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Hormonal Therapy for Breast Cancer May Lower Dementia Risk in Older Women


  • kaynotrealname
    kaynotrealname Member Posts: 438

    For real??? This is like completely the opposite of what HRT proponents say. Exciting to read!

  • murfy
    murfy Member Posts: 258

    Well, I think the HRT proponents may still have the last word! It was SERMs (ie, Tamoxifen) that had the most significant 'protective' brain effect (p<0.005) vs SERDs (no effect) and AIs (barely significant). Protective effect mostly seen in those younger users on anti-hormone treatment and younger users usually start with TAM. As TAM has antiestrogen effects on breast tissue, but estrogenic effects in brain, I can see SERM use having brain protective effects. As black women tend to develop breast cancer at an earlier age, and likely start treatment with TAM, I can also see why black women may show a greater brain protection effect. And, estrogen is brain protective by assisting in synapse formation and increased blood flow to brain cells.