How do you control the fear of recurrence?
How does everyone cope with the fear of recurrence? I was diagnosed in dec 2019 at age 26 with triple negative IDC stage 2 grade 3. My cancer was tough and it put up a good fight, it was extremely aggressive but finally knocked it out with AC and had a complete response at time of surgery. All my treatment is below if you…
The Hermit Club
Hey all.....just got done reading a great thread under this topic about feeling like a hermit through this process, was wondering who else out there feels like cocooning themselves right now? I'm mid treatment with my chemo, and have basically isolated myself somewhat because I feel that all my energy is expended just…
Anyone in NYC/North NJ want to recommend their psych?
Please feel free to PM me if you don't feel comfortable posting here. I'm having a really hard time finding a psychiatrist who takes insurance and knows anything about BC drugs (specifically as pertains to interactions with antidepressants). My breast center lost their psych and hasn't replaced her. Thanks.
Pinktober Revolution
We support the efforts to bring awareness to breast cancer during the month of October, but we are frustrated by Pinking and Pinkwashing. Please, join us as we seek to improve knowledge re: breast cancer. Vision Statement:To bring full awareness of the reality of breast cancer to the general public; the surgeries, the…
How to forgive family/friends who disappeared during cancer....
Hello, I would love advice on how to forgive and move on in family/friend relationships. I was diag. with bc for the second time Oct. 5. Had a double mastec. 10/26 and am having the expander reconstr. now. It was such a shock to have bc a second time when I was nearly to my 5 yr. mark! It is amazing to me that friends I…
PTSD and fear
Hi there: I just had my checkup at the cancer clinic - it’s been almost three years since my second diagnosis. Just a few weeks ago, I was told I had definite symptoms of PTSD caused by breast cancer trauma too by a local psychotherapist. I am now enrolled in a trauma group for PTSD which starts in a few weeks. Since my…
Physical aging appearance
Has anyone had physical aging appearance on their face since their DX? Can all this age us prematurely....stress, treatment, meds? Any anti-aging remedies out there that can help? Jan
Managing the Emotions of a Cancer Diagnosis
From first hearing the words "you have cancer" through treatment and post-treatment, it is not uncommon to feel anxious, angry, afraid, numb, confused, or depressed. Accepting the diagnosis and figuring out what cancer will mean in your life is challenging, and adjusting to the emotions takes time. Breastcancer.org…
The Pink is a Liar! Fight Pinkwashing Using Social Media
We all HATE the way Breast Cancer is prostituted for profit. We have had enough of the breastploitation of an incurable disease that affects men and women. Breast cancer is treated as a joke by those unaffected. We know living with BC at any stage is so, so very hard. We live with the fear that dying from Metastatic BC is…
Great saying about depression
My husband came to me one day and had found a quote on depression that really hit home for me, and I hope it helps all of you. "Depression is not a sign of weakness. It's a sign you've been strong for too long." Since this is a large forum, many of you may already have heard this. Although I'm still on the path out of…