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31 year old male. Biopsy on right breast Suggested

Hellothere901 Member Posts: 16

I’m freaking out right now. I felt this small pea sized little marble right above my right nipple. Had my lady and mom check it out. They didn’t seem concerned, my girl even said it could be a 3rd nipple.

Fast forward to Monday, I get it checked out by the doc, was referred to take an ultrasound Wednesday. 4 pm today I get a call back saying there was a 1.1 cm nodule and it wasn’t fluid filled and that it was suggested I get a core biopsy. I’m freakin out, I haven’t been able to do anything since, and the fact that I am a male, it’s not a whole lot of good info I am finding.

As far as the lump itself, it’s small, very movable, no pain unless I press on it or mess with it. My girl (who survived lymphoma and is now a nurse) said that these are actually good signs but the fact I even have to get the biopsy is freaking me out! I guess I’m just venting, I don’t even know what to ask right now I just feel lost



  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,747

    It would be very uncommon for this to be cancer but not impossible, best to have the biopsy so you know for sure. The odds are on your side but I’d try to relax for now, easier said than done, I know.

    I wish the very best non-cancer results for you, good luck! :)

  • blmike
    blmike Member Posts: 195

    I went through the exact same thing you are going through when I was 29 (in 1989). Fortunately mine was benign but I know how gut wrenching not knowing can be. The best advice I got was just to take it one day at a time. There's nothing you can do (other than worry) until you get that biopsy. Best of luck and hang in there

  • trishyla
    trishyla Member Posts: 698

    Just wanted to let you know I messaged one of our awesome members who posts under the name Traveltext. He's a great guy who is a breast cancer survivor and an advocate for men dealing with this disease. He is a good source of information. I would imagine hearing from a man who has dealt with this might be helpful.

    In the meantime, it sounds like you have a good support system with your Mom and partner. I know it's nearly impossible, but try not to dwell on it too much. It's a real possibility that it will turn out to be benign.

    Do something fun. Hug your partner. Exercise. Binge watch goofy action movies. Whatever it takes to keep your mind off of it. But stay away from Dr. Google. The info is inaccurate and out of date.

    Good luck. I hope everything works out for you in the best possible way.


  • traveltext
    traveltext Member Posts: 1,055

    I’m a guy who’s been through treatment for breast cancer and I’ve answered a lots of enquiries from young guys who are worried they have breast cancer over the years. More than likely your biopsy will prove begative, but let us know how you go. Meanwhile, don’t panic.

  • Hellothere901
    Hellothere901 Member Posts: 16

    I really appreciate you all even taking time to respond. I have to schedule the biopsy next week, I have a bday on the 8th as well. I feel drained and it’s only been a day. I’m already a major hypochondriac with anxiety disorder and on high blood pressure meds. I REALLY hope given the size, fact that it’s quite movable that it’s benign. My doc said that it wasn’t fluid filled and looked like tissue or connective tissue (can’t quite remember) so that scared me even more.

  • traveltext
    traveltext Member Posts: 1,055

    HT9. We’re all here for you.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,799

    Welcome, Hellothere901-

    We're so sorry you find yourself here with this worry, but you've come to the right place. Ask as many questions as you need, and please keep us posted on how things go.

    The Mods

  • Hellothere901
    Hellothere901 Member Posts: 16

    I am so worried I can’t even eat.....

  • Hellothere901
    Hellothere901 Member Posts: 16

    I keep telling myself not to worry because of the fact the lump is not hard, my nipples aren’t inverted etc etc. but I’m running myself crazy, I can’t send anymore private messages so I’ve tried to read stories on here and it’s only made my fears go up! I’m a 31 year old man and I just want to ball up and scream. I know it’s rare for men but reading on here wasn’t easing my fears either. Plus I already have other things going on (a ganglion cyst in my right foot) frequent urination for a few years, just thinking about everything now. It’s so hard to enjoy myself.

    my plan is to call my doc in the morning and have her explain everything clearly to me as to why I’m getting the biopsy, what did they see, etc etc

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,427

    So talk us through where you are? Have you had a biopsy? Do you have a diagnosis yet? Or hopefully it's a cyst? Have you met with a breast surgeon? Or a medical oncologist? Are you staying off Google?

    Look at TravelText's tag line and check out the Male BC link.

  • Hellothere901
    Hellothere901 Member Posts: 16

    Biopsy scheduled for next week. All that I know is that after the ultrasound my doc said it is not fluid filled (cyst) it’s 1.1cm 12 o clock position right above right nipple. They did both sides didn’t say anything about any other areas or lumps but the radiologist suggested a needle core biopsy to check for cancer? I’ve been messaging TT but I had hit my limit for the day. So far I don’t have much of any of what he had but the fact that they want to biopsy is frightening

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,427

    Hello - don't be frightened by a biopsy. I don't have statistics but I'd guess the majority of them come back benign.

    If you didn't notice, TT is in Australia so it may be better to post a private message to him on from the BCO site and he can answer during his "daytime".

  • 2019whatayear
    2019whatayear Member Posts: 468

    HT9 sorry this is happening. FWIW the odds are in your favor. It's really good that they are taking this lump seriously and that you have a biopsy scheduled because this will give you a definitive answer. You could ask your doctor what the lump was rated by the radiologist - was it BIRADS 3 or 4? Both of those # still mean it is most likely not cancer. Plus that they didn't see any other areas of concern all of this is in your favor.

    keep us posted!

  • jojo0529
    jojo0529 Member Posts: 56

    it is scary not knowing.. maybe it is lipoma? Don’t assume the worst

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,356


    I know the worry is hard to push aside. One thing that might make you feel a bit better is understanding who most of us are on bco. We are people with breast cancer! Those who have benign conditions generally stop posting so you're left with those of us who had the worst of luck, oddest experiences and lots of positives as well. Yes, we skew toward the path of those who not only have the disease but are having difficulties with their treatments.

    The odds are in your favor. As my mother said, “Don't borrow trouble!" Take care.

  • traveltext
    traveltext Member Posts: 1,055

    I’ve had many DM conversations with HT9. Likely that’s why he’s run out of messages.

    Let’s await the biopsy result HT9, then the conversation can continue.

  • mikamika
    mikamika Member Posts: 242


    I'm sorry that you have to go through this. Please, don't panic. It is better to do a biopsy, confirm that everything is Ok, and move forward living your happy life! This lump in your breast can be lipoma or other benign conditions. I think your radiologist rarely sees male breasts, so this is why they wanted to play safe and recommended a biopsy.

  • Hellothere901
    Hellothere901 Member Posts: 16

    Somewhat of an update. I called to check on scheduling the biopsy this week, once at 10 am then again at 4 right before the office was supposed to close. No call back.

    A part of me wants to believe that if it’s really urgent that she would have definitely called me at some point in the day. Starting to wonder if the suggested biopsy is more so for my peace of mind than urgency. The actual lump hasn’t even grown or doubled in size since I first felt it last year as well. I don’t know how to feel.

  • mikamika
    mikamika Member Posts: 242

    I can see all my screening reports through the patient portal. Do you have similar access to yours?

  • Hellothere901
    Hellothere901 Member Posts: 16

    I think they are actually setting up a portal for access in the 4th I overheard her talking about it in the office last week

  • Hellothere901
    Hellothere901 Member Posts: 16

    still wasn’t able to reach her and no call back....

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,427

    Hi Hello - so sorry you are still in limbo. The waiting is the worst part. Try to find some way to keep your mind occupied. Or call the doc who referred you for the screening in the first place and get that doc to light a fire under the biopsy department.

  • mikamika
    mikamika Member Posts: 242


    How are you? Any updates?

  • Hellothere901
    Hellothere901 Member Posts: 16

    The biopsy has been scheduled fortomorrow, I’m struggling with the balance of positive and negative thoughts.

    On one hand, I don’t have many other symptoms, (inverted nipples, discharge, pain, inflammation or even growth in size) on the other hand it’s always that few percent chance of the results being bad.

    Also pretty nervous about the biopsy itself as I hate needles. I have a birthday Sunday and I can’t even enjoy it like I would like to until I get the results, it’s been a really up and down past couple of weeks to say the least

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,427

    Hello - I was just thinking about you. Hope all goes well tomorrow. And then you'll be waiting again. Do ask when you might expect to hear the results - but don't count on their answer being 'gold'.

  • Hellothere901
    Hellothere901 Member Posts: 16

    what do you mean by gold?

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,427

    Hmmm, sorry - meant good. They may give you an answer but it may drag out beyond what they say. But it's always worth asking.

  • Hellothere901
    Hellothere901 Member Posts: 16

    I’mback from the biopsy. Wasn’t as painful as I thought, the actual pressure from the needle core is just weirdly uncomfortable though. The lady doing the ultrasound couldn’t find the lump at first and I had to guide her to it. After, she said she didn’t see anything crazy and had me wait on the doctor.

    Doctor was super chill, talked me through the procedure and cracked jokes which definitely helped. I didn’t ask but after the procedure he said he didn’t see anything terrible either and told me not to worry and enjoy my birthday weekend. He even repeated that everything “looked good” I’m still a bit worried cause you never know until the results are in but I feel a lot better. Two samples were taken and I should get results by 3:30 tomorrow afternoon I believe they said.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,427

    Oh my goodness - results in 24 hours. Amazing. Yup - you never know - but sounds like you should plan to take his words to heart and have a great B-day.

  • Hellothere901
    Hellothere901 Member Posts: 16

    It’s been a week today and no results. I’m growing more and more worried the longer it gets