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August 2022 Surgery...Anyone else out there?!



  • lb_cc
    lb_cc Member Posts: 2
    edited August 2022

    Thanks much for the info and support…I’ll report back

  • serendipity09
    serendipity09 Member Posts: 769
    edited August 2022

    Ib_cc - please do. I will be thinking of you on the 23rd and hoping for a good outcome for you!

  • fivetimes
    fivetimes Member Posts: 51
    edited August 2022

    serendipity- I just read your recent repost of what you’ve been through and I’m amazed at how well you’ve handled it all. I’ll be sending you all the positive thoughts on the 25th!!! Absolutely all the best wishes for a good outcome on your surgery.
    A lot of people will be pulling for you!!

  • serendipity09
    serendipity09 Member Posts: 769
    edited August 2022

    Thank you fivetimes! <3

  • whencanirun
    whencanirun Member Posts: 8
    edited August 2022

    I'm having a double mastectomy on Tuesday, August 23. I just want it over with and to start on recovery. I was diagnosed a month ago, and life has been so surreal. I wish everyone a safe surgery and a good recovery.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275
    edited August 2022

    Thought my surgery would be in September, but scheduled for mid-October. Now I am just praying I don't get sick before then as I work in a middle school, A.K.A. a germ factory, even before the pandemic! I will absolutely be wearing my Kn95 masks! Ugh!

    Good Luck to all having surgery this week!

  • serendipity09
    serendipity09 Member Posts: 769
    edited August 2022

    Whencanirun - I'll be thinking about and sending you positive vibes. Hoping that everything goes well for you on Tuesday!!

    Mavericksmom- Yes, please make sure to take the necessary precautions, especially in the school setting. I have a pre-op covid test on Monday and am doing my best to stay home and avoid any crowds as I've been waiting for this surgery for 6 months. Be sure to keep us posted on how things are going.

  • shizle7
    shizle7 Member Posts: 9
    edited August 2022

    I’m a little late to the game, but I had my BMX w/expanders on 8/9.

    Recovery is going well-hoping to get my drains removed tomorrow or Tuesday.

    My expanders were filled to 200cc at surgery and my next fill is on 8/31.

    I did start yesterday with this crazy itchiness on my upper chest and between my breasts. It’s like I can’t stop itching :

  • serendipity09
    serendipity09 Member Posts: 769
    edited August 2022

    Shizle7- So glad that everything is going well for you!!

    I still have that itchiness, but it has lessened over time (I'm almost 2 years out.) I used to wake up with scratches all on my chest, now I've become used to it.Even worse is when the itch is so deep within and there's no scratching that can relieve it. Hoping that my upcoming surgery does not make it worse.

    I hope everything goes well with getting those drains removed and your fill.

  • serendipity09
    serendipity09 Member Posts: 769
    edited August 2022

    Lb_cc and Whencanirun, wishing that all goes well with your surgeries tomorrow. Please let us know how you are doing when you feel up to it.

    Emmaleah - I hope all goes well with you biopsy tomorrow and that you receive positive news. Please keep us posted.

    Ladies you've got this!!

  • ktsmitty
    ktsmitty Member Posts: 15
    edited August 2022

    Concur with serendipty09. Good Luck to all tomorrow! I'm still a week away from mine.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275
    edited August 2022

    shizle7, I'm having a mastectomy with expander in October. I am interested in hearing your comments because all of this is new to me. I have a pre-op appointment with my plastic surgeon at the end of September. I am wondering how this all works. I know an expander is put in after mastectomy, I didn't know they put anything thing in it at the time, but that totally makes sense! I am curious if you have an idea how the course of your treatment will go, how many weeks of expansions, how far apart your next surgery will be. I am wondering how long I expect to be out on disability from work. I had no idea if I would likely recover from this surgery, be back at work, then out again??? That is not good, for me or the students. But, I have no control over this, so I will do whatever way it works. Any information is greatly appreciated! I had breast cancer three times, you would think I would be an expert on this, but each time was different, so I am once again a newbie!

    As for the itching, that can be like slow torture! I really hope you get some relief soon!

    serendipity09, I am wondering, when you got Covid tested, that was only a few days before your surgery, right? Did they tell you to stay away from people before your surgery or is that something you are wisely doing on your own? I am wondering if after I am tested, since I work in a school and can only do so much, if I should stop working at that time? I was planning to work the day before surgery. I will definitely ask about this.

    Thanks to all who post here! My best wishes for all of you!

  • fivetimes
    fivetimes Member Posts: 51
    edited August 2022

    Whencanirun - I’m thinking of you today!! Hoping your surgery went well and wishing you a quick recovery! Let us know how you’re doing in the coming days when you’re up to it!

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275
    edited August 2022

    whencanirun and lb_cc I too hope both of your surgeries go well!

  • emmaleah
    emmaleah Member Posts: 17
    edited August 2022

    Lb_cc and whencanirun, hope it all went safely and successfully today and that you are able to rest as comfortably as possible tonight.

    My sentinel lymph node procedure went fine today. I'm relieved that it's over. The pain is easily manageable so far. Now just waiting for the pathology result.

    Just relieved it's over because I was irrationally scared, specifically, about the pre-op visit to Nuclear Medicine for the radioactive tracer injection, being reminded of some awful and scary aspects of my thyroid cancer treatment in that very same facility nine years earlier. But the injection of Techetium-99m (sounds like kind of computer chip) was truly a nothingburger, happily. Our mind wants to protect us from danger, hence the "gift" of anxiety, dread, etc...but of course sometimes the feelings before are overly dramatic compared to the reality.

  • serendipity09
    serendipity09 Member Posts: 769
    edited August 2022

    Mavericksmom - I tested for covid on Monday and my surgery is tomorrow. I went out to dinner last night, but made sure to wash my hands or use sanitizer very often. No one told me to stay to home, I was surprised about that. IMO I would not go to work after getting tested. You will be exposed to all kinds of germs from the students and you don't want anything pushing your surgery further out.

    Emmaleah - so glad that everything went well for you yesterday. We really do psych ourselves out. I could not sleep last night and the little time I did I dreamt crazy things about the surgery, nothing terrible. Tonight I won't sleep, ugh!!! My microsurgeon called me a little while ago to see if I had any questions about tomorrow, we talked for a bit and he made me feel a little less nervous about the outcome. My PS' nurse called as well just to go over everything.

    I was told that I'll be given a 2 week script for Lovenox injections. I understood it serves as blood thinner.

    I'm in a good headspace and am going into surgery that way.

    I will keep you all posted on how everything goes!!

  • serendipity09
    serendipity09 Member Posts: 769
    edited August 2022

    Lisa_rn314 - I'm sending you good vibes, positive thoughts and warm wishes that your DIEP goes well on Friday.

  • emmaleah
    emmaleah Member Posts: 17
    edited August 2022

    Serendipity09 -- All the best tomorrow! Thinking good "deep" thoughts for a safe and successful DIEP. Thank you for gathering and being so encouraging to all of us August "surger-ees" (i.e., us people getting surgeries...OK, enough with my silly words!). Anyway, have good and restful recuping, and post us your updates when you feel up to it. Cheers, -emmaleah (who is already no longer peeing bright blue SLNB blue tracer-colored pee, but who might still be a little glib post-anesthesia!)

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275
    edited August 2022

    Serendipity09, I have been thinking about you! Thank you for your thoughts about the Covid testing, I agree, once I am tested, I don't want to go back to work and risk getting sick!

    Sending you good vibes for a safe surgery tomorrow! The DIEP is challenging, but you've got this! Just remember, your hips may swell up and you might feel like you look horrible, but the swelling does go down, it really does, it just takes a little time.

  • whencanirun
    whencanirun Member Posts: 8
    edited August 2022

    Thank you! The surgery went well and today is my first day of recovery. I'm doing better than I thought. I would be, though I'm finally coming out of the anesthesia fog. I don't have much of an appetite, but I've made myself eat a few light meals. I'm trying to stay as hydrated as possible. I've gotten up and walked around some. I have all I need on the first floor of my house, so that's where I've settled. Unfortunately my bed is upstairs. My husband has been amazing through all of this.

    I wish everyone the best recovery possible. It stinks, but it's the first step toward healing!

  • serendipity09
    serendipity09 Member Posts: 769
    edited August 2022

    emmaleah - thank you!!! Love the pun and the silly words!! LOL at ("who is already no longer peeing bright blue SLNB blue tracer-colored pee, but who might still be a little glib post-anesthesia!) So happy the pain was tolerable.

    Mavericksmom- thank you! I really appreciate the well wishes and the heads-up on my hips!!

    Whencanirun - thanks for letting us know how you are doing. I am so happy to hear you are doing ok. The first few days, for me, were the most difficult. Things will slowly get better. I will say this... please listen to your body and do not overdo things just because you feel like you can.

    Thank you all for the well wishes!! <3

  • emmaleah
    emmaleah Member Posts: 17
    edited August 2022

    Whencanirun, so good to hear you are done with surgery, that it was a success, and that you are eating, hydrating, and walking about some. May you have as much ease in recuping and healing as possible.

    Lb_cc, hope you are doing well after your surgery, and if/when you feel like it, send us an update. Hope it went as well as possible and that you are recuping along with as little discomfort as possible and are healing as expeditiously as possible.

    Lisa_rn314, wishing you all the best in all the preparation steps, and thinking good thoughts for a safe and successful surgery. You got this. Stronger together.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275
    edited August 2022

    whencanirun, I am so glad to here all went well for you! I still have 7 weeks before my surgery. Technically I guess I should not be on this topic, call it “was hopeful for an August surgery!“ It is gto here you are settled in at home already! Wow! I wish you a restful night and “pain free healing!”

  • lw422
    lw422 Member Posts: 1,419
    edited August 2022

    Serendipity--I'm just popping in to send virtual hugs, good wishes, and prayers for your successful surgery tomorrow. I'll be thinking of you.

  • meow13
    meow13 Member Posts: 1,363
    edited August 2022

    Serendipity, hope your surgery went well. Thinking of you.

  • fivetimes
    fivetimes Member Posts: 51
    edited August 2022

    mavericksmom. Sorry you have to wait so long for your surgery! Honestly I feel like the waiting has been the hardest part of this. My mammogram was on June 1 and I just got scheduled for DXM surgery September 8. And now I’m so overprepared my house looks like a mini hospital!! the waiting has just kept me reading through every piece of paperwork that explains what you need post up. Let me know what you’re doing to pass the time while you’re waiting! I’ve already put a ton of new plants in my garden I’ve re-organized every closet in my house I have labeled every drawer in my bedroom so whoever is helping me can find everything they need I have even, out of desperation, found myself on a treadmill! lol take care and keep your hands busy


  • fivetimes
    fivetimes Member Posts: 51
    edited August 2022

    Serendipity thinking of You today! Hope everything goes quickly and perfectly. Really wishing you a smooth recovery. When you’re feeling a little better let us know how you’re doing please. Sending lots of good thoughts and hugs!!


  • fivetimes
    fivetimes Member Posts: 51
    edited August 2022

    shizle7. How’s your recovery going? Smoothly I hope! I am new to this too and I’ve seen a couple people talk about the itchiness so I’m curious how long that lasts and do they know what causes that? Anything else unexpected you’re finding that you could share ? Forewarned is forearmed! Hope you’re doing well sending positive wishes for your healing!!


  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275
    edited August 2022

    Maryann, I want you to come and do that to my house...........or at least send me the energy/desire to do it!HappySeriously, I do the same, but not quite to the level you do. I am a list maker, planner, which is why breast cancer threw me for a loop, especially this time! It most definitely wasn't in my daily planner! I have already been doing a lot of de-cluttering this summer, even prior to Dx. My DH and I have been married for 43 years and spent 42 of those in our current house. We raised two beautiful children here, but those beautiful kids didn't take all their things when they finished college and moved out of the house! So, every year I go through things and donate or throw out. I don't want my kids having to deal with it in my later years. As for surgery planning, I am doing that too, making sure I have things we need on hand since I won't be able to drive for a while after surgery. I have become very happy at the site of empty bins setting in the corner of our guest room! I have 12, very large bins and many smaller ones. Why I kept so much "stuff" I will never know! I guess in that respect, I am glad my surgery isn't until mid-October! You certainly inspired me! Work starts next week (middle school) so that pressure always make me more productive.

    Serindipity, thinking of you today, but doubt you are even out of surgery yet. I know when I had DIEP done it took 81/2 hours and I only had one side done!

    Meow, I have to comment on the gorgeous cats! I never owned a cat, but I love them!

    Happy Healing to all!

  • blums8
    blums8 Member Posts: 18
    edited August 2022

    I had my bilateral mastectomy on August 16th. It has been much better than I anticipated. I have not had too much pain and didn't need to use the oxycodone. I am using ibuprofen, Tylenol and gabapentin on a schedule prescribed by my surgeon. I am sleeping in my bed with a wedge pillow and extra pillows around me. My husband, generously, is sleeping in our extra bedroom which allows me to be in the middle of the bed with plenty of room. Two of the drains came out on Tuesday and I have a feeling the other two might come out tomorrow. I recommend the wedge pillow and a waist belt with pouches for the drains.

    FYI. my covid test was the day before, so I didn't have to worry too much about exposure after the test. We were really careful the week before surgery. I just didn't want to delay it if I got sick so I stayed pretty close to home.

    For all those with upcoming surgeries, I wish you the best of luck.
