Come join others currently navigating treatment in our weekly Zoom Meetup! Register here: Tuesdays, 1pm ET.

Treatment Zoom Meetup (Thursdays) place to keep chatting



  • sarahmaude
    sarahmaude Posts: 344
    edited May 2022

    Catherine, this is my second try answering your dog question. The mysterious logout demon caught the last one after I pushed submit.

    On an allergy test panel I’m as allergic to dogs as cats. In real life, cats cause me to sneeze, have asthma attacks even if I don’t see or touch the cat. Their saliva causes a rash, and if I pet a cat and touch my face, I also get watery eyes and my face can get a rash. Dogs, I sleep with two right now and have no real issues. I’m alway a bit stuffy, but that’s just how I am anyway with all the tree, grass, dust, and mold allergies I have

    I’ll say that if I have an issue with my dogs it’s usually because they are covered in pollen or pollinating grass. I can either bathe them or even wipe down their top coat with a baby wipe and the reaction stops.

    I wonder if the corgi you met was just extra clean? I never noticed any difference between the corgi or out other dogs. And, as much as I loved my corgi, the amount of constant shedding is one aspect of her I have never missed. I think I could have had a yarn factory if I’d known how to card and spin those mounds of fur.

    I was so happy to hear your rash may be improving on the new cream they gave you. Yay on the port success! I had no stuffiness on Cytoxan, but maybe the boatload of steroids I got was why.

    I hope the PT for cording is successful. I have has that kind of PT massage before. It hurts. But if they break up the right spots it’s worth it.

    I think I’m suffering from steroid brain. I’ve had a hard time focusing the last two days. And I feel more focused than I actually am, so I’ve already made one embarrassing error in a set of charts yesterday that I presented today. I’m going to have to triple double check for a while and get peers to check before I send work out for the next several days.

  • katg
    katg Posts: 257
    edited May 2022


    So glad i joined Thursday as i do remember you! I am Kathleen on there and katg on here.

    I had a funky rash in week 2 of taxol/carboplatin. I had that combo for 12 weeks on every Friday. The rash was like measles on my arms, neck and some on my face. My sister was like "yikes". I asked my Medical Oncologist and she said this is a side effect sometimes from chemo. Count us lucky? I know they were almost gone in a few weeks and no scars. Not like shingles! i had one dose of red devil and that was it! They said my pee would be red and it was there after my infusion and that day at home. None after that. I must say that the dreadfulness of chemo effects is mostly forgotten or let go of the body after a few months. Why, if like me, because there are new side effects!! Covid in January after chemo ended in December. Surgery in early Feb, and for that, a single mastectomy does take a few months to really adapt too. My other side will be done, and no expander put in, so just two implants after the rt breast insides are taken out. I only had an expander put in as i was supposed to have radiation after surgery. An expander would provide more space as radiation would like to shrink the implant and the expander could be increased. One month later i met with the Rad Doctor and he and his assist gave me the radiation run down. Once i heard it all, the Doctor said this and that and said my cancer was in 2% of cases. No real benefit for me to do radiation. If i were his family, he said he would tell them not to have it. There are other therapies for me.

    Now femara(Letrozole?)
    daily for 5 years likely and every 3 weeks Perjeta and Herceptin infusions for a year. Next Friday is my 3rd infusion.

    The journey continues.................................

  • blums8
    blums8 Posts: 18
    edited May 2022

    Now you have all made me want to look into a Corgi!!! haha! But my kids feel strongly about rescues, so I don't know what I would do. My friend had Corgis and loved them along with great Pyrenees and Bernese Mountain Dogs.

    No appetite again today and everything tastes worse if that is possible. I managed some toast and peanut butter.

    We have a Nor'Easter here in the Phila metro area to add to the "blah ness" ( made up word) of the day.

    Anyone have a good movie to watch?

    Catherine I am so happy you completed #4. What is in store for you next?

    I am enjoying reading everyone's posts.

    Take Care,

    Blums8. Janice

  • kathrynw1thasea
    kathrynw1thasea Posts: 105
    edited May 2022

    Hi Janice,

    I watched a movie just the other day that I enjoyed and Chemo-brain has snatched from my head. I’ll try to remember it or just send a new idea.

    Corgis - word of warning you may have gathered from Cyndi’s post. They shed! They blow their coats at certain times of the year, but they shed every day of their lives. We had ours trained to allow us to use a vacuum cleaner to help in grooming. No kidding! They are herding dogs so running children have to be trained right along with the corgi that herding children has to be a gentle activity. None of ours were aggressive but loved the chase game. My Tali was a soccer fiend. My nieces and nephew used him for foot work practice. Tali always won and the kids developed excellent ball handling skills. Their couches always asked how the had improved so much over breaks and their answer was always Aunt Cathy’s corgi Tali.

    Are Bernese Mountain Dogs the same as Swiss Mountain Dogs? I love the black whit and tan coloring on dogs. Goes back to my black headed tri corgi I think. Plato was my first-love dog.

    Janice and all Zoomies,

    I move on to Taxol for 12 weeks starting May 20th. The cream they gave me for my rash is already helping but I hear that Taxol can cause a rash as well. I’m hoping I’ll be able to stay ahead of it with the cream. I’ve noticed that my complexion has changed since AC#3 and is very noticeable after yesterday. I always joke that I’m not “white”, I’m “pink”. It’s very much the norther European genes and ruddy Irish influence in my ancestry. But lately I am much more pale with pink cheeks. Has anyone else experienced a change in complexion?

    Lastly, has anyone heard from Sylvia? Is there a way to reach out to her? I’m really concerned and would like to offer her support since we are so closely timed in or treatments and she seems to be having it so much harder.

    I love this Zoom group connection! Looking forward to connecting online again on Thursday

  • katg
    katg Posts: 257
    edited May 2022

    I took Taxol and carboplatin for 12 weeks every Friday. Saturday was good and Sat/Sun/Monday i took a Zofran and another nausea pill so i would keep the nausea away. I threw up once. The night i also took a muscle relaxer. No more relaxers. No throwing up. Must add a laxative as for me, i did get the constipation side effect.

    Raely are we all on the same chemo's, but sometimes one we might share. Talzenna pills are targeted chemo pills. I have not anyone else who might be taking them or is now. I took 27 pills with one a day. Messed up my blood. That was the end of my chemo, unless some scientist figures out how to keep my marrow producing blood.

  • pbchick
    pbchick Posts: 11
    edited May 2022

    Hi ladies,

    Is anyone using an app to track their hot flashes and/or other menopausal symptoms? My sexual health cancer doctor wants me to track my hot flashes and there are a bunch of apps. I was hoping someone would have used one like Teri had used the Lose It app.


  • kathrynw1thasea
    kathrynw1thasea Posts: 105
    edited May 2022

    Hi Mindy,

    I can’t recommend an app, but I do use a journal program provided by my Texas Oncology group to report tings in general. I also have a printed spiral bound book I really love for recording all kinds of things. I found it on Etsy. It is from LDragonflyJournalCo

    I can’t get the photo to attach. It’s called “Breast Cancer Journal”. It’s old-school paper, but I love it for jotting down things to later log in. It’s also great for jogging my memory when chemo brain locks up my brain cells.


  • kathrynw1thasea
    kathrynw1thasea Posts: 105
    edited May 2022

    Good afternoon Zoomies,

    Just checking in to see how everyone is doing. I’m happy to report that AC cycle #4 has responded to the meds and guidelines from my doctor better than I expected. An extra Zofran and a few extra Ativans have been very helpful. Snuggles with the kitties and a good night sleep with the Calm app didn’t hurt either. The cream for the rash is slowly working it’s magic.
    My only anxiety now is whether the complications with my port will continue to be an issue. They have had to use heparin to get good blood draw back on the last two accesses. If anyone has experience with port complications, I’d like to hear about it. I understand it’s not that rare to get some clotting, but I’d like to hear an actual account rather than just medical statistics.

    See y’all soon,


  • sarahmaude
    sarahmaude Posts: 344
    edited May 2022

    Hi there!

    Catherine, I have no port experience, but I do still have an ugly post hematoma thumb. So I'll join you in venous dysfunction. Sorry I have nothing else.

    pbchick, I'm more like Catherine in that I'm tracking anything I do on paper. I'm even more old school and just use college ruled notebook sheets that are in a section called "journal." It's really just a daily log that I skip when nothing happens. I did upgrade to the reinforced pages, I love them since they don't accidentally tear out. I do have an Apple Watch for walking etc, but that's only because it takes no extra clicks.

    I'm happy to say that I'm feeling pretty well at day 7 post treatment 1. Hoping that means the next 2 weeks will be similar. I've been walking and doing everything else pretty normally including my office job.

    Speaking of which, I'm ready to take a pause before dinner prep and evening routines. I'll pretend my water is a glass of wine to help me unwind.

  • katg
    katg Posts: 257
    edited May 2022

    I have not had problems with my port besides one clogged day. Who knew the blood thinner they used with something else to clear it would have me on a blood thinner 2 months later for a blood clot? At least my leg was not too swollen and no other real symptoms. I am just getting some of those phantom shooting pains in my feet that go away just as quick. Nerves! Crazy!!

    I love the Thursday meeting, but i keep forgetting to log into Tuesday!! I need a phone reminder!!!!

    I also have a spiral book someone sent me after my journey started. It is called Mindflight. Has one page for daily symptoms, meds, what hurts and how i feel. Other side has something to think about. Gratitude and daily goals. Plus a few quotes. I am having myself finish the pages. Write. I am a bit of ADD and staying focused can be hard. Today i know and i do have ways to work with it.

    I am not always writing daily, sometimes like today for the last 4 days. I wrote more when i had more tests and pain. I do use it to track my meds. Yesterday i forgot if i took my 2nd Eliquis? So, i could not take it. Today i am back to following my plan at the same time. Writing in my book.

    A journey it is....

  • kathrynw1thasea
    kathrynw1thasea Posts: 105
    edited May 2022

    Tasty food is my topic today. Chick-fil-A sauce is my obsession right now. I had it on my scrambled eggs for breakfast. I added it to hummus for a snack. I didn’t put it on my chicken quesadilla for lunch…only because we were at Taco Bell 😜. After my appointment with my general practitioner, we stopped at Walmart to pick up a few thing…including 2 bottles of Chick-fil-A sauce and several bags of frozen brussel sprouts because I had a craving for something green. Dinner was brussel sprouts and a sweet potato…with butter and ??? You guessed it. Chick-fil-A sauce!

    Oh…and I picked up the family size bottle of Olive Garden salad dressing! I’m going to put that on pasta tomorrow in honor of Cyndi! 😜

  • katg
    katg Posts: 257
    edited May 2022

    That is good news. I bought a bottle of Chick Fil A at our local Winco last week. They say all the money supports scholarships for their staff. That is good news.

    Costco has two bottles of the dressing for 7.99 i believe. I almost bought them as Cyndi said it is her go to!!!

    Thank you all for sharing tips and tricks on Thursday. I had an ultrasound today on my remaining breast...just to make sure after my Mammogram. I will not know the results till I hear from my MO. My breast surgeon is gone for a few weeks. I am letting it go, as even if it has a spot of cancer, it will be removed when my blood clot is gone. This a journey that seems best to share with those on the same journey. I will say that this breast cancer journey is best shared with those on the same journey.

  • sarahmaude
    sarahmaude Posts: 344
    edited May 2022

    You all are too funny! I have another test for any of you up for the challenge. So, I seem to have lost all ability to taste sweets that are sugar or splenda sweetened. Last night I made a cup of tea (orange spice herbal) and added Agave syrup. It was amazing! I wonder if anyone else has tried that as an alternative when chemo has robbed you of ability to taste sweet? Let's experiment!

  • katg
    katg Posts: 257
    edited May 2022

    I need to say that i ended chemo pills in December. Getting past a few weeks of covid in January and surgery in Feb, that only now on May 14th can i say my nails are growing back, no black and ugly and my taste is mostly great! As for challenges, I mostly drink coffee and tea with no additives. I may though, try the agave in like a chai or other tea..........

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,843
    edited May 2022

    katg, so glad to hear your nails are growing back healthy and your sense of taste has returned! Great news and thanks for sharing.

    And yum to agave in the tea! Good suggestion sarahmaude!

  • blums8
    blums8 Posts: 18
    edited May 2022

    I love reading all of your suggestions for food and otherwise. It is mind boggling to me that we all have such different experiences with taste. A certain amount of sweetness tastes good to me ie; grocery store corn muffin, but too much sugar ie chocolate caramel, from a good candy spot, almost tasted burnt! I haven't tried agave, but I do put a little maple syrup in my coffee and it tastes good to me.

    I finally started to feel more myself yesterday. I have more energy and less fogginess. I still have a sore throat and a very mild mouth sore but no fever. I plan to get out of the house today!! It is still gray here in Bucks County, Pa. but it is not raining so that is a plus.

    I haven't been to Chik-fil-A for years but all this talk of the sauce has made me think I should go through the drive through for nuggets and fries!!!

    Hope everyone if feeling well today.


  • kathrynw1thasea
    kathrynw1thasea Posts: 105
    edited May 2022

    Happy Sunday ladies!

    I’m excited to see the lunar eclipse tonight. How about y’all?

    I can still taste sugar, honey, and stevia but I don’t tend to use other sweeteners. I do find my preference leaning toward less rich sweets. Lemon is the exception. The more rich lemony flavor the better. I’m trying graham crackers tomorrow instead of animal crackers which have lost their taste after 7 weeks of perfection.

    I have always loved Greek yogurt with a touch of honey. I usually add raspberries or blackberries but I’ve switched to blueberries because I can be sure I’ve cleaned them well. I also have started adding banana to the yogurt. This is my evening snack and I find it helps me wake with less queasiness.

    I’m making myself hungry! I think I’ll have some chips and salsa! 😜😜


  • sarahmaude
    sarahmaude Posts: 344
    edited May 2022

    lunar eclipse sounds fun. I haven’t checked times. Where I live is lush with trees so I’m not sure what I could see from here without driving.

    Animal crackers are bland to me, but kind of a comforting bland.

    All the yogurt is still good, even though the sweet tastes differ, I still enjoy fruit sweetness. Blueberries are divine. Also love them in oatmeal.

  • katg
    katg Posts: 257
    edited May 2022

    I forgot to say my other chemo foods were sourdough bread from Aldis. and Trader Joes Greek plain yogurt. I mix dry jello mix in. Added blueberries mostly.

    At the end of chemo in December I had Traders Joes vanilla ice cream. Small bits throughout the day of all the foods.

    I need to watch out or i will gain my weight back now.

  • kathrynw1thasea
    kathrynw1thasea Posts: 105
    edited May 2022

    Hi y’all this is Catherine. Fair warning…this isn’t a happy post. I didn’t sleep at all last night because I got really upset with my Dad and my sister. Yes, that sister who has custody of the long arm quilting machine. So it began innocently enough with my Mom going back to Tyler for her 6-month GP checkup. I get a call from my Dad asking if the chemo shedding time will still be 24-72 hours on Taxol. Next day he calls and asks “what are the symptoms you should look for if you get sneezed on twice my someone in the 72 hours?” No, I am not kidding! I lost my mind and my temper. I could hear my mom in the background telling him to shut up and stop pissing me off. I told him that I didn’t know where he and my sister keep getting this BS but I don’t want to hear it.

    Next day, my sister Norma calls me and yells at me telling our other sister Sandy that I wouldn’t be going to a quilting retreat in June because I wasn’t going to skip a chemo treatment and even if I could bump it up a day, Norma was “uncomfortable” being around me in the 72 hours after an infusion. Here’s the catch…Norma claims that I “lied” about her being “uncomfortable” being around me in those hours. Mind you I have been specifically told that I was being “insensitive to her and her husbands concerns about me exposing them to chemo drugs” if I were to come to their house during those 72 hours. She also said that she was fine with being around me at the retreat. That she was NOT “uncomfortable” being around me and that she had come to my house more than once since I started chemo. I asked what the difference was between being at her house or the retreat sharing a room, table, bathroom, car…

    Ready for it? She wouldn’t have to cleanup after me at the retreat and she could avoid being near me. I asked what she meant by clean up after me. “You contaminate everything you touch.”

    I am dumbfounded. She says her GP, who is not an endocrinologist told her that it’s dangerous for her to get anything from me on her. She has Graves’ disease and was treated with radiated iodine a few years ago…and you know (insert sarcastic tone here) she has an increased risk of cancer and I’m being insensitive to her health risk.
    I apologized for misunderstanding her use of the word “uncomfortable” versus “don’t come to my house and expose me to your chem” but that I wasn’t going to apologize for “lying” because to me it isn’t a lie. I apologized that my misunderstanding of her meaning made her mad.

    I don’t know who this person is. I can’t believe that she is feeding this BS to my parents and lobbying against my mom being here to help me through this. I can’t believe that she actually thinks she is being “supportive” to me in any way. Just two days ago she invited me over to see the finished setup of the long arm and to give me more ginger chews. It’s like Jykle and Hyde.

    Has anyone experienced anything like this? I don’t know what to do other than justcut her off for the next 12 weeks of Taxol.

  • katg
    katg Posts: 257
    edited May 2022

    I do not understand that either. I do recall being told that chemo treatments do cause the bathrooms to be more dangerous for us to share our chemo drugs.

    When i read your post, i thought of what happened when AIDS was first identified. People were afraid to touch patients. I say go to cancer web sites, hospitals and education sites and see the truth in what she says. Be armed with why is the truth. Zoom is here for good. Face time on phones and more. Do not see her for 12 weeks! I saw few people for my 12 taxol/carboplatins. I do not recal any of them being affected physically by being near me. Wear a mask and keep your pants on! Use the bathroom and sanitize the surfaces. Simple.

    Share the info with your parents about chemo and if you are safe around those being treated.. You need to see them when you can.

    There is a forum on titles a steamroom for anger. This fits in there for sure.

  • kathrynw1thasea
    kathrynw1thasea Posts: 105
    edited May 2022

    Katg (Janice right?)

    Thanks for the advice. I think, no I know you are right. I have to just not see her for the next 12 weeks. I want to respect her fears if they are valid for her Graves’ disease, but I just can’t find any evidence based validation for it beyond the normal 24-72 hour precautions. For me, the last straw was her saying “you contaminate everything you touch”.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,843
    edited May 2022

    Hello, all,

    We have organized a new meet-up for people age 45 and under with a metastatic breast cancer diagnosis and wanted to let you know in case you would be interested in participating if this meet-up description applies to you. The meet-up will be run by Julie Kramer, who had a metastatic diagnosis of sarcoma in her 20s.

    Under 45 w/ Metastatic Breast Cancer

    When: Thursdays at 1pm, ET (first meetup is May 26, 2022 1:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

    Register in advance for this meeting:

    We hope to see you next Thursday, and please share with others who may be interested in being part.

    -- The Mods

  • katg
    katg Posts: 257
    edited May 2022

    kathrynw1thesea... I am Kathy!

    Funny thing, is i used to identify with people as the red haired Kathy. I no longer have much hair, and so far it is not so red. Cancer means changes!!

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,843
    edited May 2022

    Oh Catherine, I am so sorry (it's Jayme here!). The misinformation and callousness is genuinely astounding. Completely understand her concerns and I know you want to be respectful of how she feels, but it's incredibly frustrating that she's basing it off what sounds like fear and emotion and not evidence-based information. You need support, not to be labeled as a pariah.

  • sarahmaude
    sarahmaude Posts: 344
    edited May 2022

    Hey all, sorry to miss last night. My husband and I went out to dinner and grocery shopping. It was my first time out of the house in over a week. I didn’t realize how much I neeed that!

    Good news is that my WBC and neutrophils are way back up. Actually better than before my first treatment. I feel like I’m at the end of a cold that never had the beginning, probably something to do with steroids from treatment number one and crashed immune system. But I’m not a medical professional, so who knows. None of my tests showed any bacteria, so I probably felt crappy due to a virus.

    I’m hopeful that my cold capping is working. I’m at day 17 and only the tiniest bit of shedding when I dried my hair with cold air last night. My husband will be my assistant this week. So…my rap song today is.

    I got a cold, and I’m cold capping.
    Coughing and sneezing, try napping.
    Washing my hair in cold shower,
    Wrap it up in towel, then cold drying.
    All the cold is not so bad
    Cause it’s hot outside,
    So that’s what I’m saying…

  • sarahmaude
    sarahmaude Posts: 344
    edited May 2022


    I’m sorry, but your sister is a wackadoodle. And she’s not even being nice a nice one. She should be glad I’m far far away, because I’d have to give her a few of the last pieces of my mind.

    I would say that her biggest fear for her safety should be all your BCO friends sending her bad thoughts. Bless her heart. Stay away just to spare yourself her bad energy. That’s much worse than anything your chemo “aura” could possibly have on her. Sometimes you think you’ve heard it all. And then, you realize there is more. Here is to a week of “less”.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,843
    edited May 2022

    Cyndi, EXCELLENT news about your WBC and neutrophils! We missed you, hope to see you next week!

  • blums8
    blums8 Posts: 18
    edited May 2022

    Hey Sarah,

    So glad you were doing something fun. I was worried you were not feeling well. I really have to try to get out eat to bring some normalcy to my life. We talked about that last night. It sounds like you feel much better.


    I am so sorry that your family has been less than supportive. I never heard anything about chemo "shedding" off of us. Am I missing something? I know the nurses need to gown up when they administer adriamycin. I hope this week is better for you.

    I have much more energy than last week. My husband and I hit some pickle-ball today. I did get pretty winded, so we made it a short outing. At least it was something.

  • kathrynw1thasea
    kathrynw1thasea Posts: 105
    edited May 2022

    Hi ladies,

    Sorry about being asleep yesterday. I was exhausted in a good way after PT. Hannah works wonders on my cording and I had just taken an Imitrex injection for the first migraine I’ve had since starting chemo. Three days in a row including today, but I think I’ve got it licked. I used the foam roller last night and relaxed a lot of the tension away. We’ve had weird weather here during this time and that can trigger my migraines as well as stress, but I’m getting better.

    My sister and I have agreed not to see each other before I finish chemo. She tells me her doctor gave her the advice and that I don’t know her condition. It would be nice if she explained, but I suspect she really can’t. Doesn’t matter anymore. I’m following recommendations to avoid the stress. Thanks for all the support and encouragement.

    Kathy, I like that idea of adding jello to the yogurt. I’ll have to try lemon first.

    Cyndi, love the rap song. I “sang” it to my mom and she thought it was brilliantly funny.

    My first Taxol day was 10 hours long. I woke up feeling like I might have the beginnings of a bladder infection. When I checked in, the receptionist I told her the situation and that I needed to pee right now. She told me to go to the lab receptionist, explain it to her and ask for a cup. That she should give me one and that she would request the order right now, but it would take a few minutes. Simple and logical right? Apparently not. The lab lady was having none of it and giving me attitude. After the 3rd attempt to reason with her, I had to make a run for the ladies room. I went back to the first receptionist and told her what happen. She was shocked and said she would let my doctor know. More on this later.

    When I was called back to the lab area for my paperwork and tubes for the oncologist to access my port and draw blood, they had me down for regular vein access. When I left the nurse and went back to lab lady, she looked at me and asked rather rudely “what’s this?” When someone hands you paperwork after your name is called and it’s your job to fill orders, why would you ask that question. I gave her a puzzled look and just pushed it closer. She still wouldn’t take it and asked again in an ever more irritating tone. I then pushed it over the edge of the shelf and onto her keyboard. Not my finest moment but I did refrain from saying what I wanted to say. She finally did her job, but still no sample cup.

    My port complication repeated itself and Dr. O has ordered a contrast study to figure out what’s happening. She studied my rash and determined that it’s actually sun damage spots being attacked by the chemo from the inside out rather than the outside in (topical treatment like my father had years ago). She said “good news is your getting a free treatment!” I really like this lady. She wasn’t happy about the lab story. She ordered a urine sample and said she would have a word with them. We also talked about my depression and anger level. We’re trying a drug I can’t remember but I’ll start tomorrow. I was on my way to the infusion lab to get my port working, draw blood for labs, and the Taxol when Dr.O’s nurse caught me at the elevator to tell me I needed to go back to lab lady to get a cup. I said that was a bad idea and asked if i couldn’t get one in the infusion room. She went to lab lady for me, came back to say lab lady copped an attitude with her as well and was making us wait until it showed up on her computer. Okay, I get that now that I don’t urgently need the ladies’ room. I said I’d wait but I wasn’t going over there because if I did, I w couldn’t guarantee I’d be nice if she copped an attitude again. So I’m standing at the elevator with a clear view of lab lady and Dr O’s nurse when I see Dr O walk up to them, obviously annoyed. Lab lady walks away briefly and comes back with a cup and hands it to Dr O who hands it to the nurse, turns back to lab lady briefly then stomps away. It’s impressive when all 5 foot nothing of Dr O is obviously angry. Now I’m on my way to the infusion lab with my blood tubes and my cup.

    Thirty minutes later my port is working. The infusion nurse got on the first try! Yay! Blood is off to the lab and should be back in about an hour max. It is now 12:30 and I’ve been in the infusion lab only 30 minutes. Three hours later they still aren’t back, so I relate the issue with lab lady and ask if she has the ability to delay things. When the nurse comes back she says they are waiting on my A1C…that my GP asked for rather than sticking me the day before…I pointed that out and away goes the nurse again. When another more senior nurse comes back she says that they are moving me to a private room and notices the urine sample I’ve finally been able to collect and she takes it to lab lady for me.

    Now in a private room with a confused new group of nurses, I’m asked how my previous Taxol cycles have gone and do I know why I was moved? Surprise #1, no I don’t know why they moved me, they told me nothing. Surprise #2, this is my first Taxol…Senior nurse at the control desk looks up and tells Tatiana, my new very sweet nurse that “yes, I heard that, I’m calling now”. I’m thinking, oh great, what now?

    Turns out, lab lady IS holding my chemo orders for the labs requested by my GP. She is also holding my chemo for the urine test. I’m overhearing the nurses (I have super hearing) getting very annoyed at lab lady and the nurse over the open area who has decided to transfer me to a private room because she realized I would now be in the infusion lab until after 6pm. The infusion lab apparently closes at 5pm. I also hear “no she is not. In fact just the opposite. She is very polite and courteous. I wouldn’t be this calm if I’d just spent 3 hours waiting for lab results and the start of my first treatment. Why is this happening and why weren’t we properly informed?” Another more senior (I assume) nurse arrives and I can’t really make out the conversation except they are now assuring Tatiana that she can handle a first-timer. Great! But Tatiana seems very capable to me and her extra concern with her methodology impresses my.

    Tatiana and a second nurse I’ve not seen come back to get me started. Oh and guess what…the urine sample came back positive for blood and white blood cells. Early bladder infection suspected and meds being called in to my pharmacy. It’s now 4pm and my infusion will take approximately 2.75 hours if all goes well. It does, but at about 6pm I overhear Tatiana speaking to Dr O who is about to board a flight. “No, she is still here. We will be finishing soon. The lab was holding up your orders for the additional test results. Yes, ma’am we told them they shouldn’t have done that. Yes ma’am, our supervisor has spoken with both the lab and the other infusion shift supervisor who transferred her to us. No ma’am, she is very calm and did extremely well with the treatment and especially the ice. She did tell us that she was tired and feeling down, but she has been wonderful.” There was more, but you get the idea. Someone is in a lot of trouble because of her own actions.

    So far no noticeable side effects. Other that being exhausted after 10 hours at the cancer center. :