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Canadians in British Columbia



  • gladis
    gladis Member Posts: 43
    edited June 2022

    Yesterday, while awaiting in the darkened hospital room for the US tech to return - I thought of you Cathy.

    (And furthermore, if it is high suspicion, they shall book biopsy for you right there.. that was what I experienced, the tech person back with biopsy appt, no any explanation.)

    (I read, pray for this strong Canada crew, and rarely have enough courage(? ) to post)

    When the tech didn't return for a long while, I's bad.

    It was.

    I'm lost...sad,...don't know where to turn...

    this is another cancer, (suspicious due to blood vessel/solid for sarcoma/lymphoma)

    on top of BC and I'm still recovering (mentally not even digested )

    (&I'm still not yet well enough for RT since April's lumpectomy--the consult in Vancouver was for 27 July )

    but I will say-this 'thing' has been with me for a decade.

    Absolutely, under diagnosed. (Long story)

    Even when I showed the article to my surgeon at UBC, he dismissed it as 'rare' (

    (I have every symptom but NO doctor wanted to believe it -->(????)

    My family doctor (TY GOD that I have one in BC. I pray for his health)

    who read the entire published study said

    "Don't worry" "This is rare"

    No doctor -not even the head of Oncology in RI or the famous MG of Boston

    (we can't say names but he's famous and published a main stream medical book)

    could diagnose what CA doctors did yesterday---- in less than 6 ms.

    I'm awaiting a contrast MRI now-

    like Cathy mentioned-if it is bad-you know right away because you have an appt in hand "-D :-(

    It is just my poor husband and me- we are wrecked

    My real name was Swtpoto (everywhere, ebay etc) but here in what looks truly awful

    Glad Is

    in a foreign but beautiful <3 country with this is very scary,

    but having this board -is my rope. I'm glad you are here BC BC

    Thank you for 'listening' this morning.



  • cathy67
    cathy67 Member Posts: 411
    edited June 2022


    Sorry to hear what you experienced, diagnosis is complicated while treatment has options, all these create extra mental illness on top of BC. I know.

  • BbyMom
    BbyMom Member Posts: 31
    edited June 2022

    Hi Gladis, I'm sorry to hear about the suspicious finding and that it wasn't investigated earlier. You're right, no biospy appt is usually good news (my results ended up being ok - monitoring will continue but no biopsy needed). Biopsy just means they need more info and hopefully you get some answers soon and results are not bad. The waiting is the worst thought, I know, plus it sucks that it's on the heal of breast cancer - That is a lot of stress! Hang in there and practice self care... deep breathing, long walks, nutritious food, etc.. Take care and keep us updated!

  • cathy67
    cathy67 Member Posts: 411
    edited June 2022


    Glad to know your good news, take break, enjoy summer, and then go for follow up. Mine shall be in October, have not booked yet.

  • gladis
    gladis Member Posts: 43
    edited June 2022

    Good morning Cathy, bbymom , Wren (co feline lover) "-) and any other 'like me watchers' <3

    I'm super happy for your no worry for now results. I'd take it in a heartbeat!

    Sadly, I am aware of how this biopsy will go,

    I am the one who had to point at this other cancer for my doctors and was 'lucky' one listened and then the others followed.

    Dr Scali (let's see Wrenn "-) is the derm who has pre-diagnosed a sarcoma/lymphoma while we wait for a more detailed look

    -but it's all there in the US and the symptoms😭

    (on the heel of IDC-ugh).

    And while I Knew..

    (I actually reached out to the moderators on this site back in April about this very thing.

    I felt like I might not be able to 'be here with all of you' with so much 'other cancer'

    YET,.it still shocked me.)

    I'm trying to take bbymom's advice and care for myself without thinking, --------what's the point.

    Then, alternating that thinking , -----------with loving the F-word out of every moment.

    (Squeezing my good natured (mostly) Amos to pieces too, poor guy :-D


    Luckily, I found you brave souls right here in my LR

    and have slipped you into my pocket wherever i am

    My three a day gratitude /attitude list

    (ty) my pack of animals that go wherever I go

    and a good man in my life.

    I am going to go write that down on the wall so I can remember. 😉

    Have a better day today -keeping you close in pocket


    me->glad is...


  • Pots
    Pots Member Posts: 189
    edited August 2022

    Even though this site isn’t all that active, I thought I should let you know that Margaret Young aka moth passed away at home on Friday August 12,2022. Many of us met Margaret at a BCO members lunch in November 2019 at Cactus Club. She was instrumental in getting us together. It was at that meeting that she mentioned that she was being checked for a progression which sadly was true. She will be sorely missed among the MBC community on BCO, her blog posts were amazing and from the heart about her experience with this dreadful disease, RIP Margaret

  • BbyMom
    BbyMom Member Posts: 31
    edited August 2022

    Oh no, I am so sorry to hear about moth. Even in my short time here I saw how active and helpful she was. Incredibly sad. :(

  • cathy67
    cathy67 Member Posts: 411
    edited August 2022

    pots and others,

    So sad to hear this, I marked her vlog and checked it frequently. I read her last photo on August 9, . back in this tough spring, when I was called for biopsy, I had private conversations with her, and she gave me lots of useful info, care and support.

    Back in year 2019, she introduced me to this thread.

    Dear moth, rip.


  • koshka1
    koshka1 Member Posts: 93
    edited August 2022

    I was there… I don’t remember who this was…. :(. I can’t put a face to the name.

  • cathy67
    cathy67 Member Posts: 411
    edited August 2022


    Search itisjustastage on instagram, that is her account.

    I planned to join 2019 gathering, but did not go, due to fatigue from radiation and busy family activities.

    I missed her so so much these days.

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,065
    edited August 2022

    wrenn: were you there for the 2019 lunch? I was there and I remember moth, mariane, pots, ilovelife (?) Candy I am sorry you didn't make it.

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,065
    edited September 2022

    wrenn: I love that drawing. Paddington Bear, a Corgi, Elizabeth all walking away. Did she ever have anything in her black handbag. Tissues. Maybe. Fare for the Tube? Nope.

  • sadiesservant
    sadiesservant Member Posts: 1,875
    edited September 2022

    My mother and I always said it was a hankie. 😊 Recently she confessed it was a marmalade sandwich for emergencies. LOL

    I feel oddly bereft. She’s just always been there…

  • koshka1
    koshka1 Member Posts: 93
    edited September 2022

    thank you! I remember!

    Are there any get togethers

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,065
    edited September 2022

    I would be lovely to meet up my fellow sisters in the Lower Mainland. I am terrible about organizing things like that and we loved our beloved moth who organized past ones. Can we hope for a maskless fall?

  • BbyMom
    BbyMom Member Posts: 31
    edited September 2022

    I'm new this year so haven't attended any past get togethers but would love to meet you all. I'm in Burnaby but willing to travel (as long as there is parking or near the skytrain) and can meet 6:30pm onwards, if dinner, or any time for during weekends for lunch/brunch. Unfortunately my place is too small to host. Where was the most recent get together?

  • BbyMom
    BbyMom Member Posts: 31
    edited September 2022

    elderberry and sadieservant, did you see this cute clip that answers the question about the handbag? Super cute...

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,065
    edited September 2022

    bbymom: we went to the Cactus Club at Broadway at Ash. The street is a total mess now with the Skytrain going on underneath the street. I guess it should be called a subway. Where in Burnaby do you live?

  • koshka1
    koshka1 Member Posts: 93
    edited September 2022

    Hi! I’ve attended quite a few… either at someone’s house or a restaurant.

    Best thing is to pick a day/time we’ll in advance as in the past ladies came from the island too!

    Thoughts ? I can always help organize…..

  • BbyMom
    BbyMom Member Posts: 31
    edited September 2022

    I'm in North Burnaby but happy to travel. If ladies come from the island then something along the skytrain route may work well? There is a Cactus Club by the Brentwood Mall skytrain station, along some other restaurants like Joey's, Earl's, and Brown's Social House that are all somewhat similar, but the location isn't too exciting. I'm up for anything and yeah, a date/time well in advance should definitely help with planning. :)

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,065
    edited September 2022

    bby: I live in The Heights. Maybe we are neighbours!!! You can send me a PM if you want to keep it private.

  • cathy67
    cathy67 Member Posts: 411
    edited September 2022


    I live in richmond, definitely I want a hang on. I planned to join 2019 catcus club gathering, but radiation side effect made me very tired that I cancelled it at last moment.

    Whoever organizes, I would suggest put a few (say three) options, and then all women reply with yes/no to all the options, then we can figure out easily which one is the most convenient one. As for the place, ideally someplace that is convenient for transit while have parking.

    My next checkup is Nov 4, hope this one back all clear quickly.

  • cathy67
    cathy67 Member Posts: 411
    edited December 2022


    I have not been here for a while, hopefully every body goes well.

    I am in richmond, currently looking for a place to purchase, the candidate is in coquitlam. The place belongs to city of coquitlam, however just a few minutes walk to eagle ridge hospital, which belongs to port moody. It sounds that there is no cancer centre in city of coquitlam, but eagle ridge hospital has cancer centre. Anybody knows those living in coquitlam go to which cancer centre? This is my 4th year in richmond cancer centre, dont know how long I will continuously report to cancer centre if everything goes well in the future, hopefully!

    Thanks ladies, wish all of you a merry Christmas and happy New Year.

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,065
    edited February 2023

    cathy67: I live in Burnaby, in The Heights, and I went briefly to BC Cancer Agency in Vancouver but didn't like my MO at all. I found a wonderful MO at Lions Gate Hospital in North Vancouver. It is so worth the sometimes dodgy traffic issues of the bridge. The centre isn't as fancy but the nurses are great. Find a place that suits you and where you feel comfortable.

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,065
    edited February 2023

    wrenn: Dr Sasha. Everyone loves him!!! He's my MO and I am so so so happy about that. When I first started at LGH the nurses would ask about leaving BCCA and then reply "We get a lot like you" ---- escapees Ha ha

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,065
    edited February 2023

    wrenn: When I was in my deepest shock and despair he gave me hope. He was recommended to me through a woman who had been treated by Dr Sasha and she knew my DH through a ukulele group. Grateful to her. Grateful that Dr Sasha took me on.

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,065
    edited February 2023

    wrenn: My Dh says all MO's are doctors but Dr. Sasha is a HEALER

  • cathy67
    cathy67 Member Posts: 411
    edited February 2023


    Thanks for your replies! Yes, I just bought a place in coquitlam, but this time it is close to port coquitlam. I am not sure if I shall stay in richmond cancer clinic, or find another one. The one in North Vancouver is also very far from my new place, I am not good at driving, that I only dirve within the city.

    It sounds we can pickup hospitals within BC? I never thought of this question previously, my current place is within walking distance to richmond hospital. If only routine checkup, I am okay to travel within greater vancouver area, but I am worried if something happens in the future, that treatment is needed again...

    I will consider the Doctor that you recommended, and will discuss with my family doctor about that. I just got next routine, will be in May, I am moving by the end of March, so still have time to figure out.

    Ladies, thanks a lot.


  • cathy67
    cathy67 Member Posts: 411
    edited February 2023


    Who can msg me Dr. Sasha's contact info? Thanks.

  • cathy67
    cathy67 Member Posts: 411

    Hi ladies,

    Some updates. I asked my oncologist in richmond, he said, based on my case, he is pretty much sure that if he transfers me to other regions, they will let family doctor to take care of me, and my family doctor is still the one in richmond, cause there is no spot available in my new place. So, still stay with richmond oncologist and family doctor. Thanks the ladies who help provide info.

    My routine mammogram and ultrasound back normal in May, oncologist said my next checkup is in 1 year.

    I wish ladies you all have normal checkup results. Enjoy summer.