Starting Chemo February 2021
Please join us today to be with others just starting or in the process of chemotherapy in a relaxing, confidential and supportive virtual environment. (This will be a recurring meeting).
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When: Every Tuesday 01:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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Hope to see you soon.
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Hello everyone. What a crummy day I had today; I missed my chemo treatment because my doctor sent me to the "Acute Care Facility". Yesterday I was having weird pains in my right side that I thought might be kidney or liver pain, so naturally I freaked myself out. When I got to my doctor's office this morning and told them, they sent me to the ACF where I spent the entire day getting lab work and a CT scan. The good news is that they didn't find anything "life threatening" and no suspected mets. The bad news is they have no idea what caused the pain and I missed my chemo for this week. Dang.
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Good morning all-
I hope this week finds you all feeling strong and healthy. I am midway between treatments 2 and 3 of Taxotere and Cytoxan. Treatment one brought all of the side effects- sore throat, foggy brain, bloody nose, migraine, diarrhea, body aches, mouth sores ... you name it. I followed a lot of the advice regarding mitigating side effects for round 2, and honestly, I had basically no side effects. I got a little foggy but not terrible at all ... I had one day when my stomach was not right for about 2-3 hours, but other than that, I have felt really good. Obviously I am not complaining, but I'm wondering if this is normal or if anyone has experienced this before. I'm actually scared that round 3 will give me a double whammy since round two gave me almost nothing.
Just to let you know what I did differently this time, I will list the advice I followed:
I took my Claritin (an RX I have but really never used) religiously and even doubled up on the dosage in the days just before chemo
I used ONLY Biotene (no more messing around with Crest or any other toothpastes) paste and rinse and kept a bottle of salt water mixed with peroxide and baking soda (I also added one tiny drop of peppermint oil which is said to help with mouth sores but also just gave my mouth a slight minty feeling which was nice) with my toothbrush and alternated rinsing with that and the Biotene almost every time I stepped foot in the bathroom.
I took Advil the 2-3 mornings after chemo to avoid the body aches
I took a probiotic which may (or may not) have helped with the stomach issues.
All of that was information I found on this site in the blog posts (thank you, thank you thank you).
Ok ... must get back to work ... have a beautiful day, and remember, "We can do hard things." (Glennon Doyle)
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hello again everyone!
Hope you are all as well as you can be. I wanted to ask if anyone’s been feeling nauseous few weeks out from chemo day? I am 4/6 treatments and today is 2 weeks out from my last chemo day and I’m still feeling nauseous. I don’t want to be taking anti nausea meds every single day. Is anyone feeling this way?
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btsot7--so sorry you are having nausea. I haven't had any, but I'm on Taxol right now. I suppose I'd just take the nausea medication as long as necessary, though. My best to you; I hope you feel better soon.
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Hi btsot7. Have you checked with your MO for new options for nausea? They might have something that'll work better for you. I recently had a similar complaint -- nauseated when I didn't think I should be -- and I got a different prescription that's worked out for me. I hope you get relief soon.
AC update: I'm day 9 of my final AC treatment. Each AC cycle brings blood count numbers down further in the nadir. This week I was lightheaded, racing heart, tired. They checked my numbers -- very, very low red and white blood cell counts. Given that and the racing heart, they started me on antibiotics just in case I'm fighting an infection. The last AC is trying to kick my butt. Hoping the Udenyca kicks in fast and gets my numbers up. Meanwhile, I'm so glad I'm done with the AC.
I hope everyone's having a good week. Keep on going!
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hello JN500
I did contact my MO and they prescribed Ativan but it doesn’t do much and it doesn’t even make me sleepy, although I wish it did. I’m seeing her next week so I’ll bring it up again.Also, my I thought my blood counts were low as well, but everyone tells me that it’s the hemoglobin that matters, not so much the RBC and WBC. Congrats on being done!
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Jennie--congrats on finishing the "red devil!" Did your MO consider a blood transfusion for you? I know a couple of people who have had them and felt 100% better almost immediately.
I'm still annoyed that I missed chemo this week.
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Hi LW442 and btsot7.
I'm sorry that you missed the treatment this week, LW442. For all of the difficulty, it feels good just getting them done and out of the way. Sorry about that!!
We're all hoping that the Udenyca shot will get my numbers up again by tomorrow -- if not, then they'll consider transfusion. I'm keeping fingers crossed that the Udenyca gets moving quick.
btsot7 -- I"m sorry Ativan didn't work for you. Ativan is what they prescribed for me when the Phenergan/Zofran wasn't doing the trick. I don't think I could've sat in the chemo chair the last AC treatment without it -- I definitely had anticipatory nausea which was a real indication of how nervous I was getting that last treatment. I hope there are more options out there for you.
Here's to a good evening and a better tomorrow!!
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Hello All
Sounds like you all are in the thick of it but hoping you all get to a clearing soon. I am sorry that any of us have to go through this! It sucks anytime they push back chemo...I started bi weekly taxol this week and the joint pain is no joke! I especially feel it in my hips but so far much better than AC, hope you all have better days ahead and start 2 feel better
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Good Morning Friends!!!
I haven't been on here in a week or so and I have missed checking in on you all and hearing about your journeys. Full transparency I am in a bit of a funk. I finished round three of TC and have one more to go next week. Normal SE but I think I was just feeling over it all. The closer the end gets the further it seems. I have been doing chemo since Feb but with Radiation and the rest of everything I won't finish until the first of July and likely not feel well until the first part of August Then I have to wait several months to have my exchange surgery. Just seems like a long time away still. But I am blessed with amazing family and friends who keep me going.
So I have been reading up and a lot of you are in the thick of things. Even though I was absent I was praying for all of you strong ladies! One day at a time...sometimes an hour at a time...
Be well
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Hello all. Another week rolls around! AB45--I'm glad Taxol is easier for you than the AC and I hope it gets even easier.
Julie--glad you checked in. Most of us understand the "funk;" I have had a few of those myself. (Scattered between meltdowns and blubbering.) My chemo schedule will wind up about the same time... in July. Then I will be facing my mastectomy which is something I keep putting out of my head; I really don't want to think about that.
My first reaction to breast cancer was "take them off!!!" Of course that was fear and emotion, but the reality of being mutilated is hard to think about. I don't plan on any reconstruction and want to get it over with as soon as possible. Not sure how I will manage the "uni-boob" thing, either. So we'll see how this plays out. I'm just glad I have you all to lean on!
Have a good week, all. And let us hear how you are doing.
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LW422, Thanks lady. i missed ya. Ya the funk is what we all have, plus work was actually crazy busy so added time on the computer wasn't all that exciting either. I had to say Good bye to Thelma and Luise in January, Cancer in both breasts so they had to go. I am having names are Cagney and just want me to wait 4-6 months after radiation before swapping out the TE with the new girls...
AB45, I am so glad you are done with AC, praying Taxol is much easier to tolerate. Way to go getting through the first half....ROCKSTAR. Hope the hip pain doesn't last all the time.
Jennie, so glad you had your last AC treatment!!!! You are a ROCKSTAR like AB45!!!!
Be well...Julie
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I think we have all had those funk days, someone told me today, well your chemo will be over in late May, I wanted to throat punch them lol, every day feels like a lifetime...I think about how far we all have came since February..our fears...unpredictability...our struggles...and I came up we are all STRONG and complete warriors...I know we don't feel like it but dang it, we is okay to have those funk days but just remember there is a rainbow after a storm and soon our rainbow will be here, prayers to you all
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Julie--love the pink hat, pretty girl. How funny that I was also calling my boobs "Thelma and Louise." I'm really pissed at Thelma and she's gotta go. Poor ole' Louise is just guilty by association.
AB45--don't go throat-punching people and get hauled off to jail!! I had a nurse last week stick me SIX TIMES for an IV so I know all about wanting to punch someone. I sure hope we all get that rainbow after all the crap we have to shovel. Hugs and prayers back to you.
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AB45, I recommend avoiding jail but if you're gonna do it.. a throat punch is highly effective....LOL
LW422, Thank you.....Gotta smile through the tears sometimes....but still smile.
Also this applies to us all....a friend sent me a message and said, "Just because someone carries it well doesn't mean it isn't heavy". I loved it and we can all claim that one!!!
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Julie--maybe they won't arrest AB45 if she plays "The Card."
That's a great message from your friend; I might have to steal it. (Reminds me that my mother used to say "just because you can get it on does not mean it FITS." HAHA)
I like the new names, "Cagney and Lacey." At my age if I had reconstruction I'd end up with "Grace and Frankie."
I had Taxol #9 today; it was uneventful and I'm going to have some strawberry ice cream to celebrate. It cheeses me that this should have been #11 but the stupid Texas winter storm caused me to miss one, and my visit to "acute care" for nothing last week caused me to skip another. GRRRRR
Hope everyone is hanging in there; report in, please.
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MikeysMom925 (Dawn)--I must apologize. I thought I had responded to your helpful post of April 14 but I guess I got distracted (happens a lot lately). Anyway, thanks for sharing your experience and those helpful hints for the rest of us. I hope those tips you shared will continue to make your treatments easier. I'm on a different chemo but I love hearing what others do to mitigate SEs!!
Hoping that you are continuing to do well, and I'm really sorry I didn't respond before now to your post.
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Hi all. I've really enjoyed reading your last posts. The honesty, the humor, the struggles, the warrior attitude. I'm with you!! I particularly appreciated this quote: "Just because someone carries it well doesn't mean it isn't heavy". That's the truth.
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LW422, Play that card all the time and for what ever it's worth!!! LOL
we use it jokingly but why not. We can always go bail AB45 out if need be!!
Sorry you are two weeks behind in the series. Left hand not talking to the right hand delayed me by a week too. Very frustrating and mentally draining when we get something in our head about timing.
That's hilarious about "Gracie and Frank". When I started telling people Thelma and Louise had to go one of my friends asked what the new names would be. Stumped me for a minute because I hadn't considered it. So after some thought I said if they are perky and firm they will be Cagney and Lacey, and if they are kinda frumpy then they with be Lavern and Shirley.....LOL
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Jennie, We are all walking different paths and different struggles, but we are also all on the same path and journey. The laughter, honesty, transparency and unity helps us all.
I am really glad you liked that quote, it meant a lot to me when I read it after she sent it.
Be well
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Hey there, Jennie. I'm glad you checked in; how are you doing this week? I totally agree that we all need to share everything about this horrible "journey" so that others who follow this unwanted path can see that it's certainly an emotional roller coaster.
On another thread I posted early on about how anxious, sad, terrified, etc. I was feeling and then apologized for whining. Several forum veterans jumped on to tell me to never apologize and to KEEP SHARING. People need to know that this cancer thing isn't all a walk in the park, so we need to post our honest feelings both ups and downs. Somehow it is a little comforting to read that others are going through the very same hell and came out of it scared but still standing!!
I hope more of our "Chemo Class of February 2021" will show up again to let us know how things are progressing for them.
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Julie--HAHA! I never thought I'd be "that person" who whips out The Card, but to my surprise I have already done it a few times without apology.
And "LOL" at Laverne and Shirley!! I'm terrified I'd get more of an Abbott and Costello result... one big and fluffy with the long skinny sidekick.
I though I'd mention this to anyone who might be interested. Before treatment I used to take melatonin occasionally for helping me fall asleep, so I decided to do some googling (I know... I know) and see if there might be any impact on chemo drugs if I took it occasionally. Low and behold I find a ton of articles about Metatonin's POSSIBLE help with preventing/treating peripheral neuropathy. Whaaaa??
So yesterday I asked my MO if I could take it (he wants EVERY OTC med and supplement on my record). He said it would be OK and to start with a low dose. He made no comment about possible help for neuropathy which I understand is not a scientific fact at this time. So I figure why the hell not give it a go?
At this point I am happy to report that I have no signs of neuropathy in my hands or my feet, and my nails look great so far. I have been icing my hands, feet, and sucking ice chips during Taxol and can't say whether it actually helps or if I am just one of the lucky ones who don't get neuropathy. That said, I have added a low-dose melatonin (gummy, lol) to my daily routine at bedtime. I have absolutely no idea whether I'll benefit from it, but it does help me fall asleep!
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Hi all.
I'm doing okay LW442. AC really sucks. I'm glad I'm done with it, but it's not done with me quite yet. I start Taxol tomorrow -- depending on my numbers. Adriamycin really brought my numbers down this time. I've been on the couch all day every day since the 8th except for today. Today I was able to water the houseplants (poor things!! - not quite getting my attention) and clean the kitchen a little bit, move the watering hose around outside a few times, but that's it. I was hoping for a few good days before Taxol, and I began to doubt myself: am I tired because I stay down all day, or am I down all day because I'm tired. I figured out today that I'd be up and active if I had energy, so that's good. Although I've heard that some people have no problem with Adriamycin, even sitting through one infusion of chemo makes whoever does it a true and absolute warrior. I'm reluctant to claim titles for myself, but I'm going to take this one. We're all warriors.
I hope for good days for the rest of the week for all of us!
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Jennie--I'm sorry you aren't feeling better going into Taxol. I'm dreading AC but Taxol has been a walk in the park for me. I was so afraid of chemo but I have had minimal SEs and have honestly felt "normal" through 8 Taxol infusions so far. I hope that it will be easy for you, too. I recommend icing your hands and feet, and sucking on ice chips during infusion; anything to avoid neuropathy and nail damage. I think sucking ice chips has kept me from having that "everything tastes weird" SE; I haven't had any mouth issues at all.
I know those houseplants are grateful for a drink!! And girl, you are definitely a warrior.
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Hey AB45. How are you feeling today?
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Some joint pain, and a little cough but I think that is from the pollen..still a little short winded but I think that is normal after walking or doing alot...Taxol is easier than ac so are you?
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AB45--I'm glad the Taxol is easier for you; hang in there! I'm feeling pretty good; I haven't had any serious SEs at all, thank goodness. I'm sure that will all change when I start AC!!
Hope you have a nice weekend.