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CMF Question



  • ritajean
    ritajean Posts: 4,042
    edited July 2008

    HI gals!

    I'm back from the "south."  I've been in Tennesee trying to help my Dad out some over the holiday weekend.  We wallpapered, painted, and cleaned!  My son and his family came in also from Kentucky so we took plenty of work breaks to play with the little grandsons, eat good food, and see the fireworks.  I guess it was a working holiday but we got alot accomplished, which brings a sense of satisfaction.  I hope all of you had a good holiday.

    Annie's back!  How we've missed you!  I'm so glad that you had a good time.  Just think....Wednesday is just around the corner and then NO MORE CHEMO!  We're really going to celebrate that one!!!!

    Julie from Chicago.... I am from Bloomington, IL.  I think you will find the CMF treatments much easier than the last ones you did.  As the gals have told you, you probably won't lose all your hair.  It will thin but it returns quickly.  I did the 6 CMF IV treatments...three weeks apart...and it was very tolerable.  I had a few rough days and some fatigue, but you can do it!  It was usually my third or fourth day that was my worst.  Then I had very few side effects until it was time to go back for the next one.  There is also a thread under HELP ME MAKE IT THROUGH TREATMENTS that I started for Illinois gals who are dealing with breast cancer.  I post on both sites.  You might also want to check out this thread as there are several gals from the Chicago area on it and we do meet for lunch, etc.  We converged on Starved Rock a few weekends ago and you might get the chance for some actual "face to face contact" with some of the gals on the Illinois site.  Please come back to this site often as CMF is quite different from the other chemos....which is why this thread was started in the first place.  I think you will do just fine with the CMF regiment and am so sorry that you have to make this journey again.  Carol should be our poster gal for CMF.  She breezed through the treatments! 

     My best advice to you is to drink plenty of water after your treatments and to eat ice chips or something cold when doing the IV infusions if you have them to ward off the mouth sore.  You might also want to purchase some Biotene Mouth Wash and Toothpaste to use.  It can be purchased at Wally World.

     Ginny...gee!  You had quite the ordeal with that MRI machine, didn't you?  Just what I'm sure you needed!  Please let us know your results.  I'm thinking about you sending prayers and good vibes to you.

    Harley...always good to hear from you. 

    Jill..hope you're getting some relief from the heat.

    Julie....have you figured out how to PM yet?  We do not post personal info on this site as it is not secure.  However, I have compiled a list of everyone's personal information that I email out so we can keep in touch more easily.  If you'd like to PM me your real name, address, phone number, birthday, date of diagnosis, and email address, I will pass on your info to the other gals on this site and send you a copy of all our contact information, too.  I have a few updates that I still need to add to the liast anyway!

    Well, I'm off to get things unpacked and start that laundry!  Catch you all later.


  • 3ofus
    3ofus Posts: 201
    edited July 2008

    Annie, I'm so glad you had a wonderful time away with your dh and daughters.  With one more treatment to go on Wednesday---amazing girl!  You have done so well and I know you are an inspiration to many. All the best on Wednesday---a big "whoohoo" for you!

    Julie, sorry to hear you are facing this challenge again.  Good news is that they have caught it early and are offering you a "doable" treatment.  Lots of support here.  You have already got great advice and as you go along, any questions, please ask and we will be happy to help you the best we can. The loss of hair depends on how much you have to start with.  It sounds like your hair is thin---don't worry there are other ladies hear with thin hair and they did not go bald!  We keep our eye brows, eye lashes... which is also a blessing. I kept my hair long for awhile, and then towards the end of treatment it was vey thin, so I got it cut.  I actually loved that short hair cut.  Because it was thin, it held the cut so well (I actually miss that cut---my hair has all grown back now).  So don't worry about this aspect.

    Rita, sounds like you had a "blast" (hee hee).  Glad your trip away to visit family was wonderful.

    Carol, I hope you are sailing through rads!

    Harley,  take care hon.

    I am hoping for some good results (mri) maybe by the end of this week.  The waiting and the unknow always stinks.  Thank God for that beautiful sunshine outside and the garden (think I will try and concentrate on that).

    Take care,


  • Annabella58
    Annabella58 Posts: 916
    edited July 2008

     Hi girls!  Thanks for the nice welcome back!  It means alot to me.

    Ginny, I can see your pic now, thanks!  How pretty you are!  Great hair!

    Thanks for the vote of confidence on Wed. too, I will be so happy to end this stage, I must say.

    Having been thru MRI, Ginny, if there were bad results, you'd already have had a phone call.  It'd be waiting on your machine when you got home already, or they talk to you then and there, so that means it must be good.  I know how stressful this is, it is one of Dante's seven circle of hell, isn't it.

    I will send lots of prayers and white light and ask St. Michael to protect you. 

    love to you!  (love to everyone, Carol, hope rads is as easy for you as it was for me.)  Knowing you, you'll make it so with your wonderful positive attitude.

    Harley, Rita, how are you guys?  Julie, hope you found the other thread.  I can't help you with the oral CMF part, I only had the drip.  Someone will chime in who had the oral pills, or you can try another chemo thread?  CMF is MUCH easier regime, even tho I am both dreading tomorrow (I'm tired of it) and actually cannot wait to do it to be DONE.

    And this will be you as well!!  I know right now it just feels insurmountable, but it is quite doable, you'll even manage to forget about it in between, as life goes on much as usual.  Lots of hair shedding, and that's a little freakout, but then it mellows out, and it seems normal, as your hair will still be there and you might not even notice the thinning.

    Take care all, beautiful warrior goddesses that you are!  I'll check back in tomorrow night most likely after THE LAST CHEMO WHOO HOO!  I never never could have made it thru without all of your support and info and help and love.  A big thank you to all of you guys, you made it OK for me.  You are wonderful and I love you all.



  • 3ofus
    3ofus Posts: 201
    edited July 2008

    Annie, thank you so much for your reassuring words re: mri.  That helped sooo much!  Also thank you so much for your prayers (St. Michael is a great warrior and I know he will help!)  I will also be praying for you as you have your LAST chemo!!!

    ((hugs)) and prayers,


  • Juliechicago
    Juliechicago Posts: 179
    edited July 2008

    Hi everyone,

    Thanks for your kind responses, both here and privately.  I will respond soon- just overwhelmed trying to prepare for this and last night, finally had to take a break from the computer. 

    I do have a question about dosing schedules. (Getting really annoyed- have left 3 message since Fri for onc nurse and have not heard back yet).  I've learned-- mostly thru reading thru posts here- that there are several different "schedules" offered and I think I'm leaning toward the all IV version. BUT- understand that there is a Day1/Day8 and 2 weeks rest version-- all this by IV--- OR a once every three weeks schedule- which is what I did with the A/C back in 00.  This would be my preference for the CMF also.  I live over an hour away from the hospital (have gone back to same onc- but I have moved since experience in 00)  and work even farther away.  Going back and forth for a day1/day8 thing, blood draws,  plus the gas (!) will be hard.

    Could anyone elaborate on why one schedule might be better or worse than another?  Do you receive more C in one vs. another?   Is one considered dose dense?  I'm really not interested in that-- I have two small children, and need to somehow manage to keep working-- so I really feel I need that longer recovery time in btw.   I've heard some talk of one schedule causing more hair loss than the other-- but also claims that this is anecdotal- that it has more to do with the total amount of C. 

    I'm going to be going through 3 months of this instead of 6. Can I expect less hair loss perhaps then-- or about that same. 

    What about fingernails-- should I keep them free of polish? Toenails?

    See- I thought I only had one question.  Sorry!   I'm so glad I found you though-- I'm humbled by your strength and touched by how kind everyone has been already.

    Mentally- not doing so well.  Losing so much weight from the stress that I literally had to hold my pants up at work yesterday. Everyone talks about this being "doable"-- but I'm it's not the fear of the unknown here- for me it's the fear of the known. The A/C was barely doable- but at least I wasn't working then. I'm having a hard time seeing how I will get through this. (And them culminating in the mast surgery in late Sept which I have barely started to make peace with. Have put in on the shelf for a bit- can only handle so much at once.)

    Best get back to work....sincere thanks again to everyone....


  • golfer779
    golfer779 Posts: 410
    edited July 2008


    Julie, wish I could be more informative about the different doses of CMF.  It sure would be nice if your onc would get back to you so a few of your questions could be answered.

    Again I am only familiar with the oral version, and it did require 2 visits a month to the onc's office.  I was not required to go in more often than that, as my blood draw was on the day of infusions.  I must reiterate that atleast for myself it was "REALLY" very easy to get through.  I did not miss work at all, fatigue was not much of a factor, I continued to exercise and drank water like a fish.

    My nails never had any issues, did swish with biotene during the first couple months, chomped on ice at infusions and had no problems with mouth sores.

    I have communicated over the last few months with many ladies that where on AC/ TC etc, regimens and I'd feel confident in saying that you should be pleasantly surprised at how much easier CMF is than what you experienced with your AC.

    Annie, are we starting to do the happy dance yet?   Whoooo Hooooo for tomorrow gal, the light is getting very bright at the end of the tunnel.

    Ginny, sending positive mojo your way for some great news on your MRI!!!

    Rita, sounds like your working/holiday went well.  Glad you got in some grandkid time.

    Harley and Jill, thinking of you as well, hoping that life is good!

    Back to work, Carol

  • Juliechicago
    Juliechicago Posts: 179
    edited July 2008


    (Again-- so sorry)

    Just heard from my Onc-- He does want me to go on the Day 1/Day 8 IV schedule and then two weeks off.    He said there would be less hair loss-- this does not make a lot of sense to me and the C will be in my system most constantly.    If I do this by IV every three weeks, then I get it over more quickly and will be in better shape for my surgery in late Sept. (I don't know if 2 weeks is going to give me enough time to be in shape to go through major surgery and I don't want to get infections! 

    Does anyone have any knowledge of this or could respond to it?

    Could anyone tell me how their hair held up through 6 infusions?

    And how were you after each one-- it just seems that is so much more travel and down time this way.....

    help?   I'm about to have a nervous breakdown.................

  • socallisa
    socallisa Posts: 10,184
    edited July 2008

    Hi there Julie..

    I had six months of the CMF...Day 1/Day 8 two weeks off...I did have hair loss but not all of it..maybe about half..I did have to have the neupogen shots for white blood cells..and I did end up  having a mastectomy  a week after I finished..I had had a lump before but then they found another tumor they had missed...When I went to preop for the mast, my WBC count was too low so I had another neupogen shot at that point. two nights before...the morning of the op, I was good to go..but I must say I was pretty weak...

    I admit I haven't gone back to see all the info, but this was my experience in 2001 

  • Annabella58
    Annabella58 Posts: 916
    edited July 2008

    Hi Julie, hope you are still lurking about....again, can't help with the pill part, but the all IV is very easy indeed.  Altho since you had such a reaction to steroids last time, please do mention that to your onc.  I am on a 3 week schedule, and like many, felt buzzed from the steroids in the drip the whole first night, very tired the next day (maybe a babysitter lined up for those days and pre make dinners for a few nights.) then sort of back to usual with a bit of tireds (time for videos for the kids) the next few days.  I am not sure of your kids' ages, but perhaps recruit some buddies to drive to activities, etc.   Now is the time to accept help and call in the troops if you have them about. 

    Felt my worst day three or four, like rita, but I never vomited, or even felt nauseous, only once and it felt like mild morning sickness.  I never have had to resort to the anti nausea pills yet.  They put Aloxi in my drip to counteract nausea.  Most problemlatic has been the tired second day and the heartburn (prilosec works like a charm on this, ask your onc, yes, you can take it concurrently and yes, you can take it for just a week or so)  The box says only once ev. 4 months, but not in our cases!  We get exceptions :).

    My hair has now had 7 infusions, and it will be 8 tomorrow.  That was my biggest fear, seems silly now.  I actually bought a wig!  I did have a humoungous shed fest after #4, but it never seemed noticeably thinner.  I even bought some scalp concealer cream on QVC.....but you will not need any of this, just perhaps a shorter hairdo or something.  Once I got used to brushing out loose hair in the AMs, and sweeping it off the floor and realizing it did not make much of a difference to the look of it I relaxed.  There are tiny wiglets you can buy too.  Everybody knows all this stuff on here and will help you and give you great advice.

    As to the mastectomy after, I had one 6 weeks before, mine was skin sparing type with immediate reconstruct and it was a nasty recovery as I had lat flap procedure (prev. irradiated boob) so I had to deal with post surgical pain and stuff along with chemo.  I think you're wise to do it after if they are OK with that.  It's truly not that big a deal, just a chunk of fat on your chest, not your spirit, not your person, not your femininity.  None of this will change.

    You are going to find that this type of chemo is quite doable and will not interfere too much with your life.  Yeah, you may want to pace yourself, but you can prob. do your job.  It might be helpful to cook ahead on weekends, or just get pre cooked stuff on the way home, it's not the time for you to worry about a clean house, entertaining, etc.  But it's not as they said to me in the chemo room "your grandma's chemo".  They tailor it to you and how you react, etc.  Much easier.

    We have all done this, you'll be fine (and cancer free!) And if you so choose to reconstruct, I can attest that you'll be the same you were before, but much uh "perkier" can also put that part off as long as you want, or you may find it doesn't even matter to you anymore.  Everybody's different.  Some of us are AOK with leaving it alone.  Whatever you decide to do is up to you and you alone.

    Oh sorry, I just saw the after infusion question....I was perfectly fine after, could have driven myself.  In fact, was so buzzed on the steroids they put in the drip, I was practically pulling tractors with my teeth.  It was the next two days that I needed some help.  Perhaps you could go part time on those days or work from home?  I have found that planning ahead really really helped me.

    I managed to get my daughter into college in the middle of all this, I even pulled off christmas post surgically (all on mailorder by computer) Carol is raising a teenage son and managed to get him a license along with full time work and training (yes, believe it) for the marathon walk for BC.

    Rita maintained a full and busy life, even bowling with her league I believe.  Others have the same tales to tell, on occasion someone will have a harder time, but it seems to be the exception.

    I had a neupogen shot once, no side effects, no big deal, it was bec. I was post surgical and they were being careful.  Otherwise, nothing, no low counts, been fine.

    Everyone here will help you, it is overwhelming, I know, but one thing at a time and you can do it.

    Best of luck to you, I will pray for you.  If you have a nervous breakdown we will all pick you up.  but you won't honey.  It just feels that way.  Once you get past the first chemo and post on here everyone will help you every step of the way.  You aren't alone and these are some of the nicest, kindest ladies I have ever met in my life.



    p.s. Post mastectomy you will need help driving!  About 6 weeks.  Come here and we'll get you thru it. 


  • socallisa
    socallisa Posts: 10,184
    edited July 2008

    Oh, I forgot to mention I had the cytoxan pill days 1-14...

    They want you to drink lots of water with that!!!

     And the M and F in the IVs..

  • Harley44
    Harley44 Posts: 2,126
    edited July 2008

    Hi everyone,

    I am having an endometrial biopsy today at 2:00pm.  Seems my trans vaginal u/s showed that my endometrial stripe is getting THICK!  Oh My!  

    I'm pretty scared, because the word biopsy strikes terror in my heart!  I could use some words of encouragement, and prayers please.


  • 3ofus
    3ofus Posts: 201
    edited July 2008

    Sending prayers to you Harley. Hope you get good results really soon!


  • Harley44
    Harley44 Posts: 2,126
    edited July 2008


    Thanks!  Prayers work!  God listens, and I know HE will get me through this!  

    The test sounds pretty painful, though.  I have been so twisted up about this, I was even feeling kind of crampy, like you get right before your period.  I thought WTH?


    I left you a message on your cell this morning, hon.  Just wanted to send you lots of hugs and positive vibes for your FINAL chemo!!  YEA!  Congratulations, girl! 

    Love ya, 


  • ritajean
    ritajean Posts: 4,042
    edited July 2008

    Hi gals!

    Harley..hugs, honey and lots of prayers for you.  I completely understand the PANIC that's associated with a biopsy.  Hang in there.  Please let us know the results as soon as you get them.

    Annie, Annie, Annie.....By now #8 is probably done and over!  You did it!  YEAH!!!!  A chemo grad!  We're hoping for no side effects with this last one.  It's been a long haul, and I think that's the worst part about CMF chemo.  It takes a longer time span to complete!  Congratoulations are in order!  Now...what is next?  Do you have to have rads, take any meds, or are you just done with it all? ARE the rads going?

     Julie...I think everyone has pretty much answered your questions.  I had no problems with my nails at all.  I kept my hair long and most people didn't even realize that I'd lost some of it.  I used the Nioxin hair products the entire time and I think they helped to maintain my hair's body.  You might want to check them out.  I think you will probably be able to continue working.  I was quite active.  I had the IV infusions every three weeks.  I had my infusions on Friday so that I was feeling pretty good again by Monday and could go right on with my life.  In fact, I discovered that I did better if I tried to maintain my usual schedule rather than being a couch potato.  I had to have one neulasta shot to build back up my white blood cells.  I stewed and worried about that shot for days and even tried to get out of having it but had no reaction of any kind to it.  I even had extra stress during my treatments as my Mom died right in the midst of them and I still got through the infusions pretty well.  You can do this, hon!   I'm also glad that you found the Illinois site.  Some of those gals try to get together at least once a month and it's so good to be actually able to sit across from somebody who's "been there and done that."   And as for the effectiveness of the CMF treatments, our own SoCalLisa is a prime example that they do work!  You will do just fine!

    I need to scour up something for to all of you.


  • Juliechicago
    Juliechicago Posts: 179
    edited July 2008


    It's the newest resident pest....

    Sorry for the frantic messages-- I had a lot to try and figure out in a short period of time. 

    As referenced in earlier notices- I was pretty frustrated by some conflicting info I had received from my onc and felt very much like I was being rushed into this without time to do my usual research. I'm one of the types that test doctors' patience-- I need to understand and thus research the poop out of things.   After reading here and in other sources about four different possible CMF schedules, I inquired about the all IV, once every 3 weeks.  I live an hour and half away from the treatment center and am going to attempt to work through this.... I thought this might be more manageable travel/gas/and managing side effects-wise.  Plus, on a 21 day cycle, I will finish up earlier than on the 28 day cycle and have a bit more time to recover in time for surgery.  I even found studies that found one protocol only slightly less or better than another and felt comfortable with my choice. Surely if other oncs around the country are recommending this protocol, it must be effective?!    So I was a bit taken aback when I was kind of severely informed by the nurse that I shouldn't be questioning my onc's choice- that if he thought the 21 day cycle was acceptable, he would have recommended it.  AND-- he says to tell you that there is less hair loss with the 28 day cycle and isn't that what you want anyhow?  Waaaiitt  a minute.  That just didn't make sense to me.  I have a cousin in Quebec with a doctorate in pharmacology who has done a lot of work with cancer drugs and called her last night regarding the last statement.  She has access to quite a few databases and studies that I don't and she got back to me this am.  While it hard to measure hair loss as much of it depends on an individual's personal physiology-- if you are going strictly by the numbers, the 28 day cycle (infusions on day 1/day8) actually puts more of the "C" in your system and thus potentially could cause more hair loss.  I guess I felt a bit like he thought I was not that bright??  Not sure about that, but it sure didn't sit well.

    Anyway-- long story short- I sent a letter to my onc and his nurse this am very politely explaining that I would prefer the 21 day cycle and that if I was to have any faith in what I'm about to do, it needed to be my choice.  Much to my surprise, I received a call back-- get this-- he understands and agrees.   Wow.

    So-- need to gather the troops a bit....I start Friday and am anxious/teary...I know I sound like a broken record. Tomorrow is my birthday. I turn 42. I don't even want to acknowledge it.  There is a present I want: a magic remote control.  I wish I could hit the fast forward button......

    thanks---again--- for letting me rant.....


  • ritajean
    ritajean Posts: 4,042
    edited July 2008

    Julie...will you be doing  6 infusion then?  For some reason, I am thinking that you are doing only half of the regulation dosage...maybe 3 and I was wondering (if I am right) why you are shortening the dosage amount.  I did four of my treatments and then broke for radiation but then I had to come back and do the last remaining 2 infusions.  I sure hated to come back and do them but was told that the effective CMF protocol was 6 infusions.


  • golfer779
    golfer779 Posts: 410
    edited July 2008

    Julie, again my two cents worth, and I'm sorry if I have misunderstood your last few posts, but if you are scheduled to have a mastectomy my September, I just wanted you to know that I too had a mast. and never having any surgery in my life I had expected the worse.  I must say I was very surprised at the relatively little pain that was involved with the surgery.  I spent one night in the hospital, and left the next day and never needed to take the pain pills prescribed, ibuprofen worked just fine.  I am definitely not a super woman, and don't enjoy being in any pain, but it literally wasn't that bad.  Having my node dissection a month later (where they removed 34 lymph nodes) was much worse.   

     Anyway, with all your worries, I just wanted you to know that the mast surg was again "more than tolerable"!!!

     Annie, YEAH, time to do the happy dance (I'll be in touch)!!!!

    Off to eat dinner, hitting it kinda late tonight!


  • Annabella58
    Annabella58 Posts: 916
    edited July 2008

     Hi all:

     Pretty nasty side effects tonight, steroids buzzing and hard to breathe, almost feels like I am so full of water that I am having to "make an effort" to breathe.  This happened once before but s ince my heart is great, my blood pressure too, and I do have asthma, I think it's the edema again, brought on by the three hour drive to seashore and frankly, overdoing it on vacation in terms of activity.  I can breathe, not asthma, but it's like the first time which was nothing at all.  It'll pass I guess.  If I dont' think about it too much, it's OK.  Gonna try some stretches since I am up :).

    The good news is: IM DONE.  And I'll pop on in a day or so.

    Julie, my tough recovery was due to lap flap procedure, it's not be be undertaken lightly, it's a bitch of a recovery.  On the other hand, I do know ladies who sailed thru it.  They can really help you out on the reconstruction site alot.

    your birthday gift is your life, sweetie.  And the giant blessing that they found it in plenty of time!!!  Put your head into that; you don't realize, but your posts already show a fighting spirit!  Also, get your mad on.....this sucks, get pissed and take no  prisoners in this battle.  You will win, make no mistake, and woe betide anyone who gets in your way.  you can join our band of Vallkyries, warrior goddesses all.

    Go to war, girl.  And a very happy and strong and choosing to live and thrive happy birthday to you!!!!Cool

    Your letter to your onc sounds very well thought out.  He'd not have agreed with you if there was risk to you.  I am assuming that the other regime is perhaps a bit more stringent and would have been his preference.  I had a low type of cancer and no nodes, but a second occurrence, so radiation which I'd had before was out, Tamoxifen which I'd had before was out.  Otherwise, nothing left but chemo.  So therefore he was fine with the lesser type, tho if you can believe this one, he said "get the AZT, it's over faster".  No way!

    And here is the up side of the mastectomy..........perhaps since he knows you will be getting one, this other regime can be done in that case?  You won!  Yay for you!  Remember, its only a chunk of fat, and if it matters to you, can be put back good as new (better actually).

    Thank you all for getting me thru, I love all of you, and am so thankful for you.  I will pop on day after tomorrow when I come back from la la land.  Sorry  so incoherent.

    love to all

    Annie p.s. Harley, thank you for that very sweet call.  Hubby got me balloons and roses but I was too out of it to appreciate.  Still, done is done, right?


  • Annabella58
    Annabella58 Posts: 916
    edited July 2008

    sorry, didn't answer questions from buddies!

    Rita, I will have to be "fast forwarded" to menopause, and Carol, you will be interested to know he is completely OK with doing it laparascopoly.. Yahoo!  oopherectomy and hysterectomy here I come.  yank that damn plumbing.  then Arimidex after that.  Good news is no rush here.

    and yeah, I was told CMF treatments are also exactly the same effectiveness in the long term.

    I think it depends on tumor prognosis and if they want to "hit it hard" and fast or not.

    Thanks so much for the congrats and caring....I am so sorry you lost your mom during your treatment.  You are one very brave lady.  My heart goes out to you.  (                         ) big cyber hug.

    Harley I had one.  Hurts like a son of a gun but it's done quick.  you do spot a bit for about a week so don't freak.  Also, the incidence of endometrium cancer from related cancers and tamoxifen treatment is only about 1%.  Sounds like beginning menopausal changes, but they always check.  Knowledge is power.  However, having had one of those fun things, I feel for you. OUCH.

    Carol, how's the rads, hon?



  • golfer779
    golfer779 Posts: 410
    edited July 2008

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Annie, give it just a little more time gal, and you'll have plenty of time to celebrate being done with your treatment.  Great gesture from your dh to share roses with you.  Leave it to you to lend your ear and thoughts to Julie even when your not on top of your game. 

    Harley, hoping that your procedure yesterday was not too painful and brings you some results that can put your mind at ease.

    Lisa, kinda interesting that so few have done the Cytoxan pills orally.  I was pretty lucky to not have had any real issues as well with that regimen.  Thank you for popping in to share your story with us newbies, I love to hear of the success stories.

    Rita, assuming your hitting the links when you can.  My dh asked last night if I want to golf Sat morning, although I've been spending so much time with my training walks, I thought it would be best to do something together this weekend so we'll be hitting 18 Sat and I'll be walking 16 miles on Sun. 

    Thanks to all of you for asking about my rads.  As of Monday #10, I thought this is going to be a breeze.  Well yesterday afternoon #13 as I was sitting at work, my chest area began to itch a bit.  I went into the restroom with my Aquaphor, and wow, the pink had set in.  I'll be hitting the aloe and Aquaphor big time.  So needless to say, I'm not looking forward to the next twenty two txts.  But just as with chemo, we'll take er' one day at a time.

    Need to motivate, have a 7:30 rad appt and then off to work. 

    Be well my friends, Carol

  • Annabella58
    Annabella58 Posts: 916
    edited July 2008

    Hi Carol, just cruising and thought I'd give ya a good news on the rads front.

    I did the same, (pinked up, your coloring is similar to mine) and all that happens is act like it's a sunburn and care for it the same way.. Use a lukwarm gentle rinse on the area, no soap ever, and like you have planned, plenty of aloe and moisturizer.

    If it blisters, (sometimes it does) don't worry too much, they just stick you on an antibiotic for a week or so.  In many cases they put a stop to the radiation for a little bit.  It won't affect the outcome.

    I know this is a long one, but you'll be OK.  Prayers going out to you, kiddo!

    I had to know me quite well already, I am in the "why don't I feel great, gotta get going already" mode.

    You have fun with golf and use a 70 sunscreen or even a zinc oxide one.  You'll be super sun sensitive and this continues for a few months after too, so hats, etc. are in order.  I bought a UV blocking ray umbrella that we took everywhere, worked great.

    You could also stay just a nice "pink" with nothing else.....I did.  Think of it as a "rosy glow" :)

    love to you


  • Annabella58
    Annabella58 Posts: 916
    edited July 2008

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY JULIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You will give your family the gift of your recovery and what better motivation is that?  Think of this treatment as insurance for many, many birthdays to come!

    Go girl!  have a nice day, prayers going out to you to be protected tomorrow.  It'll be OK.



  • golfer779
    golfer779 Posts: 410
    edited July 2008

    Julie, I'm hoping that today is a new day for you and that your feeling up to celebrating your birthday, if just a little bit!  Thinking of you on "your" special day, and ditto to Annie's last comment.  


  • Harley44
    Harley44 Posts: 2,126
    edited July 2008


    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!  best wishes for MANY MANY more happy and healthy years!


    CONGRATULATIONS on being finished chemo!!  YEA!!  I don't know how you ladies do it, getting so many txs!  I 'only' got 4 tx of Taxotere and Cytoxan, my txs lasted 2 months, so it was over sooner! 


    Sorry your are having to deal with those rads!  You seem to be in pretty good spirits though.  I'm thinking of you, and hoping that the rest of the rads go easier, and the aloe & Aquaphor help to ease the pain.  I didn't get rads, but OUCH!, it sounds so painful!

    My biopsy didn't happen.  The gyn wants me to see a gyn onc... He SAID that he didn't "think" it was cancer, but what the heck is he thinking?  I was really upset, because when I made this gyn appt., I said that I was going to see him SPECIFICALLY for this biopsy!  

    This gyn onc is at the cancer center in Wilmington, and just the idea of having to see yet ANOTHER onc scares the BeJesus out of me! 

    A woman I work with told me today that she saw this same gyn and he was very nice...  She had ovarian cysts and she got a hysterectomy, and her regular gyn sent her to him.   

    I am going to see my onc's P.A. tomorrow, for my 6 month appt., so I will talk to her about all this, and see what she thinks.  I want to just get a hysterectomy, because I don't want to keep these parts which NEVER worked properly, and now I am worried that they are going to turn on me, or may already BE cancer, and then it will spread.. That scares me!  I am sure that I will have to wait MONTHS to get in to see this guy! 

    Thanks everyone for the prayers!

    Hugs to all,


  • ritajean
    ritajean Posts: 4,042
    edited July 2008

    Happy Birthday, Julie!   Celebrate!  Hope you have a special day!  Sending good vibes for tomorrow as yiou face infusion #1.  You go get 'em!  You can do it!  I'm anxious to hear about how easy it was so please post as soon as possible and keep us updated.

    Harley...let's hope that you get lucky and get right in to see this new onc.  I am sure that your regular onc is just being extra careful.  I think that accompanies the word "cancer"....a complete check up for every little ache and pain that we have and would have previously considered as "nothing."  Knowing this doesn't ever take that fear away, but it sometimes help to get us through the tests, etc.  It's like Annie told Ginny, if they really thought this was cancer, they'd already have an appointment scheduled for you this week yet.  Hang in there, hon!

    Carol, I never used the Aquaphor.  I was given Biafine and it worked wonders.  I never even got pink.  If you can't get relief from what they give you, you might want to ask about the Biafine.  There are also some type of gel pads that several of the gals have used that you might want to check out.   Have a great golf game this weekend. 

    Annie, what a doll you are......reaching out to Julie when you're still under the weather yourself.  See why we missed you when you were gone?  And just mo' chemo!!!! 

     Hi Jill and Lisa.  I hope you both are doing well and think of you often.

  • Harley44
    Harley44 Posts: 2,126
    edited July 2008

    Thanks Rita!  You are so sweet!  I just don't think that the receptionist at my primary care dr's office is going to be in a real rush to get my referral for yet another specialist.  She is the one who is always so nasty to me!  I don't think that they do anything fast there.

    But, since I will see my onc's P.A. tomorrow, I'll show her the ultrasound report and ask her to see if she can get me an appt for this gyn onc ASAP!  I have learned that when a dr. calls another dr., they usually listen and they act quickly to make things happen.  She will then have to have someone call my primary care drs. office to get the referral put through ASAP, too!   I told that gyn yesterday that I didn't want to wait forever for another dr. appt., and he said that if I had any problems, to call his office, and they would get me in sooner.  But maybe one onc to another will get things done faster.

    I'll let you know what happens tomorrow.



  • 3ofus
    3ofus Posts: 201
    edited July 2008

    Woohoo Annie!  Your doneCool Hope you are starting to feel much better now!

    Happy Birthday Julie!  Just my 2 cents re: cmf schedule.  I started with the day 1/8 with the oral cytoxan for 2 months.  Had to change to the every 3 weeks all infusions (my tummy couldn't handle the oral c)  The every 3 week schedule with all infusions went much better for me.  You get a nice break in between and gives your bod a chance to recoup.  The "chemo vacations" feel like back to normal---so you get a nice break! Everyone is different and some ladies here sailed through the oral c.  Hope you get this all settled and feel better about it.  We all did it and so can you!Wink

    Harley---hope it all works out well for you!  Hang in there!

    Carol, I got "pink" after 10 days, but it never got any worse.  The hydrocortisone cream might help with the itch.

    Hi Rita, my dh and I are just booking flights to Chicago for his September trade show.  Maybe we could meet for tea or lunch?

    Still haven't got my mri results---but like Annie said, hopefully that is good news ( I hope in Canada we work the same way?)

    Take care everyone,


  • luvmyself
    luvmyself Posts: 58
    edited July 2008

    Hi Ladies,

    Julie- HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! . A good friend of mine always celebrates her birthday by doing something special. Since I turned 40, I really didn't think to much about celebrating mine. The other day she mentioned that I will be having a birthday next month and we should have a big party, I said why do you make such a big deal about your birthday and she said we are not only celebrating our birth day but also looking back on the year and all we have accomplished and been though. It really made me think.  So, next month, all of you are invited to my birthday party!!  IWill be thinking of you tomorrow. Celebrate Julie Smile

    Carol- Hang in there with Rads.  I was very lucky and did not have the sunburn reaction until after I was done.  I used fresh aloe vera and it releaved the itchy feeling.

    Annie-  Congrats- No more Chemo!!  Hopefully the SE will pass soon.

     Harley-  Will be thinking of you tomorrow.  Hope your appointment goes well.

    Rita- Thanks for thinking of me.  I've been super busy at work and been working in the garden when I get home.

     Monday I have a 6:30am appointment for my first bone scan.  Kinda scared, never had one before.

    Take to you soon!


  • ritajean
    ritajean Posts: 4,042
    edited July 2008

    Jill....I know that scary feeling about the bone scan.  We'll all be there in spirit with you and hoping beyond hope that all will be good.  Hang in there!

    Any results yet on your MRI, Ginny?  When you get your Chicago plans finalized, let me know the dates you will be there.  I live in the center of the state so it's about a 3 hour drive for me to the loop.  I don't like to drive in the city by myself but I would consider taking the train up and grabbing a cab.  I'd love to see you!

    Carol, if the burn cream that they gave you doesn't seem to be working, ask about getting some Biafine.  That's what I was given and I didn't burn at all.  Also, they have gel pads they can give you to help with the burns.

    Hi's it going today?  You're one more day closer to NO MORE SIDE EFFECTS! 

    Harley, keep us informed on what's happening with your appointments.  GEEZ!  There's always something, isn't there?

    SoCal Lisa....did you take Arimidex?  I'm having trouble with pain in my left foot again.  I had it earlier and one of the gals told me to take magnesium and vitamin D3, which I did.  That seemed to work wonders.  Now it's back again and I'm hobbling around like an 80 year-old lady.  I'm still taking the magnesium and D3.  I guess I'll give it another week and if it's still hurting I will go see the onc and decide what I want to do next.  I do not want to get off this drug if at all possible because it's been pretty effective at keeping the cancer at bay for so many people.  Was it tamoxifen that you took, Annie?  I'm assuming you were pre-menopausal and I'm definitely post.

    Well, I need to get going.  We are heading into Chicago bright and early in the morning for an afternoon Cubs game.  It's my son's birthday and we're celebrating in style!  So.....I have errands to run and things to do to get us ready for the weekend.  We'll stay the night and come back the next day.

    JulieB....hope you're feeling more at peace now as you start your chemo.  I'm thinking about you and sending good vibes your way.  Please let us know how your first one goes!

    Hugs to all of you.


  • Annabella58
    Annabella58 Posts: 916
    edited July 2008

    Hi everybody....just beginning to come out of the se's altho today is a day they tend to recur a bit...but I am done!!! Thank you all for all the good thoughts and congrats!

    Julie, here's to you, one down!  Happy birthday lady!

    Harley, I'm with Rita, BC now raises the red flag for the rest of your life.  It's the legacy it leaves behind.  such a pain in the butt, but what are you gonna do, best to just accept that they will always overreact forevermore, and if they do find something (they won't) well, you are ahead of the game.  I think we have to grow really tough skins.

    Speaking of tough skins, the radiology office just called me to set up the cat scan of my lung....scared the heck out of me.  I just told her I'd call her next week and that's that.  I am not ready to deal with this yet, it's really got me scared, despite everyone thinking it's nothing.  They said that about the MRI that found bc too, so I don't have my equilibrium back yet, clearly.  So much for my own thick skin, huh.  It may be that I am still feeling that it is too good to be true that I could be done, there must be another turn in the road, somehow.  Gotta get the old head out of that one!  it serves no purpose.

    Rita, I am sorry to hear about your foot hurting....good thing to discuss with onc., but it could be something unrelated to the arimidex also?  Maybe you re hurt an existing injury with your walk? Or doing something at your dad's?  Sometimes we bc gals attribute everything to bc related stuff, which is natural, but maybe it is unrelated and just a foot ouchy.  Here's hoping you feel better soon!

    Carol, good luck with the skin, let us know how it is going.

    Ginny, I am crossing my fingers on your MRI, but they sure called me back like a shot after mine showed something.  let us know the moment you hear, hon.  Prayers to you!

    Jill, haven't done the bone scan yet, so I can't relate, but I know they will be doing one in future.

    Hope you have a good strong result!  It may just be to get a baseline on you so they will be able to see in future how you are progressing.  Strength bearing exercises and Tai Chi and Pilaties can do away with the need for bone drugs, if you don't like the sound of those.

    Everybody stay well!  I am just going to try to believe that I am done and that the "monster in the closet" (the spectre of lung cancer) is just that.

    It's a sunny day here..............

    love to all
