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Wait and worry


hi everyone, I was diagnosed on July 24, I got the call on my first day of vacation in Maine, I have IDC triple negative grade 2 size 1.2 x .09 x 1

Drew blood for genetic testing

Surgery is scheduled for August 15 so I have time to go to Dana-Farber for a second opinion, my appointment is Tuesday, August 8
I’m finding it hard to focus I can’t eat. I’ve lost 20 pounds in the last three weeks and I just want to get there. I’m scared that things will progress if I don’t hurry.

Please help me calm my mind



  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    IDC is slow growing, probably been there a while. A few more weeks won’t make a big difference. Yes, now that you know, you want it out YESTERDAY. Understandable. There will be some more tests, but once you have a plan, it does get better.

    Try to distract yourself with fun things, if you really can’t choke down any food, try Ensure.

    You can do this!!!!

  • flowergirl1975
    flowergirl1975 Member Posts: 57

    Hi @cindylou416 I’m so sorry!!! What a crappy way to start a vacation! The beginning of this is the worst. People told me that when I first was diagnosed and it’s soooo true! It does get better, I know it’s hard to imagine that now but it does. Once you know what you’re dealing with and have a treatment plan it becomes easier. The feeling of wanting it out of your body as soon as possible is a feeling I and probably many others here know very well. From the time I was diagnosed until my double mastectomy was probably 2 months ( 2 lumpectomies in between). I think what you’re feeling is normal. Hang in there….. you’re not alone. Sending you hugs and strength!!!

  • inneedofhope
    inneedofhope Member Posts: 31

    I'm so sorry about your diagnosis. This can be a scary time but hopefully you will feel better once you have had time to digest things and you have a treatment plan in place and a team you feel confident to out your trust in.