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Starting Chemo February 2021



  • Jvfireball
    Jvfireball Posts: 56
    edited February 2021

    Good Morning Everyone.

    So the delays appear to be done and I start Chemo tomorrow...just in time to stay in the February club :-)

    So I am struggling with the preemptive shave or wait till it starts coming out in clumps. For those on the TC regimen, on what day did you start seeing hair loss?

    Thank you all


  • lw422
    lw422 Posts: 1,419
    edited February 2021

    Hi Spalermo111 and thanks for the tip. How did your 2nd treatment go? Welcome to the group.

  • lw422
    lw422 Posts: 1,419
    edited February 2021

    Julie--I didn't shave my hair in advance; somehow I just couldn't do it though my daughter offered to cut my hair really short. I've only had one chemo treatment and so far my hair is hanging in there. I think many people start to shed after the 2nd treatment but I'm sure everyone is different.

    Good luck tomorrow.

  • Jvfireball
    Jvfireball Posts: 56
    edited February 2021

    Thank you LW422,

    I had heard right about the two week mark, so I was think I would shave before then. I have been growing my hair for two years following a long time with short hair.. It's past my shoulders now and I love it, but everyone says cut it short if you are not shaving, So the intent was to keep my long hair not just keep my hair. TY again I have plently of time to overthink it some more.


  • ab45
    ab45 Posts: 153
    edited February 2021

    Hi All

    Sending well wishes for chemo treatments tomorrow and upcoming. I have #2 tomorrow AC aka Red Devil. The mo said hair loss will come after treatment 2, hopefully we all will have managed side effects. Please let me know how you all are!

  • JN5000
    JN5000 Posts: 72
    edited February 2021

    Hi everyone!

    First AC treatment today. Went well during the drip except they had to slow down the C drip for me. I got heavy-headed. That feeling is still there, so a little headachy. Drinking tons, taking care of my mouth with baking soda/salt rinse. I already feel a couple sore spots on the roof of my mouth. I'm very prone to mouth sores, so I'm not surprised, but I didn't think they would happen so fast. Maybe it's not chemo -- not sure. I will call the nurse for a rinse they advised.

    I hope you all are doing okay! I love hearing from you and I read posts every day.

    Update: nurse said mouth sores are probably chemo related. They advised Claritin for the headache, and they sent in an RX for Magic Mouthwash. Looking forward to all the magic I can get!!

  • lw422
    lw422 Posts: 1,419
    edited February 2021

    Hey AB45. I hope your treatment goes well today. Thinking about you.

  • lw422
    lw422 Posts: 1,419
    edited February 2021

    JN5000--yay, one treatment done! Did you suck on ice chips during the treatment? I read that helps prevent mouth sores, so I did during my first Taxol. Everyone says AC is more harsh than Taxol, though. I hope your SE's are minimal; let us know how it goes this week.

    I have my second treatment tomorrow and my feelings are mixed. I simultaneously dread and look forward to it... I want to knock this damn cancer back! I'm hoping my upcoming treatments will be as easy as the first one; I did feel weird but had minimal SEs so far.

    I hope everyone is having a good week; check in and let us know.

  • JN5000
    JN5000 Posts: 72
    edited February 2021

    Hi LW422. I did suck on ice chips -- filled up my whole mouth for ten minutes. Nurse said that was only necessary during the A administration, so I stopped when the A was done. Maybe I should do more? I'm glad your first Taxol went well. I'll let you know if the Claritin and Magic Mouthwash help.

  • marinochka
    marinochka Posts: 90
    edited February 2021

    Dear All, asking for my friend who started chemo last week. She was told by her oncologist to get vaccinated.

    She is nervous to do it during active chemo treatment.

    What would you say? thank you.

  • ab45
    ab45 Posts: 153
    edited February 2021


    An eventful day, chemo 2 got postponed for mouth ulcers. They prescribed Klacks Solution and I try back for #2 on Wednesday next week, how r you holding up?

    Sending well wishes to all

  • ab45
    ab45 Posts: 153
    edited February 2021


    I think the covid vaccine is a personal decision. My MO has recommended to take the vaccination but it must be timed with chemo treatments. I can see both sides. I especially see the side for people, who are experiencing side effects from chemo and not wanting anymore additional side effects.

    Best of luck to your friend

  • lw422
    lw422 Posts: 1,419
    edited February 2021

    Hey AB45. Aw, sorry to hear about the mouth ulcers. I had to miss last week's treatment because of the winter storm in Houston; I'm having my second treatment tomorrow. I asked my doctor if missing a week would be a problem and he said if there was any effect it would be negligible.

    I noticed tonight in the shower that my hair is beginning to shed. I have dreaded this so much but reality bites.

    Take care and I hope your mouth heals and doesn't cause you any pain.

  • ab45
    ab45 Posts: 153
    edited February 2021


    Thank you and you also. I relate to the hair so much, struggling with hair shedding as I speak! Good luck tomorrow, please let me know how it goes, hopefully smoothly

  • Jvfireball
    Jvfireball Posts: 56
    edited February 2021

    AB45 - So sorry for the delay and for the mouth frustrating and painful I am sure...prayers to feeling better and back on schedule.

    LW22 - Thank you for sharing about your hair loss....I am trying to fortune tell and keep it as long as possible but at the same time shave before my long red hair starts coming out in clumps.

    Praying for everyone, have my first round yesterday "TC" went okay. mild side effects, tingling, red skin/flushed, slight headache. I got tired sooner than I thought but all manageable.

    Grateful for this group and all of you amazing women...Praying for all of us.


  • ab45
    ab45 Posts: 153
    edited February 2021


    Thank you, painful but this mouthwash is magic for sure, sending positivity your way

  • marinochka
    marinochka Posts: 90
    edited February 2021

    thank you so much for you opinion, AB45, it is important to understand and be aware of.

    I wish you all easy chemo (on side effects) and the best results !

    Stay safe, get better!

  • lw422
    lw422 Posts: 1,419
    edited February 2021

    Hello everyone. I made an appointment with my hairdresser; she is going to stay late on Saturday so I can get my "pixie cut" and no one else will be in the salon. I just can't do a buzz cut or shaved head. I know we all dread this part of treatment; just one sucky thing after another.

    I want to ask you all about something that happened is bothering me. Near the end of my treatment when the saline was done after taxol, I was looking for my shoes and noticed a puddle on the floor under the IV stand. I was freaking out, wondering if my bag of Taxol (or whatever) somehow leaked out instead of going into my port.

    I asked the nurse about it and he said it was saline; that he must not have connected the saline drip correctly. I said, "how can you tell, they are both clear?" He said that the Taxol has a strong smell and we would know if that had leaked. So I put my shoes on and left, wondering what the hell happened. I told my husband that I should have asked for a supervisor or something, but I don't want to cause trouble for that nurse; he was very nice.

    My husband made this point... there should have been NOTHING on the floor, not even saline.

    However, now I don't know for sure whether I had a full treatment or what. I feel fine and not "woozy" like I did with the first treatment. I know that there's no way to know how much Taxol I got and they wouldn't re-administer it anyway, not knowing what actually happened. Should I just forget it?

  • lw422
    lw422 Posts: 1,419
    edited February 2021

    Oh, I forgot to say that I iced my hands and feet, and sucked on crushed ice during the Taxol. I haven't had any tingling or signs of neuropathy or mouth sores but I want to avoid those if possible. Also would like to keep my fingernails and toenails!! Anyone else icing?

  • JN5000
    JN5000 Posts: 72
    edited February 2021

    AB45: So glad the mouthwash helped!!

    LW422: What method did you use to ice your hands and feet? My cancer center doesn't offer anything, so I'll need to bring in my own bags (or whatever receptacle works best). I will have 12 weeks of Taxol after the AC.

  • lw422
    lw422 Posts: 1,419
    edited February 2021

    JN5000--I bought the icing socks from Amazon for my feet; they worked great and stayed cold the entire time. I didn't buy the icing gloves, but I froze 2 bottled waters and held them as much as I could. I laid one bottle down next to each leg and held my hands on them while watching a movie. (I had to put a paper towel between the bottle and my hand; those things were really cold.)

    The drawback to the frozen water bottles is that they are heavy. I bought a small Coleman lunchbox size cooler, and it was perfect for the socks and 2 bottles of water. Everything stayed frozen solid even though my treatment was delayed by a few hours, but it was heavy to lug around with those bottles.

    So I've decided that I will buy the icing gloves from Amazon after all. I originally thought they'd be annoying since I can't use my phone or ipad with them on, but I didn't use my phone much anyway. Some people use bags of frozen peas for icing, but I don't think they stay frozen long enough. I think if you carried a couple of ziplock bags to treatment, you could probably get the nurse to fill them with ice for you, which would be a good solution.

  • Jvfireball
    Jvfireball Posts: 56
    edited February 2021


    I would put a call into your oncologist right away. Explain your concerns. Perhaps there is a blood test that can determine the dose you received. Either way he/she needs to know so they have the most accurate information. That said try not to go down a rabbit hole you don't need to.

    Praying for peace and not worry!


  • Jvfireball
    Jvfireball Posts: 56
    edited February 2021


    Also I decided not to do anything with my hair yet. It's long, and I am trying to save the length, not just the hair. So once it starts coming cut is the current plan, but for now....let it fly in the wind. Who knew this would be one of the hardest parts of this journey.


  • lw422
    lw422 Posts: 1,419
    edited February 2021

    Julie--I notified my MO about the puddle, making it clear that I just wanted it documented and consider it a closed issue. I just want him to be aware, since I'm sure there is nothing to be done. I must have gotten at least some Taxol because I've got the "metallic" taste in my mouth today.

    I know the hair thing is a big deal for most of us, and we each have to handle it our own way. I have shoulder-length hair but it is seriously shedding and everywhere, so it's time to shorten it. I don't want to get the "sore head" from stressed hair follicles that some posters have had but I cannot buzz cut. Just can't.

  • lw422
    lw422 Posts: 1,419
    edited February 2021

    Got my "boy haircut" today. Big ole' sissy tears when she made the first cut. I hate cancer.

  • Maddy83f
    Maddy83f Posts: 78
    edited February 2021

    LW422 - Cancer most definitely sucks! And it is not fair that you are going thru this now. I am 13 months out from having my head shaved while one of my best friends held my hand. I was advised by a friend to not feel pressured to look in the mirror - it took me a couple of days before I saw my reflection. i had ordered caps from - I had thought I would want/need more hats/caps then I did. I preferred just the plain cotton cap - I never ended up wearing my wig - I tried the halo once but with the quarantine I found no need to dress up. About a month after chemo I remember feeling the wind in my hair for the first time - it was amazing! I know right now is really tough - but you can do this!

  • CAWR
    CAWR Posts: 13
    edited February 2021

    I feel you LW422. Shaved my head yesterday because I was shedding all over like a long haired cat in July. I'm pretty grumpy, and annoyed that I feel grumpy about it.

  • lw422
    lw422 Posts: 1,419
    edited February 2021

    Thanks Maddy and CAWR. I think it's just that it seems that cancer is taking everything away from me, and it makes me so sad. My whole life right now is just doing things I never wanted to do. So I'll just have this stupid pity-party before I pull my big-girl panties back on. I know it's just hair and it will (probably) grow back someday, but it's still a big deal to me. Nothing says "cancer patient" like having no hair and eyebrows, and I just HATE THAT so much.

  • JN5000
    JN5000 Posts: 72
    edited February 2021

    We're with you, LW422. The reality of the next months is starting to get real to me -- starting to feel the trauma. Letting it come, letting it go. Not sure what I'll do with my hair once it starts shedding. I got a short cut a few weeks ago to start the process and dyed it bright blue. I'm tired of the blue now -- maybe that'll make it easier to lose it. The eyebrows are the real issue to me, too -- and eyelashes. I bought some brow stuff to see if I'll be able to do anything remotely wearable -- I'm not a makeup person, so I'm not holding out hope, but I'll give it a shot. Luckily I have glasses that go up to my brow -- maybe hide it a bit more. This really is one minute at a time.

  • lw422
    lw422 Posts: 1,419
    edited February 2021

    JN5000--on one hand, I hate being such a whiner, but on the other hand... we all have these feelings so we might as well share them. I think it helps some of us to know that others are equally devastated by hair loss or whatever cancer is taking from us at this particular time. I'm seeing pink scalp where I used to have such thick hair, and I'm just sad about it.

    I'm not a makeup person either, especially for the last year or so. Why bother when we're all wearing masks? So I suppose I'll try to draw some eyebrows, or maybe I'll just let my glasses "disguise" the fact that mine are gone. Today I just feel defeated.