Are you dealing with infections or bandaging during palliative care??
Hi everyone. I'm starting this topic because I haven't found a similar one to help answer questions and offer me advice. I know I'm a rare case managing my own palliative care, in Asia, while under the care of a great doctor who's using both eastern and western medical traditions. I'm on hormone therapy (Tamoxifen then…
Herceptin alone or (Herceptin + Perjeta) together
Hi I am a 54-year-old female, and I was diagnosed with HER2-positive breast cancer last April. I completed 8 cycles of TCHP (Taxotere (docetaxel), Paraplatin (carboplatin), Herceptin (trastuzumab), and Perjeta (pertuzumab)] treatment and then underwent surgery to remove the cancer along with 5 lymph nodes. I am scheduled…
New Here. What to Expect w/ Paclitaxel + Trastuzumab?
Hello, all. I just joined this forum and am looking for some support. I'm a post-menopausal woman who was diagnosed with ES+/PR+/HER2 + invasive ductal carcinoma this summer. I had a lumpectomy on October 31. Clearly I got the trick not the treat… bah! Anyway, I am fortunate to have had very good outcomes from the surgery:…
Different regimens
hi just had my 2nd cycle of phesgo with docetaxal I’m her2 positive and oestrogen positive - for 4 cycles of phesgo and then 4 of EC then surgery. Just wondered if anyone had been down the same path and what I can expect? So far cold cap not saved my hair but been advised to keep going as helps regrowth?
HER2-Positive Brain Mets Respond to Enhertu
HER2-Positive Brain Mets Respond to Enhertu September 12, 2014 The targeted therapy Enhertu (chemical name: fam-trastuzumab-deruxtecan-nxki) helped control areas of metastatic HER2-positive breast cancer in the brain, according to results from the DESTINY-Breast12 study presented on Sept. 13 at ESMO 2024. Read more…
10 years after BC diagnosis, I have mets in lung which are BC
Hi All My oncologist called this morning to confirm that the node in my lung is indeed breast cancer, it took them a few days to figure out but they knew it wasn't lung cancer. I'm so shocked. I had stage I, HER2+ breast cancer diagnosed 10 years ago and had a lumpectomy, lymph node removal (which was clear for cancer),…
Joint stiffness
My last chemotherapy treatment for her2 positive breast cancer was 12/12/23. Since then, I have had crazy bad bilateral joint stiffness (ankles, knees, hips, elbows, wrists). It is the worst at night when i move into a different position. Chemotherapy also catapulted me into menopause. Is my joint pain permanent or…
New here - First post - RIB PAIN
Hi everyone. First time posting so I’m not actually really sure what I’m doing. I just need someone to talk to. I’m 35 - I was DX in June last year. HER2+ only. Stage 3. SMX - full response to chemotherapy- PCR Ive been having pain in my Ribs on my left hand side ( same side as my cancer was ) since October. ( before…
Kadcyla Continues to Improve Survival in HER2-Positive Early-Stage Breast Cancer
Kadcyla Continues to Improve Survival in HER2-Positive Early-Stage Breast Cancer Dec 17, 2023 More than eight years of follow-up from the KATHERINE trial showed the continued survival benefits of Kadcyla over Herceptin for HER2-positive breast cancer with a high risk of recurrence. Read more…
Verzenio + fulvestrant increased OS in ER+/HER2+ MBC
I guess this could eventually mean a new first line for estrogen positive HER2+ patients. This was just a Phase 2 trial so I suppose there has to be a Phase 3 before it would become common in clinical use. Looks like they didn’t include Perjeta (pertuzumab) in this protocol, either. CONCLUSION: In this phase II trial,…
Stage IV ER+, PR- and HER2+
Hello, I was wondering if there are others who are also dealing with Stage IV breast cancer that is ER+ (2%), PR-, and HER2+ and has spread to their bones. Recently diagnosed earlier this year and completed six cycles of PACL(W)+PERT+TRAS and am currently receiving PERT+TRAS every three weeks. I'm interested in learning…
Anyone ER+ 1-10% weakly positive, PR- , HER2+?
Hello, Anyone is ER+ 1-10% weakly positive, PR-, HER2+ ? Do you take anti-hormone pills for ER+ 1-10% weakly positive ? thank you Applejj
Has anyone here had mixed ILC/IDC which is HER2-positive?
Just curious. I had ER- PR- HER2+++ with mixed ILC/IDC.