ER-, PR-, Her2+ Roll call



  • grammie2
    grammie2 Posts: 275

    @catarina_fm glad the nails are doing better!! My nails still have groves but are starting to grow out. I ate ice chips during taxotere. Same theory as the hands and feet. Cold prevents the chemo from affecting the area. My center had an ice machine, but it wasn't dependable so I took my own. And thanks for the link on platelets. They never got super low during chemo, but lower than the norm.

  • Hi, guys! Just checking in. I had treatment #4 yesterday - woohoo! I'm so excited to be on the downside of my chemo treatments. Due to the rashes and hand-foot-syndrome on my hands, my onc wanted to either delay treatment or reduce my Taxotere dose. I chose to reduce…I'm ready to get this over with. They also advised to wear some type of gloves after I put Vaseline on my hands. I feel like it's a spa day every day…lol. I'm hoping not to get thrush this go around with the Taxotere reduction. We'll see. I'll be so glad to finish up my Dexamethasone and get some good sleep again. I asked about my heart echo follow-up and scans. They said that happens at 3 months, which will be December 13th. I go on the 1212th for treatment #5, so they'll probably put in the orders then. I hope I can get them scheduled before the end of the year since I've clearly met my insurance deductible. I'll have to pay it if it's after the new year…year…boo.

    I hope y'all are have a relaxing, side effect free weekend! Stay warm - it's a cold 36 degrees with windchill of 27 here in the NE corner of Georgia. I saw that it snowed in North Carolina over night. Those of you in the warm sunshine, enjoy it for me!

  • grammie2
    grammie2 Posts: 275

    @beekaycro24 praying everything goes more smoothly with the decreased dose!! Weather is the same here in VA!! BRRRRR!!! I am freezing and the windchill is awful!

    Everyone has been kinda quite so hoping that it's because you are out enjoying life and feeling great!

    Today is 15/16 radiation treatments! No major issues. Starting to look a little pink/red but understand that even after the last one Monday it can continue to worsen for a few days. Some swelling, but the doc said it wasn't bad. Feeling pretty tired today so glad I have the weekend to rest. Continuing PT until mid Dec. Meeting with a company that specializes in compression garments and bras. Supposedly insurance will pay for 6 bras and 6 garments every year. We shall see LOL. Those compression bras are expensive!!!

    Question to everyone. Are you having a mid or end of treatment PET scan or MRI? My team has not mentioned this to me. Only the ECHO every 3 months. Curious if I should request one. Might would ease my mind about everything. Have a great weekend!!!

  • Hello lovely ladies. Yes I have had a midway MRI - get the results on Monday (super nervous but hopeful at the same time as I can't feel the masses anymore and nipple is no longer inverted). Would advocate for a check in MRI if I were you 🙂

    Have treatment #4 on Tuesday and surgery meeting on Wednesday so big week next week. Eek!

    In other news- has anyone been having issues with intermittent (low grade) pain behind the eyes? Have had this on and off over the last couple of days and have found it a little odd.

    Huge hugs and love to everyone - we're ticking off the treatments 🥊

  • grammie2
    grammie2 Posts: 275

    @jessybessy praying for great test results! Was it a full MRI or just chest? I had a full body PET scan and a chest MRI before chemo, but nothing since. I had some mild discomfort behind my eyes a few times. Dry eyes and being dehydrated was a couple of things mentioned to me. And as crazy as it sounds I had "weepy and watery eyes" which is a sign of dry eyes. It was awful. My eyes looked red and puffy all of the time. I would have it until about a week before the next treatment.

    Hope everyone is having a good weekend so far!!!

  • Hello! It was a breast MRI. As I was not metastatic (apart from to axillary nodes) at diagnosis they will just be scanning my breasts half way (done now) and at the end of chemo.

  • Hi ladies! I hope you're all doing well 😊

    @beekaycro24 how are you feeling? Hanging in there so far? I hope the lower dose means the side effects will be more manageable!

    @grammie2 It’s getting cold in America, right? In southern Europe, we've been having unusually warm temperatures for November. I’m still wearing light shirts, no cozy jackets yet. I know cold isn’t great, but I do miss wearing different clothes.
    It's fantastic that you're almost done with radiation! Wow, you're so close! And it's such a relief to hear it hasn’t been too hard so far. About your question regarding the PET scan, I totally understand your concern; I feel the same way. But I think you should give it some time. Ask your doctors what they think. I had a PET scan about two months before starting treatment to check for metastases because of the size of my tumor and the fact that affected lymph nodes were already visible in the mammogram. I’ll want another one, but I won’t do it right after the treatments. If you do it too soon after chemo, any scattered cells might still be dormant due to the treatments and wouldn’t show up. But honestly, nothing like that is going to happen! The treatment has great results for HER2+ cancer. Still, I think getting a PET scan will give you some peace of mind.

    @jessybessy I haven't had headaches; my issues are more with my digestive system... Up until the sixth treatment, I managed to recover pretty well each time, but the seventh hit me hard, and I’m still struggling. This coming Wednesday, I have my eighth infusion (last chemo), and I’m really worried about the side effects since I haven’t fully recovered from the last one. I have a friend who complained a lot about headaches during chemo—are you drinking enough water? It might help... You’re more than halfway through chemo now; it’ll fly by! Stay strong! 💪
    I had an MRI between treatments six and seven, and they already told me there's no need for another one at the end because, at this point, the tumor has probably shrunk as much as it’s going to. I’m not sure if your situation is the same, but it seems like you've also seen a significant reduction in the mass 🙏

    Stay strong, everyone!

  • @catarina_fm So far, so good. I hit a wall and fall asleep every night around 7:00/8:00, but I feel good and am getting decent sleep. Tomorrow will be the tell…day 4 is usually my "bad" day. I'm going to get out in the sunshine for a little bit today and buy groceries for Thanksgiving. It's going to just be the hubs and I this year. My daughter always hosts for her in-laws and us, but there are a lot of little ones on the in-law side and I don't want to be around germs this soon after chemo. Especially since I've been dealing with low-grade fevers these past two treatments. I pray all goes well for you on Wednesday. You're SOOO close to being done!!

    @grammie2 - I can't believe how quickly your radiation treatments have flown by! It's so encouraging to read how well you're handling it. You are in my prayers as well!

  • So sorry you've had digestive troubles my lovely. But you're so close! You've done amazing x

    Yeah I've only been having the headaches over the last few days and I think they're more tension related than anything to be hones. Hopefully the half way onco appointment tomorrow will reduce my stress levels. Or maybe not, ha ha x

  • hi all, hope you are all recovering well from treatment. @jessybessy I have had headaches off and on all throughout treatments including my immunotherapy. My eyes have also had issues. I have had multiple styes in my eyes and now I have bumps where the styes were AND I have super stubby lashes…its great :-)

    For those in the states, I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  • grammie2
    grammie2 Posts: 275

    @jessybessy thanks for clarifying the MRI. And @catarina_fm that makes sense about waiting for a scan. I had two nodes positive in the first scan and no sign of metastatic tumors. So maybe the scan will be done at the one year mark which is when my Phesgo will end. And yes, it is cold here! Actually unusually cold for this time of year. I'm in VA and we even had some snow flurries Friday with lots of winds. Better today but going to get cold again towards the end of the week. Just in time for our Thanksgiving holiday.

    Yes, radiation has not been too bad. I am pretty tired and they say that will last for a few days after the last treatment. I will be thankful to not have the drive 5 days a week!!!

  • Hi ladies. Just has results of mid chemo (post third round) MRI - around a 50% reduction in tumours so far and involved lymph nodes (axillary) nearly all gone. Original diagnosis was multifocial HER2+++, hormone negative. Largest tumour around 1.5cm.

    Onco was really pleased as its just mid way and I have three more to go. Does this sound like a good response so far?

  • @jessybessy that's wonderful! 🥰 I'm so happy for you! To have a 50% reduction after just three treatments is amazing! Remember one thing... When the tumor dies, the body takes weeks to absorb the dead cells (that's what my doctor explained to me), so the mass you still have can be no longer active and will likely disappear. Great news! I won't know the result of my MRI until next week—I don't have access to any of my results, so I'll only find out when I speak with a doctor. But I'm feeling positive. I can't feel anything anymore, and I had something the size of a tangerine.

    @grammie2 that sounds perfect! I hope you don’t have side effects from radiation for too long, the worst part is definitely over. Now it’s just Phesgo, which should allow you to live a perfectly normal life 🙏 I hope so! Let’s get that hair growing!

    @djschmidt1 how great that you already have nice eyelashes! Did they take much longer to grow back than your hair? I have to admit, that’s the part that bothers me the most right now. The face feels so different without eyelashes and eyebrows. I try to draw my eyebrows with makeup, but it always looks a bit off. My eyes can’t tolerate eyeliner or pencil—they're super sensitive because of the chemo. So, I’ll just have to be patient and hope they don’t take too long to come back after chemo!

    Wishing everyone a good recovery! 🌷🌷🌷

  • Thinking of you with your MRI results, it's stressful waiting. But I'm sure you'll get great news x

  • grammie2
    grammie2 Posts: 275

    Hey all! @jessybessy congrats on the 50%!! It's working!!! Yay!

    @catarina_fm I'm trying really hard on the hair!!!! It's not happening fast enough haha!!! My eyebrows are filling in nicely, eyelashes are meh….getting better.

    So I'm DONE with radiation!!!! Rang that glorious bell!

    I am so happy not to have to travel for that today!!! My boys had sent flowers to the center for the techs to give me at my last treatment. I cried like a baby ! The are both military and live in PA and UT, so it's been hard for them not to be able to be supportive in person. God love'em!

    All of you stay strong!! You will get to this point too!!! Love and hugs!

  • @grammie2 oh, that's wonderful, congratulations! I'm so happy for you 🥰 You look amazing! I hope the radiation side effects pass quickly. Recover well and enjoy life better than ever 😊 What a beautiful gesture from your boys, and those flowers are just gorgeous! 🩷 I can't wait to get to that stage. We'll all get there, just a little more patience. Tomorrow, I'm already going in for my last chemo session!

    Take care ladies!

  • snm
    snm Posts: 170

    @grammie2 Wow! You did it!! So happy to hear that you have a loving supportive family from your boys. And please thank them for their service!

  • snm
    snm Posts: 170

    Just wanted to say happy thanksgiving all! I'm thankful for this group chat! Hope you all get to be with family or friends.

  • grammie2
    grammie2 Posts: 275

    @snm Happy Thanksgiving to you as well!! Hope everyone had a good one!!

  • Hi all! Checking in to see how everyone is doing after your recent treatments. I have to admit, #4 really put me in my head. I was mentally miserable, tired, you name it. I think I was mostly depressed because NOTHING tasted good and I dreaded eating anything. My side effects weren't so bad this time because I made sure to take Benadryl…really helped my rashes. I've also slept a lot more this past week than I usually do. I woke up this morning feeling like my normal self…yay! I hope everyone is well. Still praying for you all.

  • Oh bless you sweetie. Yep, number four has been very mentally tough for me too. Have always had the mantra 'this too shall pass' with the others but for some reason its difficult to shake that this time. I've heard that this can be the case - glad you're feeling a bit more like yourself and God's speed for the final two x

  • grammie2
    grammie2 Posts: 275

    @beekaycro24 @jessybessy I remember my ONC told me before I started chemo that #4 was when a lot of ladies want to give up. If it makes you feel any better, that makes yall "normal" lol. Just keep reminding yourself that you only have 2 more!!! And good that you've been able to rest more beekaycro24!! Said a prayer for you both! Hugs!!

  • I hope treatment #4 is on its way out now!! I saw your social media posts 🩷 I’m so glad you’re getting through these and hope all the unpleasant side effects stay away!

  • Yep! I most definitely felt that way. I told my husband last night that I feel like I’ve forgotten what “normal” feels like, but I’m getting little reminders here and there now. It does get better, thank goodness. I have hives again, but I was in a new area and ate all new food. And I drank a cherry sour, with alcohol. No need to pose with “duck lips” over here— I’ve got them going on without trying! I hope everyone is doing well and, if you celebrate it, had a very nice Thanksgiving 🩷

  • Omg! CONGRATS @grammie2 🩷Thanks wonderful news!!! I’m waiting for my referral to go through.

  • grammie2
    grammie2 Posts: 275

    Thanks ! I got pretty tired the last week but so far the skin went from a pink to a kinda tanned looking sunburn if that makes sense LOL. And it is crazy that it does get worse days after the last treatment. Minor itching but no evidence that it will peel. Doc said I looked like I might be one of the blessed ones.

    I have my 3 month ECHO tomorrow and the compression fitting for bras and garments. They want to get me in before the end of the year since I've met my deductible and no longer have a copay. I think I've been approved for 6 bras and 6 garments. I hope one is the sleeve because we plan to fly in Jan. Still have the pesky seroma but I do think a lot of the swelling in the breast has gone down. PT until Dec 18th so praying that is enough time for the radiation swelling to go away and see if we are dealing with persistent swelling. Make sure to ask your RO about a prescription if you think you might want to see if your insurance might cover the compression stuff. Second to Nature is the name of the company I'm using and I believe they are a chain.

  • Hi ladies! How’s everyone doing? It’s been quiet here, which I hope is a good sign 😊 I finished my last chemo at the end of November (still can’t quite believe it), and I’m scheduled for surgery next week. The usual post-chemo side effects are starting to fade, but I’ve noticed some cumulative ones kicking in now, which I guess is normal after 8 rounds of chemo: one of my toenails fell off, my fingernails are painful (actually, it’s more like my fingers hurt when I touch something, not the nails themselves), I’m feeling more exhausted, and I’ve started having muscle aches, which I didn’t experience before.

    I also have darker spots on my face (mostly around the mouth). It’s becoming clear that it’ll take some time to look healthy again (I’m so eager to have lashes and brows back!). But what matters most right now is that the cancer stays gone for good. My MRI after six treatments showed a complete tumor response! My doctor was happy with the results, which is a great sign, so I’m feeling a bit more optimistic as I move into the next phase.

    How about you?

    @grammie2 do you still have side effects from radiation? Is your skin still sensitive, or do you feel it’s starting to heal? I’m so glad to hear you’re starting to have moments of normalcy again! I was diagnosed in May, and it feels like I can barely remember what life was like before all these health worries. Of course, we’ll always have some fears and concerns after this, but I think it’s going to feel amazing to start living without so many restrictions. How was your recovery from surgery? Are you still feeling any discomfort?

    @jessybessy and @beekaycro24 just stopping by to send you both a big hug and strength for this final stretch. I actually had fewer side effects from my last treatment than I did from the one before—go figure! Maybe it was the mental relief of knowing it was the last chemo, but I hope the same happens for you. Wishing you minimal side effects and a smooth recovery!

    Take care! 🌻

  • OMG I am SO happy for you!!!!!!! Wahooooooooooo. What are you doing in terms of surgery? x

  • Posts: 235
    edited December 2024

    Hi @catarina_fm! I’m doing well! Im still getting expanded before radiation starts, and I’m 3 “ongoing treatment” Phesgo shots in. I’ve been staying busy doing social media as a volunteer for my local breast cancer foundation, and it’s a lot more work than I ever anticipated! But I’m having fun learning, and it feels good to help. 

    CONGRATS on finishing your last chemo 🎉

    What surgery are you doing again? 

    I’m so glad you’re starting to feel better!! Me too! My last chemo was 8/29. My chemo SE’s are starting to fade too, but random diarrhea continues 😫 (That’s been and continues to be my biggest issue in this journey. It’s an energy-sapper!) I have soft stubble on most of my head, and I notice fine little brow hairs and tiny lash stubble coming in! My skin is weird too— thin, dry, and scaly. And I get random hives still, but nothing like I was getting right after surgery. I assume from the expanders. 

    And I agree ‘no more cancer, ever!’ Is the goal.  That’s WONDERFUL you’re showing complete tumor response! I’m so happy for you 💕🎉

     {{{BIG HUGS}}} all around! I hope everyone is doing well! 

  • snm
    snm Posts: 170

    @catarina_fm so happy to read that your tumor responded so well!!! 🎉 I hope the chemo side effects fade fast and never return. What did you do when your toe nail fell off? Does anything relieve the discomfort in fingers like cold or heat? I'm rooting for you to make a full recovery including your upcoming surgery! What type of surgery do you need?