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Starting Chemo April 2024 Support Thread



  • grammie2
    grammie2 Member Posts: 211

    @chickenlovva congratulations!!!! That's awesome!!! And you are so beautiful, from 1st to 4th treatment!!

  • chickenlovva
    chickenlovva Member Posts: 58

    Awwww thanks honey!!! Even with my Ativan look I got going on?? 😆

    I've been non stop hungry since my last infusion. I just can't eat enough! I don't feel hungry until I'm shaky and dizzy so I'm trying to snack all day today. Lost another 3 pounds. Only about 12 total. I fainted last time on day 3 and went to ER so I'm scared of that happening again. It was due to dehydration, hunger and I had intestinal cramping and a hot flash on top of it. But when they did my CBC, my white count was 36.6! Guess the Neulesta did it's job, 😆 it was 6.5 yesterday. So crazy how the med works

  • lbn2222
    lbn2222 Member Posts: 42

    Congratulations on finishing, @chickenlovva ! You look great! Hope the side effects will be gentle this time.

  • Member Posts: 230

    @chickenlovva — BIG CONGRATS on ringing that bell!!! ❤️ I hope this last dose and any of its side effects goes by in a flash for you!

  • chickenlovva
    chickenlovva Member Posts: 58 thank you!!!! How did you make that Pic????

  • chickenlovva
    chickenlovva Member Posts: 58

    @lbn2222 thank you so much!!

  • Member Posts: 230

    It’s an app called “Canva.” Super user-friendly!

  • Member Posts: 230
    edited July 4

    Whew. The heat out there makes me nauseous. Definitely will be staying inside the rest of today! All of Central FL is a ghost town it’s so hot. I went out to Publix a bit ago. But I cooked! Nothing fancy but I made blue cheese bacon burgers, Carolina bbq beans, corn on the cob, smashed potato fries, and fruit salad. Now it’s in containers ready to serve, and I’m pooped. But I’m starving and ate some deli shrimp cocktail earlier, and it didn’t taste like a**. Dare I say I’m on the other side of #3 already!? 🤞 I plan to just pick on food all night and am contemplating maybe an evening swim. I should be able to see and definitely at least hear multiple fireworks in the distance from my back yard. It faces an open field. Hope everyone has a good 4th! 💕

  • chickenlovva
    chickenlovva Member Posts: 58 Wow! You did A LOT!! That's a lot of cooking! I'm on day 3 of my last round and I feel awful 😖 I'm in MN and it's raining and stormy here all da and supposed to into the night so no fireworks to look at. But it's ok I'm n the couch anyways. Hope yall have a good 4th as well!

  • grammie2
    grammie2 Member Posts: 211 that is one gorgeous pup!! @chickenlovva I hope you are feeling much better now!!

    Hope everyone had a great 4th. Mine was pretty calm. Was able to catch up on some housework, then went to a small family cookout. Next Thursday is my 5th (of 6) and not looking forward to it. SE's were about the same, more tired. But the feet/ankle swelling is worse than last time. It usually starts around day 4 post treatment and lasts until about 4 days before the next. Even my legs seem to have fluid this time. The heat doesn't help and I haven't been able to stay off my feet much lately. Usually goes down at night, except for last night. Went down some but not all the way. And the eyes!!!!! Oh gosh this has to be the most aggravating! They drip non stop. I started taking Claritin yesterday and they seem to be some better today. Still thanking God for the "on the mild side" SE's for sure. I know it could be way worse.

    Hope everyone has a good weekend!!!

  • grammie2
    grammie2 Member Posts: 211

    Oh and a question. Is everyone not eating salads because of bacteria risks and low immune systems? I had read that and have been refraining. But I am about ready to order a salad for lunch!!!! My WBC has stayed in the normal range for the most part, thanks to Neulasta I'm sure.

  • Member Posts: 230
    edited July 5

    Thinking about you! I hope you’re feeling better very soon, @chickenlovva ❤️

    I’m glad you had a good 4th, @grammie2. I got super rained out by the evening, but it was a nice, peaceful day! I’m with all of you on SE weariness! It gets old, especially as it compounds each time. I’m already seeing how little things grow into bigger things as it goes. Bigger things run into each other between treatments and never really subside.

    I get confused on the raw stuff, because isn’t fruit raw? And we’re told to eat apples and bananas for BRAT diets. But I don’t eat salads and such the first week or so after treatment, really, because it tears my stomach up. Although, I did peel and sliver a raw carrot with dip last week and almost lived on sweet red cherries because it’s all I could find that tasted decent, and everyone was watching and commenting that I needed to eat. I’m finding fresh foods and veggies just taste better; all I can taste with processed food is the salt and chemicals. It’s so gross 🤢 And meat sometimes has a “segmented” and “mealy” texture. I find myself blending chicken and making nugget type creations a lot.

    If I go out, I order cooked food. (Only have eaten salads at home that I make myself.) I ate California roll (cooked) sushi a couple of weeks ago, before this last chemo. I’ve been good and haven’t touched anything like raw seared ahi, raw oysters, cerviche, etc. Which is so hard during the summer! And I haven’t touched alcohol at home or out, just because I know I’m already taxing my system and feeling icky enough. I want to experiment with mocktails the next time I go out! I’m curious about those. Seems like a growing market with lots of choices now. It would be nice to know what I like and have that choice even after all of this.

  • grammie2
    grammie2 Member Posts: 211

    Thanks I think the fruits/veggie thing is if you can peel it, you can eat it. Green leafy stuff is taboo because of the bacteria chances. And I am craving them!!! So you were probably good on the carrots. I am eating a lot of watermelon and cantaloupe!! I'm with you on the taste/texture thing too! I'm having a hard time eating protein except for beans and peanut butter. Actually #4 wasn't too bad on the taste and #3 was horrible.

    My oldest son was just diagnosed with Hashimoto's. We were talking about eating less processed and anti-inflammatory foods. I read an article where a common denominator of HER2 recurrence was inflammation. So that's what got us started on it. He sent me this article so wanted to share with everyone:,%2Drelated%20death%2C%20researchers%20found

  • Member Posts: 230
    edited July 5

    Thank you! I have that article pinned too! ☺️ I was always hard core low carb because I was obsessed most with my weight, but I do think Mediterranean style cooking needs to be my main goal as I get older and learn more about myself and my health quirks.

    I’m sorry about your son’s Hashi’s dX. Back in the day, Mary J. Shomon’s books helped me. I went to her same holistic doc for a while too. My favorite was “Living well with autoimmune disease.” There was another by her called “the thyroid diet.”

  • lbn2222
    lbn2222 Member Posts: 42

    Oops, I didn't know we weren't supposed to eat raw foods… I ate a lot of salad and raw vegetables, especially after round 4 where everything tasted terrible and felt gross in my mouth. Crunchy was the most tolerable texture. I also ate tons of raspberries because I could actually taste the sour flavor. Anyway, I seem to have done ok. My theory was that I should eat whatever I could tolerate when taste and texture were so unappealing.

    Just back from my radiation planning appointment. I now have five dot tattoos and have confirmed that I can hold my breath for a long time. Seems like radiation will be easy compared with chemo. Fingers crossed that's right!

    Hope you're all doing well!

  • grammie2
    grammie2 Member Posts: 211

    @lbn2222 I am beginning to wonder if the restrictions that I've read about were pre Neulasta when immune systems were super low during chemo?? I may cave this weekend and have a delicious salad!!! And grapes and strawberries!!

    And I have to ask. Why do you have to hold your breath for radiation?? Because I cannot hold my breath for a long time LOL.

  • lbn2222
    lbn2222 Member Posts: 42

    @grammie2 we are lucky to have Neulasta - think it makes a big difference in being able to live life during chemo! I hope you can enjoy food again soon, including your salad!!

    I am having the radiation on my left side. It sounds like the breath holding is beneficial because it shifts your heart out of the way more and generally keeps you very still during treatment. They told me that if you can't do it, they have other ways to handle so don't think you should stress about it at all! You can also practice if you are worried about it. While I was there, they had me practice holding my breath as long as I could. Then when they did the final scan with me holding my breath, they told me I could breathe again after a much shorter time than all my practice breaths!

  • chickenlovva
    chickenlovva Member Posts: 58

    HI gals. I eat a ton of grapes and IS all that tastes good right now. I haven't tried salad but I bet it would taste amazing. I tend to want cold foods.

    Laying on my couch feeling icky. I'm getting all depressed and anxious again and feel hopeless even tho I physically don't feel THAT bad. This sucks. It's only day 4. Praying my mind gets back to normal real soon. I just want to lay here and cry for no reason. This happened each round. Anyone else have this trouble?

  • lbn2222
    lbn2222 Member Posts: 42

    @chickenlovva so sorry you are feeling so down! I can relate to that icky feeling with anxiety, sadness, and general low energy and mood. I kept telling myself that the only way through it is through it (but through it can be tough!) and it did pass. Be gentle with yourself! Does distraction help? I have been listening to a lot of audio books as well as working (which luckily I enjoy) to try to keep my mind busy in other directions.

  • grammie2
    grammie2 Member Posts: 211

    @lbn2222 thanks for explaining. I'm left side as well.

    @chickenlovva I have noticed the "emotions" as well. Seems like my round 4 was worse. I had one day that I cried the entire time I was getting ready for work, cried on the way to work. But the crying did stop my watery eyes for a couple of hours LOL. Hugs to you!!

  • Member Posts: 230

    I’m so sorry you’re feeling icky and down. And, yes, I experience funks I can’t shake sometimes, and I have a good share of personal freak-outs. Even when I’m okay, all of that is just on the peripheral. I just get sick and tired of feeling sick and tired, along with the series of ‘one more thing’ to absorb and accept always happening. This reality is a lot to suck on. I hope you feel better soon ❤️

  • lbn2222
    lbn2222 Member Posts: 42

    Thought I would check in and see how everyone is doing. I'm two days into radiation — so far it is a walk in the park compared with chemo! Hope you are all feeling well!

  • Member Posts: 230

    That’s WONDERFUL to hear you’re doing well and feeling good with radiation, @lbn2222 🤗🎊🙌 I pray that continues for you!

    Round 4 of chemo in the books today 💪 Feeling strong and optimistic that the chemo is doing its job—the medical oncologist agreed that he can’t feel the tumors anymore! But, first, before too much excitement, sleep! Omg, I am feeling pooped! In the figurative and not the literal sense, and I’m hoping it stays that way!

    If the diarrhea continues and my potassium tanks too low again, the oncologist wants to nix the perjeta for the TCHP 😬 I told him I didn’t want to do that, and he bluntly responded, “so you want to die?” Um, no. That’s precisely the point and the reason I want all my meds. I guess it’s finding that sweet spot. But I’ll still be extra careful what I eat and make sure to stay super hydrated.

    looking forward to hearing how everyone is doing! I hope well! ❤️

  • chickenlovva
    chickenlovva Member Posts: 58

    @lbn2222 I'm glad rads are going well!! Thank you for checking in!! Hugs to you! thank you for your comment. Made me feel better. And you are SO BEAUTIFUL!! Congrats on number 4 down!! You got this! Hugs to you too!

    Hugs to all!

  • chickenlovva
    chickenlovva Member Posts: 58

    @lbn2222 thank u for your comment as well. Helps to know others have the same emotional issues. I think I will get some audio books, thanks for the idea. TV gets boring 😴 I had a virtual visit with a therapist today and that helped. On the road to being free from anxiety and depression. Might be long but it's ok.

  • chickenlovva
    chickenlovva Member Posts: 58

    Anyone get mad hot flashes? I get a weird head pressure feeling and then the inner furnace turns on. I have to drink more due to all the sweating!! Yikes!

  • sarahjunefox
    sarahjunefox Member Posts: 58

    @chickenlovva I am SO hot at night, I am so sweaty and can't get comfortable. It's so annoying.

  • Member Posts: 230

    it’s very random but, even though I’ve gone through menopause already, I still get them and night sweats, esp. as time goes on with chemo.

  • ritafulmer14
    ritafulmer14 Member Posts: 5

    Today is round 10 for me with 6 more to go then 6 weeks of radiation to follow. I am post menopausal and have the hot sweats like crazy. Out of no were, but especially at night. Glad to hear everyone is doing good. One day at a time. Hang in there ladies. We got this!!!!!

  • lbn2222
    lbn2222 Member Posts: 42 congrats on finishing treatment 4! You look great!

    @chickenlovva glad the visit with the therapist helped. Sending hugs your way! It's important to make sure you're getting the support you need! I've recently started doing a group program at my treatment center that focuses on coping skills for people with breast cancer. Wish I had been able to start it earlier in this journey!