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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,891

    My friends have made the story of my life. In a thousand ways they have turned my limitations into beautiful privileges and enabled me to walk serene and happy in the shadow cast by my deprivation.

    Helen Keller

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,891

    Warm already this sunny morning. There is a bit of breeze so hopefully it won't be too bad. We will make a trip to the Walmart grocery. Sigh !! All the grocery type stores are in the same area so it's a question of what we need at the time as to where we go. Walmart though is almost always the choice.

    We don't have much for plants here. A few outside. I'd love more but between Dh mowing them down often and the deer eating some of them, and lastly a lot of clay soil it has been a struggle.

    Likely I'd have walked away as well Cindy from plants that have become expensive. For only five or 6 months of pleasure - no. I have a friend who always waits (something you couldn't do so well in your situation of changing residences) till end of season and everything left is on sale. Have to admit years ago she and her Dh owned a nursery so she has a pretty green thumb. She ended up filling her flower beds with plants that ended up doing well and producing the nest season just beautifully. I had a green thumb once, but I lost it. Now I look at a plant and it seems like it slumps over right then.

    Looking forward to making a bit more progress on my list today.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    reader, woohoo for B9!!!!!

    Cindy, love your spinner!

    I had bronchitis this week, started out as laryngitis. Never got really bad, used OTC drugs and slept a lot.

    illinois, sorry to say Kelce didn't get her bath yet. Hope to bath her this week sometime. I bought a new toenail clipper so she will get her nails done too.

    Chris, your summer clothing sound beautiful! Pictures of your finished products, please!

    Harley, I remember those shots the day after chemo! You seem to be doing well, but I know, it isn't fun to go through! You are in my thoughts!

    Betrayal, hope things are going well with you. When is your TKR?

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,842

    Chris, my Mother took a tailoring class at the local high school adult learning and was taught to use newspaper for the pattern. She made a lot of measurements and made my DF a Harris tween sports jacket and me a turquoise dress coat. It was taught by an elderly Italian tailor who was quite good at his work and teaching. Your story about making the top pattern reminded me of this. I loved that coat.

    MM, my TKR is on 6/3 and I have more PT sessions before then. She keeps up the exercises so I feel well prepared. I had the knee x-ray they needed so I just have to go for PAT this week and see the Cardiologist on 5/29.

    DGS was such a big help this weekend and I think he liked being an "only" child for a change. On Saturday it rained so we mostly worked in the garage potting plants for the patio and it was a teachable moment since many of the plants were root bound. Once we finished one, we would put it outside to take benefit of the gentle showers and then start another pot. We got quite a few done and then moved them to the patio. Then he helped me by vacuuming the bedrooms upstairs and the hallway, running the swiffer mop in the primary bedroom and the bathrooms and then using the wet swiffer to mop the bathroom floors. I was dusting the rooms. We even laundered the bathroom rugs.

    On Sunday he assisted with bush trimming and cleanup, moving my yard birds (birds made of various garden tool parts) in to their designated spaces, filling the patio urns with more plants, putting seeds in 2 planters (marigolds and wildflowers) and then sweeping up the patio. For lunch he wanted the lima bean and ham soup I had made and frozen for him. We thawed it and I had a small bowl while he ate 3 huge bowls to finish it. He helped DH take the mattress off my bed so I could fix the bed skirt (which moves when I raise the head of the bed), fixed the floor protector on one of the bed legs and then helped return the mattress. Then we made cucumber salad. He likes to cook so this was a new recipe for him: cucumbers, oil and vinegar only.

    He likes to be busy and to be recognized for his efforts. He's at the stage where he pokes the bear (his DF) looking for attention but usually provokes the wrong kind. So he did earn money to take to Dorney Park for his class trip. He asked for less than he was given but he never once complained about doing the job at hand and actually asked questions about making patio planters so I think he learned something as well.

    Today is sunny and quite warm. I ran from PT to a vacuum repair store since the upstairs vacuum broke. It it the power head for a Kenmore canister vacuum. I am hoping it can be repaired because it works so well and doesn't hurt my back. The store is clear across the county and the owner had a very noisy, talky cat named "Girl". Should hear from him in a day or 2. Then ran to Produce Junction which not only sells produce very cheaply but also annuals and perennials. Hanging baskets like you see at Lowe's and Home Depot are 3/$25. They only had 4 single geraniums left and they were $1.50 each. Tomorrow they get their big shipment so I may swing by on Friday to get plants for 4 more urns. I already put the hanging baskets out and the geraniums filled in the other urns. Then I will be done with the patio.

    DH got the mulch I needed today so I will see if I can finish tomorrow before it gets too hot. I still have some perennials to plant and then the dogwood, the 2 oak leaf hydrangeas and the azalea. I have spots picked out, I just need the time.

    Puffin and Harley I hope each day gets a bit better; petite1, I hope the eyelid is healing; Sandy, I hope life with out a HK is bearable until you can fill her shoes; and for anyone else having pain or issues, I hope they are quickly resolved.

    Sorry if I forgot anyone, but I wish everyone a great day.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,303

    I went in for my cut & color. I’ve been dying my hair dark blonde, since getting to Florida months ago. Sun bleaches it out, and it’s probably all white to begin with. Stylist saw me and said Oh blonde! Yes, I explained I had to avoid dark hair due to snow white roots; they hide better with lighter hair.

    Well, she rinsed out my hair before cutting it. So I never really saw it until she was done cutting it. It’s brown again. To say I was unhappy is an understatement. I told her I did not want it dark, that we had spoke of keeping it lighter. She said it’s a beautiful color and you can see my eyes … I agreed a beautiful color if you wanted brown hair, and I did not. I told her I’d be washing it as soon as I got home - I want it to bleed out, fade. And that’s exactly what I did, multiple times.

    She’s offered to redo it in 2 weeks, call or text and she’ll set it up. I’m still too upset to even consider it. I left there mumbling to myself, so disappointed.

    From there I had to go get a pool opening kit. Got home and we took the winter cover off the pool and started refiling it. It was 85 and HOT! Might have to put the window AC in the bedroom. High heat over the next couple of days.

    Hoping your day went better than mine!

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,842

    Cindyny, your photos were beautiful. Sorry that happened to your hair. I hope she offered to redo for free. Sad when they don't listen and you end up with something you didn't want.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,891

    Cindy, I too hope the hairdresser will give you what YOU want this time for free. How odd to listen to your personal choice and then apparently ignore it. Interesting to say the least. I've usually not had overt and or blatant disregard for what I wanted. I did ask for a shorter cut this time myself, but knowing Beth was 'suffering' chemo this time I did not have the heart and will never ever say a word to her. Totally different situation. I know you mentioned looking forward to it and I am glad we were all here for you.

    Is this the first time you saw this stylist. If so, then I'd say she was more than cheeky to not listen and 'understand' totally what you wanted and why?

    Been thinking of whether we should turn on our ac or not myself. It is not un-comfortable in the house as yet, and weather says cooler Wednesday. We may try to hold out for a few more days. Since it will run for some time when we do turn it on to dispel the humidity we really sort of hate to start too soon. Then when we have some of those nicer days we are reluctant to open doors and windows and get a lot of humidity all over.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,286

    Chris, Like the bike.

    Cindy, pretty flowers

    My eye is doing better. I can't remember all I wanted to comment on. Hope all are well

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Cindy, a colorist once told me that they use a clarifying or "strip" shampoo to rinse out pigment that's too dark. Prell is the most common one. She says if you can see through it, it's too harsh to maintain your color (go for something pearlescent or opaque). So you might want to see if she can use a "strip" shampoo.

    My friend is back in the ER with weakness & double vision. It's sounding more and more like an AVM to me. They did a head CT to rule out stroke but it could still be a TIA.

    My HK couldn't close on her house today because of a snafu with the deed. Should have it ironed out by Thursday.

    I have to go out now and get groceries & cat food before the storms fire back up. BangBang has been so demanding I can barely get anything done. She constantly yells for wet food. Roxy hogs most of the kibble. Unfortunately, the kind they prefer is Kirkland, which only comes in 50-lb bags. I have enough trouble dealing with 20-lb boxes of litter.

    The laundry service was pretty good. What had been a full hamper turned out to be only 10 lbs. (and they charge per bag), so I will have to compress stuff in the hamper (or overflow into a laundry basket) to fill the next bag which holds 30 lbs. I ordered "wash & fold," but one of Bob's shirts (100% cotton) came out wrinkled. I also ordered "hang dry" for bras and a silk pillowcase, so maybe the next load I'll have to specify "press" for Bob's shirts. He hardly wears dress shirts any more because he doesn't wear ties. My HK used to do laundry nearly every other day, so twice a month is sort of a new experience for me—that hasn't happened since the pandemic shutdown when I didn't have her for 7 weeks.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,303

    I’ve calmed down a tad. LOL Although I still hate it. This isn’t a new stylist. And I’ll take some blame- she usually brings out the hair color swatches and does a comparison. This time she mixed it up in back and came out without ever doing the swatches. I remember thinking oh, she’s basing color on me saying dark blonde. Shame on me for not asking. We all know there is worse in life than hair color we’re not smitten with.

    Jackie, we didn’t put the AC in last night and I think we should have. I only slept 4 1/4 hours. Towards 5:50 I was awake enough to get up. I’m tired now! But I was able to be out when it’s cool - I took a broom & brushed off and folded up the pool winter cover; finished filling the pool; watered all the plants out back; and had my Shark vacuuming inside.

    I’m meeting a gf to walk at the local park. We switched up our meeting time to beat the expected heat, it should hit 85 today. I need to get changed and out the door. I feel a nap in my future.

    Sandy, anyway to get an apartment size stacked washer & dryer on a floor easier to use? A gf put one in her kitchen, couldn’t do the stairs anymore. An aunt had a large enough kitchen she just moved her full sized set from the basement to the kitchen. But by the sounds of it, the service may work out fine.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,891

    Our real blessings often appear to us in the shapes of pains,
    losses, and disappointments; but let us have patience,
    and we soon shall see them in their proper figures.

    Joseph Addison

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,891

    Good morning. You have me feeling better now a well Cindy. Hopefully, in the next two weeks or so you can get what you really want for your hair.

    I really am thinking, oh heck, might as well just turn on the air and be done with it. If it gets cool enough to open the doors and windows — we will just deal with it too and enjoy. My friend Jo often has the air on ( not running though) and her door open. It would be a real bonus to have the best of both worlds, even if extra humidity re-deposited in the house has to leave ac running a bit longer. I'm ready mainly as my bedroom is warmer than I like for sleeping at night.

    As to relocating washers and dryers I've seen it a lot. One of the ladies I worked for had plumbing put into a bedroom closet (smallest bedroom of the house) and my other friend had stackable in her bathroom. Have a friend in a rental who has them in the kitchen. So, there are solutions if one wishes to 'find' space elsewhere than the basement. There would still be litter boxes, but at least caring for them would not be like having two or more weeks of laundry to go up and down basement stairs and then up another flight to bedrooms and upstairs bath. Best of all is a house with no basement and no stairs, but it is not feasible for all for many reasons. I still miss our first home here with stairs, but truth is — no way would it have been very feasible for us here in our present conditions. We had the basement steps and those to the second floor to manage and it was all good at 50 yrs. of age. We could still do it 25 yrs. later likely, had we never had to stop, but changing residences to all one floor has made us lazy and in-competent.

    Bill paying day here and working on my list. Progress feels good.

    Hope all have a really good day.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,842

    It's sunny and 78 degrees but hot, hot, hot. There is a light breeze from the south which is very welcome when working and sitting. I spread 7 bags of mulch in the juniper bed and it is done. I have 3 more bags to spread but they will wait until another day. I know where I want to put them but just ran out of steam. I started early to try to escape the heat but when the sweat starts running in your eyes, it is time to quit.

    Decided to change out porch decorations so spring flowers and wreath are put away and the summer flowers: fuchsia, geranium leaves and ferns are in urns. Summer rose wreath is on front door and 2 silk flower hanging pots are on the wrought iron holders. I used to hang live plants but then the wrens decided to nest in them and I couldn't water, so they died. Bought bird bottles for the porch and the wrens are happy. There seems to be 2 nests for the past few years. Worked quickly so they would not chitter at me. Even put the cushions on the love seat and chair. Love my little wrens though DH is annoyed he can't sit on the porch when they have nestlings. He can sit on the patio under the table umbrella to have lunch.

    So "to-do" list is getting smaller. I could come up with lots more chores but have to prioritize what is important to me and what I can let go or assign to someone else. If DGS comes back for a few days once he is out of school, I'll have a few chores for him to do.

    Like you Illinoislady, I like to sleep very cool so we are putting the air on today. It is supposed to soar into the high 80's for the rest of the week and I'll try to work outside in the am and do inside chores in the afternoons. I have some ironing to do so it may be Netflix and ironing this afternoon. I like to iron and find that it's a form of escapism for me.

    After PT tomorrow I will make one more pass at Produce Junction for patio plants. The end is in sight and I enjoyed sitting there today admiring my handiwork. Dinner will be chicken on the grill, corn on the cob and cucumber salad and if comfortable we will eat outside. Had the best glass of white sangria at Bonefish Grille and wish they offered it for takeout, LOL.

    Sandy, nice that you found a laundry service, Won't bed linens add to the weight?

    Waving hello to everyone and hoping that today presents with no challenges and progress being made.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Betrayal, I will definitely be thinking of you on the third! Sounds like things are moving along and you are doing very well!

    I am still trying to get over bronchitis. I coughed so much this morning I hurt my ribs. Now, just feeling tired. Not pushing myself to get much done. Ran a couple of errands and bought a rotisserie chicken, coleslaw, and potato salad for dinner tonight. Also, ice cream.

    We have not turned on our AC yet. We have room/wall AC units as our home was built in the 50's. Many in my neighborhood have put in central AC but at this point in time, not sure I want to switch. There are benefits to having room A/C. I could not live without it in the summer. While it was hot yesterday, I had no issue with the heat sleeping last night. I know I need to turn them on at some point, at least to be sure they all work well. Likely will tonight or tomorrow. We have an oscillating tower fan in the living room and that is keeping the downstairs pretty cool. I don't sweat, even in really high temperatures. I will get "clammy" but never have sweat dripping down my back or face. I think it has to do with my poor metabolism.

    Cindy, sorry about your hair! I would be mad too! I see your logic and agree, especially since you are in Fl half the year. I still have brown hair as my hair was always dark. My biggest issue I have is that it gets frizzy in the humidity. My hair tends to be dry due to medications. I use moisturizing shampoo, conditioner and a leave in spray conditioner that help a little.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,891

    Don't just get older, get better.  Live realistically.  Give generously.
    Adapt willingly.  Trust fearlessly.  Rejoice daily.

    Charles R. Swindoll

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,891

    Good morning. Had some light and sounds last night, but I don't think we got a drop of rain. Not sure the rough weather is totally over, but glad we didn't get the higher winds predicted to come with the storm that didn't show up so much either.

    We did finally (late) get our air on. Dh waited until it was nearly dark — figuring I presume that maybe it wouldn't have to work so hard to get started. I say hmmm about that. By dusk the humidity inside had really grown and feeling oppressive by then. We don't make it too cool inside, usually about 78. We then have three fans that run to help distribute the air a bit quicker and making the house feel cooler. It got to feel pretty nice and I'm glad we did it.

    Betrayal, you are such a gardener, you and Cindy too. It is admirable. I always enjoy hearing about the details and seeing the pictures when they come. It speaks to my inner gardener, I think. I tried with our yard, but just too big and way too easy for Dh to ignore barriers and ruin my attempts — but I do have a couple of 'spots' that made it. Just really too hard for me to do much now. Not as agile as I once was and keeping up is on reserve for inside needful activities.

    MM, sure hope you are making some headway on the bronchitis. I think in some ways a bit easier since it is not freezing cold but still hard to bear since as you noted, it can wear you out just to put up with the coughing spells.

    I hope you are all going to have a really good day and be as comfortable as you can.

  • harley07
    harley07 Member Posts: 356

    MM - hope you are recovering from the bronchitis and on the mend

    Jackie- glad you turned on the AC. DH typically keeps it at 76-78 and at night I just run a fan blowing directly on me because I like it cooler (at least until we get the electric bill).

    Cindy - I can understand the frustration with your hair. While I welcome input from my hairdresser I do expect her to follow my wishes.

    Betrayal - what a wonderful weekend with DGS. It sounds likely he was super helpful, learned new things and most importantly had one on one time with you.

    Sandy - hope you are adjusting to your new ‘Normal’ without your HK. After so many years it will take some adjusting. Wishing the best for your friend and that the medical team finds a cause for the weakness and vision issues.

    Petite - happy to hear your eye is doing better

    I have started working on our South America vacation photo book using Shutterfly. We haven’t even boarded the ship yet and I already have 9 pages of pictures and stories. Ideally I’d like to finish the book by fall when chemo ends. I did book our flights for our trip to Norway next February. I’ve been monitoring prices and they seemed relatively reasonable so I bought the tickets.

    DB#2 is still causing some angst but DB#1 has been an angel in dealing with him. DB#2 gets confused easily and doesn’t understand he sees different doctors for different issues (ie plastic surgeon for skin cancer, cardiologist, urologist etc). DB#1 patiently walked through this over the phone yesterday (again). DB#2 has a home health nurse helping as well. But I’ve noticed he gets more easily upset and frustrated. I’m not sure if there are memory issues or if it’s his usual pattern of behavior in wanting others to deal with the hard stuff in life for him. I continue to check in with him but need to alter my response to him so as not to raise my blood pressure.

    Enjoy your week!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 23

    Next laundry pickup will include bed linens. I sleep atop a covered duvet, so no need to change the sheets (putting the duvet back into the cover has always been a nightmare, despite all the online "hacks" I've seen). No need to change my pillowcases other than the silk one my face & hair touch—and they go in the mesh bag with my bras.

    Haven't started looking for cleaning services yet. Biggest challenges will be getting "the girls" to a vet for checkups & nail trims (BangBang loves to pet my face, but won't let me cut the sharp claws she doesn't retract); and tougher yet, a cat-sitter for when Bob & I want to travel together—the litter box needs daily scooping & top-up and monthly emptying/refilling, and BangBang wants her wet food 4x/day (oftener if she had her way). She has an insatiable appetite and need for cuddling & nuzzling me. I can teach Bob how if I have to travel alone (like when I visited my 94-yr-old cousin last Nov. or next spring's Sicily continuing legal ed. trip). I hope the vet can assure me they don't need to eat that much or that often. My son & DIL can't devote that much daily time, as they both work and have a dog that needs walking. My friends, upon whom we used to rely, are as old as we are, less healthy, and not able to do what they used to. The one solution would be to hire another HK to be a house-sitter in our absences, but trustworthiness is a huge question mark. (Not to mention we still pay ours her pension, since her Soc. Sec. is a relative pittance).

    Bob had complained that I always get to choose vacation destinations and restaurants, so our last 2 vacations were where he wanted to go—NOLA in Mar. 2023 for the ACC convention and Vegas last fall. NOLA is no longer an option for me as the food is the primary attraction, and I can't eat like that anymore. And words cannot describe how much I detest Vegas: I barely drink, never gamble, there are no more B'way shows there, it's gotten dirtier, noisier, more crowded & vulgar. I don't like buffets, as I've never been a big-portions devotee, and especially not now. Everything is drinking & gambling, drinking & gambling. The weather is either dreadfully hot or windy/rainy/chilly. The resort where we have timeshare points has gone way downhill maintenance-and-amenity-wise. There's shopping—but nothing we don't have here. It was even worse with all the Formula One racing construction.

    He insists we use timeshare points for travel, but all the properties in the network leave a lot to be desired. (His idea of a perfect vacation other than Vegas is to spend all day reading, watching sports on TV and drinking, while I get to do all the cooking, housekeeping & driving). So he's letting me choose this time…but only w/in the timeshare network. I want to go to Europe, but all the properties (Tuscany, Portugal, Scotland) require renting a car, and Aug. in southern Europe is brutally hot. We'd love to go back to Seattle or maybe Vancouver (I'd love to take Hwy 1 from Toronto-Vancouver, but that's not in the network).

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,842

    Sandy, most Europeans take their vacation in August when the factories and offices shutdown for the month. Traffic there would be horrendous. Last fall when we were in Sicily and Italy, it was still as hot as summer and the residents were complaining about it. Our hotels were airconditioned but not all restaurants are. We did a bus tour of the PNW from Seattle to San Francisco in the fall and it was lovely.

    It is even hotter today and I ran to Produce Junction for some small red skinned potatoes for potato salad, have the celery but don't think I have an onion. Didn't buy any there because it is bulk packages and I don't often eat onions. Did get a flat of geraniums to finish the 3 window boxes, and the 4 patio urns. I forgot about the window boxes so I am a few short but this will have to do. Still have the 3 bags of mulch but that will have to be an early morning chore. Temp is 84 and it is unbearable with the humidity. I spent 45 minutes planting geraniums and then watering all the plants and was drenched in sweat. I don't mind sweat until it drips in my eyes so I am done with outside for today.

    Got ironing done yesterday so today I am doing laundry and thought I had started the towels before I went outside but didn't. So plan to have them in dryer when I came back in didn't gel. That's okay, I will change out of these sweaty clothes and toss them in the washer with the next load.

    PT is going well and today she progressed me to 4 lb. weights on each ankle for 2 exercises with 3 sets of 10 for each. She has me doing squats with my back to a wall mounted plexiglass sheet and I was able to do 2 sets of 10 today. The fact that I can even do a squat is amazing and I was able to kneel the other day to retrieve something that had fallen under the bed. I only have 4 more visits prior to surgery.

    Now that I am cooled down, I'm going to make the bed after I shower and change into cleaner clothes. Second shower today but I was drenched.

    Harley nice to see you. I am confused, are you taking a cruise to South America or you had taken the trip? What is or was your itinerary? Looks like you are feeling better.

    Regan finished her classes at Petsmart and he told Dennis she most likely would not benefit from a group class but has made great strides in greeting people and other dogs in a 1:1 situation. He wants us to introduce her to my DS's dachshund/beagle mix because she is rather laid back. I would never introduce her to his Frenchies because they are both rather pushy and look too much like pugs in size. So we will arrange a meet and greet in our backyard.

    We turned the air on but I had DH lower it because it was over 75 degrees in here and not cool even when you came in the door. It's now 73 and feels good.

    Hope everyone has a good day. I go for PAT tomorrow but not looking forward to that.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    We did Tuscany in 2016 in July. Triple digit heat, we couldn't even get into the garages or parking lots of the hill towns; but the villa we rented had great a/c, the pool was nice, and the nearby towns (including the LaSpinetta winery) were terrific. We flew into & out of Rome and stayed at the airport Hilton—we walked there with our bags! We have platinum HHonors status, so we stayed on the exec floor with access to the exec lounge—hot breakfasts, hot hors d'oeuvres that were practically an early supper, unlimited espresso & drinks. Shuttle into the center of the city & back every 2 hrs. (If we stayed out too late, cabs weren't too pricey). I was much heavier then (190), so the heat hit me harder than it would now (especially now that I never go anywhere without water). Pisa was the nearest airport—we took an Etihad prop puddle jumper and had to climb up a fold-down staircase (blessedly, there were tarmac bag handlers). We rented a car with GPS—but the last renters were Finnish and we couldn't change the language to English or even Italian! Took three Hertz staffers to figure it out. The nearest town, Selvatelle, had a giant supermarket called "Covad" (remember, this was 4 yrs pre-pandemic) that was amazing—freshest produce, meats, seafood, condiments (we're just now finishing the little sea salt grinder) and a huge selection of wines.

  • puffin2014
    puffin2014 Member Posts: 979

    I've been having headaches the last few days, will be having an MRI Friday to see what's going on

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 23

    In your pocket for the MRI, Puffin.

    We may do Sept. instead. We once took a trip to Paris in Aug (had to be >30 yrs ago), figuring that because it'd be the Feast of the Assumption everyone would be out of town on holiday. Instead, everything that was open was crammed with tourists and those who couldn't afford to take the month off. (My sister, 6 mos. pregnant at the time, got into a shoving match at EuroDisney with a Corsican family who fat-shamed her and cut in the line—curses were exchanged in English, French, Italian and hand gestures).

    We had to put the a/c on last night to sleep, but it cooled off now and the ceiling fan will once again suffice.

  • harley07
    harley07 Member Posts: 356

    puffin - thinking of you and wishing for good results on the MRI

    Betrayal - we took a cruise from Buenos Aires, Argentina down around Cape Horn and back up to Santiago Chile in February. I just started making the photo book. I used the first 9 pages of the book to cover the first two days in Buenos Aires so I’ll need to start ruthlessly editing the number of pictures or I’ll run out of pages. I think the maximum number of pages is around 100.

    Next trip is to Norway next February.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,842

    harley07, you did a cruise the opposite of ours. We started in Chile and finished in Buenos Aires. Not sure if you did Antarctica? We did and it was probably the best cruise we have done and was a bucket item for me. We also went to the Falklands which I think you did but to separate sites to see the penguins.

    Norway is beautiful but we went in the summer so no Northern lights for us. You'll enjoy the trip though I'm not sure if I would like the cold in February.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,891

    Puffin, I'm thinking of you and so hope that you get answers that will help you. Hugs.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,303

    Puffin, in your pocket for Friday. ((HUGS))

    Yesterday was super hot, and my dental appointment wasn’t until 3:30. I didn’t want to get busy outside, knowing I’d be drenched quickly and appt looming. So I was in my bathroom moving the hamper, etc… to allow the iRobot vacuum free access to everything, when I took a close look at the caulk around the tub.

    You know where this is going. I took out some tools and razor blade holder to remove all the caulk. Mess mess mess. Then I ran to Lowe’s for caulk and a product called “backer rod” - it’s similar to a spongy styrofoam, you can put in the gap between the tile and tub (press it in, it will expand back to original as much as it can), so you don’t have to fill the gap with tons of caulk (or so it said on google).

    First attempt, of course I bought a size too big. In my head it was a big gap! Back to Lowe’s to return it and buy the correct one. By now I had to head to the dentist.

    Dentist office was very nice, good front desk staff too. They were unable to get any X-rays from my FL dentist- a new hire told them I wasn’t a patient. UGH! Time was wasting, I said to just take whatever you needed so I could get the teeth cleaning. All is good, because I’m paying out of pocket, I’ve used up all insurance for the year, I was able to book my next cleaning as I wanted.

    Back home to the tub, the newest backer rod was also too big. I found a putty that was in strips (string like) and used it to fill the gap. It’s waterproof as well, so when I couldn’t find my caulk gun we were still able to take our nightly showers. This morning I was out in the garage at 6 AM, caulk gun right in front of me on a shelf. I’ll caulk it later today.

    Appointment at 9:30, need to be there 9:15 for the Thorasic surgeon. Need to go to Lowe’s again to return that product; need items at Walmart; and received a $10 perk to use at Eddie Bauer - you know I’ll have to look. High expected is 81, so it will feel much cooler than yesterday.

    On a funny note, after the dentist I stopped at a pizza place on the way home. Too hot to cook, tub awaiting me, I saw dinner plans. As I waited for pizza I saw across the street a gym, very similar to what my old gym looked like. I took a picture and after getting home I looked them up. They give a free trial workout, so I sent an email. I’m hoping to try it next week. They have various plans - I was thinking the 2 or 3x a week set up. I’ll have to speak with them about being gone for 6 months, I don’t want a yearly contract.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    We arrived at Pine Hollow on Tuesday early afternoon in light rain and are now pretty much moved in and settled. It has been cool, in the 50's and a bit dreary. When we saw on the morning news about the heat expected in the deep south, I'm happy to be wearing a sweat shirt.

    I have skimmed all the posts but can't reply to all of them. On the subject of cataract surgery, I had mine a week apart and the improvement in eyesight was miraculous. But that was back in my upper 50's. Since then I have begun to wear glasses for distance.

    Yesterday on my way to town I stopped at the nearby Eagle View golf course and paid for a summer membership. Next week I will go to Anytime Fitness and pay for a 3 month membership. When that lapses we have to pay for an extra month. Meanwhile I will walk for exercise.

    Betrayal, your gardening continues to be impressive. Within the next week I will buy some plants for our deck. DH has to have a red geranium and I like a variety of blooming plants.

    Cindy, you're a human energizer bunny and handle life with a sense of humor.

    Harley, thinking of you as you deal with chemo.

    Nice bike, Chris.

    Greetings to everyone else and best wishes for managing health challenges.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,303

    Carole, glad you arrived safely and are getting yourself set up for golf & the gym.

    I had a call back from my FL dentist. They record all calls so they were able to listen and hear my new NY dentist office call, and ask for the X-rays for a Marlene G. Not for me! I had to call the NY dentist office and tell them what they did, which cost me money, as I’ve used up my maximum insurance coverage. She apologized again & again but I asked if I could get refunded some of what they cost me. She’s asking the office manager. I don’t need cash back, I’d like a credit on my account for my November cleaning. I hope to hear back from them by tomorrow.

    Early this morning was my follow up with the thorasic surgeon. He confirmed what I read in the patient portal, no changes. I asked about the notes under vessels - said atherosclerotic disease. He reviewed it, said it was insignificant. He even went back and looked at the other 2 CT scans with me watching, and it was on both - just a different person reviewing this time. He sent a note to my cardiologist, who I see in July, noting the heart calcium score is zero.

    We’re up to 80 degrees, not as bad as yesterday but hotter than I thought it was getting. I got the Pledge out to dust all the wood furniture. I haven’t put the caulk on. I think I need a nap first.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,891

    Compassion is not religious business, it is human business; it is not luxury, it is essential for our own peace and mental stability; it is essential for human survival.

    the Dalai Lama

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,891

    Hoping all had a good day. Sure glad you got to MN okay Carole. Sounds like it has been fairly nice temp. wise for you although dreary is sometimes difficult. Does sound like you are getting a good start on life at the camper. We remain here with our storms off and on and the cicadas of course.

    Took our smallest kitty to the vet today. I really like Dr. Britt — unlike the other vet we sometimes use (because he is close and sometimes that is a factor) she will do tests and will tell you she is guessing, but will also tell you what she is basing the guess on. With the closer vet we end up most of the time, even though we ask, never quite getting much of an explanation which makes me un-happy. Dr. Britt has always been very kind and considerate to Dh and to me as well as the pets we love. We mentioned we had no more dogs and she said she would keep her eyes open for any possibility. She wanted to know how I was and when I told her how it has been for me, she came around the exam table and gave me a great big hug.

    Got home late and had a late breakfast, a nap, and then several chores to see too. I had to redo an area around one cat box. The plexiglass had turned up on my end for some reason and I caught my foot on it and tumbled. I was fine, but I determined to change things a bit in that area. I think it should be much better and safer now too. Worked a bit on my donations box items, and will do more tomorrow. Also am getting ready a box of clothing from my room. SIL knows a woman who is struggling to get things on her salary so I told him I would wash clothes, try them on and pack a box of things for her especially.

    Still enjoying the gardening from everyone.

    Petite, hope you are doing well along of course with Puffin.

    Hugs to everyone