…7 Years later

greatlakes Posts: 2

question: it’s been seven years since my mastectomy; is it normal, to have feelings of “aching” or soreness on the cancer side every now & then? It’s not a debilitating feeling but, just uncomfortable and, if I may, kind of “scary…”


  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,842

    Hi @greatlakes, and thanks for posting! We're sure others will be by soon to weigh in.

    In the meantime, you might find this podcast helpful on Post-Mastectomy Pain Syndrome:

    We hope this helps!

    —The Mods

  • lovelau
    lovelau Posts: 43

    I feel same way. I’m tired. Depressed and sad. No follow up because I had double mastectomy. Every day is a chore. What’s wrong with me. Don’t want to complain to friends they don’t understand and will pull away. Who knows how to be happy and feel better after bc and in remission
