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Has anyone here with mbc/stage iv had Covid?



  • theresa45
    theresa45 Member Posts: 238

    Dee - Oh Dee, I was hoping that you were going to get a pass on COVID! It's crazy that you didn't test positive until almost a week after your hubby and sons tested positive. I hope that the antibody infusion goes well and that you and your boys are feeling better soon!

    DivineMrsM - I'm glad that your fever broke and that you are improving! I hope that you will regain your usual energy soon! Thank you for sharing your experience with Covid.

    JACK5IE Member Posts: 654

    Divine...I'm sorry you are having to deal with Covid but thanks for starting this thread.

    My daughter had what we thought was a head cold on Tuesday (the 19th). By Thursday she lost her sense of smell and taste and began quarantining in her room. She went for a test on Saturday and the test came back today positive.

    On Sunday the 17th her and I took a drive together. Something we haven't done in a long time. I barely leave the house except for doctor visits. So as you can guess, I am so scared of getting Covid now.

    I don't have any symptoms. Hopefully it stays that way. I called my doctor's office and they told me not to test yet because I don't have symptoms and it could result in a false test, however I need to get a test this Friday so I can go into the office for my next treatment on the 8th. Sounds a bit contradictory. They also ok'd taking Zinc and Vitamin C.

    Anyway, I'm glad to hear that going through it is bad but manageable. It makes me feel a little better.

    Thanks for everyone's input in this thread and again to Divine. I'm very glad you are recovering.

  • lulubee
    lulubee Member Posts: 903

    Divine, I am so relieved to hear your fever broke. Wishing you a full and robust recovery. And who knows, maybe all that fever equals fried cancer cells.

    Dee, hang in there. Hugs and prayers for you. Keep us posted!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 760


    I am so sorry you are facing covid. I hope you donโ€™t get it. What cancer treatment are you on?

    Waiting 5 days from exposure to test would be wed or Thursday.

    Do you have a pulse/oximeter gadget? That would give good feedback on your oxygen levels.

    Sending prayers. I was so afraid of getting covid, but my case has not been terrible. I know everyone is different. I am not on chemo but I am on hormone therapy. I am so thankful.


    JACK5IE Member Posts: 654

    Thanks so much Dee. I'm on Ibrance/Faslodex/Xgeva. I do have a pulse oximeter. Praying that this somehow bypasses me. Thank you for your prayers.

  • jaycee49
    jaycee49 Member Posts: 1,264

    Divine, following this thread now. Hope things keep getting better for you. I had a brother-in-law and sister-in-law here in the US have it. 2-3 weeks of misery but they are ok. Now my sister's husband's whole family in Germany has it.

  • lulubee
    lulubee Member Posts: 903

    Have any of you had the vaccine? If so, how did you do with it?

  • moissy
    moissy Member Posts: 371

    I have had a first dose of Moderna's. Mildly sore arm at injection site for two days. Not much more than a normal flu shot. The second dose can cause a little more reaction from what Iโ€™m reading.

  • Grannax2
    Grannax2 Member Posts: 2,387

    So sorry Dee and Divine. I have a friend in Galveston who has had a terrible time with Metastatic Colorectal Cancer with new mets to her lungs. After she tested positive for COVID she got pneumonia. Sheโ€™s been suffering for over a month at home, living alone. It finally seems the pneumonia is resolving slowly, the COVID is gone. She hasnโ€™t been able to start chemo for the lung mets because sheโ€™s been so sick.

    I got my first dose of Moderna vaccine and will have my second on February 8. My daughter got her first yesterday. My son has gotten both of his, heโ€™s a doc. His wife got her first. My sister got her first. So, it seems like my family will soon be immune. PTL. Canโ€™t come a moment too soon for me as I just finished my first cycle of Eribulin.

  • cure-ious
    cure-ious Member Posts: 2,883

    Dee, Divine, others, how about an update? And what are you taking, aspirin for blood clots? Prilosec AC? Zinc? Monolonals? I'm scheduled to get the Moderna shot tomorrow, however my husband woke up with symptoms today and will be tested tomorrow. He's been coughing all over the place and I've been running around cleaning, now set up in the guest bedroom, but I assume I will come down with it if this is Covid. then what? a race between the vaccine and my infection? how does that work? Apparently the Moderna efficacy drops a lot in first three months (NE Journal of Med). It was just a small analysis of 34 patients, but efficacy went from 95% to 50-65% in just three months. That level would still be plenty protective, but if it continues dropping it might not even make a year. Well the pharmas are working on next-gen vaccines, so if those come out in the fall it could be fine. I don't mind getting multiple shots. For now would like to know what early symptoms are and how it progresses. I've heard fatigue and headaches maybe more common than fever? Loss of smell/taste comes later? The fatigue went on a long time for my sister. Was fortunately off Ibrance last week, so will stay off this week for the vaccine, if I;m not sick tomorrow and can get it..

  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,605

    Cure-ious, I would say I'm pretty much recovered. I feel a wee bit sluggish, but that could be due to the oral chemo I take, and being cooped up in the winter during a pandemic. I'm now able to get chores done, get showered and dressed for the day, still make supper several nights a week. (Take-out some nights!)

    This virus seems all over the place. My symptoms started as cough and chills. I spent a day with the heating pad, and when those symptoms were still present the next day, I took my temp. I was surprised it was 100 degrees, because I did not feel feverish. But cough, chills and fever are Covid symptoms, so I went the following day for the test which came back positive two days later. Then nausea, no appetite and extreme fatigue followed and I spent two weeks in bed.

    My fever lasted about 14 days, getting as high as 101.7 degrees at one point. I took xtra strength Tylenol which would bring the fever down, but it always creeped back up within the six hour timeframe when I could take the Tylenol again.

    Dh had totally different symptoms. No fever or loss of appetite. He had a headache and body aches and sneezing, none of which I had. He was tired but not confined to the bed, and able to prepare food and keep up with small chores.

    Neither of us lost our sense of taste or smell. We didn't have breathing trouble. There was no diarrhea or vomiting.

    I treated Covid with Tylenol and Vicks Vapor Rub, which was my true friend; it helped give temporary relief from the exhausting cough. The cough lasted a little longer than the fever. I did have OTC cough medicine but it wasn't very effective. I drank as much water and Gatorade Zero as I could. I am allergic to aspirin. I took Zyrtec at first, but after a couple days stopped because it seemed to be bothering me more than helping. No Prilosec or zinc. I was instructed to stop the oral chemo while sick and started back up with it after my fever broke.

    My neighbor had Covid but his wife never did, even tho they quarantined together without staying apart. My nephew had it, he was sick but his wife and 10 year old son both tested positive yet were asymptomatic. My ex SIL and her boyfriend both had it, he is a nurse on a covid ward and ended up hospitalized with double pneumonia along with covid, but she has recovered and he is back home and on the mend. So that's why I say Covid is all over the place.

    I would get tested asap if I were you. I hope that you have somehow managed to avoid getting it. Keep us posted.

  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,605

    From the CDC website, here is a list of possible Covid symptoms. I get a flu shot every year, and since Iโ€™m rarely sick, it was unusual when I developed a cough and chills so I looked up the symptoms and thought, hm. And made the appt. to get tested.


  • cure-ious
    cure-ious Member Posts: 2,883

    Divine, You nailed it- symptoms all over the place and recovery that is super slow! Apparently all of our mask-wearing has greatly reduced the incidence of the flu this year, so that if one starts to feel sick, its more likely than not to be Covid. But symptoms and severity are so variable

    My BIL also had a couple days of persistant hiccups, of all things,, which can happens when the virus infects the diaphragm. It's great that you are on the mend, and one possible upside is that natural infection generates a much more diverse repertoire of antibodies than you get from vaccination against the spike protein- a paper in Cell awhile back said the protection from natural antibodies much higher than to spike protein alone; perhaps it will last longer as well. Its wonderful that you are on the other side of this! I feel OK today so will head off for the shot shortly.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 760

    divine- glad you are better. It sounds like a tough go.

    Cure-ious- I hope the vaccine goes well. There is so much unknown out there. Am I really covered, or could I get it again soon due to my immunocompromised state? I am supposed to have antibodies for 3 months since I had the bamlanivimab infusion. I canโ€™t get a vaccine until the 3 months are up.

    I am pretty much over covid. I still have some strong joint pain and muscle aches but I think that is my trial SERD. My other symptoms were headache, burning chest, cough and lethargy for about 2 weeks. Low fever for a few days, appetite ok and no loss of taste/smell. Iโ€™m already on elequis and Celebrex, I took Tylenol to help with the headache.

    My aunt had covid (no infusion) then got the vaccine shortly after. She had a rough go of it for a couple days.

    Keep us in the loop Cure-ious.


  • cure-ious
    cure-ious Member Posts: 2,883

    Hi Dee- I did get the shot, and ended up having a hard afternoon/night, but then feel fine today. Gradually I developed bodyache (even my eyeballs hurt) and then a lot of skeletal pain, especially my arthritic knees and shoulder joints, but really all over I felt like my body was made up of all sore bone, no tissue. I assume its a reaction exacerbated by taking femara, but will be interesting to see how this affects others here. I have wondered if I might have had Covid last winter, I certainly had something Covid-like but it was early, in mid-Feb, before the whole Covid thing started. My BIL had Covid and then the vaccine, and he had a strong response, and the nurse said that is to be expected if you were previously exposed to the virus. A friend had the same shot yesterday and she only got localized pain in the shoulder. My husband went in for testing and he does not have Covid, so all is OK now for us...

    When the appt popped up it was fortunate that I was at the end of my week off Ibrance- I will stay off Ibrance this week, but then have to decide between going back on for 2 weeks then taking 2 weeks off again for the second Covid shot, or just staying off until I start with Faslodex or whatever my secondline treatment will be

  • sandibeach57
    sandibeach57 Member Posts: 1,387

    Cure-ious, my bet is that you did have COVID. It makes sense because you would have had the antibodies prior to your 1st vaccine and your body appropriately responded.

    JACK5IE Member Posts: 654

    I thankfully did not get Covid from my daughter and she thankfully only had a mild case. Today it has been 14 (actually 15) days so she is out of quarantine. She's thrilled. She was so worried that I would catch it from her. I had a test on Sunday and it came back negative yesterday so I am good to go with my treatment on Monday. Thanks for all your well wishes.

    I hate cancer and I hate Covid too.

  • jaycee49
    jaycee49 Member Posts: 1,264

    I got this message from NM Health dept by email and text after signing up for the vaccine.

    "Message from NM Department of Health. Thank you for registering for vaccine! We are distributing doses as quickly as possible, and we're asking the federal government for more. While we face a large gap between supply and demand, please know that you are fully registered, and we will reach out when an appointment is available to you. Thank you!"

    I worried it was fake because it sounds like an invitation to a birthday party. Stage IV cancer and MS don't seem to be enough for me to quality. I also discussed this with my MS forum people and the roll out seems really slow. Only one of about 25 people have gotten a vaccine.

    JACK5IE Member Posts: 654 appointments here either. It's very frustrating how slow this is. My fear of Covid is even higher since my daughter got it.

  • karpc
    karpc Member Posts: 192

    Hi. I wrote a while back that I had Covid with symptoms beginning December 27th. I had about a week with a fever. It was 101 for a few days. Then it went up to 103.1 for 3 days. I never had issues with breathing such as shortness of breath. I tested my oxygen saturation through it. It started at 100% and then went as low as 92%. The day my fever dropped, my oxygen started climbing back up. I still feel tired from it but have been working full time.

    Today I got my first CT scan since having covid. I am on a trial, so I get a scan every 2 months. I have had several lung nodules - several ranging from 3mm to about 1.3mm. My existing nodules on today's scan remain the same size, except one grew 2mm. I also have cancer in my liver but my liver has been clear for 3 years and it remains clear. This current scan shows that I have tons of new nodules. The largest is 3mm. They think all these new nodules are from Covid rather than cancer. I knew going into my scan that covid can cause this to happen. Unfortunately, I have no idea what is what (cancer or covid)!

    I am sharing this because I want others to know of this possibility. The 'c's sure suck. ~Kar

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 760


    Oh cr@P! I am sorry about the nodules. Can you request a pet scan to see if it is covid or cancer(hoping covid)?

    I hope I donโ€™t have any covid nodules on my scan on Monday. Another thing to try not to worry about. ๐Ÿฅด


  • karpc
    karpc Member Posts: 192

    Dee, I was thinking about you since you also had covid. I asked about a Pet Scan when my onc called me. She said we still would not be able to tell the difference. I agree with her based on my history. Inflammation can cause on increase in uptake. My tiniest nodules which are about the same size as the covid nodules rarely register any uptake or if so, it's low enough to be the same as an area with high inflammation. For example, I've had small nodules with an SUV of 1.8. Two years ago, I had a sore throat with swollen lymph nodes in my neck with an SUV of 2.3. I am hoping your scans are great!!! ~Kar

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 760

    So now I have a new symptom probably from covid, but it could be seizures, migraines or brain tumor. I occasionally smell smoke/ash when there is none in my home. It is called olfactory hallucination or phantosmia. (Thanks google)

    I have not told a doctor yet because I am in such a flux. Which one do I tell? Make an appointment with my neurologist, or tell my clinical trial doc on Monday during scan & plan(postponed due to weather, call my PCP tomorrow- he is working with me to lower my BP since it skyrocketed after covid/antibody infusion or call my local oncologist.

    I'm feeling overwhelmed with everything. Stupid covid, stupid cancer. ๐Ÿฅบ


  • helenlouise
    helenlouise Member Posts: 363

    oh Dee bummer on new symptom. You mentioned scan, so hopefully that will pick up anything unusual. I would be telling anyone and all of them.

    Please let us know how you go.

    good luck.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 760

    good news- the smoke smell is dissipating and my lungs are stable. the scan report mentioned one very small cloudy area over where I had SBRT last July. The report said possible radiation artifact. So the trial doc thinks it is a covid artifact at the radiation sight since SBRT was so long ago and not to worry

    Other good news! My largest liver tumor is 3.9X 2.2. Just 2mm larger than 9 weeks ago. That is such a slight change that Iโ€™m officially classified stable disease! No new tumors found. First time everyone be considered stable!! ๐Ÿ’ƒ๐ŸปHappy dance


  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122


  • sondraf
    sondraf Member Posts: 1,679

    Has anyone had a blood draw right after having Covid or the vaccine? I just found out my last neutrophil count was .98 after two weeks off Ibrance, but that was also taken two days after Id had the vaccine.

    Was rather surprised the count was that low but was curious how the vaccine may have impacted it.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 760


    They know so little about covid and the vaccine with cancer patients. It's hard to pinpoint causes of our SE. I hope your neutrophils recover quickly

    I got really high BP after covid and the antibody infusion. I am still dealing with SE of the BP meds along with SE of my trial med. I will get the vaccine in late April per my MO recommendation.


  • gailmary
    gailmary Member Posts: 515

    Wow. Damn Covid. Just found this thread. So sorry to hear of those that got it and the misery you went through. Hubby and I tested negative 2 weeks ago. Hmmm. We got something. Very mild, but definitely something. Friday I go for labs and Faslodex and I'll ask for the covid antibody test. I want to know for sure. If positive than we can relax a bit about getting the vaccine. For how long is anybodies guess.


  • helenlouise
    helenlouise Member Posts: 363

    Happy dance Dee :