How has the Pandemic affected you as a cancer patient/survivor



  • traveltext
    traveltext Posts: 1,055

    Thanks to those here who agreed to participate in the Covid article. The article was finally published (Omicron has changed things, but...)

    I've donated the writer's fee to BCO.


  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,953

    Oh Traveltext, wonderful!! And much appreciated. We shared it with our editorial team. Medicating

  • chowdog
    chowdog Posts: 190

    Traveltext, thank you for the article.

    On a separate note: this Twitter thread pretty much sums up how I feel about the presidents speech. Basically wanted him to succeed and he had potential to do the right thing, only to be disappointed over and over again.

  • wrenn - He wasn't very good at research, was he?

    My millennial daughter works in a fairly small office where most people are much older than she is. Her new boss and an on-site board member have been trying to get her to go into the office every day since they felt she needed to be seen every day. For what she does, she doesn't need to be there more than once or twice a week. She told them they should be prepared for everyone to be able to work from home as needed because pandemic! They thought she was being selfish, but not anymore with the provincial WFH mandate. But her new boss who's about my age will still go into the office because she doesn't know how to WFH.

    When she hears people make excuses that they're too old to work on computers, she tells them her parents know more about computers than she does. She's also seen us working from home since she was a kid.

    Deeper lockdown likely tomorrow in QC. Our premier tweeted a cliffhanger. We are not governed by serious people.


  • dancemom
    dancemom Posts: 408

    here we go. Our neighborhood just skyrocketted. So far, public hospitals just banned visitors

    Funny, I have a remote relaxation for surgery workshop today. My anxiety is through the roof, no time to relax

  • Montreal’s test positivity rate is over 16% now.

  • WC3
    WC3 Posts: 658

    I had my lupron injection and covid booster (Moderna) within a day of each other. I was up at 2am with both chills and hot flashes, sometimes simultaneously if you can even imagine that. My hypothalamus had no idea what it was doing.

  • chowdog
    chowdog Posts: 190

    CA just reported > 10% test positivity rate today. the 7 day average is still ~3.5%.

    my county test positivity doubled in about a week. the # of tests performed have been pretty consistent, so it's the cases. and most of cases are breakthrough cases.

    also neighboring county holiday party outbreak. 88% of total population fully vaccinated in marin county.

    Some positive news, our governor just required all healthcare workers to get booster by Feb. also some local restaurants started to demand booster for indoor dining. good for them. my local SM platform is not happy.

  • harley07
    harley07 Posts: 415

    DH and I gathered with his family last Saturday to celebrate Christmas. There were 15 of us and I believe all are vaccinated and most are boosted except the 1 year old baby. My son and my niece bowed out as they knew they had been exposed to Covid last week. My son’s home test was negative, however he was waiting on PCR results. He felt it was too risky to attend, especially with the unvaccinated baby. As a side note, my son is immunocompromised with an incurable, life threatening disease so he is very cautious. All of this was discussed within the family in a lengthy email trail (although the family is not aware of my son’s Illness as he prefers to keep it private). My in laws are all about getting vaccinated and following the science. Yet my BIL attended knowing he had been exposed and was waiting on PCR results. He didn’t tell anyone other than his wife. He had taken a home test which was negative and a PCR test 2 days prior to getting together. We attended, had a wonderful time, hugged, talked and ate. We no sooner got back home than we received a message that my BIL’s PCR test was positive for COVID. Grrr…. My husband had to take unpaid time off of work this week as his boss has had lung cancer and has reduced lung capacity. They work in a very small,office and Contracting Covid could be life threatening for the boss. In good conscience DH could not go into work. I went into work but isolated in a closed door office, wore a mask when moving around the building and skipped theoffice holiday festivities.

    I’m pretty ticked off at my husbands sister and BIL for attending and not thinking about how it could affect everyone else. Now DH’s sister and BIL have had a rapid diagnostic test which is negative so they are telling us the PCR results must have been a false positive. I suppose it is possible but it sure messed up our week. DH and I will get PCR tests tomorrow (CDC recommends waiting 5-7 days after exposure). We have no symptoms so we’re presuming the results will be negative and we can resume our normal work week next Monday.

    So frustrating……

  • dancemom
    dancemom Posts: 408

    Rapid negative doesn't mean anything. My almost adult kids plan ahead and wait for PCR before coming home. One was exposed last week, so waited 5 days to test and hopefully we will hear a negative result tomorrow.

    It makes me so angry that all these people think a "mistake" like your BIL, Harely07, is ok. I hope everyone stays healthy.

    People really need to get it thought their thick heads that all actions have consequences, whether intended or not.

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Posts: 5,442

    I wish those resisting their communal and public health responsibilities would realize that everyone is worn out, short tempered and very tired of how Covid19 has changed our lives. But… this is life or death and I have no problem dealing with whatever benefits my family and community. Honestly, it’s not that difficult and some of the anti-vax folk just sound like cranky, oppositiotoddlers.

  • chowdog
    chowdog Posts: 190

    Harley07, PCR is the gold standard of Covid test, so it's unlikely to produce a false positive results. I am sorry that your BIL was irresponsible.

  • jelson
    jelson Posts: 623

    had a visit at cardiologist's office with an lpn to show me how to use my DH's blood pressure cuff at home and to calibrate it with the office cuff readings as the readings I was getting were very high. And though I was indeed using it upside down, it's readings were similar right side up and as alarming as at home. The office cuff however did in fact register much lower BP BUT still too high considering my BP medication dosage had been doubled in November due to similar high readings at my annual PCP physical (which was why I decided to check it at home). Waiting call from cardiologist and have ordered a new cuff using AMA list of approved cuffs. So Covid-wise - it was the end of the day and I was the only patient! yay! but I walked the 1.5 miles to the hospital and going home, would be facing 17mph winds - should I risk the bus? nah - I walked and survived.

  • chowdog
    chowdog Posts: 190

    So omicron doubles every 2 days, does that mean the us will exceed >1m daily case by end of the week?

  • I was able to buy in house testing, negative for now, which is good, and could book a pcr test end of next week! It was the soonest available appointment. Thanks chowdog and others for your insights but getting a test is nightmare these days, I am pretty sure only some cvs and Walgreens which access drive through are open to public, most larger sites are already close like dodger stadium, many appointments have booked in advance for employees from corporations for regular testing, and large group of travelers..

    update from that thoughtless family, apparently the couple had been already exposed by their friend before they came dine with us, their son tested positive today and now home quarantine, only god knows how many people got infected by them... just wow how some people can be so careless while they do know I am stage 4. My pcp urged me to go urgent care, since I have mildsymptoms and in-house test was negative I wait until tomorrow.

    Harley07, how thoughtful you your dh and your family are, it is heartwarming to see your dh cares about his ill boss,thanks for sharing. Honestly I need to read this sort of stories, social responsibility is the best gift we can share in this holiday season.

    Stay safe everyone

  • dancemom
    dancemom Posts: 408

    @chowdog Manhattan went from 9/100k a few weeks ago to 96 yesterday to 219 today!

    Doesn't bode well for this boob removal scheduled for Jan 3 🙄

  • We keep setting records. New cases up by 48% in one day. Hospitalizations up by 52% in 6 days. New cases are hitting high-density areas in Montreal. Test positivity rate in Montreal around 20%. QC leaders reduced max number of people for home gatherings from 10 to 6 after Christmas because the virus observes holidays? Restaurant indoor dining still allowed at 50% capacity because the virus doesn't transmit when eating. Grrr. I have my Xgeva shot today. My husband has a booster appointment in January. Going nowhere else. Unvaccinated people are about 20% of total population, but accounted for 66% of new hospitalizations. Vaccinations work!


  • QC did reduce wait after dose 2 from 6 months to 3 months, but for the general public eligibility is limited to 65+. They don't make many announcements on the exceptions so I kept checking the portal until I saw I was eligible because of cancer. While I was in line waiting for my shot, I saw that they were letting HCWs with ID badges in without appointment. This was never announced, so I emailed my MO to let him know in case anyone there wants to get their shots before the planned vaccinations for HCWs in January. It was news to him! Then today I saw that caregivers were listed as eligible, but only in some sites. Again, not announced. QC leaders are doing their best to let this virus spread.

  • chowdog
    chowdog Posts: 190

    Dancemom, urg so sorry.

  • dancemom
    dancemom Posts: 408

    just got a letter from pediatrician's office. All well child visits over age 6 months are postponed, no covid vaccinations -use a city site, please do not contact them about non-urgent matters.

    19 urgent care centers closed due to staffing shortage. Along with restaurants and shows. Everybody is a close contact suddenly. 3% of Greenwich Village tested positive in the past 7 days! It's like a 90% vax rate there.

    I am waiting for them to tell me to restart the Ibrance. I dont see how surgery and radiation can happen happen in this climate. Maybe?

    Thanks for hearing me!!!!

    Please stay "healthy", what ever that is for you.

  • Dancemom - I’m sorry, but it’s not looking good for surgery. QC is allowing HCWs who are asymptomatic COVID+ to work, so I want to avoid the hospital as much as possible.

    Be safe!
  • dancemom
    dancemom Posts: 408

    Serenity, each time they released a new vaccine with limitation here, it was basically an honor system. I made official letters for all our restaurant employees, including family, and none of us were asked for them. I think they want to make sure the stated group has first priority, but also will not turn away anyone who wants to be vaccinated. So confusing

  • Definitely confusing!

    Now I'm curious. What kind of restaurant?

    ETA- No need to answer, but if I ever get back to NYC, I’ll PM you.

  • chowdog
    chowdog Posts: 190

    This is how we spin out of control virus now! image

  • harley07
    harley07 Posts: 415

    Dancemom - so disheartening to hear your surgery may be delayed again, but hoping it can still go forward on January 3rd. Keeping you in my thoughts.

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Posts: 5,442


    Keeping my fingers crossed that your surgery goes forward. This must be very nerve wracking. Take care.

  • dancemom
    dancemom Posts: 408

    thank you for the good vibes

  • I'm in NY and I'm interested in your family restaurant! What neighborhood is it?

    I'm seeing the angle from the schools and it's exactly like that, more and more kids out as close contacts every day, and other kids being kept home out of caution. Yeah, De Blasio gets to brag that the schools are open, but what kind of education is happening when attendance is at 25%-55%??

    I'm hoping that if your surgery is delayed, it won't be for too long. Hopefully this will burn through fast... I don't know, this is all so messed up.

  • dancemom
    dancemom Posts: 408

    hey salamadra, food is in hells kitchen aka ghost town!

    The Ps after-school I taught today was missing first grade. My kid's k-12 had over 3 doz new cases in the past week. Not one case in their grade, but fewer than half were there today. Mostly traveling i think, people have held off so long. I know mine haven't seen extended family since pre-pandemic. Just found out I was exposed as a close contact , not to a kid, not through restaurant, but asymptomatic colleague who tested only for travel and was shocked w positive result. Shit is real.

    But, it seems like it should blow over quickly, and maybe its the variant that helps with severity...

  • illimae
    illimae Posts: 5,755

    We only had one friend coming over for the holiday dinner but I cancelled that due to omicron. The county positivity rate is still low at 8% but 3 close friends have tested positive in the last week, so not taking chances. I will pick up our anniversary dinner curbside but after that we’ve decided to hunker down except for my upcoming chemo and scans. Hopefully this blows over quickly.

    Dancemom, I’m sorry about the delay’s, I’m sure it must be concerning and super annoying.


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