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Reporting forum feedback and technical issues

Hello Everyone, 

As with any new technology, it can take time to work through issues and adapt to the new site. We thank you for your patience and understanding, and are here to help support you. 

Our team is dedicated to giving you the best experience possible, with plans for adding features and enhancements over time.

We welcome your ideas and constructive feedback. The most effective and helpful way to share your thoughts with us is by completing this form to report technical issues, and this form to provide other feedback about the community. 

Please use these forms to report:

  • a technical issue you are experiencing
  • an idea for a new feature or improvement to the user experience
  • general feedback about’s discussion forums

If you have difficulty using the feedback form, please send a private message to the moderators.

IMPORTANT: If you choose to post in this discussion, please keep it as constructive advice and feedback that can help other members, and help us achieve our goals of maintaining a safe, supportive environment that strives to create a good member experience. Any posts that are not considered constructive for other members learning how to use the forums or for the team will be deleted.

Thank you for being a member of the community.  



  • alicebastable
    alicebastable Member Posts: 1,946

    Why private message? If several hundred members are having the same issue, do you really want to get hundreds of messages on the same problem?

    I can't sign in on my phone, which is what I've always used for BCO. I've tried several times and it looks like i'm in, but when i get to a forum page, it tells me I'm new and need to register. So I'm on my computer now, which is horrible for me because i can barely see the screen and keyboard due to eye problems. 😡

  • I just received an email saying the site was up and running but the top of the page says in maintenance mode? Can anyone clarify? thank you.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,558
    edited May 2023

    @alicebastable Hi! We're so sorry you're having trouble logging in and we're going to do our best to help you get access. We don't have hundreds, thank goodness, but you are all very important to us, and we'll get you back in!

    So that we can further investigate, can you please fill out this form with as much detail as possible? A ticket will be created asap:

    Thank you for your patience while we resolve the issue!

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,558
    edited May 2023

    @elle888 We are up and running! No more maintenance mode. We had done a soft-launch to allow our techs to do final testing to make sure things were functioning before announcing to all. If you see any issues, please feel free to let us know:

    —The Mods

  • celia088
    celia088 Member Posts: 975

    i cannot navigate this latest BCO Maze, but i managed to send a message to the Moderators. So i hope the Mods can help me to stop getting every and any post on the Older Than 60 With Breast Cancer thread sent to my private email address. This new site is NOT intuitive and seems to have even more steps than the last platform to do anything and get anywhere. Sorry, but i am all out of patience with BCO. I am not a technie and i hate unnecessary learning curves.

  • jhl
    jhl Member Posts: 175

    Hi Mods,

    Thanks so much for getting my log in fixed! So far, I do like the look of the forum but I do have what I hope is a constructive suggestion. I find it difficult to read some of the members posts due to the spacing lines. For example, the moderators messages above - there is the author (moderators) with a faint gray line that separates it from elle888's post above. Then, there is the text. Following that is yet another exact same faint gray line that separates the Signature? (not sure what that is called). For you, it is 'We are here to …' Then, yet another faint gray line. The fonts are the same and when a poster has a signature that involves lots of tx, it becomes difficult to read. Here are some of my suggestions:

    1. Increase the font of the poster's name
    2. Increase the boldness of the line that separates one poster from another
    3. Keep the faint gray line between the text and the signature

    I think this might increase the readability of the threads.



  • lw422
    lw422 Member Posts: 1,414
    edited April 2023

    Is there a way to ignore certain sections of the forum? For example, when I want to see Active Posts, I don't want to see all the Games threads. On the old forum it was easy to ignore sections we have no interest in.

    Also, I don't see an "up arrow" to take me to the top of the thread. Will this be added or do we have to scroll back up each time? Thanks.

    And I see that my username is still in lower case. Can I correct it to "LW422?"

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,558
    edited May 2023

    @celia088, we apologize for any inconvenience caused. We've sent you a private message!

    @jhl, we're glad to see you here. Those are excellent recommendations, and we will bring them up for discussion with the team! For now, please feel free to add them to our Feedback form if you have a moment, that's the easiest way for us to keep track of all your suggestions. Feedback form:

    @lw422 unfortunately, there's no way to ignore discussions, although that would be a great feature, so please, add it to the feedback form too if possible! Same with the up/down arrow. As a suggestion in the meantime, you can use your computer keyboard for that. To go up/down on a Mac, you can perform CMD + up or down arrow. Or Page Down and Page Up keys, on some PC. And yes, you should be able to change your username to upper case. Instructions here: How to change your username, email address, or password. Let us know if you need help with that!

    The Mods

  • ctmbsikia
    ctmbsikia Member Posts: 773
    edited April 2023

    Testing 1, 2

    The post signature page just brings me back to active topics page and says I'm not logged in. Still reading though

  • threetree
    threetree Member Posts: 1,647

    Beesie - Thank you so very much for all that you have contributed to this board over the years. I found your posts very informative and helpful. I totally understand why you are leaving, but want you to know that you will be sorely missed by many.

  • threetree
    threetree Member Posts: 1,647

    Oh, Wrenn - I am so sorry to see you leave, but as with Beesie, I totally understand. Along with many other things, that threat business caused this to be an unsafe place for sick and/or dying people to express their thoughts without fear. Many of these sick and/or dying people are under tremendous chronic stress, and have to take drugs that alter their moods and cause things like irritability and anger. They may not always say things in the politest of terms, but their voices should matter. There should be knowledge and understanding of the situation so many members are in, by those who make the threats. I am going to try to hang in here a bit longer, because I am now stage 4 and am so appreciating the help and support I've been getting from other members. I will see how things go, but I doubt that I will be as active as I was in the past. I'm just so sorry for so many of you who've been chased away.

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,250


    Thank you for having the “dislike” button removed. What a dreadful inclusion that was! Now, can we get rid of the like button too? This just does not feel like the kind of space for gathering accolades or competing for “likes”.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,558
    edited May 2023

    Hi @jhl and @lw422, those are really great suggestions. Could you add them to our Feedback Form? It's available here:

    Thank you!

    @exbrnxgrl, I see what you mean with the "Like" function. I think one way it might be used, rather than a popularity contest, could be if members share helpful resources or links to products that they found helpful (e.g. creams/lotions for radiation) and folks are indicating an appreciation for the resource share. I will bring it back to the team and we will think it through more thoroughly! Thank you for bringing this up.

    The Mods

  • serenitystat2
    serenitystat2 Member Posts: 7

    Posting as serenitystat2 since my username SerenitySTAT can only log into the main site and my profile, but not the discussion forum. Very weird that it accepted serenitystat2 and plugged in my email address and avatar from SerenitySTAT. BCO, maybe pay for professional QA???

  • serenitystat2
    serenitystat2 Member Posts: 7

    Last month I used the BCO discussion forum while at an appointment to look up a date of a procedure I had years ago. Couldn't do that now because I can't log in using my phone or tablet. I'm using my laptop which I didn't plan on opening on my day off! 🤬

  • serenitystat2
    serenitystat2 Member Posts: 7

    As for deleted posts that Beesie mentioned, I noticed that the Glitches thread and the one I created on the BCO data breach when they ignored warnings for months are gone. Is BCO taking notes from the Twit in Chief??? 🙃

  • serenitystat2
    serenitystat2 Member Posts: 7

    This new site has many new problems as well as old. The navigation seems to be even worse. While my old avatar is showing here under a new name. It's missing in the original username (with caps!) like it is for others. So we've lost not only the people who have died, but their avatars and their posts???

    I don't have the time or energy to see what else is wrong. I'm a techie, and it shouldn't be this hard to navigate a forum.

    BCO still hasn't learned to listen to its forum users. Pretending you care doesn't work on me.

    It is just frustrating to come back here, so I'm finding my joy elsewhere.


  • serenitystat2
    serenitystat2 Member Posts: 7
    edited April 2023

    Just saw in your note that it takes time to work through issues and adapt.

    This is not acceptable.

    I've restarted work and have had to learn some new tech, but I can fix issues that I see here in hours or days. Some of the issues on this site have been here for over a year! Good tech help is hard to find, but NOT IMPOSSIBLE.

    Rant over.

  • serenitystat2
    serenitystat2 Member Posts: 7

    OK, I like the edit option.

  • lw422
    lw422 Member Posts: 1,414

    No, I will not submit a form to request a feature that was available in the old forum but has disappeared.

    When I finally found the Quick Links, I go to Edit my profile, change my username to LW422, and save. Nothing changes. Occasionally I get this…

    I also attempted to make my profile PRIVATE, but that change was also not saved. 😝

    I guess I'm out. I don't have the time or the inclination for this. I have never in my life seen such a mess over a forum migration that should have been an easy transition for technology professionals who know what the hell they are doing. Sad, but this is the death knoll for a previously excellent resource.

  • melissadallas
    melissadallas Member Posts: 929

    I joined BCO after having had a rare ovarian cancer followed by a rare breast condition, LCIS. If you search BCO now for LCIS, there are only SIX hits. I was very active on the boards, often reassuring newbies. i had upwards of 8000 posts. After the conversion I have only 64. ALL of my private messages are gone. I have also been a business analyst, often working on large systems conversions. There were so many signs here warning of how messed up this was going to be. WEEKS added to anticipated deadlines boded very poorly on your CONVERTING twenty years worth of data. Well, clearly you didn’t, did you? What happened to all the data that is missing?

  • jrnj
    jrnj Member Posts: 408

    All the issues regarding navigation, aesthetics, other problems, seem small when compared to losing almost all the historical information. That information is irreplaceable.

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,250

    Question, is “Bookmarks” the same as the previous favorites? If so, why does it show that I have 60 some odd bookmarks when only 8 are listed? I don’t think I’ve ever had 60+ threads favorited or bookmarked. The count did go down when I un ticked the little red ribbon but still shows, numerically, over 60 but there are nowhere near that number visible to me.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    I only use my phone. Each time I try to fumble my way through this “upgrade “, I can’t find my favorites. Then I give up in frustration. Then I try again, only to find I’ve been signed out, must fumble again. I’d rather stay signed in. I’m about ready to delete BCO.

  • debbew
    debbew Member Posts: 237

    Like others, I also find myself logged out much too often. I would prefer to have to sign in max once per day.

    Like spookiesmom, I find the new organization of Active Topics in the menu bar, favorites on the RHS and search tool in the banner confusing and awkward to access. Can they all be in the menu bar?

    On the plus side, the layout (on a laptop) is much improved (from the last incarnation, not the original). I like the addition of the positive reaction buttons. Creating and editing post functionality is also improved.

    I wish more color would be added back since the banner (lovely though it is) gets scrolled offscreen immediately, and I'm left in a sea of white and gray with patches of black and red.

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,873

    When I click on my profile page and post signature page it logs me out and takes me to what I think is BCO's home page. Any suggestions?

  • darenadmin
    darenadmin Moderator Posts: 1


  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,558
    edited May 2023

    Hi @wonderland,

    First, in order to not get signed out when clicking Your Post Signature, can you try clearing your cache and cookies, and then try? If that doesn't work, can you try accessing in Incognito mode? This should resolve this problem and let you edit your post signature while we work on the known issue with this and the Profile link.

    Then, the instructions to get your post signature to appear in the community are here: 

    If the issue persists after clearing the cache and cookies, could you please fill out the Technical Report form (in Quick Links)? This will alert our tech team and allow them to resolve the issue.