Come join others currently navigating treatment in our weekly Zoom Meetup! Register here: Tuesdays, 1pm ET.

Starting Chemo February 2021



  • marie914
    marie914 Posts: 152
    edited March 2021

    LW422 - My heart rate really increased but with Taxotere Cytoxan TC. The last infusion it stayed high for about 3 weeks. It is now normal and has been for over a month. My last chemo was January 8.

  • lw422
    lw422 Posts: 1,419
    edited March 2021

    Hi, Marie. Thanks for that; I had read several people's posts about an increase in their heart rate so I know it is not uncommon. I'm glad that yours has returned to normal now.

  • lw422
    lw422 Posts: 1,419
    edited March 2021

    Hello everyone and happy Monday. I'm hoping that all of you have an easy time of it this week; we are doing this one day at a time! Tomorrow I have Taxol #7, and I have a visit with my oncologist. Then on Wednesday I have an ultrasound and an appointment with the surgical oncologist... gulp. I'm really nervous about the US... what if the chemo isn't working?? Ugh, the anxiety is never-ending.

    And of course the visit with the surgeon makes the mastectomy a reality. Somehow I kept that tucked away but apparently it's going to happen whether I want it to or not. CANCER SUCKS.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,856
    edited March 2021


    Going through Chemotherapy?

    Come be with others just starting or in the process of chemotherapy in a relaxing, confidential and supportive virtual environment. This will be a recurring meeting.

    To Register, download the Zoom app and click the link below.

    When: Every Tuesday 01:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

    Register in advance for this meeting (if you register once you will not need to register for future meetings):

    After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

    See you then!

  • mslo100
    mslo100 Posts: 6
    edited March 2021

    Hi Peeps,

    I have the Zoom and have used it often for work. Every time I try to use the link above,I get a message saying "page not found" I'd love to attend a meeting. Can anyone help?

  • ab45
    ab45 Posts: 153
    edited April 2021


    I hope all went ok today and this week,hugs

  • ab45
    ab45 Posts: 153
    edited April 2021

    HI AllBawling

    Finished my last Ac today, nauseous feeling have started already...sending positive vibes to all and hope u all are hanging in there, please post an update...I will give an update in a few days...

    Sending Positivity

  • JN5000
    JN5000 Posts: 72
    edited April 2021

    Hi AB45! I know you feel like hell right now, but YOU DID IT!! Congratulations!!! You are already done with day 1 -- no more AC day 1's!! I hope these next few days go quickly for you. I'm sending tons of positive vibes and I'm looking forward to hearing an update in a few days. You'll come through the other side stronger than ever!!

    LW422 I hope the US went well and that you had a good appointment with your surgical oncologist. I hope you like your doctor and that you feel confident in their skills. One step at a time.

    Everyone -- sending positive vibes your way, too. I hope the week has gone okay and that treatments are doing what they need to do.


  • lw422
    lw422 Posts: 1,419
    edited April 2021

    AB45--yaaaaas, girl! Way to go! I hope you have minimal side effects from the last of the "Red Devil." So proud of you!

  • lw422
    lw422 Posts: 1,419
    edited April 2021

    Jennie--I totally forgot to update my mini-drama this week.

    I met with my oncologist yesterday and in the course of the conversation, I asked why I was having the ultrasound Wednesday. He looked puzzled and said, "I haven't scheduled any ultrasound." So I showed him MyChart with the appointment and he said it wasn't time for that; it will be scheduled after I finish Taxol and was likely a "scheduling error". :mad:The appointment with the surgical oncologist will also be postponed until that time.

    I believe the surgeon scheduled that scan; it was coincidental to the appointment with her. I also think my oncologist was pissed; he got a bit terse (not toward me) when he said he'd take care of it and there "will be no appointments tomorrow."

    I'm really glad I mentioned that to him. Nothing like having a pointless, expensive scan that no one needs at this point. [IMG] So I wasted a couple of perfectly good days having hysterics for nothing.

  • ab45
    ab45 Posts: 153
    edited April 2021


    Scananxiety as I like 2 call it, is certainly a money trap with all these scans ..I know they are necessary but boy do the medical bills rack up..another topic for another day, glad u got it all straight...the night before , taxol on your first one, did you have to take several steroid pills? I've been told this is to hopefully prevent serious allergic reactions,????

  • ab45
    ab45 Posts: 153
    edited April 2021


    You making out ok?

  • JN5000
    JN5000 Posts: 72
    edited April 2021

    Hi AB45. I'm glad to hear from you -- that means you're getting through it and that is inspiring. I'm doing okay but this last one was really hard. My concern is that #4 will be harder. I know I can do it -- I have no choice -- but I'm kind of scared. This time my gums and teeth are bad. Lots of swelling and bleeding. No mouth sores, just bad gums. They bleed if I just touch them. The swelling went into my eustachian tubes and far back past my jaws. Very hard to brush my teeth, which adds to the problem. I have an appointment with my dentist the day before my final AC treatment -- by then I expect the swelling will be better and he'll be able to clean my teeth and do whatever else might help. Maybe a fluroride treatment? I'm not sure. Anyway I feel a lot better with that dentist appointment. The surfaces of my teeth are really sensitive. I think from the effects of dry mouth. And nosebleeds. My membranes just took a real hit this time. Nausea also came earlier -- like it seems it did with you. I got nauseated already sitting in the chemo chair. I'm going to send my MO a note, ask if they need to change anything during chemo so that I don't get nauseated that soon. Maybe I'll take Phenergan before treatment instead of after. I'm also more exhausted this time -- it's day 10 and I'm still on the couch. I get winded really quickly. I decided that this is harder than climbing Everest -- seriously. It wouldn't make a great Netflix series, but it would show the human spirit and will to overcome better than any climb into the death zone. My push for the summit begins in 6 days. And I will get there and I will make it back down. Smile

    How are you doing?


  • ab45
    ab45 Posts: 153
    edited April 2021

    Hi JN5000

    I am sorry you are going through this, I had similar experiences with #3. It took me almost 2 weeks to feel almost functional. I also am having trouble with dry mouth and nose and got nose sores. I felt short winded and still do. I get hit with exhaustion about day 4 or 5 after chemo. Everything you mentioned with the expection of bleeding gums. I was so nervous at my last Ac chemo on Wednesday, I felt like my body could handle no more, I completely relate to your will get through#4..tough but the last one to hopefully never go thru Ac again!

    Sending virtual hugs!!

  • lw422
    lw422 Posts: 1,419
    edited April 2021

    AB45--no; I haven't had to take steroid pills but I get a "pre-med" dose of steroid through my port before the Taxol.

    Some people have problems with the steroid, especially trouble sleeping, but I have not. I do get a "steroid face", a bit of puffiness, but nothing that causes me any concern. I'm truly hoping that your Taxol experience will be as easy as mine has been. I'm so glad you are done with AC! You DID IT!

  • lw422
    lw422 Posts: 1,419
    edited April 2021

    Jennie--I'm so sorry you are suffering; those mouth issues sound terrible. I have to ask, does your MO know you are going to the dentist? My oncologist had me go for a dental checkup before I started chemo; he said I would not be able to have any dental work after chemo started. We are more susceptible to infection with chemo, and some of our body fluids can be toxic to others... so make sure your dentist knows you are having chemo.

    I hope they can come up with something to make you feel better. Hang in there!! Virtual hugs to you.

    I have read that there is a "lifetime maximum dose" of AC, so hopefully once we have all been through that hell, we'll never have to do that again! I am most concerned about heart damage from it and it terrifies me. I have 5 more weeks of Taxol before my AC; I hope y'all will be around to hold my hand when I start!!

    I hope everyone else in the group is hanging in there and doing OK. Hugs to all.

  • JN5000
    JN5000 Posts: 72
    edited April 2021

    Hi all. Thanks for the virtual hugs!! They are much appreciated.

    I love my dentist -- a really nice guy. His office really accommodated me. The dentist is contacting my MO to work with her. Unfortunately my MO didn't recommend seeing the dentist before all of this started, but I had read online that I should do it -- I wish I had. Anyway, I'm glad it happens this coming week.

    LW422 -- will you get an echocardiogram before you start AC? I got one the day before AC started, and I have a followup echo the week after the last AC. I loved getting the echo -- the tech took me through all the images as he performed the US. I expressed my anxiety and he was very reassuring. My heart looked good plus my age (55), size, and having no comorbidities vastly reduced the likelihood of any heart trouble. He had stats for me, which helped. He only performs echos for people who are getting Adriamycin. He also said that if damage is done, there are "things they can do about it" which is vague but positive. I hope this info helps. I'm looking forward to the final echo though -- I'm not worried per se, but it is another uncertainty that will be good to set to rest.

    My MO's office said if I feel nauseated during chemo treatment to let the nurse know -- they can do something when it happens. It's funny I didn't say something last time when it happened -- it just felt like once the drips started, no changes could be made. It's good to know, however, that changes can be made even in the middle of the treatment itself. I just need to speak up. A relief.

    Also, I am now lactose intolerant at least temporarily. Avoiding dairy has made a big difference -- much less discomfort. I had no trouble with lactose prior to AC, but there it is. This will help for AC #4.

    Virtual hugs to all!!


  • lw422
    lw422 Posts: 1,419
    edited April 2021

    Hey Jennie. Yes, I had a echocardiogram and an EKG with all my other pre-chemo tests and scans. I have heart PVCs (extra heartbeats) that were diagnosed in 2019 by my cardiologist; they are nothing to worry about but with chemo I worry about everything!!

    I love my dentist, too... and especially love my dental hygienist. When I saw her before chemo, she told me that she had just recovered from breast cancer, a double mastectomy, and reconstruction! Not only that, she worked almost the entire time... even during AC and Taxol. Talking with her went a very long way with helping my peace of mind. (I had not seen her in nearly 17 months due to the stupid Covid mess.) She came into the office on her day off so that she could clean my teeth and talk to me, and I will never forget her kindness.

  • btsot7
    btsot7 Posts: 5
    edited April 2021

    hello y’all!

    I read a lot on the forums but never posted so I thought I’d weigh in on a few things while I’m sitting at my infusion center getting my 4th round of TCHP.

    I get treatments every 3 weeks and all my SE happen like clockwork. Week one comes stomach cramps and diarrhea and inability to eat or drink much so I would lose about 6lbs. Week two I would get awful pimples on my face and head and scalp would be super itchy. I would still get diarrhea on week two. Week three I’m feeling normal again and food will start tasting better and I gain necessary weight back. Then I would start all over again.

    I am cold capping and it’s been great. I have a couple of bald spots but it’s covered up well and no one can tell I have cancer. This is partly due to still learning how to properly fit the cold caps during my frost session. My breast surgeon saw me two days ago and asked if it was my real hair. He said I should be a poster child for Penguin cold caps.

    And as for the COVID vaccine. I was lucky to get my first dose of Moderna 3 weeks prior to starting treatment. My second dose was scheduled exactly a week after my first infusion. My MO told me I should get it. Both shots had the same SE. I had chills, fever, and a sore arm which was difficult to raise. But compared to chemo SE, it was all manageable.

    Hopesome of this info helps :)

  • lw422
    lw422 Posts: 1,419
    edited April 2021

    Hello btsot7 and welcome. Glad you decided to join the group! Sorry you're having a tough time with TCHP and thanks for sharing your experience. How great that the cold-cap is working for you; hair loss is one of the most devastating parts of this treatment IMO. Nothing screams "CANCER PATIENT" like a bald head and no eyebrows!!

  • yuggadugga
    yuggadugga Posts: 2
    edited April 2021

    Hi I am just joining also. Newly diagnosed in March 2021 and preparing for chemo soon. Just had port placed a few days ago. I will be on the AC-T train. Lots running through my head and I am truly inspired by reading your posts. I hope we can all give each other added strength and support to beat our cancer. I may not be full of many tips and words of advice but I’m fighting with all of you!!!

  • lw422
    lw422 Posts: 1,419
    edited April 2021

    Hello yuggadugga and sorry to hear of your diagnosis. Glad you decided to join us; we all need to support each other and it helps to share our experience. My very best wishes to you as you begin treatment; I know it's scary but you'll do fine. Keep us updated!

  • JN5000
    JN5000 Posts: 72
    edited April 2021

    Hey Yuggadugga. I'm also on the AC-T train. One more AC, then onto T. My only recommendation before you start is to get your supplies together so that you'll have whatever you need when you need it. At least that's been helpful for me. AB45 and I have both listed items on this thread, and there are other lists available elsewhere on the site. And try not to worry. You'll get through it. If you ever have any questions, please let me know -- I'm happy to help in any way I can.


  • lw422
    lw422 Posts: 1,419
    edited April 2021

    Hello everyone. I hope you all are doing OK this week. I've got Taxol #8 tomorrow and still feeling pretty good. I'm kind of tired today but if that's the worst then I'll take it!

    Jennie--I'm so happy you only have one more AC to go!!! You and AB45 are my heroes, and I hope you'll both recover from those nasty SEs soon.

    Good luck to all having treatments this week. Check in when you can and let us know how you are.

  • lw422
    lw422 Posts: 1,419
    edited April 2021

    How is everyone? AB45--how did the last AC go? I know you are thrilled to be done with that.

    I had Taxol today and so far, so good. Hang in there, everyone!

  • JN5000
    JN5000 Posts: 72
    edited April 2021

    LW422 -- glad to hear your next Taxol is so far, so good!! I hope it stays that way.

    I'm feeling great on my last couple days before the next AC, though the effects of the AC's is cumulative; it takes longer each time to recover. And at this point, I've developed a chemo rash on my hands and arms, torso, and some creases. Still waiting to hear about the best way to relieve the itching. AC effects keep surprising me.

    I hope the week is going well for everyone!!


  • JN5000
    JN5000 Posts: 72
    edited April 2021

    Hi all. I just wanted to give an update regarding some responses to AC reactions -- in case they might help someone.

    I went to the dentist because of gum swelling and bleeding and sensitive teeth. The dentist was able to do a thorough teeth cleaning (with okay from my MO) and he gave me a fluoride varnish for added protection. Instead of Magic Mouthwash, he recommended that I swish with Maalox. It's much cheaper, won't bother my teeth, and should be very soothing. I'll let you know. I was assured my teeth are going to make it -- I was much relieved.

    My itchy rash, which is like tiny empty blisters, partially covers the back of my hands up to my shoulders. Hydrocortisone 2.5% has been recommended. It does not resolve the rash, but helps with the itching a little bit.

    During the last infusion of AC, I became nauseated. My Mo has called in a prescription of Ativan for me. I'm to take one pill one hour prior to my infusion tomorrow. I'll let you know how that goes, too! I'm really glad I don't have to wait til I feel bad to get something for it.

    I hope everyone is having a good week!! Postive vibes to everyone.


  • ab45
    ab45 Posts: 153
    edited April 2021
    Hi All
    So glad to read all the updates! I am sending positive vibes to you all! We are all just trying to get thru :) it's nice to have people who get it but I hate anyone has to go thru one week today for me from the final Ac,o my gosh, it took me a week to feel half normal again, I am happy to say that I am 50% , I know it doesn't sound like much but I am thankful to have some energy back! I don't even want to think about taxol regimen but this too shall pass!!! Keep going, we will get through
  • lw422
    lw422 Posts: 1,419
    edited April 2021

    Jennie--I'm glad you got in to the dentist and feel better about your teeth. How weird to swish Maalox in the mouth! That's a new one on me and I hope it works for you. What does your doctor say about the rash? I had shingles in 2017, and the rash followed the nerve path from my shoulder down my arm to the base of my thumb. I think some people actually get shingles while on chemo... and I hope that's not what you have!! Hang in there, girl... you're doing great.

  • lw422
    lw422 Posts: 1,419
    edited April 2021

    Hey AB45. Glad you are feeling "almost" normal after your LAST AC!!! I'm so happy for you to be done with that. I think you'll find Taxol to be easy; at least I hope you will. I have had very few SEs and none of them serious.

    Today I have the red cheeks going on, but it will probably be gone by tomorrow. I notice that my blood numbers are dropping a little so I'm feeling a little tired.

    Take care and keep up the good work; the worst of the chemo is behind you now.