled for Nov 19 but the PA has to confirm it with the surgeon. Going into my dx, I just knew I was gonna have a bil mast with immediate recon but that flame was snuffed when I was told Im 15 pounds overweight. Ill have to delay my recon for 3 months post mast. I have handle

  • TheBoysMomma
    TheBoysMomma Member Posts: 2
    edited November 2020

    My left side mast is scheduled for Nov 19. Im jsut waiting for the PA to confirn with the surgeon.

  • rmayfair2011
    rmayfair2011 Member Posts: 5
    edited November 2020

    Lilir, thank you for that! That 'I don't need to conform' attitude is what has kept me feeling good about my decision. I am a belly dancer and do a lot of performing so I have had a lot of thinking to do on what I will potentially look like afterwards. I've been asked by several friends why I don't want to reconstruct, some people are just baffled. Of course I don't *want* to do any of this but if I have to, then I'll just have fun looking for new costuming! And yes, that inner warrior has started to come out. I stuck to my guns and am speaking up for myself which feels so good. The nurse I spoke to about this all was much more supportive of my decision and made basically the same comment that I can always do more later. This will also be my first surgery so I am nervous on top of my normal anxiety! Meditation is such a good idea that I will take you up on!

    Lilir, I hope your surgery went well and you're resting comfortably!

    Slmurray I'm glad to hear your surgery went well and everything seems to sound good!

    Continued positive energy to you all!

  • Lilir
    Lilir Member Posts: 38
    edited November 2020

    I did it!!!!

    Surgery was Nov 6. No lymph nodes. Direct to implants. Got pec block with Exparel I think. Woke up nice and perky, so they let me go home!! Bock provided great analgesia, so over did it on day 2 and put myself in a bunch of pain as block wore off. Percocet every 4 hrs religiously for about 48 hrs. Today, I switched to Tylenol. Nice to feel awake.

    Forcing myself to walk around house every 2 hrs. Lots and lots of water.

    Drains burn... First dressing change today, so will be able to see how everything looks today.

  • Slmurray
    Slmurray Member Posts: 5
    edited November 2020

    I had surgery on the 4th, pathology says nodes are negative but DCIS found in a few more spots, which means I go in on Thursday for more surgery. I haven’t spoken much to my surgeon, how worried should I be? Should I go with mastectomy? She feels really confident that going in for a “quick” procedure will get I have enough information? My onco test won’t be in for 10 days at least...anyone had something similar occur? Feeling really scared, are there more questions I should be asking? I feel like I’m on auto pilot

  • Jksmahoney
    Jksmahoney Member Posts: 4
    edited November 2020

    I hope you are recovering well. I just scheduled mine for November 24th, so I don't know anything, but I hope you have someone to help you and you are getting lots of rest.

  • Lilir
    Lilir Member Posts: 38
    edited November 2020

    Your decision to go with mastectomy after lumpectomy would not be rare. I just had a BMX Friday. Happy with my decision. But, no walk in the park.

  • suzopedia
    suzopedia Member Posts: 19
    edited November 2020

    I had my surgery yesterday. UMX. I was so worried about the injections to find my sentinal node but it wasn't bad at all. I used a ton of emula cream. it was funny watching them wipe it all off before they could give me the shots. The assistant was so sweet and was holding my hand so I had someplace to squeeze if it burned.

    I dont know how many nodes the surgeon took out. there is a very sore area under my arm. I'm not expecting any cancer there so fingers crossed. I asked for a block and they did that. I'm glad. I feel it starting to wear off so I will try to stay on oxycodone today. I am unable to take ibupropen. it destroys my stomach. They have me on an antibiotic for a few days. I don't do well with them either. oh well.

    The plastic surgeon tried to do direct implant but it didn't work, I have an expander. Again, oh well. no biggie. I have an ace bandage around my chest and it feel wierd to have the right side be flat. I put my drain over there after I emptied it this am. Now I'm symetrical. LOL

  • suzopedia
    suzopedia Member Posts: 19
    edited November 2020

    I had my surgery yesterday. UMX. I was so worried about the injections to find my sentinal node but it wasn't bad at all. I used a ton of emula cream. it was funny watching them wipe it all off before they could give me the shots. The assistant was so sweet and was holding my hand so I had someplace to squeeze if it burned.

    I dont know how many nodes the surgeon took out. there is a very sore area under my arm. I'm not expecting any cancer there so fingers crossed. I asked for a block and they did that. I'm glad. I feel it starting to wear off so I will try to stay on oxycodone today. I am unable to take ibupropen. it destroys my stomach. They have me on an antibiotic for a few days. I don't do well with them either. oh well.

    The plastic surgeon tried to do direct implant but it didn't work, I have an expander. Again, oh well. no biggie. I have an ace bandage around my chest and it feel wierd to have the right side be flat. I put my drain over there after I emptied it this am. Now I'm symetrical. LOL

  • suzopedia
    suzopedia Member Posts: 19
    edited November 2020

    It's difficult to make a decision about whether to have a lumpectomy or mastectomy. My first episode in 2005 I knew I didn't want to have a mastectomy. Absolutely positive. It turned out ok. 2 lumpectomies, chemo radiation and I was good for 15 years. My boob is a mess but If I wanted to fix that I could have surgery. This time around (other side) I still didn't want to have a mastectomy. It was "just" DCIS but a second lumpectomy showed a small amount of IDC. I panicked. The surgeon said she didn't recommend more surgery, but I kept thinking "what other surprises are in there". I got a second opinion. It helped a lot. I probably would have been fine either way, if we are talking about risk percent, but I didn't want to worry about it any more so I opted for the UMX. Harder procedure but I will escape yearly mammograms at least on one side. So I guess I'm saying the decision is based on your feelings and personal preference as much as risk percentage. Every choice has tradeoffs. Pick the best one for you. God Bless everyone and good luck with your surgeries and recoveries.

  • suzopedia
    suzopedia Member Posts: 19
    edited November 2020

    Well I'm back. Surgery was Tuesday and I think the pain block they gave me finally wore off last night. It hurt but I'm doing better this am. I don't really have anything to complain about but I'm still feeling kind of low.

    How about the rest of you? How are you doing?

  • suzopedia
    suzopedia Member Posts: 19
    edited November 2020

    Well I'm back. Surgery was Tuesday and I think the pain block they gave me finally wore off last night. It hurt but I'm doing better this am. I don't really have anything to complain about but I'm still feeling kind of low.

    How about the rest of you? How are you doing?

  • suzopedia
    suzopedia Member Posts: 19
    edited November 2020

    When I send from my phone I get two messages. I'm sure sorry about that. I'm sure it's operator error.

  • ealga
    ealga Member Posts: 24
    edited November 2020

    Hi everybody - glad to hear it is going as well as it can for everyone. I had my BMX -TE placement-Latissimus flap on Sat. They took 3 nodes, all appear to be clear. my block didn't work, sadly, so i had a lot of pain in the hospital and I'm still struggling with it. I have the TE's placed under the muscle and that pain and tightnness has gotten a bit better but everything else hurts. I'm not having a good day. Trying to stay positive.

  • Lilir
    Lilir Member Posts: 38
    edited November 2020

    Oh no!!! can they do a post surgical block?

  • Lilir
    Lilir Member Posts: 38
    edited November 2020

    I cried they day I saw my breasts for the first time. But, I have moved on now.

    On a lighter note, is sugar supposed to be bad for Cancer? Cuz, I have received more cookies, choclates, and pies than I have my entire life..

  • JanetM
    JanetM Member Posts: 47
    edited November 2020

    My surgery is in 6 days and I am starting to get nervous... I guess it could also be my lack of caffeine. Since I am having DIEP flap my PS advised to stop caffeine and that has been hard.

  • suzopedia
    suzopedia Member Posts: 19
    edited November 2020

    Lilith, I wish someone would bring me cookies. LOL. Ealga, I'm also feeling low. I'm setting alarms on my phone so I can keep up with the antibiotics. Every six hours. My stomach is upset. The bandage on my chest itches so bad. But I keep telling myself this is the hard part and soon it will start to get better. For others I think this was less traumatic. I'm just one of the lucky ones. I go see the surgeon on Monday and get this #&+@$!! bandage off. Take care everyone.

  • ealga
    ealga Member Posts: 24
    edited November 2020

    hi all, i'm on day 8 after my bmx/latissimus flap/TE placement surgery. I'm discouraged that i'm not feeling better than i am. The removed the latissimus back drain too early and my entire right axial area blew up and got so swolllen and fluid filled. and the pain feels like rocks in my bra. I'm trying to wean off the strong meds but it is challenging. pain makes me so tired.

    The good news is that my margins are clear and there was no lymph involvement. so that's good.

  • suzopedia
    suzopedia Member Posts: 19
    edited November 2020

    Hi ealga,

    My surgeon says the first week is hell for everyone. My surgery was also on the 10th. And your surgery was much more extensive than mine. I bet you have some miserable moments especially with drain problems. And yeah, I've been a bit unhappy also.

    I could go on and on about the things I'm unhappy about. LOL But I've been reading thru other surgery threads and my situation sounds normal. My PCP (a very wise woman) says "keep taking the meds. That's why I prescribed them."

    Good news about pathology. Yay 👍

  • cardplayer
    cardplayer Member Posts: 2,051
    edited November 2020

    I had my sentinel node injection this afternoon. Thankfully, I was given 4 lidocaine injections before the radioactive material and blue dye. Fairly pain free. Surgery is tomorrow - I have to arrive by 5:30am for 7:30 surgery. I've been anxious this week but am keeping optimistic about the outcome.

    I hope everyone is doing well.

  • JanetM
    JanetM Member Posts: 47
    edited November 2020

    Had the radioactive injection for sentinel node this afternoon and have to be at the hospital at 5:15am. Just trying to finish some work before tomorrow. Hoping for the best. I am happy that they are letting my daughter stay with me until they take me to the OR. With COVID numbers climbing I was concerned that they would not allow that. I'll check in in a few days. Good luck to everyone with surgeries coming up.