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Experience to share about how to find a timely second opinion?

aprilwind Member Posts: 13

I'm recently dragonized as DCIS after lumpectomy.

DCIS, nuclear grade 1, present in 2/13 slices, 8mm, ER+/PR+,

Distance from Closest Margin (Millimeters): 1mm

Closest Margin(s): Superior = 1mm

Distance from Other Margins > 5mm

(BTW, I am a little bit concerned about the Superior margin < 2mm; would it play a major role in determining whether I need radiation therapy or not?)

It seems there are there types of treatments for DCIS after lumpectomy:

(1) active observation

(2) radiation therapy; hormonal therapy; radiation therapy + hormonal therapy

(3) mastectomy

I booked visits with one radiation oncologist (about 3 weeks after lumpectomy), one medical oncologist (about 5 weeks after lumpectomy). From my online search, it seems that if radiation therapy is needed, it is better to start soon after the local incision heals.

At the same time, I am trying to book appointments for a second opinion.

The treatment after lumpectomy depends on how to assess the likelihood of recurrence, which include multiple factors.

I am looking for doctors in Stanford Health Care. However, so far the available dates seem late.

Normally how do you find a timely second opinionin a timely way?

I can continue to try other hospitals. I found some hospitals can provide online 2nd opinions.

Your experience would be greatly appreciated!

And at the same time, I was asking my surgeon's office to order an Oncotype DX Breast DCIS Test two days ago. I haven't heard from them yet.

Is it common to order an Oncotype DX Breast DCIS Test?