How has the Pandemic affected you as a cancer patient/survivor
From the beginning I thought it was a mistake to say that we should wear a mask for others. It reduces viral load, and minimizing one's illness would be more acceptable to those who would become anti-maskers.
QC sees lifting restrictions as a reward, so implementing them must be punishment.
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Good point, given how selfish people are, everything should have been reframed as to what's in it for me!
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I wonder if people who didn’t want to get vaccinated and figured others would be “sheep” enough to do it for them have changed their minds. Some may not be around because the COVID deaths are mostly among theunvaccinated.
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This thread has become increasingly fraught. I have almost all the risk factors that put me in the highest risk for hospitalization and death. Am I vaccinated and boosted? Yes. Do I wear a mask when required/requested? Yes. Do I wish everyone would get vaccinated? Yes. Do I make personal choices to avoid risk of exposure? Yes.
Do I doubt some of the conventional wisdom about mask efficacy? Uh huh. It somehow defies logic to wear a mask outdoors with no one else around. I carry one nonetheless. I also wonder why a state like Florida that has flouted government guidance and mandates has statistically done as well or better than populous states like NY and CA and is doing so right now. No solution or hard opinion here. We all do what we gotta do. Wondering doesn't make me evil or subversive.
With apologies to Serenity Stat but her screen name made me think of the Serenity Prayer. We are fragile enough, and if outpouring of anger and frustration doesn't change things, why possibly harm your own health and well being. I guess if ranting helps, by all means let it rip. Nobody left me in charge anyway.0 -
elderberry, I am also exhausted by the pandemic and the anti-science idiots who are fueling it. You know what? I don’t “like” anything that I do to limit Covid19 but I darn well am going to do those things to protect others and myself! Doing the right thing is not always fun but it’s always the right thing to do.
CA is doing much better than FL on Covid19 deaths if you look at it as deaths per 100,000 people. I think that’s a more precise way of looking at it.
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I have this fantasy of cities setting up parallel hospital spaces for the unvaccinated, staffed by the healthcare workers and other city workers who refused to get vaccinated and are on temporary leave. They can draft in the unvaccinated teachers and cops and bureaucrats and teach them basic first aid and they can help with the support. Keep them out of the regular medical system. Let it be funded by donations from the antivaxxers and minimal public funding. Doesn't matter if people are there for covid or a car accident, if they're not vaccinated, they go to the non-vax system.
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I rant here as this is the only place with people in similar health situation as me and actually understand my frustration.
I also participate Covid forums on other social media platforms, but healthy people just do not understand what I am going through. I am tired of explaining to them why they should continue wear masks to protect others, including vulnerable people like us. Most of the time, I get slammed back with things like "vulnerable people always have to be careful precovid".
If you go back a few pages, you will see I sympathize with people who fell for misinformation. I am mostly frustrated with bad actors taking advantages of the pandemic as well as the lack of leadership from politicians, some influencing MDs and social media CEOs.
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Teedoff - My screen name is not at all from the serenity prayer. Instead it's derived from Seinfeld. The image below might explain it. You may not find value in people ranting, but do you find value in publicly questioning why they do it? If you don’t like what you’re reading, feel free to not read it.
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Serenity, I figure that's probably where you got your screen name. we all need a lot of Serenity Now & hoochie mama!
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Chowdog -
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Ex Bronx Girl, I too prefer apples to apples. Wish I could read the article. Restricted to subscribers. Anyway, good to know as there is no victory in the number or percentage of deaths anywhere. Considering the lack of Covid protocols in FL one would think they’d be doing so much worse. I guess that’s why I wonder. I will still do what I must do to best protect myself and others, but I just can’t summon up the rage toward those who don’t. Do I understand or condone? Of course not, but I know I can’t change minds and hearts, not in this forum or the real world
Salamandra, revenge fantasies ok, I guess. Scary though.
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i missed this
Elizabeth warren too. Hmm outbreak in Congress?
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Serenity, I said your screen name made me think of the prayer, not that it was your source. I believe my words were more nuanced than you are willing to give me credit for. No, your posts are not required reading but neither are mine. I do maintain the right to express my perspective and always admit I have not been designated by the universe to be right. I will post when and if I choose, and you don't have to like my opinions either. Bye.
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Chowdog - Remember that airline CEO coughing in a Senate hearing?
Teedoff - I may not agree with what you say, but I won’t question why you need to say it. I can do a little nuance.
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wrenn - Are you saying you're teed off? Yes, you were.
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Serenity, right. I don’t wish covid on anybody but our government needs a wake up call.
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The mayors of Montreal and Ottawa tested positive. It's a loud alarm that the virus is airborne and spreading.
The minister of education here recently tested positive. I don't know if that will change his mind about improving the air in schools.
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It was worse before the vaccines, but now it's more frustrating. We have the tools to slow the spread, but we aren't properly using them.
This week I get my third dose and my Xgeva shot. In both places I will be asked to replace my mask with a surgical mask inside the building. Hopefully no one will give me a hard time about refusing to take my mask off. I'll put theirs on top. When at the cancer centre I just take their mask, walk away, and pocket it. I shouldn't have to worry about this on top of everything else.
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so yeah, snl was sorta canceled. And 10 of 32 Broadway shows. And the off-Broadway house across the street that reopened last week just closed. And we had ONE table at our restaurant. And I learned through the grapevine that a kid on 11's school bus Thursday became symptomatic later in the day. Her positive result was released to some vlassmates today. Her dad was sick earlier in the week, but that's ok, cuz he went to work from home at their Hamptons place. I guess the school policy of fully vaccinated close contacts must quarentine and then pcr test negative on the 5th day before coming back isn't for them.
So who thinks I get surgery in 15 days???
Fuck the exceptional people. I sincerely hope that family has cases that were at least as strong as mine was last year.
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Dancemom - Is this another delay? I’m so sorry.
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I don't understand why people send their exposed or sick kids to schools. From what I am reading on Twitter, NYC seems to be really bad now, or as bad as March 2020?
I am realistic and understand nobody has the appetite to go into a lockdown, but I want our government to be honest about the risk rather than painting a "everything is normal" picture. At minimum, we should implement a nationwide mask mandate and rescale up vaccine/booster distribution and testing capability. I mean if 2021 is considered bad, I am not sure how bad 2022 will be if we continue living in denial. It's like we are stuck in the Walking Dead loop: you finally get to safety by killing off the big bad & a bunch zombies, next season, you face another big bad and more zombies.
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Serenity i hope not. But with the rates increasing exponentially here, i am not hopeful. Manhattan has always had the lowest rates in the region, even when nyc was the "epicenter " . we have 90% adult vax rate. We went from yellow 9/100k at thansgiving to 22 early last week to 44 wed, 72 fri, and 96/100k PURPLE yesterday!!!!!! And careless people like that child on our school bus family don't seem to understand that every action counts!
Maybe I will have a negative pcr next week and the hospital will be fully staffed. It's just so stressful.
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update: just got notification from school of 12 new cases reported this weekend.
Dh says stop worrying.
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Dancemom, I am so sorry!
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That is weird as I am not a subscriber to the SF Chronicle! Here is the graph that accompanied the article.Sorry that I couldn't get the graph to format correctly but you can still pick out the states in question. NY still has more deaths per 100,000 but CA is well below that
COVID-19 deaths per 100k residents
As of Oct. 28, 2021
Chart showing which states had the highest death rates from COVID-19. Mississippi is at the top.
Mississippi338Alabama316New Jersey314Louisiana312New York289Arizona289Florida277Arkansas276Massachusetts275Georgia272Rhode Island272Oklahoma271South Carolina265South Dakota252Indiana247Nevada247Connecticut245Pennsylvania244West Virginia243Texas240New Mexico240Tennessee239Michigan236North Dakota230Illinois225Iowa221Kansas218Kentucky217Montana217Delaware212Ohio207Wyoming203Idaho196Missouri196California180Maryland180North Carolina171District of Columbia168Virginia162Wisconsin161Minnesota155Nebraska153Guam147Colorado141New Hampshire114Washington112Oregon103Utah99Alaska94Maine86Hawaii62Vermont55Source: CDC
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Dancemom - I'm so sorry. It is understandably stressful for you. If your surgery gets canceled, it will be for a reason that protects you, but that doesn't make it OK.
Seems 2 mABs won't work with omicron. Not that they were easy to get, but a loss of possible treatment options is never good.
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I have been hounding my daughter and son in law to get their boosters. Finally scheduled for this week. She asked me to go with her and of course I will. I hope it is in time to mitigate severe effects from Omicron considering the wave should be hitting here in January. I don't know what my DD was thinking, but I had to reassure her that the "booster" was just a third dose of what she had received before, not anything new and different. She teaches in person and has a toddler whom we sit for every day. My son has had a J&J and a Pfizer booster, I am hoping to convince him to get a second Pfizer and it will be provided without a hassle. I have been out to eat at a restaurant three times since March 2020, was looking forward to seeing a show or whatever, hard to remember what I enjoyed doing - well none of that for the foreseeable future!!
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