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August 2021 Surgeries

lw422 Posts: 1,419

Yes, this thread is a little early... but I just got my surgery date of August 23 and thought I'd get the ball rolling. I'm having a single mastectomy (right side), 2 levels of lymph nodes removed, and the lymphovenous bypass procedure in hopes that I can avoid lymphedema. I understand that taking 2 levels of lymph nodes is SOP for IBC patients, whether they show cancer or not. :sad:

I dread the surgery and it makes me sad to think of the "uniboob," but in a way it will be a relief to get the traitorous breast removed. I've got lots of studying to do about preparing for surgery and caring for myself afterward.

If you have an August 2021 surgery scheduled, please report in and let's get the party started. :biggrin:



  • Spalermo111
    Spalermo111 Posts: 7
    edited July 2021

    Hi there! My surgery is scheduled for August 3rd. I am getting a double mastectomy and 2 lymph nodes removed. To me this was an easy decision, my mom died after. 3 year battle at the young age of 43. I am 36, and have 3 little ones at home! Take both my boobies, they serve me no purpose anymore! I will also be getting reconstruction with expanders at time of mastectomy. I did some research and am super confident in my team, so let me know if you have any questions. Also, I can report back after my surgery to let you know how it went. Good luck with everything.

  • lw422
    lw422 Posts: 1,419
    edited July 2021

    Hello there Spalermo111! I'm sorry you have to go through this at such a young age; I am post-menopausal so not interested in any reconstruction at this point in life. I will be interested in how your surgery goes so report in to this thread with updates.

  • lw422
    lw422 Posts: 1,419
    edited July 2021

    Apparently my August 23 surgery schedule is a done deal. MyChart is cluttered with all kinds of consultations and appointments for chest x-ray, Covid testing, etc. during August. I will meet my PS for the first time; looking forward to hearing about his aesthetic flat closure and the lymphovenous bypass microsurgery. I don't know if he can provide any success rates for the bypass but I've got a million questions for him.

    Anyone else got an August date yet?

  • Mp1965
    Mp1965 Posts: 2
    edited July 2021

    august 6 date for mastectomy - right side. I'm 56 so considering a massive reduction of left side and let it all be from there. I don't really want to go through implant at this point. I'm curious about how you know about lymph nodes removal. My surgeon told me she will take the one node that my breast goes to first and bisect it to see if cancer is there and then go from there. I'm confused about everything. Also I have requested to have ps do reduction at same time- said not typical but he would. I just don't want to go in for more surgery than necessary. I'm just now five years out from colon cancer so this isn't my first rodeo but it sure feels different.

  • lw422
    lw422 Posts: 1,419
    edited July 2021

    Hello MP 1965. Most people don't know for certain how many lymph nodes will need to be removed until the surgery. What is seen on scans can often be different once they begin to remove them; they will possibly find many more cancerous nodes than initially suspected.

    In my case, I have IBC and the standard of care requires that 2 levels of lymph nodes are removed. I really HATE that but it goes with the unlucky card I drew.

    Have you had chemo yet? I'm having chemo before surgery and will be done with it on July 29; then the wait for surgery on August 23.

  • Cepho
    Cepho Posts: 2
    edited July 2021

    Hi, 60 yr old, received a dx on July 7 from two lumpectomies. I had had 4 torturous needle biopsies in April which came back as pre-cancerous for the left breast but had to wait two months because the sites got infected and turned into 2-inch wide gaping wounds that had to heal before the BS would do a lumpectomy (he didn't do the needle biopsies).

    One lumpectomy came back IDC with clear margins except one side and he was saying we could do another lumpectomy with radiation when I reminded him that I had already maxed out radiation to my chest when I was treated for Hodgkin's Disease (lymphoma - cancer of the lymph system) in 1992 (6 weeks chest/neck radiation followed by 4 weeks abdominal radiation) so mastectomy here I come!

    I've already decided to get a double mastectomy without reconstruction. Aesthetic flat closure is my way to go. Deciding on the double was easy. That radiation treatment I got for Hodgkin's Disease is now listed as a known cause of elevated risk for breast cancer, right after having the gene mutations or having a family history of breast cancer.

    I have a appt scheduled with my oncologist on 7/15/21. I see her once a year already because I'm already a two-time survivor (that radiation treatment probably caused my thyroid cancer in 2009) and I have to get a CT done once a yr to catch those nasty other cancers caused by that radiation. Once I see her and let her weigh in on things, I have to figure out if my BS can do the aesthetic flat closure, or if I have to bring in a PS. Then I can schedule my surgery, knock wood, sometime in August.

    I can't believe it's only been 3 days. I've been online reading and reading. Trying to figure out what to decide and how to get ready for surgery. It's like a crash course. MP1965 - during my crash course, I read stories from women that wanted to reduce the other breast so as not to feel so unbalanced. It might not be what a lot of people do, but you do what is right for you.

    LW422 - this the first time I've heard of someone getting the lymphovenous bypass procedure done with the mastectomy and the PS does it? Is this something new? Hey, what do I know, in some ways, I'm only three days old.

    Oh, by the way, just so you don't have to worry if any friend or loved one gets Hodgkin's Disease, they use chemotherapy these days.

  • lw422
    lw422 Posts: 1,419
    edited July 2021

    Hello Cepho; nice to meet you but sorry we both have to be here. I originally wanted a double mastectomy but since I have IBC they recommend against it; I suppose they want to avoid complications and get the cancerous side healed so I can get radiation ASAP. (IBC is very aggressive and spreads rapidly.) They said I can have the healthy breast removed later but who wants to go back for more surgery after all that crap is finally done and healed? So I'll just have a right-side single mastectomy and get on with my life.

    The lymphovenous bypass is fairly new; it used to be done on patients who already have lymphedema, but now they perform it at the same time as the mastectomy or lumpectomy. It will give the lymph a new channel to drain and will help avoid getting lymphedema in the first place. It is a microsurgery and is done by a plastic surgeon, at least at MD Anderson.

    My best wishes to you, and I'll be keeping up with your updates.

  • Mp1965
    Mp1965 Posts: 2
    edited July 2021

    I’m not scheduled for chemo but just surgery and then they will decide what else is needed. Thanks for reply

  • lw422
    lw422 Posts: 1,419
    edited July 2021

    MP1965--Oh, OK. Since you don't have your diagnosis info in your signature, I wasn't sure whether you'd have chemo. Hopefully you won't need it!! Sorry to hear that this is your second go-round with cancer and I hope your treatment goes smoothly.

  • SherriM
    SherriM Posts: 90
    edited July 2021

    Well, it's been a minute since I've been around, but was dx in June with a new IDC on the right, and the plan was for lumpectomy and targeted radiation, but when I had an MRI to prep for the radiation, a new area was found on my left side, IDC, as well. Sooooo, DMX now scheduled for August 4. Considered reconstruction but have decided against. No mention of chemo as yet...will see what the sentinel nodes show. There's no indication of involvement on the scans so hopefully that will prove out. 🙏

    I'm pretty stunned by it all...I guess I thought once I'd passed the timeframe for recurrence I was out of the woods! Silly me! LOL! But I am so glad I had this place and you all to (re)turn to!

    For now I'm just trying to focus on preparations—any suggestions for DMX post-surgical needs? I read there may be a list somewhere but haven't been able to locate it.

  • lw422
    lw422 Posts: 1,419
    edited July 2021

    Hello SherriM. Wow, you definitely got hit with a 1-2 punch; your head must still be spinning. Sorry to hear of your diagnoses and I hope that the DMX goes smoothly. I'm not sure about post-surgical needs other than a way to hold up the drains inside clothing. I need to check into that myself.

    I think one biggie will be finding a way to sleep when home from the hospital. A lot of people use a recliner to remain slightly upright and not roll over. My recliner is mechanical (with a handle), so I if I get into it I won't be able to get out without help. Thankfully we have an adjustable bed so that will come in handy.

    My best to you. Please keep us updated as it gets closer to your surgery.

  • Beekc
    Beekc Posts: 31
    edited July 2021

    Hi. I had a SM in April. It caught my attention that you'd had colon cancer in the last 6 years. I had that experience too, then this BC. I just wonder what's going on that my body isn't fighting off those cancer cells?? Anyway, wanted to offer my best regards. This will be complete for you soon! Rereading these posts, I’ve enjoyed having a shirt and a light weight sweatshirt with deep pockets inside to hold drains for two weeks until they were removed. I got them on ETSY. I slept with pillows propped on a regular mattress and I was just fine. I didn’t have to return to employment so the drains were tolerable. It was good to see the progressively LESS fluid each day before they were removed. I had no reconstruction which generates more fluid I hear. In four weeks I was doing well, and had multiple friends over for days for lunch beginning the week following the surgery. The distractions were the best

  • elizabett
    elizabett Posts: 6
    edited July 2021

    I’m also have right side mastectomy mid August. Mine is still in situ but dr concerned about micro invasion. I’m disturbed by what the appearance might be afterwards but life is worth not looking over my shoulder. It’s high grade. I’m trying to get a date that doesn’t conflict with volleyball camp for our granddaughter who lives with us. Keeping everything normal as possible is important. I want to keep surgery to have a quicker recovery so I’m not having reconstruction. Losing the nipple doesn’t help post appearance but I realize that it tends to be looking south by this time and they aren’t even huge breasts. I joked that maybe they could just tack the nipple up higher snd call it a button. Definitely an asymmetrical look. But I was worried in reality that maybe the nipple since it’s connected to the milk ducts could be compromised by cancer eventually so it’s an unknown answer at this point. A lot to process. I met with surgeon first time just last Tuesday and she changed everything so no lumpectomy It’s mastectomy I’m avoiding radiation at this point but all information won’t be in until after surgery. The good news is we have a gift of time now it’s been diagnosed it troubling how it gets missed

  • lw422
    lw422 Posts: 1,419
    edited July 2021

    Hello Beekc and thanks for the tips. I hope you are healing and feeling good after your April surgery.

    Elizabett-- happy to meet you but sorry that we find ourselves here. I hope your Dx remains "in situ" and that you sail through the surgery. You are so right about the gift of time! We'll all have to keep up with each other.

  • NatureYogi
    NatureYogi Posts: 135
    edited July 2021

    LW422- My surgery is this Friday, July 23. I had planned on DMX, no recon. Well, when I was at pre op today they said I was scheduled for right side modified mastectomy only. I got upset and we called my surgeon, they said after pre op to come over to office so they can talk to me. Since I have Stage 3C IBC triple negative they were concerned about any complications/infections that could delay me getting radiation on my cancerous side. I don't know where the disconnect was, but I had my heart and mind set on DMX. My surgeon said the main objective was to get me healed and over to radiation as soon as possible. Then I read your post from July 10, I agree, who wants more surgery. I'll just have to deal with it.

  • lw422
    lw422 Posts: 1,419
    edited July 2021

    NatureYogi--I was initially let down over the news that they "strongly recommend" no DMX for IBC, but after doing some reading and hearing other people's experiences I decided to let it go. I certainly wouldn't want a complication in the non-cancer side to delay my treatment. I know that a recurrence in the healthy side is very rare, plus I will always have the option if I change my mind after a while. It doesn't make sense that they didn't make that clear to you before now, though. I'd be pretty upset over that, too.

    Are you getting nervous about your surgery? I've been shopping for cotton camis and a front-closure bra, and wondering what on earth I'm going to wear since I don't have many button-front blouses anymore. When I think about the reality of it, I get a little sad and anxious. I'll be thinking about you on Friday and waiting to hear how it goes. Keep in touch.

  • NatureYogi
    NatureYogi Posts: 135
    edited July 2021

    LW422- I'm not nervous about surgery yet, just want to get it over with! I have one pair of button up pj's that are soft and old, I'll probably live in those. I just bought two more pj sets from Soma. I don't have any button up tops, my sister brought me some of hers to borrow. Next thing after healing will be a bra and prothesis. I'll keep you posted, I'll be a month ahead of you, hope I can help you out with your surgery with some tips.

    Take care!

  • lw422
    lw422 Posts: 1,419
    edited July 2021

    I'll be thinking of you on Friday, NatureYogi. I hope everything goes smoothly and you have an easy recovery.

    I have plenty of robes and PJs to wear around the house so I suppose that's sufficient. I'll have to figure out what to wear outside the house, though!!

  • HummingbirdAZ
    HummingbirdAZ Posts: 93
    edited July 2021

    Hi Girls,

    I'm scheduled for lumpectomy with auxiliary lymph removal on 8/3. Went in for EKG and MRI on Thursday and MRI showed a new area: "enhancing lobulated focus with rapid enhancement and washout". The surgeon sent me for ultrasound yesterday but they said they could find no sonographic correlation. Anyone know what this means? I'm sure surgeon will call Monday but that seems like forever!

  • lw422
    lw422 Posts: 1,419
    edited July 2021

    Hi HummingbirdAZ! Wow, your surgery isn't very far off. Sorry, I don't know what that means; did you get to speak with your doctor about it?

    Good luck with the surgery and be sure to report back and let us know how it goes.

  • lw422
    lw422 Posts: 1,419
    edited July 2021

    NatureYogi--thinking of you today and hoping that all went well last Friday. Check in when you feel up to it.

  • NatureYogi
    NatureYogi Posts: 135
    edited July 2021

    LW422-All went well, glad I stayed in hospital one night just to be checked on. I slept well once I got home and I've been moving around. Sister is helping with drains and showers, we use the hand held shower head to rinse lower body, arms, etc. Dr called this morning with results from path report, no residual cancer, complete pathological response, no evidence of disease in lymph nodes as well! Next up will be radiation.

    I wore my pj's home from hospital and didn't have to change, sat in recliner most of the day.

    I'll keep you posted!

  • lw422
    lw422 Posts: 1,419
    edited July 2021

    NatureYogi--what wonderful news!! PCR... woohoo! That's fantastic and I'm glad you're feeling OK. Great that you have your sister to help you out, so take it easy.

  • HummingbirdAZ
    HummingbirdAZ Posts: 93
    edited July 2021

    LW422, Thanks for the response. I've spoken to the nurse but not the surgeon yet. Hoping she calls today as I know she does surgery on Tuesdays. I'm so over tests by now that I almost hope she says we should just to a mastectomy instead of the lumpectomy.

  • 1982m
    1982m Posts: 224
    edited July 2021

    Hello everyone,

    I just got my surgery date today for lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy for August 12th. I'm nervous since usually triple positive does neo adjuvant chemo prior to surgery but the surgeon decided my tumour should be removed first. It's measuring 1.5cm as of my biopsy on July 8th.

    I couldn't decide between lumpectomy with radiation or mastectomy with reconstruction so my surgeon said start with the lumpectomy and I we would gather more info to make the decision. I'm 39 so we're going to wait on genetics and also lymph node involvement. I have 4-6 months of chemotherapy and when that finishes I'll decide on more surgery or radiation. My only hold back on mastectomy is the surgeon who would do the reconstruction. I know 100% I want implant reconstruction if needed and I don't trust the plastic surgeon. I have little options and radiation to my left side scares me. Im not sure if I'll ever be able to decide.

  • pamep
    pamep Posts: 66
    edited August 2021

    I have surgery scheduled for August 6 for partial mastectomy and sentinel biopsy. This journey started in May when I discovered a lump in my right breast. I immediately made an appointment for a mammogram screening, which I had put off during the pandemic lockdown. My timeline:

    June 10: Diagnostic mammogram followed by ultrasound, both showing a breast mass with calcifications

    June 18: Ultrasound guided core needle stem biopsy, which was negative but the radiologist said the sample may have missed the target because the microcalcifications were not present. BIRADS 4

    July 16: Surgery, excisional biopsy. No post op pain and little discomfort. How I love sports bras!

    July 26: Path Report: DCIS with positive margins, Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, 12 mms, ER and PR positive, HER2/negative.

    Both my surgeon and I were surprised by the pathology of the tumor. I am anxious about the re-excision and lymph node biopsy. I am trying to stay positive (not always easy) and hope to see clear margins and no node involvement!

    Thank you for sharing experiences. It helps.

  • Bookpusher
    Bookpusher Posts: 22
    edited July 2021

    My BMX is scheduled for August 2nd. So anxious to get it over with.

    Wishing all of the August surgery gals the very best! Prayers for all.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,856
    edited July 2021

    Welcome, PamEP! We're glad you've joined our community, and we hope this place can be a source of support and encouragement for you. Best of luck to you and all on your upcoming surgeries!

    The Mods

  • wondering44
    wondering44 Posts: 261
    edited July 2021

    Surgery scheduled 08/18. Mastectomy (right breast) with sentinel node biopsy. I am not dreading the surgery. Glad to have a little time to get prepared for it and a few extra days to add an additional workout each week to get me a little stronger to help the recovery process. PS plan A is to keep existing implants in. He is hopeful to do so to avoid the risk of spreading the cancer with an implant removal. Reconstruction after all is healed and disease free.

    Wishing you all a safe surgery and speedy recovery!

  • lw422
    lw422 Posts: 1,419
    edited July 2021

    HummingbirdAZ--any updates? I hope you got to speak with the surgeon.

    1982M--It's always so hard when we have tough choices to make with this stuff. At the most stressful time of our lives we are faced with making decisions while being bombarded with anxiety, fear, sadness, etc. My only thought about the possible reconstruction is that you have time to search for a Plastic Surgeon that you have more confidence in. It's your body and you want the best possible outcome!

    PamEP--you have certainly been through a lot in a very short time! Bless you and my very best wishes for those clear margins and no node involvement! Keep us posted as to how it goes. You're only about a week away, now.

    Bookpusher--August 2!!! OMG, that's right around the corner. Here's hoping for a successful, trouble-free surgery and recovery. Please update us as you feel up to it; we are all cheering for you.

    Wondering44--So happy to hear that you aren't dreading the surgery. I wish I could say the same; seems like the closer it gets the more unsettled I feel. Somehow I can't imagine my life with a piece of me missing... but since "she" tried to kill me I guess I'll be OK without her!! My best to you for a successful outcome, and please keep us updated on how it goes.