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Breast biopsy on friday



  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,250


    You may already be having the biopsy but…

    - Most people do not have terrible lingering pain from a biopsy. I would venture to guess that they are the exceptions
    - COVID restrictions at hospitals and medical centers have been in place for over a year. I had surgery, not bc related, in February. I was dropped off at the curb. My family could not even enter the surgical center, so this is pretty standard for most medical facilities.

    - This is definitely a stressful time but it’s also a great time to realize that you are an adult and have more inner strength than you realize!

  • 4kids4dogs
    4kids4dogs Member Posts: 22

    Hang in there. It'll be over beffore you know it!!!

  • kksmom3
    kksmom3 Member Posts: 101

    I've had 4 biopsies on my L breast, none of them caused me lingering pain. All 4 were benign conditions. Hoping you are the same, but if not, this group is here to help you.

  • JoieDeVivre73
    JoieDeVivre73 Member Posts: 7

    ilikedogs - hang in there! I hope the procedure went well and wasn't too painful. My husband wasn't allowed to come back, either. Like 4dogs4kids, I hope you feel some relief once the biopsy is over. I know it's very stressful. Then the wait begins.

    FWIW I had my biopsy at 1:45pm and I received a call at 3pm the very next day with results, from the surgery center nurse. If they ask you if you want the surgery center or your doctor to give you the results, say BOTH :) I still haven't heard from my doctor...

    AMG - thank you for the well wishes!

    thefinks - I was biraids 4 (no letter) but I had microcalcifications biopsied a few years ago and it was benign (I didn't know to ask about biraids back then). Hopefully that gives you some hope!

    4dogs - thinking of you and hoping for great news today or tomorrow!

  • 4kids4dogs
    4kids4dogs Member Posts: 22

    thanks joie...... i hate waiting!!! lol

  • Ilikedogs
    Ilikedogs Member Posts: 19

    Hi! Thank you so so much for all you’re replies. Man I was a mess just few hours ago :).

    Happy to say no pain or bruising yet. Icing it for now. They said they will call me after 3pm on Wednesday so I will definitely let you guys know.

    And yes I know - COVId is still around. I just though since we were vaccinated maybe they would let him stay.

    The radiologist confirmed that she couldn’t see any mass/tumor but those calcifications had 20% chance of coming back as DCIS. I hope not. We will see.

    Thank you again. I do feel better. If there is one good thing out of all of this is the amount of knowledge and information I am gathering.

    Good luck to everyone! 4kids - waiting to hear hopefully good news tomorrow!

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,250

    So glad it went well. I don’t think hospitals have changed their policy regardless COVID in in vaccinated people, especially with the Delta variant running rampant. Hope you can rest and refresh the rest of the day. Take care.

  • Kbyrne81
    Kbyrne81 Member Posts: 1

    thefinks2002, I had pleomorphic microcalcifications in my left breast with a BIRADS 4 (they didn't put a letter with it). My biopsy was totally benign with a whole list of different benign changes- fibrocystic changes, PASH, gynecamastoid changes, a bunch of other stuff I can't remember. Don't worry too much. Googling makes it seem like calcifications (especially pleomorphic) equals DCIS but there are all sorts of things it can be.

  • Ilikedogs
    Ilikedogs Member Posts: 19

    Hi 4kids. Thinking of you today!

  • K-Gobby
    K-Gobby Member Posts: 144

    Hi all. I did my biopsy 1 month ago after an ultrasound. It was added the day before. I did not feel much in the core biopsy, but the noise involved had me listen. I close my eyes in this things and trust that the people doing it are alert, awake and focused on their job. My fellow was working with the ultrasound tech, so they talked to each other and me on the process. Having had many crowns in my mouth, I give a 75% on numbing. Being my first biopsy, I had nothing to compare it to. My bruising started Day 2 and was there for 2 weeks. No real other pain for me. Not sure if having big breast would have changed this outcome.

    It did show that the mass found in a breast exam, in the mammogram machine, with the ultrasound was malignant. Ultimately all these tests plus and MRI, CAT and bone can, show nothing outside the mass in lymph nodes or other. A spot on my liver, but the doctor on Friday will note its importance. The biopsy is the start. Praying yours is benign!!!!!!

  • Ilikedogs
    Ilikedogs Member Posts: 19

    Well… got my stupid call today. DCIS with a 2mm IDC. The radiologist tried to be very positive and optimistic. But she recommended an MRI to make sure there is nothing else.

    Anyone else knows what’s ahead for me? Do I have to do chemo? Do you guys know - can this mean something very bad? I don’t want to tell my child

    4kids - sending my good thoughts to you. I hope all is well.

  • kksmom3
    kksmom3 Member Posts: 101

    ilikedogs - I am 99.9 % positive you will not have to do chemo. Of course, they are going to do the MRI, but I hope that's all there is, since the other imaging did show it. I had the same thing, some DCIS with an invasive of 3 mm, I did a lumpectomy and radiation, and halfway done on my AI drug, letrozole. Again, I don't have a crystal ball, but with that 2 mm, that is very small and should not require chemo, even if you turn out to have a HER2pos tumor. This is info I've gleaned from this board. Do you know your ER/PR Her 2 status yet? I am sorry it turned out to be cancerous, but you can do this, and we are here for you.

  • Ilikedogs
    Ilikedogs Member Posts: 19

    KKSmom3 - Thank you! You give me hope!!!

    I don’t know any more info. Just the DCIS and 2mm IDC. Very scared now.

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,250


    I’m sorry that you have received this diagnosis. The MRI is a good idea but don’t take it to mean that there’s “something else”. Although there are probably many women here who have received a similar diagnosis, I think it would irresponsible of any of us to guess what your tx might be. 2 mm of IDC is small so that’s a positive thing. I know this is anxiety provoking and you’re eager to hear what comes next but rather than have us guess or assume your tx might be the same as someone with similar stats, please wait until you have full details from a meeting with your mo.

    From what you have posted, no it’s not bad at all, if you have to have bc. No one dies from lower stage breast cancer and the chances of finding mets is quite small. As to your son, I don’t know how old he is but please, please tell him! Children may not know exactly what is going on, but they know something is not right. They do not have the life experience to understand this on their ownso you must, on an age appropriate level, be as honest as possible. I say this not only as a parent but as a recently retired elementary school teacher. Over the years I have had students whose families have gone through difficult situations. Students who were not told what was going on had a very rough time and acted out in weird ways. Students who were told the truth did much better emotionally and although they had tough moments, as a whole, they did far better. Please check out recommendations from the American Cancer Society for helping children understand a parents cancer. I can’t emphasize enough, as a professional, how very important it is to be honest with your child. Take care

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,250

    Sorry, double post

  • alicebastable
    alicebastable Member Posts: 1,946

    My surgeon explained to me that the MRI is to help pinpoint the location of the tumor, so it's nothing to worry about for you. With such a tiny bit of invasive cancer, you want it exactly located for the best surgical results.

    Depending on how old your son is, I'd tell him. We've had too many generations of people acting like cancer is some dreadful monster that shouldn't be discussed. Bring it out in the open! For the majority of patients, it's a one and done condition. For some of us, it's a several and done! 😜 Again, depending on his age (and personality), you can judge how much information to give him, but please don't hide it.

    And do some fun things between the tests and appointments!

  • kksmom3
    kksmom3 Member Posts: 101

    I know I shouldn't try to guess her treatment, I am obviously not her dr, but I'm sure she knows her doctors will have the final say on her condition. You are right, of course, I shouldn't presume I'd know her final treatment. Please remember that, Ilikedogs.......But try and remain hopeful.

  • Ilikedogs
    Ilikedogs Member Posts: 19

    kksmom- thank you. All I need is to carry me forward a bit mentally. So I appreciate it.

    Have a good night and hope all is well!


  • kksmom3
    kksmom3 Member Posts: 101

    How old is your child? Great advice from other posters. Get some rest, things will get better.......really, they will!

  • Ilikedogs
    Ilikedogs Member Posts: 19

    Hi again. My child 12. We had a talk but I tried to make it sound not very scary. :).

    I have an appointment with a surgeon in a week for a consult. I hope it goes well. I am curious - if they told me that they found 2mm IDC in the biopsy and the rest was DCIS, is it possible that all IDC is out? I am just curious if biopsy ever takes the whole thing out.

    The other questions is - they never did an ultrasound. Is that strange or ok? I read about almost everyone else here having an ultrasound. Just worried a bit.

    Thank you

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,250


    I am so glad you told your child. Twelve year olds are smart so hiding it would have been very difficult. You are lucky in that although the situation is scary, you don’t have advanced bc. As to an ultrasound, it’s just another imaging modality. If your doctors are satisfied with other imaging then it is probably not needed. Take care.

  • thefinks2002
    thefinks2002 Member Posts: 8


    I ended up receiving my pathology report. I have a DSIC in one area in my left breast . Then I have something called PASH. One in the left breast and 1 in the right breast. I have an appointment on Friday with a surgeon and next Tuesday. I am hoping iidon’t go to the lymph nodes since the DCIS is at the 1:00 area. Also I’m hoping for stage 1. 🙏🏻

  • thefinks2002
    thefinks2002 Member Posts: 8

    Hello again everyone!

    I received my pathology report. I have a 1 cm DCIS mass on the left breast and also 1 PASH on the left. The right breast also has a PASH. I'm hoping that after research, I will have food news on my treatment. I'm hoping for a double mastectomy and radiation. The only worry I have it went to my lymph nodes. I only had biopsy and an ultrasound to determine this. I'm probably jumping ahead of myself. Anyone with similar diagnosis

  • LivinLife
    LivinLife Member Posts: 301

    Obviously a benign condition would have been better than DCIS though if it remains DCIS that is Stage 0 (not Stage 1)- not invasive- so a favorable diagnosis. You won't know until final pathology after surgery - the same with the PASH too.... tho right now quite favorable. Do you know ER/PR status yet? Grade? Those things make a difference too..... Since you're looking at BMX they will do a node biopsy, on at least one node, on the DCIS side - don't know about the PASH side.... Best to you and keep us posted as you get additional info!

  • thefinks2002
    thefinks2002 Member Posts: 8


    I’m not sure what the grade is nor do I know what ER/PR is. That was not on the pathology report. I only know the BI-Raid was 4C. This is definitely something I still in limbo. My first surgeon appoint is Friday.

  • LivinLife
    LivinLife Member Posts: 301

    Your surgeon will go over all that with you then.... They likely will give you a copy of the full report (includes Grade, ER, PR percentages, etc) - if they don't it would be a good idea to request that from them... My surgeon had a copy waiting for me at the first appointment. Best with that appointment!!!! More waiting though you will find that appointment really helpful (hopefully....)!

  • thefinks2002
    thefinks2002 Member Posts: 8


    Thank you for that information.I would have never had a clue to ask for that.

    Much appreciated!

  • thefinks2002
    thefinks2002 Member Posts: 8

    I was looking at your diagnosis. You didn’t need any radiation or chemo?

  • barbojoy
    barbojoy Member Posts: 47

    @Ilikedogs - yes. It is possible that the biopsy took it all. I had 3 areas of IDC on biopsy +DCIS and they marked all 3 areas 6/14. Pathology from mastectomy 7/28 came back with 2. My doctor said the 3rd was small enough to have been removed when biopsied. Best of luck to you.

  • Ilikedogs
    Ilikedogs Member Posts: 19

    Barbojoy - thank you!!!

    thefinks2002, I know you weren’t asking me, and I am relatively new here so no expert. But from my understanding for earlier stages of cancer (DCIS especially) chemo is often not needed. And if people opt out for mastectomy, then radiation is also not needed. But you would need radiation with lumpectomy.