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Where are our January 2024 biopsy people?

Had my MRI guided breast biopsy today. If positive this will be my third breast cancer, each being diagnosed 8 years apart. The only uncomfortable part was my head in the headrest and problems with a stuffed nose. I was told I will have the results next week. The preliminary report is online but only explains the procedure and that they were able to identify the enhancing lesion identified on the last MRI.


  • kat104_again
    kat104_again Member Posts: 10

    Jonib, I wish you the best of luck. I'm having a biopsy today, and if positive it will also be my third time (diagnosed 2016, recurrence 2019). I really hope it's a false alarm for both of us!

  • jonib
    jonib Member Posts: 94

    @kat104_again sending positive thoughts your way. The radiologist said she will call me with results next week but, based on prior experience, I'm thinking it may come sooner. Please let me know how you are doing.

  • kat104_again
    kat104_again Member Posts: 10

    @jonib thank you for the positive thoughts! I hope you do hear sooner than expected. Waiting for results can be so consuming, even with plenty of distracting activities.

    I also hope I hear back sooner too haha. I had the biopsy yesterday, and since it was excisional, I have to go back in 14 days (13 now) to get the stitches out. He said the pathology will be ready then. Ugh, I think it should be ready before then, right? I was awake for the procedure, and I asked to see what he removed, so he held up the tissue in tweezers and said it just looks like fatty tissue (sorry if gross). So I think that's good (!), but of course we'll have to wait for pathology.

    Ahhh, sending you positive thoughts back, and I sure hope you get some answers soon.

  • jonib
    jonib Member Posts: 94

    @kat104_again - my daughter recently had a mass removed that turned out to be benign. She had to wait until she met with her doctor for the results, but she "spied" them on her portal before that so I would say results don't usually take 14 days unless perhaps they are sent out and not done at the hospital the biopsy was performed in. Having lunch with my DIL today so I almost expect to receive a call to ruin my lunch lol.

    I had no idea that excision biopsies were done while the patient was awake! That sounds better to me than being put out.

    Keep in touch!

  • djschmidt1
    djschmidt1 Member Posts: 70

    I had two MRI biopsies yesterday and I’m told the point of this is to determine margins for surgery when we get there, I’m working quickly to start chemo pre surgery which they say has terrific results with my cancer type. This has been the most agonizing month of my life. Hoping to get results today or Monday but I already know I have cancer just the size being established.

  • jonib
    jonib Member Posts: 94

    @djschmidt1 best of luck in your journey. So good that chemo works well with your cancer type and I’m sure you are anxious to start the ball rolling. Thinking of you.

  • kat104_again
    kat104_again Member Posts: 10

    @djschmidt1, I hope you already got the results or get them today so you can get started! I agree with jonib that it's so good chemo works well with your cancer type.

    @jonib, I hope your lunch wasn't ruined! but also hope these results come in quickly. For my excisional biopsy, my doc gave me the option of setting up a procedure in the OR where I would be knocked out or just coming to the office and doing it with lidocaine. I'm so tired of general anesthesia and the crazy long process in the OR, and the procedure with just local turned out to be so easy. I only felt the initial numbing needle and then nothing, and it was honestly cool to hear the doc training 2 med students during the procedure. We also chatted about colleges, holiday trips, all kinds of things while I was painlessly bleeding haha. It felt like way less of a big deal compared to being in the OR two hours early with the paper gown and IVs, recovery room, etc. I'm thankful he gave me the option.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,558
    edited January 8

    @djschmidt1, welcome! Although we're sorry you had to join us. We have compiled some Resources for the Newly Diagnosed that we thought you might find helpful. We know it can be scary and confusing right now, just know that you are not alone!

    Wishing each and every one of you the best of luck as you go through your biopsies this month. May the process be as smooth as possible, and may the results bring you good news and peace of mind.

    Warm regards,

    The Mods

  • kat104_again
    kat104_again Member Posts: 10

    Well I just got an email that my pathology results are available in MyChart. I thought that was a good sign, because I thought I'd hear from a human first if they were bad. Unfortunately it is bad news :(. I was impatient for results, but I wasn't quite as scared this time as last time while waiting. Now I'm a little bit of a basket case. It's the same kind as before, but it doesn't list the grade (just "poorly differentiated" which isn't good). There is nothing about margins either, and the piece of tissue was so so tiny. So now I wait for lots more answers :(. It even had a flag that the results haven't been reviewed by my doc yet. I do hope he gets on the phone with the pathologist before I see him again.

    @jonib keep in touch, and I so so so hope your results are good. I forget if I've mentioned it, but I had an MRI-guided biopsy during my first diagnosis for a non-mass enhancement, and it turned out to be totally benign "fibrocystic changes." I am hoping very strongly for something similar for you.

  • djschmidt1
    djschmidt1 Member Posts: 70


    So sorry you found out this way. My radiologist told me right after my first biopsy it was cancer. What a gut punch. Sending you love and hugs.

    @jonib keeping you in my thoughts for good news.

  • kat104_again
    kat104_again Member Posts: 10

    @djschmidt1 oh goodness that is a hard way to find out too :(. I think they get desensitized to it and just don't think. I'm sorry you're going through all of this. Thank you also for the support. Cancer is just so randomly unfair.

  • djschmidt1
    djschmidt1 Member Posts: 70

    @kat104_again it truly is, I’m trying to squash all my fears and my friends do help with that but its so much better to connect with ladies that have been down this road. Best wishes to you ❤️

  • jonib
    jonib Member Posts: 94

    Add me to the January biopsies with bad results! I found out online before I got the call as well. I kept checking the portal and saw them around two hours before the radiologist called. Tried to get an appointment with my oncologist and was told the end of January - got it moved up to tomorrow.Trying to put together a team. Also want a full body scan which I have to remind her about! Thinking of you @kat104_again and @djschmidt1

  • kat104_again
    kat104_again Member Posts: 10

    Oh @jonib I'm so sorry :(. I'm glad you were able to get in with your oncologist quickly, and I hope you get those full body scans fast too. What unfair news.

    I still haven't heard from my doctor :(. The plan was for me to return in 14 days (7days now) for stitches removal and path results, but now I've known for 48 hours. I sent a few questions into the portal, and a nurse acknowledged them, but still crickets. I'll try to see my oncologist soon, but I still don't have all the details I want from the surgeon. Your comment about the scan makes me realize that at least I can get that on the schedule.

    Thinking of you both.

  • djschmidt1
    djschmidt1 Member Posts: 70

    Hi Ladies, I’ve been away doing things like getting my port installed and all that entails and today I had my pre-chemo appointment with my oncologist. @jonib I’m so sorry to hear this news, do keep us posted on how the oncology appt goes. I’m starting chemo Monday (gulp). I’d love to keep up with you and @kat104_again as we travel this rocky road.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,558

    You got this, @djschmidt1 ! We'll be thinking of you on Monday. Please let us all know how it goes.

  • jonib
    jonib Member Posts: 94

    @djschmidt1 and @Kat104 thinking of both of you. I have the flu which is probably much worse because of all the stress. Turns out this is not a recurrence but a new cancer in the exact spot of prior cancer. Scans not til end of month! Will be in touch when feeling better.

  • djschmidt1
    djschmidt1 Member Posts: 70

    @jonib hope you’re feeling better

  • jonib
    jonib Member Posts: 94

    @djschmidt1 good luck tomorrow. After tomorrow you will have one less chemo session! I’ll be thinking of you. Hugs.

  • kat104_again
    kat104_again Member Posts: 10

    @djschmidt1 thinking of you tomorrow! And @jonib is right -- after tomorrow you'll have one down, and you'll never have to do the very first one ever again!

  • djschmidt1
    djschmidt1 Member Posts: 70

    @kat104_again @jonib thanks ladies, I’m so grateful for your support. You are so right…only 5 more after today!

  • jonib
    jonib Member Posts: 94

    Hi @djschmidt1 - hope you’re feeling ok after today's treatment, resting, and getting emotional support from those around you. Thinking of you.

  • djschmidt1
    djschmidt1 Member Posts: 70
    edited January 16

    I’m feeling well. I was super hydrated going in and trying to stay hydrated in hopes to stave off the worst of it. 🙏🏼 @jonib