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Radiation May 2022



  • cheftoast
    cheftoast Member Posts: 24

    sallyred, radiation caught me off guard as well. I wasn’t scared about it like I was biopsies, surgery, etc. But it feels very…robotic, kind of? And doing all the scans and things at the start brought up a lot of feelings. When it came time for tattoos, the tech just said “we’ll do one more scan, then we’ll mark you permanently.” Okay then!!!

    I’m extremely fair and I can tell you that the dots are very, very tiny and won’t show unless I wear THE lowest-plunging dress. And, I’m told they will fade over time. My techs marked over them with a Sharpie most days so the machine could see — so more of a guide for them.

    If you are strongly opposed to tattoos of any kind, sometimes they have strong tiny stickers they can use instead. The challenge then is keeping them on through showers, and making sure they’re EXACTLY in the same position every time. Also, there are tattoo removal places that can just about erase your marks if they trouble you later.

    For now, maybe see it as a life-saving component of your treatment — albeit one they should really prepare folks for more.

  • sallyred
    sallyred Member Posts: 24

    Thanks cheftoast. I know people are surprised at my reaction to the tattoo thing - so am I a bit. I see it as a stand-in for all the QOL compromises that we make. Yes, grateful for all the technology and caring individuals that are working at keeping me alive and (mostly) healthy, and double yes, I mostly feel I'm overreacting about three small dots.

    AND, I see how others might use those tiny dots as the beginning of some meaningful message of resilience, strength, optimism that they overlay with a tattooed design the just begins with one or more of those dots. Yay if they do! For me - I think that meaningful message will be that I can have mine removed after my treatment. Or, maybe by the time I'm done, it won't be important anymore.

  • 1982m
    1982m Member Posts: 224

    sallyred- I'm with you. I was surprised how radiation went for me. I had a big breakdown during radiation. Lots of tears. All the little things just poured out. Radiation wasn’t the 'hardest' part physically but Id finally had enough of everything by the time it got to radiation. Three surgeries, chemotherapy, covid, tamoxifen, target therapy…..all of it was just finally compounded I think. Plus the fatigue and family and working. I hated the tattoos as well.

    I’m generally a really positive person and I struggled during radiation.

  • noey69
    noey69 Member Posts: 20

    nns121317 Thank you for starting this thread and thank you to all who have been sharing experiences so far!

    I have just completed 2 days. Woo-hoo! It's crazy how quick the treatment is - in and out in just a few minutes. It makes me laugh that I go behind a curtain to change into a robe and then walk just 4 feet to the table to take the robe off again.

    Anyway, I do have a question to pose...After my lumpectomy, I had all of those weird nerve twinges and pins/ needles feelings in various places around my body. They lasted about 2 weeks and were gone. Now they are back - plus a fluttery feeling in the middle of my chest last night. Has anyone else experienced that? Does radiation start those up again?

  • nns121317
    nns121317 Member Posts: 111

    Noey69 - I too have the zings and weird twinges that I had after surgery. I had a BMX and implant reconstruction because they didn't think radiation was in my future, and I wondered how much of the sensation was from having pretty large implants, but maybe it happens regardless.

    Today was 3/30. I'm doing a brass bolus every other day. Yesterday was the first one of those, which was fine but my husband thinks it made that breast red. My treated side is starting to get sore, and the tech commented that my bra was rubbing too much. Thank goodness I work from home, so I can go braless most of the time although it bothers me a bit that my implants aren't supported. I generally do not like applying lotion, it's weird and slimy to me, but I'm trying to get at least three applications per day on the affected areas.

  • cheftoast
    cheftoast Member Posts: 24

    noey69, my zaps and zingers kicked up the second week of radiation after being silent for the weeks before. I'd had a partial mastectomy with bilateral reduction. As radiation went on, they got more aggressive than they'd ever been -- not as frequent as after surgery, but BOOM! I'm told it's because everything starts shifting around again. Funny thing is, they settled down within a day or two after finishing radiation. I still have them almost two weeks out, but they're not nearly as bad. Hang in there!

    The fluttery feeling in your chest is probably part of it too, as the whole area gets inflamed. But don't hesitate to ask a nurse. They've seen it all.

  • sallyred
    sallyred Member Posts: 24

    I talked to a friend (fellow weaver) today when she learned for the first time that I was undergoing treatment for breast cancer, and I learned for the first time that she went through the same 18 years ago. She told me of her lovely idea to help her get through her 33(!) days of radiation: she made a calendar and included all the good things that would be happening during her treatment (mother's birthday, holidays, etc.). She made squares to cover each day, and covered one side with the paper that looks like rocks, and the other with a flower or flowers. She had the "rock garden" squares facing out to start with, and each day after radiation turned that day's square over - so that she ended her radiation with a flower garden. She said that the radiation facility she'd used asked for the calendar and had it up for years (maybe it's still there).

    I so appreciated hearing about this lovely and creative way to encourage herself and celebrate her progress. I'm weaving dish towels in the brilliant jewel tones that my MO wears. I was inspired to do so when I learned that his mother crochets lap robes for the chemo patients (there were always a pile ready for anyone who needed or wanted one). I'm not sure if I can weave enough towels for everyone who has helped me, but I am definitely planning on giving my MO's mother a couple, and have loved the project of designing them, figuring out the colors, etc. Wondering whether I'll have another inspiration from radiation - I sorta hope so!

  • pokemom1959
    pokemom1959 Member Posts: 67

    OMG! I see some tiny eyebrows and eyelashes growing back!

    Not so excited about the chin hairs growing back.

  • Tsohl
    Tsohl Member Posts: 24

    Pokémon~ and hello to all. I was relieved to see someone else on here who is undergoing almost as many sessions as I am. (35 for me). I am now finished with 12 treatments so almost a third of the way in. So far I haven’t developed side effects but as of yesterday, I’m beginning to pink up a tad on my décolletage area (which is where my tumor was located.

    It has been mentioned that in the third week the side effects will probably begin….I have been using rejuvaskin almost exclusively. I tried Aquaphor a number of times but hate the way it feels on my skin.

    I tried a bunch of different bras and found them all uncomfortable in the armpit area so I wear a slightly loose camisole top. When I get on the table I just pull it off my shoulders down to my waist. Now that our weather is finally warming up and I need to wear lighter weight clothes, this may not work so well…but for now, it is convenient.

    I've seen several mentions of people using saline soaks. Could someone explain what that is?

  • Tsohl
    Tsohl Member Posts: 24

    BTW, just noticed my history isn’t correct. I was diagnosed on 9/10/21. Radiotherapy began on April 28/2022

  • hippmark
    hippmark Member Posts: 92

    Well, part of my radiated area is now red. Light red, but red. After 17 treatments, I had hoped to skip it, but like a few others mentioned, it seemed to be fine one day and then Wham! the next day it was red. So mine started 3 1/2 weeks into treatment. Mostly just over the right side of my right breast and the area next to it and some underneath, so not everywhere. Today, I completed 19 treatments to that area! So I think I made it pretty far without seeing any side effects. I have 6 more treatments to go in the entire area and then the 5 boosts to the nipple area where tumor was. All in all, it's ok and does not hurt. We'll just see what the next 6 treatments bring! Hopefully, it will be manageable.

    tsohl-I am having a total of 30 treatments, so I am almost in your shoes. I also have been using Rejuvaskin. But I also slather on the Aquaphor. I don't like it, but am doing everything I can. I just wear greasy t-shirts around the house. I found someone who mentioned how to do the saline soaks on the March radiation thread:

    I made it myself with 2 cups of boiling water and 1.5 to 2 teaspoons of salt put in a container to cool (I actually put my in the fridge). Then I got the microfiber clothes (one you use to clean your car) soaked one with the salt water and slapped it on my boob for ten to fifteen minutes. My skin healed really well and the blisters to break just healed up.

    I don't know when you start using it, but I noticed most seem to use it when the area gets pretty red and/or peeling/blistering.

    Mentioning that I read that should you start to peel, not to peel off the skin. The old skin protects the new skin until it can start to come back.

  • Tsohl
    Tsohl Member Posts: 24

    Thanks for the information. So far I'm OK but I feel like I am sitting on a time bomb. I think you are about a week ahead of me in treatment. My tumor presented as a little shadow and divot on the inside side of right breast and went from skin down to the chest wall muscle. It couldn't be seen on MRI or felt so it was really lucky that I noticed it.

    The day of surgery, the same radiologist who had performed my biopsy back in Sept., and who was a fairly young woman, was inserting that wire to guide the surgeon. She started asking me questions about the visual appearance of my tumor like “ is THAT the spot?" Then she had the tech come over to look as she asked her…" if this was your body, would you have gone to see your doctor after noticing this?" They both indicated they doubt they would have because it looked so inconsequential. I felt like I was on exhibit but it was interesting that the radiologist who does nothing but look at breasts all day, didn't think she would have recognized cancer if she'd seen it.

    Anyway, because it goes almost down to the bone, I am having 6 weeks of radiation and then a week of boosts. I have to go in on the 23rd for a new mapping session for the boost. Do you have to do that?

    How is your energy level? Any other side effects?

  • hippmark
    hippmark Member Posts: 92

    tsohl, I spoke slightly too soon. This morning I have two very tiny ulcers below my armpit where my skin folds. They sting but aren't too bad. These are what I believe to be "moist reaction" not dry. I put a little Neosporin on them and Rejuvaskin, but not putting Aquaphor on that area as I have read with moist reaction not to put petroleum on them. Now I need to really keep my arm away from my side. Hard to do! I may indeed try a little saline soak just on that area today as there is also some swelling.

    It seems that when it does eventually turn red, like mine from zero to red practically overnight, that's when you need to be more diligent.

    You know, you work so hard to follow everything to the letter and yet you still don't know what will happen! I know it will heal, but not while I am still getting rads there. I know it is more prone to happen in areas that the skin folds over and that is exactly where it is for me.

    I believe they already mapped me for the boost because I am not scheduled for another mapping session. My energy is still ok. I think another week might tell a different tale, but I will update here.

  • 1982m
    1982m Member Posts: 224

    hippmark- sorry to hear your skin opened up.

    I’m 2 weeks out now. My breast is healing well. I noticed today it looks like some colour from my areola is missing along the edges. My areola and nipple darkened during radiation and now that the redness is fading it looks like some colour is gone. Not a big deal. I guess I’ll just have to wait and see.

    My energy is touch is and go still. I have good days and bad days. Some days I feel 100% but then usually the next day I’m completely wiped out. The fatigue is much more difficult then I expected and it makes me feel depressed. I was feeling so good before radiation.

  • hippmark
    hippmark Member Posts: 92

    Day 22 of rads: Today, my rads area is deciding it has had enough and is very red and feels "sunburnt." Not yesterday, but today after rads. Fortunately, I saw my MO for weekly appointment, and he prescribed Mometasone which I picked up and have already started to use. It is a steroid cream. I still have the two tiny ulcerated areas under my arm which are no worse, but not better. I have 3 more full treatment area to go. Then 4 boosts (MO went from 5 down to 4). Total of 7 left.

    It seems when your skin is done, it let's you know quickly and I am towards the end of treatment. The worst area is below the armpit and down the sides. I have been more than diligent with all the creams, etc. But I do think anything beyond 20 treatments just be prepared, for those coming behind me. I don't mind it being red, just don't want any more blisters.

    All this stuff is making me mentally very tired!

  • pokemom1959
    pokemom1959 Member Posts: 67

    Hi Hippmark - Sorry to hear about your ulcerated areas. I hope they heal quickly.

    I had my 11/33 treatment today. 1/3 of the way done. No side effects with the skin so far, but I know it's only been 2.5 weeks. I've been applying the cream my doc gave me twice a day like clockwork. I probably should be doing it 3 times a day.

    For those of you who are experiencing fatigue, when does it hit? I have my treatments at 4:15 each afternoon - I do pretty well all day, but when I get home from treatment, the fatigue really kicks in.

    Hope everyone is doing well with their treatment. Hugs to all.

  • Tsohl
    Tsohl Member Posts: 24

    I had day 17 today and am doing OK so far, but feel like any day now, side effects will strike. I’ve pretty much been told there is no escaping them….

    Monday I go in for another mapping session to be sure everything is still all lined up properly and to get ready for the boost in a few weeks

  • hippmark
    hippmark Member Posts: 92

    tsohl and others. You may not experience the side effects I am. It might depend on the location they are treating and I know you said yours was closer to your chest wall. My MO told me that mine goes across my chest right and out the other side of right breast. Plus then they radiate the right side too alone, so it gets a double whammy in that area I believe (plus I had one positive lymph node there too). That is where most of my redness is acting out.

    I think everyone is different depending on the treated area, etc. Maybe you will only have some redness and be fine. The Mometasone cream seems to have helped some. Be sure to ask for it if you see any beet redness and swelling.

    Pokemom, my fatigue seems to happen pretty soon after rads and lasts for a couple of hours (rads at 10:30a). Then I can rally before bed. Wake up with energy, then the cycle comes around again. By the weekend I'm beat and try to rest as I can.

  • Tsohl
    Tsohl Member Posts: 24

    hippmark~. When they do the boost, it will be in between my breasts, at least as I understand it at this point. I too had a few random cancer cells in the first sentinel lymph node, so I've been slathering on rejuvaskin all under my arm, side and around to the back. When I saw my doctor on Monday he seemed pleased that my skin was holding up. I still have about a month to go. Thank god the hospital is ten minutes away and my husband drives me every day so I don't have to park the car. If I don't have to see the doctor, my appointment only takes ten minutes. My apprehension before treatment began was much worse than the actual experience has been thus far.

    Lucky you. You will be done soon. Are you then finished with everything?

  • Tsohl
    Tsohl Member Posts: 24

    Does anyone else have some breast pain after radiation treatments? I didn’t notice anything for about the first two weeks, but have noticed a bit of discomfort yesterday and today

  • hippmark
    hippmark Member Posts: 92

    I have not had pain, but I know it is not uncommon.

  • noey69
    noey69 Member Posts: 20

    tsohl - I had my 9th treatment today and driving home I was getting stabbing like pains in my breast. Very different than the zippy zingy nerve feelings that I have been having. It kind of took my breath away. Been home about 30 minutes now and haven't felt it again. We'll see.

  • Tsohl
    Tsohl Member Posts: 24

    noey69~looks like we had our surgeries about the same time. I’m a little ahead of you with radiation…today was day 17 out of 35 for me! If you don’t mind saying, where was your tumor located? Mine was between my breasts and never showed up on a mammogram. I think due to location, I haven’t had any breast pain prior to this.

    They did the sentinel node thing and three were removed…surgeon thought he took two but turned out it was three. That incision is in my right breast by arm pit….

  • cheftoast
    cheftoast Member Posts: 24

    tsohl, my breasts hurt some through radiation, but oddly, even on the non-surgery side. My RO said it made sense that my surgery side was getting aggravated, but like...was the other side feeling sympathetic? Bodies are weird.

    My zingers ramped up hardcore about halfway through and kept up for a week or two after finishing. But on top of that, my breasts have hurt a lot in the weeks after radiation, mostly on the surgery side. They are extremely sensitive, hate going over bumps in the car again, etc. The skin is still settling down but it's the inside that hurts. I guess this is just the breast tissue finding its new form, yet again, now that nothing is actively happening to it. A whole lot of healing going on.

    Also, my skin under the arm (sentinel node area) all around to the back is still uncomfortably sensitive. The RO said that is often what bugs people the most, for the longest. But it WILL all settle down. This is the home stretch!

  • curlygirl41
    curlygirl41 Member Posts: 1

    Hi everyone. I'm fairly new to this site (wish I had found it when I was first diagnosed). I started radiation on May 2nd. Was given only 20 treatments total (16 whole at 2.67, 4 boosts at 2.5). This week is my last week and I can't wait to get it over with. After my first treatment, my breast swelled up and was red and hot. My RO said I was one of the "special" cases where later side effects come early… GREAT! So I've been putting mometasone (steroid cream) and Hydraguard Silicone Cream on top since day 3. The swelling went down a little bit but the redness got darker. My right breast is tender/sore to the touch. Although I had some intense pain on Friday that came and went all day (may have been due to a tight sports bra). I was also prescribed silver sulfadiazine for any open burn wounds but thankfully haven’t needed it. Bit concerned about how my skin will react with the boosts though.

  • hippmark
    hippmark Member Posts: 92

    Hi and welcome! Sorry you were a "special case!" But happy to see you are in your last week. This upcoming week is my last too (30 treatments, 25, 5 boosts). I am on mometasone cream as well as of last week.

    I have no idea how my boosts will go either. I never asked if the boosts are stronger or just more of the same.

    Best wishes on your last week! Let us know how you do.

  • 1982m
    1982m Member Posts: 224

    tsohl my breast swelled a bit and felt sore after. Not hugely sore, it never got really bad. I get zaps still off nerve pain and I’m almost 3 weeks out.

  • Tsohl
    Tsohl Member Posts: 24

    I think my treatments are a bit less intense and for a longer time. I had a long chat with my radiation oncologist last week in which he told me that while the location of my tumor is not unique, he could count on two hands the number of patients who had tumors in between their breasts. (This ina 22 year career.).There isn't much tissue in that location, and my tumor extended from the skin down to the fascia of the pectoralis muscle, but not into the bone. My final week will be a boost to be sure those nasty cells lurking down by the bone are being reached.

    So far my skin is holding up well, but I keep expecting any day to suddenly turn red or swell or…

    I’ve stopped other creams and moisturizers that I used the first week and am just using Rejuvaskin. Also I’m not showering as much as I used to….

  • ALE777
    ALE777 Member Posts: 6

    I am a little over a month out from 25 days of radiation. I thought I was in good shape at the end and then I developed brutal moist desquamation under both armpits. Bandages really didnt work in that area so was tough. I was sent to a wound center and they suggested destine(yes baby diaper ointment) and ankle bandages. Sure enough it took about a week to heal. Im still baffled why my left armpit seems more damaged than my right that the axilla and superclavical were radiated. weird, but this whole process has been a bit weird.

  • Tsohl
    Tsohl Member Posts: 24

    Wow! We seem to have a topic with little interest! I could hardly find it tonight. I guess that is good news if we all are having so few problems going through radiotherapy!

    i finished trea#19 today and have had no side effects. I will finish with this part of RT next Friday, June 3rd. Then I have ten sessions of boosts to look forward to…I had a second mapping session on Monday for it…a new ct scan, but tomorrow they are going to do a simulated appointment to be sure the beams are lined up, etc. I was warned they would be drawing on my skin to establish a template of how to treat…my husband's comment was “I'd like to see that…". My thought: roll eyes: sounds kinky to me….(not)