Chemotherapy, Benefits vs. Risks

hope2025 Posts: 3
edited December 2024 in Stage I Breast Cancer

I am new here and seeking feedback on my treatment plan, specifically regarding chemotherapy. I have been informed that, given my tumor size of 5 mm, chemotherapy is an option but is often not recommended. The doctor explained that there is limited research on the benefits of chemotherapy for such a small stage I tumor, and the ultimate decision rests with me.

While I understand that these critical decisions are up to me, I wish there were more useful information regarding the relative merits of this treatment. Due to a strong family history of breast cancer, I have been offered a chemotherapy option involving Paclitaxel at a lower dose once a week for 12 weeks. I am concerned about over-treatment, especially considering the potential side effects (benefits vs. risks), but I also want to ensure that I am not opting for under-treatment.

Thanks in advance,



  • mandy23
    mandy23 Posts: 146

    Hi @hope2025 -

    Welcome to the forum. Sorry for you having to join us, but very glad you have found us.

    The chemo decision is a tough one. No one but you can make the decision, though you can ask for advice from the docs of course. At some point, you will need to follow your gut, make your decision and move on, knowing that it is the RIGHT decision, whatever that may be.

    Another thing that might weigh into your decision is your age. Being very young, might lead one to be more aggressive with treatment. Your decision is a tough one for sure. The tumor is so small that normally I doubt chemo would be recommended, but with a strong family history, you might lean towards it.

    Good luck with your decision.

    Hang in there.

  • Thank you, Mandy23!

  • @hope2025 I am facing the same scenario and treatment decision and wondering if you'd be willing to share where you landed and how things are going? I'm stage 1A, IDC, 2mm, lymph nodes clear, triple positive (ER+, PR+, HER2+). This has been such a tough decision. I've been offered 12 weeks of chemo + Herceptin; Herceptin alone; and hormone therapy. Blessings to you, hope you are doing well.

  • hope2025
    hope2025 Posts: 3

    @Cltushman, I’m sorry you’re facing the same treatment decision I was grappling with just a few weeks ago, I was completely overwhelmed by it, including the lack of research on tumors <5 mm. However, based on the research available, it appears that the major bodies are still recommending the chemo, but interestingly, the survival statistics suggest no benefit. I have a strong family history of cancer so I opted for the full spectrum - 12 weeks of chemo + Herceptin, Herceptin alone every 3 weeks to complete 12 months, radiation five days a week for 4 weeks followed by hormone therapy for a whopping five years.

    I started treatment early in January - cycle 5 this week. It’s tough and the side effects are difficult, but I have to believe that I’m eliminating any cancer cells that may have traveled to other places in my body while also minimizing the risk of relapse. I’m hoping to move forward in life cancer-free.

    Peace & Blessings to you, @Cltushman

  • @hope2025 Thanks so much for sharing. We've been facing the same challenge with the same diagnosis. The decision-making was rough. I went back and forth many, many times. At the end of the day, I landed in the same place as you did and have the same treatment plan in place. The final decision came when my oncologist said that the mind-body connection is important when it comes to the healing process. I feel like my mind will be more at peace and able to heal and move on better if I did the full treatment. I'm scared but have been inspired by all the women who been through this before me and powered through. I have my first infusion next week and then the countdown begins. Congrats on being almost halfway through your 12 weeks! Wishing you the best with the rest of your treatment and sending you peaceful and healing thoughts.

  • canarycat
    canarycat Posts: 34

    hi everyone

    I’m awaiting my treatment plan. My tumour doubled in size in a month from diagnosis to surgical date! So it was 10 mm. Currently awaiting treatment options. My specialty is mental health and addictions so I will trust my oncology team to help me with the best treatment options. This waiting is hard. Oncotyoe was sent Jan 17 so should hopefully have a consult date soon. Always trust your gut and family history does play in too. Cheers!