Adding MRI to 3D Mammograms May Save Lives of Women With Extremely Dense Breasts

Adding MRI to 3D Mammograms May Save Lives of Women With Extremely Dense Breasts

Sep 25, 2024

While the benefits of supplemental screening are clear, the additional screenings may also lead to more false alarms, which can take a financial and emotional toll on people. Read more…


  • pemala
    pemala Member Posts: 11

    It's good to read that the issue of screening dense breasts for cancer is being written about in 2024. Being more familiar with MRIs and their absence of pain inducing machinery (unlike standard Mammograms), I'd recommend the MRI.

    I'd also suggest that the condition of having dense breasts isn't widely understood by women, much less by men. If women were better informed, then they could be more proactive and demand MRIs as part of their annual cancer screening. Afterwards, the medical establishment can widely accept the need for more expensive and less painful screening tests.