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Mirena IUD/breast cancer



    CTRIPP Posts: 1
    edited October 2012

    i have been looking for anyone that would take this fight on with me. i started the mirena late 2009. And in July 2010 i was diagnosed with Stage 3 Breast Cancer in my left breast. i dont have a history of cancer on either side of my family and couldnt understand why this may be happening. that is when i started looking into the effects of the mirena and trying to see if it had anything to do with it.

    please reach me by for any updates or to try and start a suit to have this medical equipment checked out.

    i do alot of volunteering and if i had this information to tell other women it could be very useful

    Edited by Mods to remove member's personal email address.

  • hcevans
    hcevans Posts: 1
    edited October 2012

    First off, sorry to hear what you're going through. It's got to be tough.

    But I just wanted to respond and let you know my experience with Mirena.

    I had the five year Mirena put it when I was 19, and during this time period I developed a decent sized lump in my right breast. At first I would have to push down to feel it and then it got so big that it became noticeable to myself and my boyfriend. I am now 24 and recently, I went to my yearly check up and my OBGYN felt it during my examination and became concerned. She then referred me to the hospital to get a mammogram taken and a diagnosis. The nurse who was first taking the mammogram became concerned and pulled the doctor in halfway through the exam so he could have a look himself rather than just looking at her mammogram print offs later on. Although it was indeed a tumor and it "looked bad" (can't believe they said that by the way!) they reassured me that it was rare for someone at my age to develop breast cancer and that they believed the tumor was begnin. The doctor decided to have me come in every three months for a check up to make sure it didn't grow and if it did they would remove it for testing. Not long after my appointment I had my Mirena removed in order to try and start a family. Literally TWO weeks after my Mirena was removed the tumor began to shrink. One and a half months after the removal and it is now completely gone. I used to swear by my Mirena but after this, I really do think and feel like that birth control was the primary cause of my tumor.

  • JessWilliams424
    JessWilliams424 Posts: 1
    edited October 2012

    I am in thesame boat as (hcevans) I recently had Mirena put in after baby number 2 and I have Lumps in my breast and they are very tender, I always had naturally lumpy breast but only around the time of my menstrual cycle now it is an all month thing. Im also 24yrs old and I am going next week to have Mirena removed, because this started when I got this BC so im glad I saw this post.

  • MAMiller32
    MAMiller32 Posts: 1
    edited December 2012

    My name is Michelle, I have had the Mirena n for a little over a year.  About 3 months ago, I notices 2 knots in my left breast.  I went to my GYN who has been trying to drain them, but to no avail.  Im now on my second antibiotic.  I will go back to my GYN on Friday.  After reading all of your posts, I think that I am going to request a mamagram. Ill keep yall posted

  • Travelingpants2
    Travelingpants2 Posts: 5
    edited December 2012

    I had the Mirena removed afterall !  THANK goodness... just strange pains all over the abdomen, NOW ALL GONE, and not only that during the 3 - 4 months I had it in I had  2cm mass in my right breast !! Breast MRI found, non-cancerous that we are aware of and followed up with ultrasound, So NOW I go in March for the follow up MRI, from what I feel, I GUARANTEE Its gone ! URGG.... Its not all what they claim..

  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Posts: 6,621
    edited December 2012

    Please forgive me for commenting; I never used the Mirena IUD, but well remember the commercial for it about four years ago which always bothered me:

    Mirena commercial - YouTube A beautiful woman with reddish blonde hair, three kids, a husband and a two story house in the background, with the season changing as she discussed why choose Mirena.  It was so idyllic.  My husband and son would just look at that commercial when it came on, and I know they thought 'some people have the perfect life'.  I mean, they depicted that wife and mom as really having it all together and of course it was all due to Mirena.  At the end of the commercial, she's holding a newborn baby in her arms, standing with the rest of the family. It was just impossibly too perfect. For some reason, that commercial was very memorable to me.

    Now we see the ads for those who've used Mirena to contact someone as they may be able to file a lawsuit against the makers due to complications created by its use.   Mirena Lawsuit - YouTube  I always think about that first commercial, and it turns my stomach.  I am so sorry for any of you ladies who are now having to deal with bc due to the use of this product.

  • silvershelley
    silvershelley Posts: 1
    edited January 2013

    I was 33 when diagnosed with breast cancer. I had the para gaurd. Then I changed to merina. I got cyst on my overies. They wanted to remove. They couldnt get the merina out. I had to go back under, they got it out. I wouldn't stop bleeding so I had to go back for full, histerectomy.

  • skiser16
    skiser16 Posts: 1
    edited January 2013

    I was diagnosed with breast cancer in Dec 2008 and had the Mirena put in about a year prior to the diagnosis.  I strongly feel it had something to do with me getting breast cancer.  A co-worker of mine had Mirena for several years and also developed breast cancer.  My Oncologist does not believe it has anything to do with it, but I just have that gut feeling it did.

  • Webb2013
    Webb2013 Posts: 1
    edited January 2013

    I too had the Mirena insert due to periods lasting to long.  I wasn't made aware there is other birth control out there that has little or no estrogen release.  I am also very active, used to go to the gym five days a week for 1 hour and barely if any ate red meat.  I ate allot of vegetables and took care of myself.  My first mammogram at age 40, I was diagnosed with Breast cancer both kind, lobular and ductal breast cancer (early stage).  I asked my surgeon how long has this tumor been in my chest and he said it has been growing for 2 years, that was the time the Mirena implant was inserted.  I strongly believe the Mirena caused the breast cancer.  I have no history of breast cancer in my family and I don't have the gene either.  I have lost both breast but had reconstruction done which was painful.  I had my tubes removed so I was completely thrown into early menopause with intensive hot flashes and night sweats which now on an anti-depressant to control the hot flashes.  I had the Mirena removed as well.  I do believe if I didn't have the Mirena I wouldn't of got breast cancer.  I do believe that doctors need to inform their patients upfront regarding the release of estrogen in your body could cause breast cancer and if their is a history of breast cancer offer something else.  I am now a 1 year survivor.........

  • chelseyhunter
    chelseyhunter Posts: 1
    edited January 2013

    i am only eighteen years old and have had my mirena in for exactly a year now. On the mirena i have never had a period but seemed fine, in fact i loved this form of birth control and recomended it to my friends. A few months ago i was diagnosed with depression, which we blamed on me just being a first year university student under alot of pressure. this was weird for me and my family to come to terms with just because i am a generally a happy healthy person. Anyway i started having severe lower back pain shortly after as well and never thought much of it. it wasnt until a few weeks ago that i discovered a lump in my breast that everything started tying together. this lump is hard and seemed to appear rather quickly. i dont want to jump to conclusions or anything but to be honest i am worried. i have a doctors appoinment tomorrow and the last thing i want to happen is for him to tell me i am fine and send me on my way. i dont know what to do now and im scared.. i saw this site when i was looking up symtoms for the mirena and it just helps to get it out there..

  • Leaje1
    Leaje1 Posts: 1
    edited February 2013

    I had the Mirena for 2-3 years when I was diagnosed with breast cancer.  I have always excercised and have had a healthy diet.  I was diagnosed at 41 with stage 3B that spread to my lymph nodes, although a lumpectomy, chemo, and radiation was the treatment.  I never used birth control until this so I do feel it caused my hormone positive breast cancer.  Hopefully, it won't be the cause of my early death.  I wish that I would have been aware or done research on this rather than accepting my doctor's advice without knowing the risks.  It did work well for heavy bleeding but was not worth it in the end.   

  • Mzmerz
    Mzmerz Posts: 80
    edited February 2013

    There is a law firm exploring the link between Mirena and Cancers.  I have contacted them, and it wouldn't hurt to contact them as well.


  • question
    question Posts: 6
    edited February 2013

    I  noticed it's been a few years since you posted your question. I was wondering if you received many replies.

    Have you made any progress with your class action lawsuit? There seem to be a lot of Mirena users who have breast cancer.

  • question
    question Posts: 6
    edited February 2013

    Thanks for the information on the lawyers exploring the connection between Mirena and breaast cancer.

  • mary625
    mary625 Posts: 154
    edited February 2013

    I got rejected by the lawyers. I don't know why but I'm thinking it's because I had 2 Mirenas for a total of 9 years before I got cancer.

  • question
    question Posts: 6
    edited February 2013


    I just called the lawyers asking if they are looking into the breast cancer connection. They said they were not, even though their site lists it as one of their possible lawsuit side effects.

    Do you know of any other law groups that are looking into this connection between Mirena and breast cancer?

    I've been looking up research papers. Looks like the grants come from the medical device company.

    The research I found on Mirena IUD and breast cancer seemed to be based on one research paper using the Finnish cancer registry, which seems to hold inadequate information on parameters involved. For instance, how many hormone positive cancers, types and stage of breast cancer, how many in the control group were using oral progestin, etc.

    I was also trying to find any studies on the release rates of progestin (levonorgestrel) from the IUD. From what, I found it looks like the results vary widely on release rates in women.

    I wonder what the chances of the membrane puncturing and releasing high amounts.

  • mary625
    mary625 Posts: 154
    edited February 2013

    Well it's good to know that it wasn't personal! LOL They did ask me a lot of questions unrelated to cancer, and I think at least that firm is looking for women who had uterine preforation and that sort of thing.

  • question
    question Posts: 6
    edited February 2013

    H Mary625,

    If you find another law firm that is actively, looking at breast cancer and Mirena IUD, please let us know.

    The more I look into this, I really think there is a link.

    ALl of the articles seem to be different versions of the original Finnish study. I can't find one update.

    Since the FDA and Bayer both mention post-marketing reports of breast cancer, you would think there would be more studies on the connection.

    I wonder how many here have had their brest cancer and use of Mirena IUD reported to the FDA. Where does one go to report it.

    I don't believe most doctors are reporting this.

  • question
    question Posts: 6
    edited February 2013

    For anyone that wants to report a possible link between breast cancer and Mirena IUD, I found this web page.

    Your Guide to Reporting Problems to FDA

     Side effects reported here.

  • shillbrick
    shillbrick Posts: 3
    edited March 2013

    I had my one and only Mirena inserted in July 2009. Within a couple of months I was diagnosed with a chronic antibiotic resistant staph infections. The infections continued until Sept 2010 when I was diagnosed with TBC. I completed treatment in June 2012 and by Dec I got another staph infection and a breast cancer reoccurance.  Despite the advice of several medical professionals, I had it removed last week. iI have always blamed the Mirena for the infections and the cancer.

  • jennifergolan
    jennifergolan Posts: 2
    edited March 2013


  • jennifergolan
    jennifergolan Posts: 2
    edited March 2013

    This is so interesting.  I searched for a thread like this when I was diagnosed and don't remember seeing anything.  I have always wondered about a link between having a Mirena at the time of my diagnosis.  I was 39, had no family history, relatively healthy (weight and fitness), not BRACA positive, etc.  The only possible risk factor that I had was having my first child at age 33.  I had the Mirena in 1-2 years when I was diagnosed (I would have to get my records to figure out exactly how long it was in).  My doctor took my Mirena out IMMEDIATELY when I was diagnosed.  I had not been on birth control since I was in college and I quit then because I couldn't remember to take it consistently.  I will keep tabs on this, but would love to know if there is any news or significant movement in this direction.  

  • sher-corbie
    sher-corbie Posts: 1
    edited March 2013

    HI i realize this is an older post but I am faced with having breast Cancer, I had the Mirena & prior to having it placed I had a clear mammogram which was 2 months prior to placement, I had multiple problems with it such as excessive bleeding so I had it for a total of 5 months, that was 4 months ago and my bf found the first lump about 3 weeks ago and upon visiting my physician they found a second lump....I am a nurse and i almost know it had to be related to this device in some way.....I do not have breast cancer in my family and have annual check ups every year and i have always been free from any lumps or growths now i am faced with this very scary disease. about a month after having it placed i had breast leakage from the breast that now has the growths and my dr told me this was normal, however i am 44 and know this is not normal...if they had looked a little closer then i feel maybe something was brewing then...please let me know how this turned out...i am very freaked at this point & although my bf is trying to be supportive he isnt and doesnt know what to say or do. please let me know if this was proven and if i should contact a lawyer or does anyone know who i can contact to get the ball rolling??

    thanks sherie

  • question
    question Posts: 6
    edited March 2013

    I don't feel there have been enough studies on this product. 

    Mirena contains 52 mg of levonorgestrel. Where are the studies that show if the release of levonorgestrel could be high under certain conditions - e.g. Puncture in the membrane, problems in manufacture???

    I did find this in one of the papers on Mirena:


    13.1 Carcinogenesis, Mutagenesis, Impairment of Fertility


    Long-term studies in animals to assess the carcinogenic potential of levonorgestrel releasing intrauterine system have not been performed. There is no evidence of increased risk of cancer with short-term use of progestins. There was no increase in tumorigenicity following parenteral administration of levonorgestrel to rats for 2 years at approximately 5 mcg/day, or following oral administration to dogs for 7 years at up to 0.125 mg/kg/day, or to rhesus monkeys for 10 years at up to 250 mcg/kg/day. In another 7 year dog study, oral administration of levonorgestrel at 0.5 mg/kg/day did increase the number of mammary adenomas in treated dogs compared to controls. There were no malignancies. The nonclinical doses above are respectively 16, 200, 240 and 810 times the release rate of levonorgestrel by Mirena (20 mcg/day), based on body surface area [see Warnings and Precautions (5.10)]."

    I found sites that said they were manufactured in Finland, but who knows where they are being manufactured now:

    All Mirena IUDs are manufactured in a single plant in Finland by Bayer."

    "Bayer has only one factory where it manufactures the Mirena IUD."

    This one is interesting:

    "According to court documents filed by the State, Women’s Integrated Healthcare
    first obtained unapproved IUDs in April 2008. The IUDs were ordered from an
    online Canadian pharmacy called Medisave. Although the manufacturer, Bayer,
    produces Mirena® IUDs that are approved for use in the U.S. by the Food and Drug
    Administration (FDA), the defendants sought to reduce acquisition costs and thus
    purchased unapproved IUDs.
    All Mirena® IUDs are manufactured in Finland
    by Bayer Schering Pharma OY. However, only one version of the Mirena® IUD has
    been approved by the FDA for use in the U.S. To obtain federal approval, Bayer
    filed a required “new drug application” in late 2000. The approved version of
    the IUD contains a birth control drug called “levonorgestrel,” which prompted
    the manufacturer’s new drug application with the FDA. After FDA approval was
    granted, licensed drug distributor TheraCom began distributing the Mirena® IUD
    in the U.S.

    According to DSHS, Bayer indicated to state authorities that
    the IUD approved in the U.S. differs from those sold in other countries. Among
    the disparities between the approved and unapproved IUDs are design differences,
    lower cost, alternate package labeling and non-English medical warnings.
    Additionally, because the IUDs were procured from a Canadian pharmacy rather
    than a licensed drug distributor, the products were not stored or transported
    through licensed distribution channels."

    I did find this in one of the papers on Mirena:


    13.1 Carcinogenesis, Mutagenesis, Impairment of Fertility


    Long-term studies in animals to assess the carcinogenic potential of levonorgestrel releasing intrauterine system have not been performed. There is no evidence of increased risk of cancer with short-term use of progestins. There was no increase in tumorigenicity following parenteral administration of levonorgestrel to rats for 2 years at approximately 5 mcg/day, or following oral administration to dogs for 7 years at up to 0.125 mg/kg/day, or to rhesus monkeys for 10 years at up to 250 mcg/kg/day. In another 7 year dog study, oral administration of levonorgestrel at 0.5 mg/kg/day did increase the number of mammary adenomas in treated dogs compared to controls. There were no malignancies. The nonclinical doses above are respectively 16, 200, 240 and 810 times the release rate of levonorgestrel by Mirena (20 mcg/day), based on body surface area [see Warnings and Precautions (5.10)].

    Research on breast cancer and Mirena IUD stems from studies conducted outside the USA.

    "Breast Cancer was added [as a contraindication] because it can be a progestin-stimulated disease."

    I think the only way a good study will be conducted for  a possible connection between Mirena and breast cancer would be if everyone who had the Mirena IUD and now has breast cancer reports it to the FDA.

  • Live2Laugh2Love
    Live2Laugh2Love Posts: 12
    edited April 2013

    I had Mirena IUD for 5yrs, now I have cancer.

  • jgbartlett
    jgbartlett Posts: 30
    edited April 2013

    @ jennifergolan

    I still have my mirena, my onc told me that because my hormone receptors were pr neg that it wouldn't have any affect, and it was safe to leave in.

    I see you are also ER+ PR-, just wondering if your onc said anything about this, should I be worried??

  • MamaPeg2
    MamaPeg2 Posts: 19
    edited May 2013

    I had my first mirena put in - I was in my early 40's for heavy bleeding. Thought it was great - solved the problem. Sept. 2011, I had a mammogram that was normal. October 2011, I had the 2nd mirena put in. Sept. 2012 - Stage 4. Had a coworker that had her second mirena put in Apr. 2012, then 4 months later was stage 3. We both had bilateral mastectomys. I really believe this is the cause. How do we prove it? I would definitely be interested in being part of a lawsuit.

    I had chemo before my surgery, and am now halfway through radiation. Another CT scan scheduled soon - definitely will have test anxiety, since the last 2 PET scans sucked!

  • shillbrick
    shillbrick Posts: 3
    edited May 2013

    I too was staged at 3c three month after the insertion of an Mirena IUD. No law firm will speak to you unless you had to have it surgically removed. Bayer denies all links between BC and the Mirena product. It will never move unless enough of us get together and make enough noise. We need a law firm willing to listen and take a chance on us. We are telling the truth...This IUD gave me cancer. I know it

  • MamaPeg2
    MamaPeg2 Posts: 19
    edited May 2013

    I did have an attorney call me back. She said it is too hard to prove, unlike the perferations etc. She suggested reporting it to the FDA. The more of us that report it to the FDA, the better. I, too, know in my heart that this is the cause of my bc. I told her the size of my tumor. She said it takes years to grow that large - then I informed her it wasn't there the year before on the mammogram.

  • giarraffa3
    giarraffa3 Posts: 2
    edited June 2013

    hello,i had the mirena for almost 5 years and was diagnosed with stage 1 breast cancer in the left breast and pre cancer in both breasts on oct 2012.i was 36 yrs old. In nov 2013 i had a double mastectomy and on tamoxifen for the next 10 yrs.When my doctors found out i had the mirena in me they said to have it removed immediately. im the only person in my family to have any kind of cancer.let me know if there is anything i can do to help with any investigation on mirena and breast cancer


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