First Scans Post Diagnosis- Mixed Results and Looking for Advice

Hi everyone,

I’ve been lurking these past few months but have never posted.

First diagnosed 6 years ago, did aggressive treatment via chemo and mastectomy and thought the cancer part of my life was in the rear view mirror. This September, after quite a lot of misdiagnosed back pain, I ended up in the ER after not being able to get out of bed. I have extensive bone mets and some on my liver, though my liver function is not abnormal. My cancer markers have been plummeting which my oncologist is very happy about and I’m feeling physically stronger.

Just like my original tumor years ago, I’m ER/PR+ HER2-. I also found out that I have an ESR1 mutation.

I am on 150mg verzenio 2x a day and along with injections monthly.

Today I had my first nuclear bone scan since starting treatment. Results say that some tumors are shrinking, some are stable and two have grown minimally. I do not know how my liver mets are doing yet. My oncologist is not available to go over my results with me until the end of the month. Waiting these couple of weeks is going to be hard.

In the meantime, I’m hoping for some words of wisdom and possibly hope with mixed scan results. Does Verzenio sometimes take a bit longer to show real progression? Overall is this an ok or even favorable first scan? Clinging to hope that this first line of treatment will work.

thanks all


  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Posts: 6,621

    Hi mightymom,
    Sorry to learn of your metastatic diagnosis. I’m not sure how your oncologist will interpret the scan results. It may be that she will have you continue Verzenio and have you scan in three more months. Has your back pain decreased any?

    What kind of monthly injection are you getting? I apologize, but I’m not clear about how you mentioned not knowing about liver mets results but you know of the bone scan results. Did you also have a ct scan? May I please say I think it is insane that an oncologist cannot get back to you sooner than the end of the month to discuss your scans with you.

    Hang in there. Even if your onc feels you need to move on from Verzenio (and I’m not saying she will), you have other treatment options available. Wishing you the best.


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