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"Roll Call" for those who've stopped Hormonal Therapy early - short post to share status?



  • oldladyblue
    oldladyblue Member Posts: 302

    6 month medical update: NED (No evidence of disease). Still on the Dr. Berg Healthy Keto plus Intermittent Fasting diet which I love: dropped from 167 at heaviest to 126 now (5'2" small boned), exercising one time a week, but should do more. Hair getting thicker, less gray, curls from chemo all gone. More energy, still insomniac at times though. All blood tests good except cholesterol is high. On no meds, take vitamins though.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,271

    Oldladyblues, congratulations on the weight loss! That is my New Year's Resolution. Also, love that you have NED! Not sure if I am the only one, but I HATE when the word "Survivor" is used, especially a "Survivorship Plan!" One can only be a breast cancer survivor if they die of something else. I was diagnosed three times, all new breast cancers, so no, I am not a survivor. I am quite happy being NED.

    I went back on Letrozole after my third dx. Felt I needed to, but I still wish they would not mess with our hormones!

    Wishing all here a Happy, Healthy New Year!

  • oldladyblue
    oldladyblue Member Posts: 302
    edited January 6

    Hi @mavericksmom and glad to see you check in. How are you doing on the Letrozole? I think I would have gone onto it if I was in your shoes.

    My weight loss was a side-effect (hehehe) of doing Dr. Berg's Healthy Keto plus Intermittent Fasting. I went on it to bring my metabolism into autophagy which is beneficial to a body's ability to "eat up" bad cells and hopefully avoid future cancerous cells … who knows what really works, but this diet was easy for me to follow and so much has improved for me (blood tests and physical wellnes).

    I just had a yearly PAP with abnormal results. I was told I have HPV virus active and pre-cancerous cells on my cervix. The VA scheduled me quickly for a LEEP procedure (Jan 9th) to remove those cells from my cervix. Also told that the HPV virus was active LAST year on my PAP but no one told me or scheduled a follow-up. Sigh.