Any New Brunswickers with stage IV?
Finding it difficult to find local ladies dealing with Stage IV. Would love to hear from you!
Interesting Re Male Breast Cancer and Drug Access
I just came across this article while doing some general reading about breast cancer and found it unique and interesting. Posting for anyone else who might find it pertinent. Also, this is a CBC article, and since we have many Canadian friends here, I thought was worthwhile - not sure if some of the same issues apply in…
Ottawa ladies?
Hi all, I`d really like to chat with other women from the Nepean/Barrhaven area who are dealing with BC. I m from out of town and don't see my family too often so it would be nice to find support in the area! Carolyne
Wait times and alternative clinics
hi all, I was diagnosed with invasive lobular carcinoma last week. I’ve been feeling this spot for almost 2 years. I was told 18 months ago by the breast clinic in Halifax nova Scotia that it was just a part of my rib bone I was feeling. Anyway now it’s a month before I can get a consult and unknown waits beyond for…
Critical Illness and Life Insurance - Recommendations for British Columbia, Canada
Hello. I’m woefully disorganized and unprepared for this - as are probably most of us. Can anyone recommend an insurance agent to walk me through what, if any, options may exist that I can begin to investigate for immediate purchase, or post treatment. I have some, but not much coverage, and am kicking myself for not…
Canadians in British Columbia
I'm wondering how many West Coast Gals we currently have on here. It makes it a little easier to compare notes as our health-care is provincial. Would be nice to share tips and such to each other as we wade though the health-care Bureaucracy. I'm in Richmond BC (a part of the Vancouver Lower Mainland) and the majority of…
Delayed Reconstruction
Canadian Sisters ..I’ve just been told the wait time to see a surgeon I found is a year wait. Can someone tell me how to find a reconstruction surgeon in Ontario?? I have shoulder pain and I just am so frustrated with my family Dr. thank you!!
Hi I’m wondering if anyone can help me out with 2 issues actually The most important is that I had a total L mastectomy July 20th The Dr removed the drains 1 week later,which both myself &my home care nurse thought was way too soon bc of the amount of fluid still coming out Of course 1 wk later I had this massive Seroma…
Frustrating Mammogram wait times in Canada for 5+ years out
Every year since moving to Ottawa nearly 6 years ago, I start reminding my family doctor to kindly, please, book my mammogram. I was sternly warned by my many medical professionals to get my annual mammogram on my remaining breast to make sure that the benign, previously biopsied fibroadenoma is still the exact same size.…
Knowing any Chinese ladies who need help in Vancouver area?
Hi, Ladies, If you see any Chinese ladies who need an interpreter during breast cancer related treatments, you could give my contact to them. I used to help couple of Chinese ladies during their treatments, incl. seeing their oncologists/doctors, reading pathology report, providing information/translating documents,…
Montreal ladies?
Anyone from Montreal? I’m still in the waiting period. BS appointment on Tuesday; finally! I hope things will take off from there. I feel tired and nauseous. I can’t enjoy life not knowing how long I have to live.
BCI (Breast Cancer Index) in Canada
I live in Vancouver. Just finished 5 years of Tamoxifen. I recently discovered the Breast Cancer Index test (breastcancer.org Screening and Testing page has a link to some information) , which can apparently identify those who can benefit from extended (10 year) hormonal therapy. It's a genomic test (like Oncotype DX or…
Edmonton, Alberta Ladies?
Hi! Any ladies in the Edmonton area who get their treatments at The Cross Cancer Institute? This is my second rodeo, first diagnosis was in 2018 and second diagnosis January of this year. I do not like the MO I am assigned too, would it be considered rude to request a different MO?
New to the medical system here in Canada
Hi everyone, My cancer diagnosis was in Texas in 2009. I went through the whole gamut - multiple surgeries, chemo, rads, reconstruction... When I moved here in 2017, my MO told me I did not need to be followed by an oncologist here, just to see my regular doctor if I had any concerns. So, now I'm having concerns. I have…
Refusing hormone therapy
has anyone here refused to take either their Tamoxifen or AI?