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Herceptin, Taxotere and Carboplatin treatment plan.

Reka Member Posts: 4

Anyone on this treatment plan? I will be starting at end of October and nervous.


  • NormaJean65
    NormaJean65 Member Posts: 173

    This is the treatment I received 6 yrs ago. I got 6 x Taxotere & Carboplatin every third week and Herceptin for 52 wks. First week I got all 3 from the get go then they spaced the following chemo to the every third week. Hope I am making sense. I am so sorry you are taking this journey but there are a lot of different boards/forums on this site that you will find very helpful. Please search out the ones that best fits your needs. You will be amazed how much knowledge is here for you. You should put your diagnosis on your info. It helps to know when you see how many there are with the same.

    I am here if you have a question & will try to answer if I can. I was so shocked that in the beginning it was all I could do to just read. I still don't post a lot. Wishing you the best on your journey.

  • Paisienmom
    Paisienmom Member Posts: 1

    I completed this treatment plan in August 15! It wasn't too bad. I iced my hands and feet during carboplatin and it really

    helped with mouth sores and tastebuds. Out of the six treatments, I ended up with infection on my third treatment. Just drink lots of

    water and report any symptoms to your oncologist. If you research on here, many went through this same treatment plan. Please

    feel free to ask any questions. I was scared too when I began the treatment and knowing I was taking care four children while going

    through this. The chemo is doable as long as you take your meds.

  • igay1ord
    igay1ord Member Posts: 51

    I had this same treatment (Taxotere, Carboplatin, Herceptin) for 6 rounds at 3 week intervals each, having my last full chemo of TCH in February, and continuing the Herceptin with my last treatment being just last week! Be sure and start your nausea meds/steroids about 24 hrs before your TCH treatment. Drink lots of water. Rest as much as you can. And definitely do not eat any of your favorite foods while you're doing chemo (you'd probably never eat them again)! My taste buds were trashed, and everything ended up tasting like I had just licked a metal pole! The only things I found that tasted "normal" were milk with ice in it, vanilla ice cream...and mocha frappacinos at Starbucks!

    Don't be alarmed if any of your treatments are delayed. A couple of mine were due to severely low platelet counts. My onco told me to just eat parsley (fresh or dried), to sprinkle it on everything, and sure enough it worked!

    And there is no such thing as a stupid or dumb question! We were all new to this at some point and had no clue as to what we should/shouldn't ask! Good luck and let us know how you do!

  • chinookmom
    chinookmom Member Posts: 1

    I agree with what was already said..

    Yes, I also had Perjeta. I have my last Herceptin 11/16. It worked really well for me. the chemo itself is manageable, it sucks of course, but take it day by day.. alert your doctors to side effects right away as they have treatments that really help. I didn't have to miss any treatments. I had thrush 3 times so my doc kept me on diflucan for months. my hair is growing back.

    Get a chemo port. I was so freaked out about it, but so glad i had it.

    Hint flavored but sugar free water saved my life.. I couldn't drink regular water- it tasted terrible. All i drank was Hint water and had it delivered by the case to my house.

    I didn't ice my hands and feet and wish i had. i had nail damage/lifting and some neuropathy

    I'd also recommend joining one one of the discussion groups for people who started chemo the month you did..

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,264

    Reka - below is a link for an ongoing thread with results for this treatment. Mine was OK but I did not have a pCR.

  • Superstar3102
    Superstar3102 Member Posts: 2

    Reka, I started this treatment November 16th of this year. My first few days following treatment were horrible, here's to feeling better.

  • MiracleMileM
    MiracleMileM Member Posts: 15

    In December 2007 I was diagnosed stage IV triple positive (though low positive on PR) with mets to ribs, breast bone and lymph nodes under, shoulder cartilage, had a port put in, and had my first of 6 TCH chemo. I had a lumpectomy followed by radiation and arimidex.. Since a PET scan in September of 2008 I have been NED. I am still on Herceptin and arimidex generic and doing really well but just had to stop xgeva because of jaw bone necrosis. Just as I had my last chemo, the reports about fasting came out. I would have tried fasting to reduce side effects. I cut my hair short and vacuumed my head twice a day, and dyed my hair chartreuse when the first tufts reappeared. And got lots of information from the complementary discussion board and other boards that helped me a lot. I hope Herceptin will be the miracle drug for you as it has been for me.

  • Reka
    Reka Member Posts: 4

    Thanks everyone, I am halfway there. I will have TCH on Dec. 30th, Jan 19th and Feb 9th. The only problem I am having is the nurse having problems accessing my port. I am bruised. I am told I have a position port which is hard to access. I don't know how I am going to make it thru Oct of 2017 taking my Herceptin every 21 days.

  • NormaJean65
    NormaJean65 Member Posts: 173 only take your Herceptin every three wks?? Boy aren't you lucky. Most women, including myself, have/had to take it every week for 52 wks.

    Best of luck on your journey

  • NormaJean65
    NormaJean65 Member Posts: 173 only take your Herceptin every three wks?? Boy aren't you lucky. Most women, including myself, have/had to take it every week for 52 wks.

    Best of luck on your journey

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,264

    NormaJean - most women that I know have the Herceptin every three weeks with their regular infusions. Then every 3 weeks for the rest of a year.

  • Reka
    Reka Member Posts: 4

    My mistake, yes I take heceptin every Friday, and on the 3rd week take all three. After February 9th, I will start heceptin every 21 days thru Oct 2017.

  • NormaJean65
    NormaJean65 Member Posts: 173

    As for the weekly Herceptin......different docs & changes over time. If you go back to my post Sept. 28 I outlined my tx plan. I went to a onco doc in private practice maybe that was the difference for not only me but another BC pt. in chemo with me. Don't know..........

  • NormaJean65
    NormaJean65 Member Posts: 173

    Just a short note to this "inactive" list. I'm still "hanging" around..........since 2010. Guess God has decided my work is not done yet.

    Best wishes to all.