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August 2022 Surgery...Anyone else out there?!



  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Posts: 1,275
    edited August 2022

    Janice, so glad things are going well for you! "Better than anticipated" is always welcome!!!! Also nice to know you can sleep in your own bed and that the drains are OUT!!!!!

    Really appreciate the heads up on the Covid test! It would be so ironic, if after the years of being "an essential worker," surrounded by positive cases in school and staying Covid free, that I would get it now! I am hopeful that I will continue to stay free of Covid! I wasn't going to wear a mask this year when school starts, but that was before my unexpected summer breast cancer diagnosis! Now I will wear my KN95 masks and try to do the best I can while I wait for my October surgery. I know things will work out it just may not be the way I planned.

    Happy Healing to all!

  • whencanirun
    whencanirun Posts: 8
    edited August 2022

    Thank you to all who wished me well. I don't know if I'm using the Reply button right on this forum!

    Mavericksmom, I hope the time goes quickly until your surgery. Waiting was so hard for me because I just wanted to get to the healing process.

    I stopped taking tramadol after the first 24 hours because I hate how narcotics make me feel. I have my gabepetin and tylenol, plus the antibiotic. I'm still taking the colace because I haven't had a bm since the morning of my surgery, but I'm hopeful today's the day!! (I feel like my grandma saying that. Plus I'm wearing a house dress like she used to!)

    As my user name indicates, I'm a runner, so I'm chomping at the bit for physical activity! I need a prescription for patience!!!

    I'm going to learn to how to reply to individuals, but in the meantime, I thank you all for your support. Please know that I am sending all kinds of positive vibes and energy your way!!

  • fivetimes
    fivetimes Posts: 51
    edited August 2022

    whencanirun- Grandmom always said “warm prunes is the best way “to go”” 😂 and always helped me after surgery!! Glad you’re doing well in your recovery!!


  • fivetimes
    fivetimes Posts: 51
    edited August 2022

    mavericksmom- so I’m not usually a very organized person and generally just wait for a whim or inspiration to get things cleaned out! That’s when I realized all that organizing, planning and preparation was actually my way of avoiding the stress I’ve been having from the diagnosis 🙄 I guess everybody deals with stress differently but now that all that stuff is done - I’m eating everything in my kitchen that can’t out run me!!! Surgery can’t get here soon enough because I just want to be on the recovery side of this and get back to normal :)

    Best wishes and healing thoughts to everyone who recently had their surgery 💕


  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Posts: 1,275
    edited August 2022

    Maryann, you really make me laugh, mostly because I can totally relate to everything you wrote! I am supposed to be cleaning out the office, but I keep taking computer breaks which turn into very long breaks, so less cleaning! Definitely avoidance on my part as I don't feel like doing this at all, but I do like things clean and organized, so I keep reminding myself that this is what to happen in order to accomplish that.

    I agree, I just want this behind me and get back to normal and planning my retirement! Monday, I have a stress test and I am really dreading that! I need it for my cardiac clearance.

    whencanirun, I can't take Tramadol, it makes me throw up! Ugh! I don't know what all they gave me with my first reverse shoulder replacement, but it was definitely opioids and even with a stool softener I went 9 days without going! Talk about pain! Fleet to the rescue, it was brutal. I swore right then and there that no way will I ever do that again, so while I will take what they give me in the hospital, at home it only Tylenol! That gabepentin was great. When I had my mastectomy in 2019, I realized I could actually feel the soles of my feet for the first time in years! Normally they feel like I have strapping tape on them. As soon as I left the hospital, they took me off of that and my feet went back to the way they were before. So cool that you are a runner! My daughter is too! I am lucky just to get my walks in! I am all about getting in my "steps!"

    I am dreading the sentinal node biopsy as mine was a nightmare in 2003! I hope it has improved since then. It didn't work so my surgeon took the whole fat pad out, which for me contained 24 nodes. That left me with lymphedema. I just can't have two lymphedema arms, but what can I do? I try not to think about it! That is the biggest reason I am so angry that my former doctor refused to give me a double mastectomy in 2019! I definitely wouldn't have had issues with lymphedema if they just took them both off when I asked! At least I have a plastic surgeon that specializes in lymphedema, biggest hurdle is getting Medicare to approve!

    fivetimes, I am glad to be starting back to school next week just to think about things other than breast cancer! 6th graders keep me young! LOL

    Sending Serindipity healing vibes even though I don't expect to see her post on here for awhile.

  • maggiehopley
    maggiehopley Posts: 159
    edited August 2022

    My surgery (bilateral mastectomy with flat closure) is Sept. 16. My surgeon does not do the sentinel node dye injection until after I am asleep. I am beyond grateful! He said they used to think it took a couple of hours for the dye to reach the nodes but now they know it only takes 5 minutes. My hospital does not do covid testing, just a questionnaire.

  • fivetimes
    fivetimes Posts: 51
    edited August 2022

    Whencanirun- I’m just learning this site too and thru embarrassing trial and error - I found at the top of every post is the senders initial and under that is their Username highlighted. Tap the highlighted user name to send a private message. It’s not enough just to get through breast cancer but you have to learn all kinds of technology to help you along the way😂


  • fivetimes
    fivetimes Posts: 51
    edited August 2022

    Whencanirun- and then you have to remember to look in your “ private message “ folder for messages sent to you!
    Then take a nap

  • whencanirun
    whencanirun Posts: 8
    edited August 2022

    Mavericksmom--9 days, yikes!!!!

    Maryann--I just might try the prunes tomorrow if needed! And I'm glad I'm not alone in terms of figuring this site out!

    Did any of you not have lymph nodes removed because they look good? That's what my husband said the surgeon said, but I went for the sentinel node detection process the day before my surgery. I have an appointment next week where I'll get the specifics, and I know i could just call my doctor, but I'm just curious. I'm not getting my hopes up about anything until I see the pathology report. The cancer was in my left breast, and my left underarm feels exactly like my right.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Posts: 1,275
    edited August 2022

    whencanirun, I am soooo curious about the sentinel node process you went through the day before your surgery. I never heard of anyone not getting some removed because they "looked good," which doesn't mean anything, because I had 24 nodes taken out under my left breast in 2003, so none were removed in 2019 when I had my mastectomy. In just under 20 years, so much has changed. That's why I feel like a newbie even though this is my third time with breast cancer! When you feel better and get all the information, please share! Until then, relax, rest and heal!

    Have a great weekend everyone!

  • whencanirun
    whencanirun Posts: 8
    edited August 2022

    Mavericksmom--I got all my surgical information from my husband. God love him, he has been amazing through this whole process, but he was processing a lot of information the day of my surgery, so it's possible he misunderstood. I kept asking him if he was sure the doctor said she didn't take any out, and he said yes. The pathology reports are going to be what they are, and I'll get the full story from the doctor when I have my follow up. I'll be sure to follow up here, as well, because it doesn't make sense to not take out the sentinel nodes!

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Posts: 1,275
    edited August 2022

    You had DCIS, which is probably why they didn't take any nodes. I didn't read that you had any microinvasion, or if you did, I missed that. I have high grade DCIS with microinvasion. I could be mistaken, but the reason I am having sentinel node biopsy is because I had the microinvasion. Normal DCIS stays confined to the ducts so no worry about it spreading anywhere. I will be super happy if they don't take out any lymph nodes out of me!

    I am still curious to hear what you find out!

  • emmaleah
    emmaleah Posts: 17
    edited August 2022

    Whencanirun and mavericksmom, yes, the current clinical algorithm generally says to not go into the armpit nodes at all for pure DCIS (is my understanding). [Edited to add: only true for lumpectomy -- see my post a few posts down for what I think is the logic for their wanting to go after sentinel nodes in a mastectomy.]

    In my case I had a pre-surgery biopsy diagnosis of DCIS, but then upon lumpectomy surgical pathology, it was upstaged to IDC. During the presumed-DCIS-only lumpectomy in July, they did not do sentinel node removal, but after the pathology report showed IDC, they then scheduled me for a separate SLNB procedure (just done Tuesday).

    The thinking is that DCIS almost never invades the nodes and that the risks of an armpit node surgery are too considerable (especially, the off chance of lymphedema) to go into that area on a just-in-case basis, while for the smaller IDC tumors, the idea is it is worth checking the sentinel node(s), but not automatically removing a larger bunch of nodes.

    I got the good news yesterday from my surgeon yesterday that there was no cancer in my sentinel nodes, yay! Been misting up with relief-joy.

  • fivetimes
    fivetimes Posts: 51
    edited August 2022

    mavericksmom Whencanirun and emmaleah

    emmaleah - congratulations on your good news!!! Always great to hear no cancer!!

    I'm so confused about the sentinel node procedure. I have DCIS grade 3 with many micro calcifications and am getting DM. Surgeon is going to do the blue dye injection into nodes and planning on removing 2 nodes to biopsy during surgery. I can't understand why that's necessary if the cancer hasn't gone outside the duct

    I would have gone to medical school if it wouldn't have cut into all my partying!!


  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Posts: 1,275
    edited August 2022

    Maryann, I have DCIS with calcifications but also "microinvasion." My surgeon is doing the same as yours, told me to prepare for possibly more removed. That would only happen if SN shows positive. I hope they don't! The only reason he is doing SNB at all, is because of the microinvasion. (my DCIS is also high grade) Personally, I wish the SNB was off the table altogether, but this is my third time with breast cancer and the only time I picked my surgeon prior to Dx, so I do trust his judgement.

    You should ask your surgeon. No harm in asking. Most likely there is a very good reason.

    Emmaleah, WOOHOO!!!! Great news!

  • fivetimes
    fivetimes Posts: 51
    edited August 2022

    mavericksmom- I agree!! I really don’t want the nodes touched for fear of lymphedema. I think I’m going to ask the surgeon to explain to me again why this needs to be done.

    Good suggestion!! Thanks so much

  • whencanirun
    whencanirun Posts: 8
    edited August 2022

    mavericksmom, fivetimes, and emmaleah,

    Yeah, I went for the blue injection the day before my surgery, so I assumed they would take out at least one lymph node to test. I meet with the plastic surgeon on Tuesday and my breast doctor on Friday, so I'll get answers. My recovery is going really well, though by the end of the day the surgical bra is so uncomfortable. I've been wearing the ones the doctor sent me, but I allow myself an hour with a more comfortable one while I sit with ice on my chest. That seems to make the doctor's bra more comfortable after.

    Hope you all are doing well!

  • emmaleah
    emmaleah Posts: 17
    edited August 2022

    Fivetimes, mavericksmom - Thanks so much for your cheers!

    Re: sentinel nodes and mastectomy for DCIS, my understanding is that even if it is DCIS-only, that if mastectomy is the chosen surgery, that they will want to go after the sentinel nodes at the time of the mastectomy.

    The logic in that case is that, even though there is only a very small chance it has spread to the sentinel nodes, the breast's lymph drainage system needs to be somewhat intact for them to be able to inject the blue dye and/or radioactive tracer and have it "find" the actual sentinel nodes. Once the breast tissue is fully removed (and all its lymph ducts thus disconnected from the armpit lymph nodes), there would no longer be a way to identify *which* of the armpit nodes are the sentinel ones -- in the event that they needed to be checked.

    In cases like mine, where the DCIS is upstaged to IDC upon lumpectomy surgical pathology, they can still go after the sentinel nodes later, in a second surgery, but if it had been a mastectomy, those tracer channels would have been lost.

    Always good to ask them about their reasoning and make sure that their approach aligns with your sense of things. If they do it, I hope that there are no complications and definitively no cancer.

  • fivetimes
    fivetimes Posts: 51
    edited August 2022


    So happy to hear that your recovery is going well! That’s helpful information about taking a break from the doctors bra to apply ice when it gets uncomfortable I will definitely remember that. Good luck getting all your information at your next visit! Wishing you continued good news from doctors


  • fivetimes
    fivetimes Posts: 51
    edited August 2022


    Thank you so much for that perspective on the lymph node process! It was just so much information when the doctor explained it that my brain just refused to hear another word so seeing you write it out it’s very helpful!
    Thank you and I’m so grateful for this site and all you guys participating and sharing your experiences!!
    it just helps so much!


  • serendipity09
    serendipity09 Posts: 769
    edited August 2022

    Thank you all for the well wishes! I really appreciate it and am so humbled and grateful for you all.

    Surgery went well, like Meow, it took 8.5 hours.I ended with 6 drains, UGH!!!! Low output so hoping to have some removed tomorrow. I had to do the pain meds for a day and half and then cut them out; off of them since Saturday morning. Now it's just Tylenol, Gabapetin (sp?) and Celebrex. I've been alternating Senna stool softeners and Miralax each once a day and had a BM day before yesterday, Going to continue with it for a little while.

    I had an awful awful (did I mention it was awful) experience with my first nurse when put into my room. She was on the newer side and had no idea what she was doing. She allowed me to pass the peak of the pain to the point I ended up having an anxiety attack on top of the pain. I had to remind her for my meds (antibiotic and pain) an hour after they were due and three hours later, crying in so much pain I couldn't even see, begging for just a Tylenol. I literally apologized to her for what was about to come out of my mouth. I lost it!! Long story short.... told her I wanted another nurse as my situation was too much for and she was negligent in my needs. If she couldn't handle the pressure that this position brought, that she really needed to re-evaluate if this was the field for her to be in. A lot of of expletives were infused within. I made her cry and felt bad, but she has been struggling, but I was struggling even more. Unfortunately for her, she caught the wrong patient, because if there is anything that I've learning from having breast cancer is that self advocacy is EVERYTHING! The charge nurse took over my case and was able to get me at a tolerable level pain (what is that?). I cried for hours. Horrific, but I thank God that I was able to get though it. I ended up with three amazing nurses after that until I cam home. I did not see the nurse again, but spoke to the charge nurse before my release and told her that I apologize for the way I spoke to the nurse, but I was not wrong. She should not have been assigned me as a patient if they knew she was already having a difficult time. I felt awful for speaking to her in that way. Anyone that "knows" me on here, knows my heart. I am not malicious mean, rude or cruel.

    So now I'm home as of yesterday. Had a rough evening/night. This morning is a bit better. I'm staying in bed for the most part today. Will walk around the house every hour and half or so just to get going. Healing a little everyday!

    LW - miss you girl!

    Blums- thrilled to hear you are doing ok and that the surgery was not that bad for you. Continue taking it easy and listen to your body.

    Whencanirum- same, so happy you are recovering well.

    Emmaleah - YAY on the biopsy results!!

    Maggiehopely - we are here for you, if you want to be part of the September thread it would be good, but you are more than welcome to join us here. I'll keep you on my radar

    Lisa - praying you are ok!

    Mavericksmom, Meow and Maryann - thank you as well, for sharing your your experiences and sharing tips to get through this.

    Mavericksmom- I think I said this to you, but having so much time to think and research these procedures are excruciating. I know what to expect now because they're more maintenance surgery(ies), but these big surgeries...NOPE! Too much time to think and t prepare, but you can never prepare for something like this.

    More later...

    My love to you all!!

  • lw422
    lw422 Posts: 1,419
    edited August 2022

    Hey Ivy, I'm so glad you're done with the surgery and so sorry you had so much pain. I've got my first LE wrap on so I can hardly type. I'll check on you later, Hugs!

    To others in recovery--hang in there!! I'd also like to say that to please check with your doctor before using ice or heat on your surgical wounds. I was instructed to NOT USE ICE on any of my surgical wounds because it would interfere with healing. I know that different doctors have varied instructions, though. Good luck.

  • meow13
    meow13 Posts: 1,363
    edited August 2022

    Yep, just need to rest. I got a whole bunch of dvds and watched old movies.

  • fivetimes
    fivetimes Posts: 51
    edited August 2022

    lw422 thanks for the heads up about using ice!

    Serendipity- so glad you’re home on starting on the road to recovery
    But holy cow what a horrible experience for you with that nurse! It’s unbelievable how much extra pain she caused you. Who could blame your response to her.

    I think we’re seeing the effects of the nursing shortage and it’s not good.

    Hope you feel better every day!

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Posts: 1,275
    edited August 2022

    OMG, serendipity!!!! I don’t remember being in any pain while in the hospital and when I came home I took one pain pill for the ride home, about an hour ride. Once home, only Tylenol and I was ok on that. Unbelievable that you had to endure so much pain! I am soooo sorry!

    I hope you start feeling better soon! Also that you get those pesky drains out real soon

  • serendipity09
    serendipity09 Posts: 769
    edited September 2022

    Hi there!

    LW - what did you think about the wrap. Are you doing ithe wraps because you are showing signs of LE or are you just being proactive in prevention?

    Fastimes - the nurse shortage is a bit scary to me

    Meow - I did not intentionally watch certain shows on Netflix so that I could binge watch them now. Then I'll watch some of my DVD/Blue Rays.

    Everyday a little better. Had my first post-op appt yesterday; 3/6 drains out along with the wound vac. I feel so much lighter not having to carry the wound vac around. The last 3 drains will probably be removed on Tuesday so long as output continues to stay low. All of my incisions look good. I kind of freaked out when I saw the belly button. The shape is perfect, but the inside looked a bit wonky. She told me that it would not stay that way, that it just needs to heal. The only thing that was a little concerning was that the underside of the radiated breast was irritated and red, I thought it was to be expected. This morning it feels like the skin wants to rip, like it did right after I finished radiation, it's quite painful. It was fine until they man handled the girls yesterday, I didn't even know there was any irritation. Prior to surgery that breast was always sore or hurting.

    Meow, Blinx - Did any of you have that issue? I know one of you mentioned having had radiation some years ago. I'm praying that this does not turn into an issues and that it is just, as mentioned above, irritated.

  • lw422
    lw422 Posts: 1,419
    edited September 2022

    Hey Ivy! I'm so glad you're feeling somewhat better and got some of the drains out. I hope you continue to improve and that the irritation under your breast will go away!

    Unfortunately I was recently diagnosed with LE. I have to say I was expecting it after having ALND with 32 nodes removed, but it's still a bummer. The wrap was mostly to teach me how to do it; it wasn't as awful as I anticipated.

    Take care and I hope you feel MUCH BETTER soon! Same to all of you August surgery fighters.

  • serendipity09
    serendipity09 Posts: 769
    edited September 2022

    LW - I'm sorry to hear about the LE. Something you tried so hard to prevent. :(

  • lw422
    lw422 Posts: 1,419
    edited September 2022

    Ivy--I guess I was expecting it, so not as devastating as it could have been. Just a parting gift from cancer treatment! Gentle hugs to you, my sweet friend. I wish I had a magic wand to make us all better.

  • meow13
    meow13 Posts: 1,363
    edited September 2022

    No I never had radiation just had simple mastectomy non skin sparring I absolutely hated the AI drugs wish I never took them. Still have mild joint pain and trigger finger. That stuff was kind of brutal on me.