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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,287

    My eyes are doing better, but I didn't feel well this afternoon and slept a lot. I turned off the phones, so no interruptions. I feel better this evening. Things did not work out to adopt Rickey-Bob, which I think is a blessing. Louie has been so attentive. He definitely wants to be the only one.

    MM - hope you are recovering

    Puffin, cyber hugs (((hug)))

    Cindy, hope you get your hair issue resolved

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,882

    Went for PAT today and had a horrible experience. Physician ordered blood tests that representative told me I would have to sign a waiver to have them drawn. Waiver was for payment by me if Medicare refused to pay for them. Asked them to see if they were covered by Medicare so I didn't have to sign waiver. Nope, they would not do that. Had to request a copy of the waiver because she wanted me to sign the consent pad with no disclosure as to what it said. She was most unhappy with me and let me know with attitude.

    Told them I wasn't comfortable with this since cost was not disclosed and when I requested it, it totaled over $300. I have never had to sign a waiver at their sister institutions when I had other surgery. Plus never told by office what studies they would order. Total lack of communication on their part.

    Meanwhile studies were one I just had performed in April that is good for 3 months and others were usually ordered for those on anticoagulants and I am not on any. They called the office and office insisted I have them done or they would cancel surgery so I signed under duress. Later another rep came to show me that the studies were approved by Medicare, so why subject me to 30 minutes of wrangling over this? Made me late for my appointment which they then blamed on me. So AITA?

    Was in exam room (door open) when I heard someone out at desk say something to a co-worker about what happened at the desk "did you hear about the patient who … imagine her surprise when I answered, yes, it was me". Asked if she wanted to discuss it and she disappeared. So unprofessional on her part especially when other patients could have heard her as well. Total boondoggle and I am trusting them with my care?

    Had to go to office to sign permit and again they just push permit at you and point to where you should sign. I read all permits because I want to know what they say. I told them I intended to read the 2 pages prior to signing and I had questions. Like does she have a resident in training? I want copies of any photos they take during surgery and added it to permit (didn't like that). So many clauses which CTA but not protection for patient. PA answered all my questions and I discussed again the order for VN and PT in home care. Dressing stays in place for a week, etc. so who keeps an eye on it? DH is my "coach" (their term for care provider) but he doesn't want any medical duties especially after my last experience. He'll feed me and provide non-medical assistance.

    On a lighter note, vacuum cleaner cannot be repaired so I will have to buy a new one. So will pick up part and look at what he has for sale. He sells and repairs so nice to have that service. He has a cat his wife adopted when she found her outside a Popeye's. She's a talker Misty and quite pushy as well, looking for attention. Looks like she was a catch and release with her clipped ear. Original name is "Girl", lol.

    Bloodwork results already posted and all are normal. Hemoglobin has returned to pre-op level from December's surgery so that is a plus. After hearing I had transfusions then they did order a type and crossmatch again. PCT, NP, physician and phlebotomist were kindest people I met all day.

    Also expressed annoyance that I wasn't having EKG there but at cardiologist next week. It was on the paper work sent to me so again poor communications from office to them.

    puffin, hope you get some answers tomorrow. You need some good news.

    I had no lunch and never got out of the hospital (appointment at 1; had to be there by 12:45) until 3:30 but did get free parking. Not sure why but woman who validated my ticket was just about to leave when I approached her. She had to validate her own ticket so did she give me a freebie?

    Tomorrow is PT and run to vacuum cleaner repair store. I wanted to get a haircut but that will have to wait until next week.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,959

    Betrayal, all I can say is oh my. I sure hope after having such a go around today the actual surgery and recovery end up seeming like a breeze. It would certainly be well deserved. Hate to say it but there sure is a lot of 'winners' in one office there.

    Hope you do well with the vacuum purchase. My last one is an upright, but fairly lightweight Shark. Has attachments and has the front cannister that you can empty each time you use it. I think there are likely a lot of good ones out there, but I got this one at Sears when they went out of business so got a good price on it.

  • harley07
    harley07 Member Posts: 357

    Betrayal - I am livid on your behalf at what happened at PAT today. I would report the employee at the front desk as the behavior is unprofessional, disrespectful and if nothing else could cause liability for the physicians practice.

    On a separate note, we did not go to Antartica as we expected I would be still working at the time of the trip. I ended up retiring a year earlier than planned so we could have taken the time although I’m not sure our travel budget could have handled the added expense.

    Cindy - I laughed at your comment about needing a nap. I needed a nap after reading about all you had done.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Puffin, thinking of you!

    Harley, continued thoughts of you as you continue with your treatments!

    Petite, glad you are feeling better. I am glad Midnight Louie is feeling happy again. It is funny sometimes, how things do seem to work out the way they should. Kelce is my "Midnight Louie" and I am very happy to have only one fur baby! I am feeling better, thanks for asking.

    Betrayal, where to begin! I can't think of any words to describe you PAT! Whoever was talking at the desk actually broke the law! I never understood why prices aren't available. Do doctors just go places and buy things without knowing the cost? What about hospital administrators? Do they walk in to buy a car, tell the dealer what they want without knowing the cost? Or grocery store? Who does that? No one! Yet they expect patients to sign off on things without knowing the cost.

    That is why I stopped seeing my PS. He wanted to do multiple surgeries on my lymphedema arm, but Medicare doesn't pay for those surgeries. He told me he knows how to get them to pay, but I would have to sign a paper stating that I would pay the bill if Medicare refused. Thanks but NO THANKS! Thus I canceled the appointment I had with him in March and never plan to see him again!

    I have to say, I am happier now, even though I am still getting over bronchitis, because I am not constantly seeing doctors! I have appointments with my ENT and Glaucoma doctors in June, but I am fine with them. I stopped seeing my breast surgeon and plastic surgeon. I am avoiding seeing my PCP as I have had enough fat shamming to last the rest of my life and all she wanted to do was push the weight loss drugs and bariatric surgery! I said NO to both. Right now I eat whatever I feel like eating and I am doing just fine! I refuse to have another A1C! I would prefer not to have any blood work for at least another year. I think my last blood draw was in January.

    I hope everyone has a great weekend! Never miss an opportunity to hug the ones you love!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,959

    I never told my religion nor scrutinized that of another.  I never attempted
    to make a convert nor wished to change another's creed.  I have judged
    of others' religion by their lives, for it is from our lives and not from
    our words that our religion must be read.

    Thomas Jefferson

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,959

    Good Morning. I imagine it did rain last night some time. The ground looks wetter outside and we are gray outside this morning too. I was busy nursing my big toe. I had a slight tumble late yesterday and it was totally my fault. Underneath the cat box I keep a big piece of Plexiglass. One corner for some reason wanted to stick up. I kept thinking to wash everything again and then turn it. I had a lot I wanted to do so foolishly left it.

    In hurrying to my room with some clean clothes I couldn't see where I was actually walking, and my toes got caught under the glass and down I went. Actually, not too bad all in all. A little scape right above my elbow and my big toe has a bruise. I did start limping a lot as the evening worn on, and by bedtime there was some swelling. Decided I'd deal with it this morning. This morning the grayish color on my toe is still there but not the swelling. A little soreness here and there, but nothing to feel concern for. Just what you'd expect. After I got myself cleaned up, I did what I should have had accomplished earlier and got floors swept and mopped under the Plexiglass as well as the Plexiglass itself. So all is well now and I hopefully learned my lesson.

    Petite, MM is likely right. If anything Midnight Louie would need someone (an actual kitten) he could boss around so to speak. I have found that no matter what the temperament of any or all of my cats here, if I've brought in anyone else as a kitten they do well later — because the older and more persnickety get a chance to not only put the newcomer in their place nicely but train them properly in the nuances of the household. It is always harder to bring in an older cat although I've done a lot of it. Midnight Louis has adjusted to being 'alone' and didn't want another 'adult' around.

    MM hope you are getting better from that bronchitis. It is a real energy zapper for sure. It is nice to be able to have a lot less medical appts. and all the more so if one of them likes to harp on weight. I do not think it true at all that carrying extra weight is an automatic problem issue. You can be I think quite healthy and carry what is considered too much weight. I've known a number of people and while it sounds like trying to make points with some, I frankly could never imagine these people I knew being much smaller than they were. They were (outside of weight) healthy, happy, energetic people always doing interesting things. When I looked and or interacted with them that is what I saw and felt about them.

    Betrayal, likely that one 'Nurse' might benefit from being reported. That said, who knows how many times rude and or un-professional comments may be made, or 'patients' discussed that don't hear at the time or find out later that they were. It is a fact of life I believe and who knows for sure why. But I do think bad for people at a 'reception' area desk to get involved. Glad you spoke up for yourself. You handled that very well by asking if she would like to discuss it with you. The women involved are certainly not representing their office or the other medical personnel well at all.

    Carole, as we get a slight bit of muted sun (likely raising humidity) I'm thinking of you and possibly wearing a thin sweatshirt where you are.

    Hope all have a really good day.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,136

    DH and I went to town and had breakfast at our favorite diner, the West Forty. It was 48 degrees and raining lightly. I wore my hooded rain jacket, which turned out to be a good thing for solving mysteries. DH's keys have been missing since we arrived on Tuesday. A heaviness in my rain jacket pocket turned out to be the keys!! Hooray! Now the mystery is how they ended up in my pocket.

    We went to a supermarket after breakfast and found a couple of grocery items that dh can't live without. Eyes rolling. Bread and butter spears, NOT slices and vidalia onion salad dressing. I have a list for Walmart's but nothing we can't do without until better weather.

    Betrayal, I agree with all those who are appalled by your experiences at the doctor's office.

    Petite, glad you made the right decision for Midnight Louie, who has pet's rights at your house.

    Puffin, I'm very concerned about the headaches. Hoping for reassuring news.

    Jackie, good news that your tumble didn't cause serious injury. These days I am trying to move about "consciously."

    Tomorrow is our first farmers market day and the weather is supposed to be much nicer. We're not expecting it to be a great day for sales. The weather may have discouraged some of the summer people from coming. It hasn't been summer weather.

    Happy Friday to all.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Jackie, you were VERY lucky you didn't get hurt badly from that fall. I could relate, sounded like something I would do, not take care of a potential problem because I had a lot to do, then have an issue because I didn't take care of the issue right away. So glad you didn't get seriously hurt! Still, ouch! Even minor toe injuries can really hurt!

    Carole, your breakfast sounded lovely! I wish my dh would have interest in going out for breakfast or lunch. Funny how things like the missing keys happen. When my kids were little and something went missing, I used to tell them a little elf took them. Sometimes I wonder if there isn't some truth to that. LOL I laughed at your dh needing those things. I think it is a man thing.

    I wanted to make quiche Loraine for dinner last night but realized that I forgot to get Swiss cheese at the grocery store, (it was on my list) so I made fish instead. This morning, I ran to the grocery store, walked out with only Swiss cheese which is totally unusual for me. Somehow if I go for one item, it morphs into 2-4 items or more. Tonight, we will have quiche and salad for dinner.

    Turned out to be a gorgeous warm sunny day. I am so glad because my grandkids have their school field days today, as does the middle school I used to work at. Good day for kids to be outside!

    Yesterday my oldest GD Face Timed me. It was her last day of elementary school and she won a Presidential Award. She is an excellent student and such a nice girl, always happy and smiling. Next year she goes to the middle school. I am not used to school ending in May, but they begin early in August. Around here, schools end in June and start in September.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,882

    Happy Memorial Day to all especially to those of you who served. Thank you for your service.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,882

    Illinoislady, sorry to hear about your spill and the sore toe. Do you have arnica to put on the bruise? It will help the bruise to disappear faster. Hope it heals quickly.

    Carols, glad you were able to find the lost keys and let us know if you ever solve the mystery. I have never seen bread and butter spears, only the slices so I will look the next time I go to a grocery store to see if they are available in this area. I like tart pickles better and used to love the ones they had at Roy Rogers when they were in business. I think there is still one in the Lehigh Valley area.

    cindyny, I like to caulk tubs and wish they would have guides for them available so you could get a clean line every time. My DB did it the last time because I can't kneel in the tub anymore. He's really good at getting the right amount and a clean line.

    MM, glad you are feeling better and that life with Kelce is a pleasure.

    petite1, sorry it didn't work out with the older cat and Midnight Louie. Some cats may do better with a kitten and some by being the "only".

    harley, you sound like the chemo has been less taxing and that is a good thing. The price we have to pay to regain our health sometimes is hard on us but if we focus on the outcome, it makes it worth it.

    To this day I hated every minute of radiation especially the ceiling which was a photo of cherry blossoms. I have never been able to see cherry blossoms without being triggered yet again. Unfortunately the ceiling in the new MRI room had a cherry blossom theme but I was head first so only had glimpses of it.

    Puffin, I am hoping you get an answer about what is causing the headaches and that you can get some relief. It is hard to have a study on a Friday and then have to wait for the results. I wish they would not schedule studies on Fridays for that reason.

    I just had a phone call from an old shore house friend. We used to rent a shore house in Avalon and had a gang of male friends (policemen and firemen) who rented a home in Sea Isle City and another house of male friends who lived diagonally behind us. We used to travel in large groups from one watering hole to another and felt protected because these guys watched out for us. We used to get the house on this weekend and were reminiscing about how it always rained, and was cold so we spent it playing cards, games and drinking. It was so much fun and nice to hear from her. It's been over 50 years ago. Lost track of some of the members but one of our acquired friends was Jerry Blavat, the DJ, who died recently. He met us on Sunday nights at the Hotel Avalon and paid for our drinks as well as dancing with us.

    The PAT person who was talking about me was in a long white lab coat and not one of the nurses so I don't know who she was and she was long gone by the time I finally got out of there. I think she split when I asked her to come talk to me. My BP was the highest it has ever been so they said they would let me relax and retake it. It was still very elevated about 20 minutes later and all due to them. The PAT is hospital based and not related to doctor's office but I did tell PA about the experience.

    Called to make a dinner reservation at Bonefish Grille because they are featuring lobster but nothing available tonight. Talked to owner about how I was returning for their White Mango Sangria fix and asked if they still participated in the Dine Rewards program. He said he liked customers who supported his business and we made reservations for tomorrow night instead. They do and I asked how to get the rewards, he said just tell the server and I mentioned I had forgotten to do that last week when we ate there. He asked for credit card digits, name and was able to find the charge and credited it to Dine Rewards. I was so surprised that he was willing to tie up the phone for as long as this took and told him we would continue to support his business. Great customer service.

    Went to collect parts from vacuum repair shop and he spent about an hour demonstrating different models and then letting me try them. So he got his shop vacuumed, he has a cat and there were fur balls available to test suction and there was also sand like dirt. He also said he had stuff he could throw on the floor for me to try.

    Each had their merits but I did buy a more expensive model because it matched the cleaning capabilities of the old machine. It also came with a longer warranty and he is not only a registered dealer but also repair certified. I already tried the rug component on the family room and living room rugs. Once I finish the dining room, I'll try the hardwood head. It is so much better than the inexpensive one I keep on this floor. Cat hair gone.

    They had pay meters outside his store and one customer mentioned that he had parked without feeding the meter and was this an issue. The meters only take quarters and I only had two, so he offered a quarter so I could feed the meter which actually had timed out by the time I got to my car. Since we hadn't concluded the sale, this was a blessing. He walked me through every step of use for each before I made my final choice which I really appreciated. Then he carried it to my car which was halfway up the block from his store.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful Memorial Day weekend. I'll be working on my "to-do" list so I can relax next week.

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,833

    Did I tell you about the Shark I got at Marketplace? I bought it for 125, brand new, never been used. Military woman, she arrived here— military town— and discovered that she had left the attachments and papers behind. I think she decided to get rid of it and buy a cordless. I am happy, but my carpet is screaming for some good suction.

    Still sewing, will do some modeling later. Getting some counseling, dropped physical therapy, I need to take a lot of short walks, and concentrate heel-toe with my right foot. Speech therapy, hoarseness, just ordered some nexium. Been tired a lot lately, taking extra naps, the past month or so has been really stressful.

    Betrayal, I probably would have walked out on them. And I tend to be everyone's door-mat. I don't blow up until long past the tolerance of many others, but when I do……. Walking out on such situations is a rather avoidant strategy..

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,882

    puffin, I am at a loss for words. The hits just keep coming and you can't seem to catch a break. I am sorry you are having to deal with this and hope the neurologist and oncologist can come up with a plan to deal with these latest findings. I am sending ((((Hugs)))) and want you to know you are in my prayers.

    Chris, if I walked out of the PAT they would have had a victory because they were trying to make me reschedule this appointment. I live about 40 minutes away so no way was I going to let them reschedule me. There are times when I have used your strategy but when someone like these rude people get my dander up, I am not about to back down from being my own advocate. It boiled down to they have a policy in place that needs to be re-examined. Why should anyone have to sign a waiver making them responsible for payment for blood tests that are covered by Medicare? All they have to do is spend a few minutes checking with Medicare which is what they did anyhow and I was covered but made to sign that ridiculous waiver. I am concerned about double dipping for payment. Plus they wanted me to sign without ever seeing the contents of the waiver. The one blood test is skewed and worthless because it was not a fasting specimen, but medical personnel could interpret it as abnormal and make a decision which could hurt me. It was a boondoggle from start to finish and I left there shaken by this experience and an elevated BP.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,304

    Puffin, I too am at a loss for words. It’s good you got right on top of letting them know about the headaches. Hoping one of these drs comes up with a plan, and quickly too. Rooting for you. ((HUGS))

    We’re off to Cooperstown tomorrow with my niece and daughter. The Baseball Hall of Fame is free for the day, they gave out tickets. It will probably be packed but should be fun.

    Jackie, I hope your toe is feeling better!

    Have a great Saturday!

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,833

    Puffin, I am so sorry for this bad news!!

    Betrayal, I would have refused to reschedule with them, and demanded a different provider for this procedure. And specify what they were trying to do.

  • harley07
    harley07 Member Posts: 357

    Puffin - (((HUGS))). I’m so sorry about the test results. You are in my thoughts and prayers

    Jackie - sorry to hear about your fall but happy to hear you weren’t seriously hurt. Hope the toes heals quickly.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Puffin, I am so very sorry you are going through this! You are a positive person and IMO, that is the only way to be. Finding out news that is not what you wanted to hear, allowed you to take action, which you and your doctors did. Things are what they are and I always feel that "knowing" is best way. I am especially glad you got the results and spoke with your doctor right away. Waiting for results is the worst! It sounds like you have fantastic doctors and are in great hands. One day at a time! ((((hugs))))

    Betrayal, I agree, sometimes you just have to advocate for yourself. Who cares what those women thought, you will likely never see them again anyway! As for blood tests, I had my PAT and blood testing for my first complete, reverse shoulder replacement done at a top hospital in Philadelphia, right after lunch. It isn't a big deal, few blood tests truly need to be done fasting and those that are will be adjusted knowing it wasn't a fasting sample. They do that all the time. A friend of mine is likely having TKR this summer and she too has stairs to get to her bedroom. How are you dealing with your home stairs situation? If you wrote about that, I apologize, I missed it. I want to pass on the information on to my friend.

    Wishing all here a happy holiday weekend.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,882

    MM, to get in my house is 5 steps at front door and 4 steps from garage to kitchen. Backdoor is a high step from a raised concrete pad there so I would not use this. It challenges me now. 13 steps to go upstairs to the bedroom.

    Woke early and decided to get a head start on gardening while the area near the road is still shady. I felt sad that I was cutting off all the blooms on the wild rose but it was really overgrown and blocked our view of oncoming cars. It is now cut back and my arms bear witness to the vicious thorns. I sprayed the poison ivy with killer and an invasive vine as well. Roses smelled really sweet.

    Ended up cutting back the butterfly bush because a large section of it died over the winter. It is probably 30 years old so not sure how long they live. Left the section showing new growth. Did inspect flower beds there and pulled the random weeds so they are good for now. Still have 3 bags of mulch but need to plant some bushes so that will be tomorrow's plan. DH asked me to check cuttings from hydrangeas I had planted about 2 years ago. They are sending up new growth so the areas they are in will provide a nice hedge like appearance when they reach mature growth.

    The yellow peonies I had bought at Costco are in bloom and absolutely gorgeous. My phone camera stopped working so I am asking DS to take a look at it.

    I want to do some inside housekeeping like mopping floors and vacuuming drapes in living room and dining room for my finish today. I waited to take a shower until I am done getting dirty.

    Made potato salad last night and offered some to DD. Her dog is dying slowly and I think the end is close. The steroids are not really working for appetite and then he can't sleep. He rejected a walk in his favorite park and that is unlike him. He's a sweet dog and like I said her child so his parting will be painful for her and DSIL. Offered to have DH deliver it but they want a break so will come here.

    Guess I'd better get back to work while I still have some steam left. It is sunny, hot but the breeze is a blessing. It's high 70's but expected to reach into the mid to high 80's later. Have a great day.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,959

    You cannot believe in honor until you have achieved it. Better keep yourself clean and bright; you are the window through which you must see the world.

    George Bernard Shaw

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,959

    Very noisy and wet here last night. a bit of sun trying to peek out this morning, but then disappears again. Hmm, who knows exactly. I don't pay much attention to the weather report. It is more of a barometer of possibility. It is 69 degrees though so starting out a bit cooler. Have to wait and see on that as well.

    My toe is far, far better although still showing the bruise. Betrayal, it's always the way. You find out what you're out of based on discovering a need you can't cover. No Arnica left. I'm okay with it since I quit wearing sandal/toe revealing footwear some time back. Mainly for safety. My feet were never much to look at anyway.

    Sorry to hear about your DD's dog. I feel for anyone having to face the loss of a pet/child companion. Always a heart-wrenching time. You don't want suffering, but the hope of some sort of decent reprieve keeps you trying to find answers when letting go would be the thing to do. It's been a while, but I found myself there a number of times. Having a vet's help always made me feel like I was doing something wrong and very un-natural. I know better now, but I still tend to cry and feel a bit guilty.

    Yellow peonies sound so gorgeous. You would be an ideal person to live in the middle of a botanical garden, I do believe. Makes me wish you were my neighbor. Dh was too hard on any of my plantings in an already compromised clay lawn, but I could enjoy your yard vicariously all the time.

    Hoping for Puffin. You are indeed a trooper. Hugs from Illinois.

    Nothing special for me today — just keeping up.

  • puffin2014
    puffin2014 Member Posts: 979

    My oncologist put me back on my steroid and 24 hours later I haven't had one headache! And my head feels clearer too. She said she'd check back with me on Tuesday

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,882

    Great news, puffin. I hope it continues to work over the weekend and until you can talk to the oncologist again.

  • malleemiss251
    malleemiss251 Member Posts: 589

    Great news about being headache-free Puffin. Thinking of you and the issues you have been having.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,959

    Glad for you Puffin and I hope you can keep getting some good news. Sending love and hugs.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,304

    Puffin, good news to hear no headache! May that continue.

    We got on the road at 10, stopped for a gas fill up and then picked up my niece & her daughter. My GPS took us through some beautiful country roads to get out to Cooperstown. It was a very relaxing beautiful drive off the highway. Beautiful weather too. Flowers in bloom all along the way.

    Baseball Hall of Fame, my partner called that room the “cathedral” - all the plaques of members in the hall of fame.

    Then a NY Yankees “holy cow” tucked in.

    We ate early dinner/late lunch in town. For dessert we went to a bakery to pick out our sweet treats. We bought way more than we needed, but split them among us (eclair, cream puff, cannoli, red velvet cupcake).

    My niece had never been to Ommegang brewery so being we were close to it we took them there. Young grandniece and I had water, while partner & niece tried the brews. It was nice and quiet, young kids playing on the back lawn - peaceful. But with a big black rain cloud hanging over us we hit the road to return home.

    Long day but worth the drive. Rained minimally, we drove in and out of it a few times. Glad when it was behind us.

    Hope you all had a good day too.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,959

    Choice is a divine teacher, for when we choose we learn that
    nothing is ever put in our path without a reason.

    Iyanla Vanzant

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,136

    Puffin, my thoughts are with you on dealing with more medical challenges.

    Yellow peonies sound so lovely. I saw an ad from a nursery at home that knockout roses now come in yellow and orange. The ad made me wish I had a place to plant some. But I definitely won't be building a new flower bed.

    Today is sunny and not windy. My phone says it's 60 degrees out. I look forward to taking a 2 mile walk.

    Yesterday's first farmers market of the summer was well attended by people glad to get out of their houses after days of rain. We enjoyed greeting other vendors and customers from former summers who came by. We made some sales and generally enjoyed the opening day.

    Happy Sunday.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,959

    Cindy, once again you have great pictures to enjoy and I love that cow. Ah, the sweet treats as well. I could though be happiest with just the Red Velvet cake. I was amazed the first time I ever tasted one — the year after we moved here and have really loved them ever since. Usually don't pass up an occasion to have some.

    Wonder of wonders — no night rains last night. It waited until a little after I got up this morning. The sky started to rumble and then lightning, and more loud rumbles and it wasn't long after that a good wind and rain started. The wind is gone, but the rain is still coming down. Buddy (the one I often call Butter) is whining about not being left outside.

    Not sure if I told you that a couple of days ago I looked out my kitchen window and there was a deer standing there. I didn't notice anything but a short while later I looked out again and there was a little fawn (newborn) getting its first meal. I knew it was quite young because it still tottered a bit trying to stay stable during its feeding. Despite the fact that I'm sometimes annoyed at what the deer eat in my yard, and very much some of what gets trampled, I still love seeing them and think of it as something of Nature's gift. This was the first time in the 27 years we have been home that I've seen this. I have seen a couple of newborns before they had even gotten up on their feet for the first time, but never one at its first feeding. I think of seeing the deer as my good omens.

    Nothing special today, especially as long as the rain continues. If we were to go out though we certainly could avoid the cicadas. Would almost be worth it. Don't know if I mentioned but my SIL changed out my stabilizer bars on my car yesterday. No more weird noises all the time on our outings. The wrong wheel bearings came and have to be exchanged so that will be next. So interesting — the Chevrolet dealership quoted $2,300.00 for all the work my car needed. When SIL gets done I will have spent less than $250.00 in it. Little wonder why people are able (I would have for sure) when a car gets a certain age to quit having ALL that is needed done. At the same time I do have not only a SIL who can do the work, but people around me who can tell me with assurance what I can let go and what really is a must if that is what comes up.

    To all who are doing okay — yay and to anyone with issues I am thinking about you and hoping that some kind of positive resolution is near.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    illinois, woohoo for your SIL! So glad you have him to do the work on your car! As with many things, people can either do the work thus save money, or if not, must pay someone to do the work. That is why I always respected my mechanic as much as I did my doctor or lawyer! (same with many others, like contractors, plumbers etc)

    I was lucky that when my dh was young and money was super tight, that he could repair most anything. He remodeled our kitchen, added a walk in closet to the upstairs master bedroom, built the patio and garden hardscaping, and fixed our cars. He grew up on a 200 acre dairy farm and when you work on a farm, you learn how to build and repair machinery. Now, however we pay people to do the work as dh can no longer do that.