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November 2020 Surgery Group



  • hrv17
    hrv17 Member Posts: 7
    edited November 2020

    good luck today Janet! I will pray everything goes well for you! And a speedy recovery!!

  • hrv17
    hrv17 Member Posts: 7
    edited November 2020

    good luck today! Praying for a speedy recovery for you! Let us know how you do!

  • suzopedia
    suzopedia Member Posts: 19
    edited November 2020


    Good luck tomorrow. Im sure it will be great to have this behind you. I was so nervous before. Even with the pain and drain it was such a relief. 🤗


  • suzopedia
    suzopedia Member Posts: 19
    edited November 2020


    Same here. My surgeons office made such a big deal about that injection and it wasn't bad at all. Best wishes for tomorrow. You will do great, I'm sure.

  • Lilir
    Lilir Member Posts: 38
    edited November 2020

    how are u doing? I had mine on the 6th.

    All is going well for me so far. Was able to go right to implants. The bra all day is making me insane. Right axilla and corner of right breast very sensitive. Still Thankful... every day one more step to put this behind me

  • JanetM
    JanetM Member Posts: 47
    edited November 2020

    Glad that it is over but the reconstruction plan did not work out. We planned for a DIEP flap but it failed during surgery. It turned out that due to 2 previous abdominal surgeries there was too much underlying damage that could not be seen on the pre-op ct.

  • suzopedia
    suzopedia Member Posts: 19
    edited November 2020

    Janet, sorry it didn't work out. There are surely other options tho They tried to do a direct implant for me and that didn't work out either. They'll figure something out. It's good to be done!

    Lilr, glad things are going well. Mine was on the 10th. I'm still pretty sore. Probably because of the drain. I won't get it out till next week. And I can take a shower!!!!!

    Take care everyone.

  • cardplayer
    cardplayer Member Posts: 2,051
    edited November 2020

    2 days out from surgery. I’m still having discomfort but it’s manageable with pain medication. Looking forward to taking a shower tomorrow. I hope everyone is having a good day

  • JanetM
    JanetM Member Posts: 47
    edited November 2020

    I came home today with 6 drains. I have a follow up with the plastic surgeon on Tuesday. Hopefully a few of the drains can be removed and we can talk about next steps. Still trying to come to grips with the flap failure

  • jjjbrophy
    jjjbrophy Member Posts: 2
    edited November 2020

    sorry this is late, I’m new to the group. How did it go? Mine is on Tuesday.

  • jjjbrophy
    jjjbrophy Member Posts: 2
    edited November 2020

    Hi all,

    I’m new to this group. I’m scheduled for a dmx on Tuesday. I’m so scared. I lost my mom to this disease which adds to my fear. Reading your experiences has been helpful. You are all so strong

  • Jksmahoney
    Jksmahoney Member Posts: 4
    edited November 2020

    We will go through this together, JJJ. I am scheduled for the same procedure on the same day. And I’m scared too. But I also can’t wait to be on the other side of this surgery and have it behind me. I hope you have lots of love and support on your end, and that Covid isn’t interfering too much. We’ve got this, okay

  • ealga
    ealga Member Posts: 24
    edited November 2020

    Good luck to all of you with your procedures soon. I am two weeks out and starting to feel a lot better. Be patient with yourself, rest, take your meds and let others care for you. Your body will be working hard to heal so enable it as best you can. Little walks around your home help a lot too!

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,558
    edited November 2020

    jjjbrophy, we want to send you a big warm welcome to the BCO Community discussion boards. We're glad to see you found this wonderful group pf people to help you and share experiences and advice.

    For jjjbrophy and all of you, here's a super helpful thread filled with tips from members about all things surgery:

    Shopping/Packing/To-do/Recovery Tips for before and after surgery

    Good luck with everything and keep us updated on how you're getting on.

    Best wishes,

    The Mods

  • Onealdr3
    Onealdr3 Member Posts: 4
    edited November 2020


    Sending you lots of love!! You got this.

  • hrv17
    hrv17 Member Posts: 7
    edited November 2020

    I had my surgery yesterday. Came home right after. The sentinel node injection felt like a bee sting for about 30 seconds. It wasn't bad at all. 2 of the nodes removed were clear so moved on the the surgery. Dr believes he got it all. He did tell my husband he had to take a little more tissue than he originally thought so my incision is a little larger. Not sure why this struck a anxious cord with me. I feel pretty good. My throat is super sore and my right side of my lip is swollen from the anesthesia tube. Nothing that won't heal, just had no idea. Felt like I was punched. So far I haven't taken pain meds I feel okay. A little achy under arm. They didn't give any exercises or sleeping recommendations. Can I sleep on the opposite side?

  • Jksmahoney
    Jksmahoney Member Posts: 4
    edited November 2020

    Had my BMX w/o reconstruction yesterday and I’m feeling so grateful to have that part behind me. I have very little pain. The worst part is a little itchiness from the bandage, but it’s tolerable. My range of motion is better than expected. Also feeling so lucky to have this community to turn to for answers and support. I’m praying for each and every one of us. 💗

  • cardplayer
    cardplayer Member Posts: 2,051
    edited November 2020

    I’m 9 days past my surgery and am doing pretty good. I see my plastic surgeon Monday, but was wondering if anyone else has a drain tube that has what looks like fat floating around. Drain color is fine and I’m still draining, a little less everyday.

  • hrv17
    hrv17 Member Posts: 7
    edited December 2020

    had follow up on pathology today. Surgeon said we got it all with clear margins. Grade 2 stage 1. 15mm was the largest IDC. Did have focal LVI but surgeon said because lymph nodes were clean and how small the LVI was he believes it didn't go anywhere else! Good news! Got the referral for the MO and RO. Next steps ahead. Happy to have the cancer gone! I just wish it was done here! On to the next steps in the next few weeks. A little scared but I think that's because I don't know what will be next. But I wish I could just relax and feel good being cancer free. I feel like I'm constantly holding my breath!

    Hope you all are doing well!

  • suzopedia
    suzopedia Member Posts: 19
    edited December 2020

    Hi everyone,

    I'm 3 weeks out and starting to feel human again. I have a burning pain under my arm but even that is improving. I have had 2 fills to my expander. I do feel like I have a rock on my chest. LOL So far so good. My path report came back ok. They found a tiny bit more DCIS and ADH. So no regrets on my choice to get a umx. I have to figure out what to do with the other side. How much more surgery can I take?

    Hope you all are resting and recovering.

  • suzopedia
    suzopedia Member Posts: 19
    edited December 2020

    I had weird stuff floating around in mine. My surgeon showed me how to "milk" it and I became obsessed with cleaning it out.

  • dizzywombat
    dizzywombat Member Posts: 5
    edited December 2020

    Hi all - I got home yesterday from my DIEP reconstruction on Monday and am doing pretty well. They pulled 4 of my 6 drains in the hospital which was an unexpected treat!

    I got my pathology back and all the removed tissue was benign and no lymph nodes had to be taken from my non-cancer side. It’s such a relief and I feel like for the first time since my diagnosis that I can move forward.

    Wishing you all a speedy recovery!

  • cardplayer
    cardplayer Member Posts: 2,051
    edited December 2020

    I'm 15 days out from mastectomy and have little discomfort. I'll get my drain out on Monday and have my 2nd fill.

    Great news from pathology- no cancer in breast or lymph nodes. As grueling as chemo was for me, it did it's job. I start HP and Letrozole later this month.

    Stay safe and healthy!

  • mtspacekace
    mtspacekace Member Posts: 123
    edited December 2020

    Hi ladies. I don’t see a group for December. Maybe I’m the only one to end up having to have surgery during the holidays...which was one of my biggest disappointments during this whole thing, but here I am!

    I’m scheduled for a skin sparing bmx with tissue expander placement on December 18th. I met with my surgeon again today, and nurse navigator who will get me ready for surgery. My plastic surgeon and breast surgeon will work at the same time, so they said it should only take a few hours.

    I’m really nervous. I’ve never had surgery, except my port, and that doesn’t count. I don’t know what to expect, I don’t know how much pain there will be. I guess I just have to keep the faith that thousands of strong ladies have done this before me, so I can handle it too.

  • suzopedia
    suzopedia Member Posts: 19
    edited December 2020

    I'm not doing as well today. It will be a full month since my umx on the 10. I'm still very swollen under my arm. I'm still in pain. I wasn't paying attention when I got my last fill and I think he put too much in maybe? I will go see PS on Wednesday. I hope there is something to help.

    So glad everyone else is reporting good things.

  • ealga
    ealga Member Posts: 24
    edited December 2020

    Hi everyone - it appears there's a mixed bag of post surgical experiences. Mine certainly is. Some days i feel pretty good and others I feel like i got hit by a train. I still have a ton of swelling under my arm and upper back. Both breasts are full to bursting. I keep going in because of pain and they say there is edema and a "complicated" seroma that will at some point reabsorb. Meanwhile I am struggling to get back to any normal behavior. I'm down to motrin and tylenol with the occasional oxy when i can't take it any more. I am seriously considering taking the TIs out and going flat. Hope you are all ok.

  • deniseml
    deniseml Member Posts: 68
    edited December 2020

    Dizzywombat: Thanks for your post! I just finished neoadjuvant therapy & scheduling mastectomy early January 2021. Also grade 3, stage IIIC. Yours is first post I’ve seen with delayed prophylactic mastectomy and I am encouraged to see it went well. I’ve been struggling with decision to have UBM, recommended by SO or bilateral immediately. Your post is helping to make decision easier. I am also planning DIEP Procedure in 1-1 1/2 years out. Did you have expander inserted during initial surgery?

  • dizzywombat
    dizzywombat Member Posts: 5
    edited December 2020

    Hi DeniseML! No tissue expander placed per my RO’s request, so I was flat on one side for 7 months. The SMX was somewhat of a conservative approach but they didn’t want to risk anything delaying my radiation treatment (like healing or TE infection issues). I healed pretty well after rads and my PS was able to use some of the skin, so I’m pleased with the results being one week out from DIEP.

  • suzopedia
    suzopedia Member Posts: 19
    edited December 2020

    I went to see my PS today and we didn't do another fill. He spent time explaining what was going on that was causing pain. Most of the pain should end when they finish the fills. So I'm feeling better. I can do this.

    And I agree with the idea of keeping things simple and avoiding complications. We will get through this!!

  • hopeful23
    hopeful23 Member Posts: 22
    edited December 2020

    Mtspace, I am scheduled for unilateral mastectomy with tissue expander placement on Dec 21. Like you, I’m nervous but keeping the faith. I’mwishing you a speedy recovery. Please let me know how you are doing. I’m going to try to start a December surgery thread.