Fasting before chemo



  • jh40
    jh40 Posts: 141

    serenitystat thanks for replying. Did you fast for 48 hours prior to chemo and then 6 hours after the infusion? Or was it a different interval? Do you think fasting for 12-24 hours prior to infusion and then for 6 hours after would work?

  • SerenitySTAT
    SerenitySTAT Posts: 3,534

    I don't know if 12 hours would be enough time to notice an effect. It's easier for me to stop eating with dinner so the day before Taxol is a whole fasting day. If I finish Taxol in the afternoon, then it would be about 48 hours with no food by the time I eat in the late evening.

    If you're not used to fasting, it can be difficult. Earlier in this thread you can read about the fast mimicking diet.

  • Everything I've read said you need to fast at least 24 hours afterwards. I imagine it's to give your good cells the maximum protection possible as the chemo courses through your system. I did a fasting mimicking diet though because I didn't like the idea of taking steroids on an empty stomach. I will say that my side effects have been quite light. Bone pain (from the ziextenzo shot) and constipation has been the worst. Taste came back in two days and energy is back to normal 6 days out although I wasn't all that fatigued to begin with. Haven't had any nausea with it at all. A little chemo brain but that lasted only 24 hours. Will definitely fast again and then continue on with an intermittant fasting diet after treatment. As far as difficulty, I didn't find it all that bad until my last day. My steroids had kicked in at that point and I was hungry! But I didn't allow myself dinner until I hit that 24 hour mark.

  • SerenitySTAT
    SerenitySTAT Posts: 3,534

    When I had AC once every 3 weeks, then I waited 24 hours after chemo ended.

    When on Taxol once a week, I couldn't wait 24 hours to eat. I wouldn't have been able to keep my weight up if I only ate 3-4 days out of 7 for 12 weeks. I can sustain no more 2 fasting days without food if fasting each week.

    I still was able to avoid GI issues and never needed meds at home.

    Now I like fasting 36-44 hours once a week and a prolonged overnight fast the rest of the week.

  • tsquare
    tsquare Posts: 19

    @serenitystat @kaynotrealname thank you for sharing your experiences. I will be following this thread closely as I plan my fasting before chemo at the end of the month.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Posts: 2,723

    I thought I posted this but can't find it. I'm glad to have found this thread. I've been IFing for almost 8 weeks. Usually 20/4 with one 24-hour fast. I've been following the recommendations from Gin Stephens' book, "Fast. Feast. Repeat." Anyone else following this plan? The biggest thing is the clean fasting with only water, black coffee or black tea during the fasts. I do take my Ibrance and Armidex in the morning before my coffee. I have my next appointment with my MO on the 12th of September, along with my Zometa infusion.

  • jh40
    jh40 Posts: 141

    I had my first round of Taxol + Herceptin today and I followed FMD the day before, eating around 800 calories and ate about 250 calories this morning because I didn't know how my body would handle the drugs without food.

    Too soon to tell I suppose but I just feel tired, and that could of course be down to Ativan and Benedryl and only 6 hours of sleep the night before.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Posts: 2,723

    jh40, I hope you're feeling OK today.


  • SerenitySTAT
    SerenitySTAT Posts: 3,534

    jh40 - Hope your treatments go smoothly.

    sunshine - I don't know that book. I've been fasting for some time. I've settled on one 36-44 hour fast once a week, and overnight fasts for 14-18 hours. I love cinnamon in my coffee now. I take Ibrance at night.

  • jh40
    jh40 Posts: 141

    sunshine99 & serenitystat - thank you for checking on me! Yesterday went ok! I had some jitteryness from the steroids, but managed with a small dose of Ativan. There was a whole body sickly feeling that reminded me of my Covid shots. It came in waves throughout the day but was mild. Some facial flushing. Some stomach irritation. I had a hard time eating with that but managed to get a couple of sugar free protein shakes and yogurts down. Had some broth. Drank a gallon of water and 2 no sugar added coconut waters. Later in the evening I had a lovely organic greens juice and a whole avocado, a peach and walked a mile and a half and felt totally human again by about 9pm. Slept great.

    Today I feel better so far but it’s early yet. I plan to do FMD for next treatment for sure.


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