Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,628

    Please know that I include all women in here. As someone already mentioned — we mother often even if we never gave birth. We baby-sit, we teach, or care for animals, or work in one of the caring professions — nursing, CNA or others. You are special and remembered as a wonderful contributor to life, whether you have chosen to have a birth experience or not.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,628

    Good Morning. Sun is somewhat muted this morning, but it is 69 degrees already. Likely a nice day. Will be quiet here as most days are. Quiet is good for me. So enjoyed all the entries today. Betrayal, it was you who spoke about fur babies and motherhood. I'm also thinking about those who offer their time to work at food pantries or drive people who no longer can do so for themselves.

    Loved your pictures, Cindy. Can't tell you why but I was so taken with the picture showing the Oyster House Antiques. That marvelous old, faded wall with the 5-cent pricing etc. Part of me loves to live in the yesteryears while the rest of me is willing to live with the changes, however I might dislike some of them. I guess the word is quaint, next to a painted and updated Antique Shop. The flowers were glorious as well and the small reflection pond. You have a good 'camera' eye.

    Guess we have come into an age (well started with Covid) where you are going to be on your own somewhat after a same-day outpatient surgery. I hope at some point some adjustments can be made since it seems to me people are expected to have the knowledge of a nurse when they go home and for so many this just is not the case. Nursing homes (while some have decent rehab areas and housing) can't be the ideal for everyone.

    Cindy, hope you are close enough and do have the time to go to the Ikea Store. I had no idea the store did so much, and I think it would be a really neat experience.

    Hope Kelce and her family are doing well and Petite, I bet the kits do adjust to having you and each other. A couple of weeks should make a good difference as dust settles and acclimation and acceptance of what is takes over.

    Have a wonderful day.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2024

    My sis is feeling much better and got "sprung" today. They d.c.ed the heparin drip (Bob says she should have gotten Lovenox shots instead) and she will be on Eliquis for at least 6 months. They dopplered her head to toe—no DVTs in the ab, arms or legs. My niece will work half-days at the family swim-supply shop and help out at home the rest of the time.

    BangBang let me clip her front claws just now—I was tired of her getting caught in my knitwear and scratching me while petting me. I hope Roxy is as cooperative. I have to get them both to a regular vet—BangBang especially, because of her stinky breath and insatiable appetite. (She's not diabetic, because she isn't drinking & peeing excessively and her breath smells like rotting fish, not acetone). Roxy's shelter-vet intake report mentioned mild tartar, so we need to attend to that too. She did overeat yesterday morning—I shouldn't have brought her leftovers over to the window where she was sunning herself, because she puked. Gotta remember that at 7 lbs, she's less than 2/3 the size of BangBang (who tops 12), and her tummy's a lot smaller too.

    Had a nice brunch buffet with the kids today—Leslie's parents, older sister and BIL are in town (from TX and AK, respectively—the younger sis down in Houston didn't want to drive long-distance with the baby, and is still figuring out her thyroid meds). We will likely grill tonight.

    Didn't get the full light-show this weekend—too rainy Fri, night and it was much lower on the horizon last night. But I went out with my phone at 1am and caught a glimpse of the sky—eerily light, like just before sunset. Can see the stars—by contrast, in the other direction the sky was pitch black.

    Note—though there was a light in the alley off to the left, our porch light was off and so was the flash. It was weird seeing stars in a light-ish sky.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Tonight, 10 pm:

  • 1946taco
    1946taco Member Posts: 309

    Loving the pictures. What a beautiful garden, Betrayal. My father was a master gardener and my sister always has a flower and vegetable garden but I didn't inherit any of those talents. I'm also loving the drive north, Cindy. Jackie, what special words you had for BIL. Sounds like he's had an interesting life.

    I've had an especially good week. Dinner with friends on Wednesday, a quiet birthday celebration at home Thursday, and a lovely brunch at our country club with other friends today. Mother's Day is hard for me some years but it's been filled with special times and memories instead. I was also pleased with my golf scores on Thurs. and Sat. and after a long draught, my partner and I won at bridge Friday. Hope that bodes well for my 79th year.

    Sending hugs and healing thoughts for all who are suffering.


  • harley07
    harley07 Member Posts: 389

    Jackie - May Milt’s transition be peaceful and may the family find comfort in the memories of his life well lived.

    Sandy - happy to hear your sister is on the mend. Such a scary incident. I do feel that insurance companies are running the health care system and as such, same day surgery is all too common and many patients are being discharged before they are able to take care of themselves.

    Cindy - I’m enjoying your pictures of the trip back to NY. Thanks for sharing.

    Taco - Happy birthday. Sounds like a wonderful week.

    Mother’s Day had perfect weather - 70’s and sunny. DS is employed in the restaurant business so he was working today but I did hear from him so I’m a happy camper. He was home for weekend visits twice in April and will likely pop in over the next 4-6 weeks. Mother’s Day is associated with quite a bit of loss for me, so I have mixed feelings about celebrating the day. When DS was a child there was the breakfast in bed along with homemade cards (all of which I still have) but now that he is an adult I’m fine with skipping any celebration.

    We went for a walk in the neighborhood and otherwise enjoyed a quiet day. I had a small burst of energy so I made dinner and did a couple loads of laundry. I told DH to enjoy it because chemo round 2 is on Wednesday this week and I’ll be useless by week’s end.

    I’m starting to work on a photo book of our South America trip using Shutterfly. I have managed to sort all 2600+ pictures by day and now need to start whittling the number to 100-200 total pictures that I will include in the book. This will be a months long process.

    Have a good week!

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Wow, so many posts to catch up!

    Jackie, so sorry to read about Milt.

    Cindy, so glad you got to the Blue Whale and enjoyed the mall. I miss C'ville! Love your photos! Also happy you enjoyed Monticello! Those gardens are beautiful, as is the home itself!

    Sandy, glad your sister is doing better! Wow, did the word Lovenox bring back memories! My sweet GS was diagnosed with Kawasaki Disease when he was 6 months old, hospitalized at CHOP three times. There were moments we thought we were going to lose him. DD had to give him shots of Lovenox in the morning and at night for a long time! He is now 10, and only on low dose aspirin. He will need to see a cardiologist the rest of his life, but he is doing very well now! He even plays soccer and basketball!

    Petite, you new cat is soooo pretty! It takes time for the adjustments. We are still adjusting to Kelce. My biggest issue is taking her out at night before bed. I have to actually walk her outside in the back yard, something I don't like doing, but small price to pay. Luckily, she has been good about doing her business quickly. I have been adding thousands of steps/day since I got her which is good for my health!

    Betrayal, beautiful gardens! Looks like they are "smart gardens" with minimal work for gorgeous appearance! Your comments about rehab hospitals makes me wonder what is going on at our local hospital which built an orthopedic rehab. hospital across the street from the main hospital about 10 years ago. There are always a lot of cars parked there and both hospital and rehab hospital have gorgeous park like surroundings.

    My step daughter is a nurse, her daughter is a NP. I think many who go into nursing find working in a medical office gives them more life balance than working in a hospital, although both worked in hospitals at one time. I think most of the outpatient increases is due to nursing shortages. Makes me very glad that I had my shoulder replacements at a time when staying in the hospital for a day or more was the norm. Coming home after my mastectomy was hard enough, but so much easier than having outpatient joint replacement!

    I attended my GD's dance recital on Saturday morning/afternoon, and it was wonderful! She was in three dances. They did Mary Poppins, followed by intermissions and then each class did a performance. Yesterday my son called and we talked for over an hour. I miss him so much! My stepson came over for a visit which was also very nice!

    Jackie, I love your Happy Mother's Day photo and sentiment! Absolutely beautiful!

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,316

    Sandy, I enjoyed your lights picture

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,628

    There is a little plant called reverence in the corner of my soul's garden, which I love to have watered once a week.

    Oliver Wendell Holmes

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,628

    Hmmm, I do think there will be some 'watering' today. It's pretty cloudy and Dh said rain in the forecast for the week. It's not the water, it's the dismal gray that gets me most. It's 69 degrees so not too cool. Hope I remembered to say Happy Birthday Taco - if not my wishes are streaming your way with my apologies.

    Harley thinking of you as well. I recall as well — getting energy right before you have to go get more chemo. Nature's inspiration maybe to keep going with the promise of 'good' coming later. Like the South America trip pictures being chosen and put together.

    I had forgotten that Insurance companies get to play a major role in our medical lives and much more so these days. I commend anyone who is in the nursing profession. I think it is a difficult job, but one that can be satisfying as well.

    Hugs to all those learning to live with as they love their new furry companions. Time and patience will hopefully bring good success and continued love and contentment for all.

    Hope you all have a wonderful day.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,628

    Sort of surprised no one has been here as yet. That said, no rain yet, but we haven't had much for sun and have many night rains this spring already. One thing I did forget to mention was that the cicada's resting everywhere outside (huge amts.) are getting bigger and starting to make noise. It may be difficult for a while being outside since there were many on the deck when I went out this morning to throw bread out to the birds.

    Interesting to Walmart yesterday. Was congratulating myself on getting through quickly. Then the male clerk rang up my purchases. For roughly (although more bags were used) two full bags of groceries $121.45. I got out of line since others were behind me and found a quiet spot in the store. Told Dh that something was drastically wrong. Wasn't quite sure what but we were on the way to customer service. Turns out rather that charging me for the lick able cat food (24 sm. envelopes - 78 cents each) the clerk didn't charge me for the cat food at all and instead charged me for 24 loaves of bread when I only had one.

    Got my $79.00 returned and all was well, but that was awful. Before I left customer service another lady came up behind me. Turns out in checking — she knew she too had been overcharged and I'm betting she used the same check-out clerk I had.

    I think someone best to do some retraining for this young guy. I'm sure he isn't highly aware that he is making such a number of cashiering mistakes. I usually calibrate in my head about what I'm spending each time I go so that by the time I get to the check-out I have somewhat of a ballpark idea. If that happens again I'll have to start taking a calculator with me.

  • harley07
    harley07 Member Posts: 389

    Illinoislady - Wow! That’s quite an error to be charged for 24 loaves of bread when you only had one. I would think his management would want there to be retraining both to keep customers happy and to prevent any lost revenue if the clerk forgets to ring up items. Glad you were able to sort it out.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    My sister is having tickly dry coughs that make it hard for her to talk much. I fear she might never be able to sing again (she's a soloist with and official of the Alexandria Singers choir, which does an annual concert abroad). Bob just got home and I will ask him if she should go back to the ER. Next doc she'll be seeing is her orthopedic surgeon on Wednesday; she hopes he'll be able to figure things out.

    BangBang is being ultra-clingy, swatting me with her paw if I do anything but pet or kiss her. Her breath smells pretty rank. Thinking of corralling her into a room, bringing up her carrier, and then trying to get her into it so I can take her to MedVet (24/7, no appt. necessary). Horribly expensive, but she's never had bloodwork or dentistry—need to know if it's a dental issue or, worse, chronic kidney disease. At just about 8, she's not too young for it to begin.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 3,728

    Sandy, sorry that your sister's problems continue. Hope she gets some answers soon. Loved the photos. A cloud cover here prevented any glimpses.

    Illinoislady, wow, I have never been overcharged at Walmart. I have had my credit card info stolen and just today had to report that an order from 4/13 was never delivered even though it says it is en route. If delayed they are supposed to send you an email every 2 days but that has not happened and this person had my money for a month. It was cat food and we are running low. Did get a refund and will receive a courtesy credit to use on my next order. They pay so poorly, meanwhile they are billionaires, that the caliber of worker they get is not the best. They take advantage of the poor in my book.

    I had a telemedicine visit scheduled today at 3 PM with the CV surgeon I had seen for leg edema. Portal said I had to be available at 2:45 and I was. At 3:30 I called the office to see why I hadn't gotten the call because every telemedicine call I had in the past started on time. The visit was scheduled by the receptionist last week. Turns out, they do not make calls until "after they finish office hours" which I learned and I expressed my displeasure with why do they schedule calls they are not going to make on schedule. I finally got a call at 4:20 PM. Blew my afternoon waiting around for this visit which I will be billed for. According to him, I just need to keep using compression stockings which I have been wearing for several years now.

    I am rewebbing 2 folding lawn chairs that we have had forever. New ones are really expensive and these are in good shape except for the webbing which has dry rot. Found the webbing on Amazon and I plan on finishing one chair tonight. Wiped the frame down and it just needed soap and water to remove decades of surface dirt.

    Today the sun came out but not brilliant sunshine. Temps in mid-60's. I wanted to work in yard today but wasted my afternoon waiting for that phone call.

    Hospitals do outpatient procedures because rate of reimbursement is higher than what they can charge for inpatient stay. So not related to nursing shortage per se.

    Taco, belated happy birthday. Hope it was wonderful.

    Harley, hope chemo is kind to you this week and that each week gets easier.

    petite1, hope your new cat is settling in and that Midnight Louie is over his "invader snit".

    Hope everyone who is struggling, having medical issues or personal ones gets a break soon.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,349

    We arrived home today about 3 pm. Never made it to an IKEA, drive time would have been more than we wanted to do, we weren’t passing it. So it’s still out on a list of places to visit.

    We stopped at Woodbury Commons, outlets in Harriman, NY. Most trips back we don’t come up that way but it was my opportunity to stop in at the Asics outlet for new sneakers. I’ve probably mentioned I swap out for new ones every 6 months, so I wanted a deal. One pair from clearance and out we were! We did sit in the sun and eat our road lunch - a yogurt, with an Aldi’s snack pack - cheese, cashews and dried cranberries, before getting back on the road.

    We were home by 3 emptying the car. So for my goofs, and you’re reading pleasure: I stepped on a pair of my cheater reading glasses, flattened them; I had my niece turn the water heater on but wasn’t specific to turn on all the circuit breakers, so I had tossed clothes in the dryer and it didn’t work - I had to go down to switch the rest of the breakers on; all good, or so I thought. We put all our shoes in and hung all the coats in the “fake closet” - it’s a 2 wall, 1 door to the basement, and an open area covered by a very long curtain. Then partner tried to get water from the refrigerator door; and no water. We had to pull out all items from the “fake closet” so I could go down to turn the water back on to the refrigerator; it has its own shut off valve. No rest for the wicked my mom would have said.

    And I had a message from my FL dentist that my bridge had come in. I’ll call tomorrow to see what we can work out with appointment dates. A gf mentioned asking if it could be shipped up here and have my new dentist put it in. I’d have to get both dentists to agree so I’m not sure they would - I’m a new patient up here, they’ve never seen me, my first cleaning is scheduled for 5/22. I have nothing to lose so I’m asking. May the force be with me!

    I’ve read everything but no notes, and barely a memory this late at night. HUGS to all who need one, sleep well!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,628

    Life is difficult. This is a great truth, one of the greatest truths. It is a great truth because once we truly see this truth, we transcend it. Once we truly know that life is difficult—once we truly understand and accept it—then life is no longer difficult. Because once it is accepted, the fact that life is difficult no longer matters.    -M. Scott Peck

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,628

    Cindy, I'm giggling a bit but not at you. Chose the quote this morning before I came to read about all your difficulties on your return home. It is always great to hear you are there and despite issues, carrying on. Sorry you didn't get to see the Ikea store. That just makes sure you have something still on your list. I so enjoyed the trip home with you.

    We had our overnight rain. I'm thinking it settled the locusts down. I may be able to venture out today and not worry about them much. They don't really' bother' me so much as bugs — but just the size and I really don't care to have them land on me. I co-exist as well with them as I do anything that is outside, but like the horse flies, I prefer they not land on me. I (since I'm inclined to think silly thoughts) tried to imagine the other day how well I might sleep at night if I was an Entomologist. I think I might have just as much trouble as if i were awake.

    Cloudy and dreary and I think an 80% chance of rain today. I have a couple of errands but nothing special, but just working on my list.

    Hope you all are fine, Taco, Harley, Puffin hugs. All those with furry people, and those who post lightly.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 3,728

    cindyny, thanks for the chuckle on your arrival home escapades. Knowing how packed your car was, it was probably a good thing you didn't stop at Ikea. You need some room in the car for what you would buy there.

    Today is a peekaboo day with the sun. It comes out and then slip back behind the clouds. It is supposed to rain but nothing yet. High 60's so pleasant temps.

    Darn deer decided my bleeding hearts were tasty and have decimated them. DD had bought me too lovely hanging baskets full of lovely plants for Mother's Day. I have them close to patio door to keep them out of the deer's reach. I will try to get some hanging baskets and geraniums at Produce Junction on Thursday.

    Got a call from the Ortho PA today. They need an x-ray of my right knee to use to assess for size of implant and I need to sign the operative permit. I had back x-ray and both back MRI's scheduled for tomorrow and was able to add the knee, so I will probably glow in the dark tomorrow night and create my own Northern lights. Got some questions answered and she is aware of my apprehension, not so much about surgery, as the possibility for complications again. She has been super helpful since the beginning so I know she will act in my best interests.

    DH likes to go to the local Acme and I gave him a list of items I wanted. He calls me from the store because he lost my list and he did remember a few but not all the items, "could I please tell him what was missing?" I did remember the missing link, and turns out when he gets back in the car, the list is on the front seat where he left it.

    I could not sleep last night and woke several times. I read more of the book and dozed off however at 2:30 I was wide awake, so I came down to look at a video on youtube on rewebbing a folding chair. I watched 2 and the second was the best. I learned the pieces I had already put on needed to be more taut so I removed them, resized and put in new grommets. Now all 8 are fixed and I can start the 6 long pieces I need to weave through. It is taking longer than I expected but it is due to my being inexperienced. If I had to do this for a living, I'd be fired on the first day. I have another chair that matches this one and then 2 chairs from an old patio table set (the table and other 2 chairs were destroyed by a tree strike over 20 years ago) we use by the fire pit. Their webbing is giving up the ghost this year. So 4 chairs total will be revitalized and recycled for use when I finally finish. Hope to finish one chair today and at least start the second one now I know what to do.

    Well, I want to get back to the chair to have a sense of accomplishment for today. Hope everyone has a good day.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,316

    A busy day for me and my Prius. I had a 40 minute drive for a hair appointment in the am and then a shorter drive in another direction for an afternoon appointment with my plastic surgeon. If all goes according to plan, I won't see him again until October.

    My range of motion with my arms is pretty much normal. I even vacuumed yesterday and didn't feel any soreness afterwards.

    These are my last appointments. I have a lunch date on Thursday, the last commitment before departing, probably on Saturday. We keep moving the day closer since there's no reason to twiddle our thumbs and wait.

    Cindy, your life is an adventure and I enjoy your accounts of happenings.

    Betrayal, I hope this next surgery goes much more smoothly than the last, with fast healing.

    Hope everyone has a good rest of the afternoon and a good evening.

  • puffin2014
    puffin2014 Member Posts: 979

    My occupational therapist was here this morning and had suggestions for better eating utensils for me to try. I ordered a fork and a spoon that are curved like little kids use that curve toward your mouth, since my hand doesn’t like to curve that way yet.

    The compression socks she brought did not have open toes so they didn’t work either. I went online and found socks that do have an open toe and that are beige in color, which I think will be better than either white or black.

    I ordered a battery charger that clips to the car battery and just maintains a constant charge so they don’t have to keep running the car and they don’t have to hook and unhook the battery. I will have my friend stop and pick it up when I go with her on Friday to see Dad

    I was able to walk to the dining room and pick up my lunch today, so no one has to deliver it anymore.

    After lunch, I met two ladies in the flower bed by the pool and one of them sprayed some flowers that the rabbits like to eat, and the other one used my nippers and cut out the dead branches from the three rosebushes , while I sat on my walker and supervised.

    After I had rested a bit, I went out with the hydrangea fertilizer and added fertilizer to the hydrangeas that I could reach from the sidewalk on the north side.

    So altogether today was a very productive day.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,779

    @puffin2014, could you share the brand of the fork and spoon that your OT recommended? Perhaps someone on the forums might find it equally useful! Either in the present or future. 🙂

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,628

    Puffin, you are making such good strides. I am amazed and so happy for you. I hope things continue to get better and better for you. I'm also happy that you will be able to go and see your Dad.

    As an aside, it did rain off and on today. When we came home from errands, I saw so many locusts hanging on my screen room exterior. I was careful when I went inside so as to go ALONE. I had felt it was a good time to go out as there would not be as much movement of them out of doors. We finally were able to go over and see my friend Jo. When I mentioned the locusts she didn't know what I was talking about. I realized that she hasn't much for screen around her rental home and not much for trees either. Not much wood outside the house at all. So seemed like a whole neighborhood w/o them. I teased and said — quick, we have to move. The bugs don't like it here. Sigh. It is going to be a long buggy summer.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,349

    Puffin, good to hear how well you’re doing. I’m also glad you’ll get to see your dad.

    Jackie, I've just got to roll with it, your quote hit it on the head. Tonight I booked airfare back to Florida for the bridge. He says he doubted I could find another dentist to be responsible for someone else’s work; he wouldn’t ship it to me. So back I go, June 8-15. Cicadas give me the creeps! First year we put the screen house up, we just put it on the grass, no flooring. Well, up from the ground came the cicadas. I avoided the screen house until they were dead.

    Gardens, here’s another laugh. The big rose bush that took multiple hits from the large tree branches in a storm, it’s broken and bent all sorts of ways. But it’s got green leaves & rose buds all over it. I trimmed off total dead spots, and then thought I’d tie it up, circle it with a rope or something. Or something it was! I used bungee cords I found in the garage. Hooked them around and onto the metal arbor. I know this fall I’ll need to cut it back severely but with all the blooms I didn’t have the heart to do it now. The yard is such a mess even after my cousin took out all the big tree branches - I’m scattered in my focus, so could only do the rose bush.

    I’m bad, once again it’s late and I’ve got to be up at 7. My neck injection is tomorrow - check in is 7:45, procedure is at 8:30.

    Sandy, hoping your sister gets some relief from the cough. And that BangBang’s bad breath is not too serious.

    Carole, the getting ready to go is such a process. I’d like to be “Bewitch” and just be there.

    Betrayal, you made the most out of being awake at 2AM! My dad used to resent our patio folding chairs. I never picked it up.

    Harley, sending good juju and hugs for your chemo treatment tomorrow.

    Petite, hoping your kitties called a truce.

    I almost forgot- today I saw my MO. I’m all good to go to yearly visits. Woo hoo!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,628

    Real success requires respect for and faithfulness to the highest
    human values--honesty, integrity, self-discipline, dignity,
    compassion, humility, courage, personal
    responsibility, courtesy, and human service.

    Michael DeBakey

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,628

    Very cloudy out this morning, but Dh says weatherman says no rain. I won't be betting on that any time soon. I do hope we start getting a bit less just to dry a bit — knowing though we will deal with the locusts a lot more. Didn't see any movement yesterday. I think they were all hanging around my screen room outer screens — staying dry. They have re-appeared on my wooden deck railing so its dry enough for them to move about.

    Wish you didn't have to go back to Florida so soon, but it is true, once you accept something your busy working on it and don't have the time and energy to dread it so much anymore. I hope it all goes well for you and as well that your yard goes well. Once you get a couple of chores out of the way your focus will clear I bet. After closing up your Fla. abode and a long trip home things could easily be a mite overwhelming while you get your NY legs back under you. Your very industrious and you will figure it all out.

    I will be just working on my list today off and on. I didn't sleep well last night. I don't have those times too often thank goodness so I'm pretty sure a nap is in my near future. Maybe even two if it stays so dreary looking outside.

    Hope everyone is doing well today. MM, Puffin, Petite, Betrayal, Chris, Harley, Taco, Sandy, Mom and Carole and anyone I may have missed.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 3,728

    Another dreary day with off an on showers predicted. The dampness really affects my knees and my back has flared up from sweeping the kitchen yesterday and also working on lawn chairs. I do sweep daily but yesterday set it off for some reason. Have x-ray of knee, back and 2 MRI's today so hoping they will provide clues as to why I get these painful back spasms. I can't take the spasm med during the day because it makes me dizzy but am hoping I can lay still for MRI's.

    Puffin, you continue to amaze me with your progress and your fortitude. Glad you will get to visit your dad. Hopefully the radiation is doing its job and your side effects will continue to diminish.

    Harley, hope the chemo is kind to you and that whatever SE's you have will quickly diminish.

    PT is going well and she has been doing a change up in the exercises I am doing which I really feel will help with post-op recovery. I most likely will be using her for post-op PT when it is permitted.

    Gardening has been postponed due to weather and number of appointments I have this week. May get back to it Friday afternoon after PT and going to tailor for pants alterations. I found some palazzo pants I want to take on vacation and they are definitely too long. Mulching won't take long once I start, it's just being able to start.

    cindyny, shame you have to return to FL but I think your dentist is right about your bridge. If you require any further adjustments, he would have to do them.

    petite1 and Sandy, I hope your cats have settled in and there is peace in the kingdom. Sandy do not be surprised if BangBang has dental issues. My one rescue cat had mouth odor but for some reason he was not in the loop at the vet for annual exams. It turned out to be his teeth, he ended up having a full mouth extraction and does quite well with eating dry food as well as wet food. His face surprisingly looks fuller now. If anyone has had a cat permit them to brush their teeth I want to shake their hand because my experience with getting pills into them has always been a challenge. Tried the pill pockets which they loved, ate and then spit the pill out while I had punctures in my fingers.

    My supply of grommets is really low and I still have 8 strips to do on the second chair. These are the long ones that get woven into the short ones and I might have enough grommets to do one or two strips but not enough to finish. I have them in my cart on Amazon but may call DS to order them since he has Prime. I'll also get some extra webbing just in case I have a failure due to the grommets.

    This was much harder than I expected but these chairs are old enough to have been made in the US and not China. The frames are heavy and sturdy. The hard part was getting the length of the strips long enough and then having the grommet not fail. The grommet is 2 pieces with a washer that has to be hammered into the grommet and given the thickness of the folded webbing, some would fail if not seated properly. If you had to stretch it to get the screw in the hole, sometimes the grommet would fail due to the tension required. So I settled for a tad less tautness because I was going through grommets like crazy.

    The sun is now struggling to come out and it is in the mid-60's so trying to be a nice day.

    DD called and her elderly dog is at the vets. The vet called while I was talking to her and she said she would call back. They were doing bloodwork, x-rays and an exam but I feel the news is not going to be good. He is her child and at 14 he has had a good life with her and DSIL. Last night when they stopped by he gobbled down some duck jerky and sweet potato treats I have after turning up his nose at his dinner. So he has selective appetite but has lost a lot of weight lately. Still wants his daily walks though they have gotten shorter.

    Hope everyone has a good day and for those struggling that they become less burdensome.

  • puffin2014
    puffin2014 Member Posts: 979

    I got the Easy Hold Right hand spoon and spork at

    and the

    T-grip rocker knife

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2024

    Puffin, you might also want to try for adaptive utensils & garments.

    Betrayal, "Acme?" A little birdie (beep-beep) told me they're running a special on anvils and dynamite sticks.

    My L hip is deteriorating, to the point where I have to pop a couple of Tylenol at bedtime and wait 1/2 hr for it to stop throbbing. It all started, I think, when I began to use a Squatty Potty to give my gut a "gravity assist." My legs are so short that it hurt my groin muscles when I put my feet up on it. My 1st fl toilet is low-slung as it is. Think I will hit the walk-in ortho clinic at Skokie Hosp. on Sat. to get some x-rays to rule out a stress fracture, but I'm sure this time I will find out I am a candidate for a THR. In which case, I'd better start getting my ducks in a row for pre-hab, booking a good inpatient ortho rehab facility (like the one I used after my L TKR) and finding a part-time caregiver for days when Bob has to work and I can't do the physical labor of kitty-care. Meanwhile, while I'm making my morning cup of pour-over drip, I do my standing exercises (8 reps on each side between pours).

    BangBang is getting to be a handful—she slammed her way into the bedroom this morning and almost broke my nose. And later today she went ballistic: a fly got into the house and she got hyperexcited trying to catch it, and she was swatting and nipping at me out of frustration. She also wants to eat at every opportunity. Unfortunately, she has pica—her "non-food" of choice is cellophane and plastic bags or wrappers. I found some plastic in her poop and Bob found she'd puked up the cellophane wrapper from a cigarette pack. We need to put all that stuff into covered trash cans.

    My sis is doing better—that reflexive cough will be around for awhile. She saw her ortho today and he told her she doesn't have to wear the sling-and-pillow all the time, and can work up to 10 reps/day of hte shoulder-rehab exercises. But she must get up every hour and walk 5 minutes to prevent further clots. My remaining BFF (71) had a scare this past weekend—another episode of aphasia that cleared up today as mysteriously as it came on. MRI & CT gave no clues, though they did find a serious sinus infection. Judging from the location of the pain and the transient nature of the aphasia (first episode in 18 mos), it sounds to me it might be vascular (Bob agrees, suggesting they rule out an AVM).

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,628

    Puffin, glad your utensils arrived. Anything that makes life smoother. I'm sure you welcome all possible sources of info to make more suitable adjustments for difficulties un-expectedly encountered. You are being so stoic and just doing such a great job of the balance needed to get on with life. May it all get easier and easier for you.

    Sandy, just wow !! Your cellophane kitty. We have had to do some of the same things here. For some time we had to be so cautious of rubber bands. My covered trash can now is one where you step on a bottom pad and it opens a lid for you. I had already chosen to move the can to the pantry before we even got that one to keep the cats out of looking for items they shouldn't have. Mainly as our one dog was doing it was well — helping out himself and his kitty buddies.

    Glad your sister is much better, but yikes on the hip issue for you. Thinking Gilda Radner here —'it's always something' but hope it all comes out okay.

    Cloudy today. Not sure if it means rain or not. Daughter called from work and said she is taking everyone out for dinner tonight. Today is Dh's birthday. He is 85 today. In some ways hard to believe. Where has the time gone I wonder in some ways. Sure could not have predicted some parts of life, but I also can't imagine having spent this much life with anyone else.

    Hope everyone with new furry family members ae getting on okay. I'm thinking MM and Petite here.

    Hope you all have a really wonderful day.