CMF Question
Merry Christmas to all my beautiful Belles!
OMG Carol, I am howling...........I love that! I especially like that she is smiling. I just put a stick on tattoo wreath on my foob for hubby last night so I'll join you in laughing at this the power out of it, doesn't it. . If you can laugh at it, you win.
Merry christmas everyone and thank you so much for the lovely cards...I will treasure them all.
A healthy, happy, non boob related New Year! Love to everyone, I hope it is wonderful for all of you.
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Your snow woman is HILARIOUS! Thanks for posting that pic! I needed a laugh.
Merry Christmas everyone!!!
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Carol, I love your snow gal. She made my day. I am a little jealous of all of you who are having white Christmases. We just have some rain coming down. but it is not serious enough to dampen the Christmas sprit.
I wish you all a wonderful happy holiday (whichever you celebrate) with a new year of health, happiness and serenity. You have been my lifeline through this difficult time and I am so grateful to you for everything.
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Thought I'd fire off a quick Merry Christmas Eve while sitting here at work. We we're hoping for an early get off, but no such luck. Lucky me, the dispatch is off today so I'm sitting at her desk with a computer to surf.
Thankfully we're dining at the bil/sil place tonight, I've only got the spinach salad duty so no problemo with getting off at 2:00 and being there at 4:00.
We got about another 2" of snow this morning and are expected a bit more over the next two days before it changes to rain and the ugly melt.
I did receive a cool gift from DD #1, my first contribution to my 3Day/60Mile for next year. Now that's what I call Christmas !!!
May you all have a pleasant Christmas Eve shared with those you love.
All the best to my sister friends, Carol
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Merry Christmas to all of you! Enjoy this day matter where you are in your journey, and savor the "sharing of gifts, time, and love" that surrounds each of you every day, but especially on Christmas.
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Rita, RIGHT ON GAL !!!! Hope your all having a very Merry Christmas !!!
Hugs to all, Carol
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Merry Christmas Night ...
It's been one of the most relaxing, low-key Christmas days that I can remember. Woke this morning with 2 of our 3 kids snuggled into their beds. Got breakfast going, dd#1 and fiancé we're pulling into the driveway by 8am along with the fil. Spent a great morning in our jammies with the kids, and by 11:00 they we're off to carryon with the rest of their day. The dh and I relaxed in front of the fire til about 3:00, then entertained the sil/bil and had dd#1 and fiancé come back for a visit and a hot bowl of chili. Wow, its only 6pm and everything is cleaned up for the day and the dh and I are both sitting with our laptops, the dh looking for the "deal of the day" tomorrow to get his dad a flatscreen tv for his motorhome, and me chatting here. The wieners are all but tuckered out, racked out on the couch between us!!!
Tomorrow is our day to gear up for entertaining with 16 guests. I'll be hitting the seafood counter in the morning to buy the fixin's for a ginormous pot of seafood stew. Although it has taken a bit longer to get in the mood for the holidays, I seem to have jumped on-board and realized just how much I have to be thankful for this holiday season while surrounded by family and friends.
Hoping that you all had a pleasant day as well.
0 - glad you leaped into the holiday season finally! It takes time. It really took me 2 years before I got with the program so I think you're doing well. That seafood stew sounds wonderful!
We, too had a peaceful Christmas. I always miss my son and his family when they can't come but they will here later tonight and we'll celebrate tomorrow. I talked with my son on the phone yesterday and the little boys were so excited. As for us, we spent a very pleasant day with friends who were also alone for the day. I fixed a ham dinner with all the trimmings and we laughed, shared a couple bottles of wine, and played cards. It was quite nice!
Today I have errands to run before my "crew" pulls in. Our lane is still an ice-slick so I'm hoping that it melts some before this afternoon. Our electricity was out again early this morning but it's back now and I have my coffee to finally get me started.
I hope that everyone had a great Christmas. How did you gals do that had chemo right before? Hugs to all of you!
I'll check in later when the errands are done.
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Hi All.
First I hope that everyone had a wonderful Christmas/Hannuakh or whatever holidays you have celebrated.
Now on to ask my question. I feel as if I am the only one on CMF who has ever had any side effects or other problems.
Anyway, on December 23, I developed a 101.5 fever. Went to the onc and they put me on antibiotics even though my counts were OK. since I had bronchitis. Anyway, the bronchitis and coughing is pretty much non stop at this point. I am scheduled for a TX on December 30. Should I ask to postpone it? I feel as if it is all I can do to try to recuperate from this bronchitis without any chemo.
Have any of you been in that situation during their treatment and how did you handle it?
Thanks all.
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Mandy, You are not the only one who's had side-effects. Mine were more nausea and fatigue related. Everyone is different. I'm sure it didn't help that you developed bronchitis at this time but our immune systems are down from the chemo and it's very likely that we'll contract something during our journey.
If I were you, I would call my oncologist and tell him/her exactly what you posted here. They will know what is best for you concerning the upcoming treatment. Hang in there. You can do it. There is an end to this horrible feeling! It just takes time so take each day one at a time.
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Good evening ladies,
Well relaxing from all the Christmas ativities. We had my side of the family (25 people) at our house for Christmas dinner. It was chaotic but alot of fun!! After eating we all played games- scrabble, poker and the latest new craze corn hole(bean bag toss). Yestarday I took down all the decorations and cleaned house. Now I'm ready for the New Year to start. My oldest DH turns 21 on the 3rd of January and my mother and I are planning to take her to Laughlin, NV for the weekend. It should be lots of fun. I will be starting my newest TX on the 5th of january. Xeloda and Tykerb. 2 weeks on 1 week off, for 6 month's. Hoping for minimal SE's, but most of all hoping that this will be my last TX and it does magic on the HER2 cells.
Everyone have a Healthy, and safe NEW YEAR
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Hey Jill! So good to hear from you. I'm also hoping that you'll have no side effects from your latest treatment and that this will be your LAST! :-) I'm so glad that you had a nice Christmas!
Does everyone have exciting plans for New Year's Eve? We no longer go out on the town. Usually one of the golfing group hosts a party at their house. It's always fun a bit safer than bar hopping! LOL
I'll try to pop back on tomorrow.
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Hi All,
Thought I'd poke in tonight just to read ... I have spent ALL day working on my pic/scrapbook from the 3 Day walk. I had a ton of pics, along with all sorts of memorabilia, e-mails, cards etc. It turned out pretty cool ... who knows I may need to use it as an advertising tool to get a tentmate for next year. Although my dear friend Ginny is not going to walk next year, she had requested from her family donations on my behalf for her Christmas gift. What a lady ... I will miss so much not having her at my side for each of the 60 miles, but will know that she is close at heart.
So any takers on coming to Seattle to walk a mere 60 miles ????
Looks like those that have posted had enjoyable times with family over the holiday as we did as well. I'm totally wiped tonight and will save some shout outs til tomorrow ... shucks ... wish I was a teacher and had next week off !!!
A pleasant Sunday eve to you all , Carol
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Hi ladies..a belated Merry Christmas..
I had the crud going around for most of the festivities..but
today I had a nice peaceful walk..
Met this little one..
I wish you all a Happy New Year..
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Hi Ladies: I hope everyone ad a Very Good Holiday. I was not able to get on before the holidays. I had a rough day 3 & 4 (which of course was Christmas Eve & Day). By mid Christmas day I was feeling better. So I was able to go to my sil and celebrate w/the rest of the family. We had a nice day, just my heart was not in it. By Sat. I was feeling so much better and I was able to celebrate w/my family in NJ and see everyone. My mom looks really great!!! I was so surprised. It seems since the Dr. gave her the news that she can be in charge her outlook has changed. She begins her treatments on the 8th, and I just pray that she will be able to withstand the SE. But even if she can't I think she will be able to say she never gave up and I think to her that is what is most important. She is a lady that likes to be in charge!!! I am going today to the PS for another fill and I have scheduled my final reconstruction surgery of the 23rd of March. Hopefully all will go has planned. I have my 4 tx on Friday and then I am half way there. I hope that everyone has a nice week and I will get back on to wish all a Happy New Year!
Be Well,
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Oh Colleen, I am so sorry that you had a rough couple of days after your last treatment, but I'm glad that your Mom is looking so good. She must be a real trooper and fighter. I admire her. I will also pray that she can weather the side effects of the treatments.
Carol, I'd love to come to Seattle but I'd never make the 60 miles! I could do three miles without any trouble! LOL You amaze me!
Lisa, what a lovely picture. I love the reflections in the water. Hope you are feeling better now!
Mandy, I hope you're feeling better, too. Bronchitis is no fun under normal circumstances. I'm thinking of you.
Ginny, I'm getting worried. Please check in!
Let's all ring in the new year with good vibes for a healthy 2009. Maybe 2009 will be the year that somebody finds the cure for us.
Hugs to ALL of you!
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Hi All
Thanks for your good wishes. I spoke to the nurse practioner today and she wants me to postpone the chemo. She had seen me for the bronchitis and fever last Wednesday and thinks that I'd best get it under control before another tx. I had asked for January 2, but she is postpoining it until next Tuesday.
So I will rest up and do my best to get rid of this thing.
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Hi everyone.
quick post-- back at work and have much to do in a day- as I'm off for the remainder of the week. Christmas was a blur and my family room truly looks like Toys R Us threw up in there. And heh-- that was the start of Christmas dinner. We had a Christmas lunch at DH's sister's in Wheeling and left there at 4:30 to travel to Deerfield for Xmas dinner at my brother's in Deerfield. My 4 yr old daughter fell asleep in the car and about 50 ft from my brother's driveway, woke suddenly, coughed, and vomited (!!) all over herself, her Christmas dress, the car seat.... She's in hysterics. My 6 yr old son is screaming "there's throwup on me, there's throwup on me....!" I pull over, fly to the back of the car searching for a towel, anything. DH was following as he had to take his dad home first-- and comes to the rescue with his car towel. We basically limp to my brother's house and before I can say anything, Tim goes running in and announces to everyone "GUESS WHAT!!! ...." Fortunately, I had pjs packed for the trip home, so we got Beth into the bathroom, peeled off her clothes, cleaned her hair and face and threw everything and the car seat cover into the washing machine. Beth spent Xmas night in her pjs and was more comfortable for it! Half hour later she was running around with her cousin and snagging cheese from the snack table. I'm guessing it was just too much Xmas. I had definitely had too much Xmas at that point. And yes, I did have an extra glass of wine that night.....
I'm back in surgery tomorrow. Final cleanup (oh, it had better be, please) on the reconstruction. Loosening of scar tissue on the reconstructed side, maybe one size larger implant and then a revision to lift on the good side. I should be home that night. PS tells me no drains.
Am waaay behind on all the posts, but hope everyone is doing okay. I'll check in after tomorrow.
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Good luck with the surgery. Great way to begin the new year with the final reconstructions (fingers crossed).
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Mandy - Sorry to hear you got sick. You are best off postponing the treatment til it is kicked.
Carol - If Seattle wasn't so far from here, I'd be in for the walk.
Colleen - That stinks you had to be under the weather for Christmas eve and day.
I got thru round 4 today - 1/2 way there. The kids are home and although I feel pretty good, I'm not myself and my 10 year old thinks I'm mad all day. My next is on the 19th and I think I'm goning to push it back a day cuz it's Martin Luther King and they're off again.
Here is a question to the experts....Befroe every tX and then 10 days later or so I get finger blood prick. Test for the usual WBC, RBC, Neu, etc. Today before givin me the Aloxi/Decardon they pulled a full vile of blood. What are they testing for?
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Good Tuesday Morning,
Well we've made it through another Christmas, sounds like other than Lisa feeling kinda cruddy, and Julie's daughter having the urps all was well !!! Aahh shucks, sounds like Colleen was puney as well.
Jill, wow you all have quite the large gatherings. Hopefully you had some help (potluck?) with that large of a crowd. I'm assuming that you've heal up and hopefully are feeling pretty good. Your trip this weekend sounds like a blast ... ENJOY, you deserve it.
Scarp, I can't believe that your already 1/2 way through your txts. The light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter. My take with the 10 year old ... its hard to explain what your going through as you probably look the same to him. Although its great that we have kept our hair through txts, my take is that it would be easier for others (him) to see visually what your going through and that maybe you aren't your "normal" self. Heck there we're numerous people/coworkers that had no clue what I was going through. Kind of a catch-22, you don't want/need sympathy but you in the same respect do. Make sense ???
It seems to me that they did take a vile of blood at some point ... why ... beats me !!! After a while it seems like you just get used to being a pin cushion. How bout a quick call to the onc's office to ask?
Julie, thinking of you today, hoping that the "girls" are looking spiffy soon!
Mandy, I swear I didn't send the creepy crud your way. I'm thinking its a good idea to postpone txt for a few. Last thing you need is to be knocked down any more than you are.
Colleen, may your stocking be full of good health for next year. Sorry to hear that you we're feeling crummy over Christmas. So much for timing of this whole journey eh? Your mom sounds like she's quite the inspiration. Boy you and Scarp will be racing to the finish line with your txts. Hang in there ladies.
Rita, thank you for the touching card.
No bar hopping here for New Year's Eve. We're going to some friends, but will be home before midnight I'm sure. New Year's Day will be spent at my son's grandma's (I hate to say "ex" mil)! I'm about food/drinked out !!! Yikes ... forgot we're entertaining again Friday night. I guess I'm making up for being out of it last year. I brought in all the left over sweets from the house to work this morning. Can we say "hit the gym" !!!
Lisa, love the pic ... I have a very long drawn out Mallard Duck story ... with a happy ending !!! Thanks for sharing and glad to hear your feeling better.
Okay, probably should earn my paycheck ... its rather quiet work wise this week ... no complaints here.
Be well my friends, Carol
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Scarp, I never had the fingier pricks. I always had the full blood vials drawn before each treatment. That is a complete blood work-up. It gives mineral amounts, lipids, and just about everything. It is not a bad thing....just much more comprehensive so they can be sure that everything is at the proper levels.
Mandy, rest up so you're ready for that next treatment. You should have fewer side effects if you go into it "built back up."
It is so nice to look outside in Illinois and see grass instead of ice and snow! We're enjoying this temporary warmer weather.
My family is still here and it sounds like nap time is over! I'll catch you all later.
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Hi everyone,
I''m back from Surgery #3. Yikes--all since September. Hoping that I never have to type #4. Surgery was pushed from 7:30 am to 3 pm, so didn't get home until 9:30pm. Sore as hell and covered with weird bruises everywhere. But not taking any painkillers. Got sent home with some weird scrip for "Nor-- something" and didn't fill it. It hurts-- but nothing vicious, so I prefer to just deal with it. Besides, dh had to go to work and I've got the kids to manage-- so don't want to be impaired. (thank goodness for new Christmas movies....I don't like to use the tv as a babysitter, but I've explained several times to my son now that I'm just not up to playing Wii tennis!!)
I also came home with a drain--aaarrrgh!! PS told me there wouldn't be any-- so what the heck. Nurse could only tell me that there was "probably more bleeding than expected." It's on the "good" side where he adjusted the mastoplexy-- last time that one came out in 3 days, so I'm hoping for the same. I need to be back at work monday. Have an appt Friday to --hopefully- get it removed.
Dh is taking the kids out tonight- their cousins are in town and everyone is going bowling. So hope to relax tonight with a non kid friendly video and give this year a good kick in the a** good-bye.
thank you to everyone for your kind notes of support and I hope everyone in treatment is feeling back to normal soon....
-julie b
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Hi all I wanted to check in and wish everyone a Happy, Healthy New Year!!! Everyone has been so helpful on this long journey. When this all started in Sept. I thought I would be so alone and would not find people who understand what I was going through, but you all have been so helpful and understand everything thats going through my head. Thank You! Thank You!
I also have a vial of blood drawn every tx. I just assumed everyone did. My problem is not with my 10 yr old (boy). He has been pretty terrific. It is my 13 yr old (girl). I don't know if it is just the age or everything that is going on with me and my mom, but she has been horrible. She is so disrespectful. She is constantly talking back. She spends more time in her room being punished then she does anywhere else. Any suggestions?? Well I have my 4th tx on Friday and of course I am not looking forward to it since now I am feeling so much better, but I know that will be 4 down and 4 to to go.
Well Again, Here is to a Healthy, Happy 2009
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Julie glad you are home. Darn that drain! I can't imagine what caused the bruises and the puncture marks. That's really weird. You just rest up tonight and let that healing process start. Thinking of you! HUGS!
Colleen, I'm sending you a PM.
Everyone have a wonderful New Year. Thanks for all your friendship and support this past year. May 2009 be the year of the CURE and may it find all of us healthy!
Best wishes for a wonderful 2009!
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Just want to thank all of you for your support and kindness. And also, I want to wish all a new year of health, happiness and peace.
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Hi Great Ladies,
So this morning at work the topic of how fast this year flew by came up. I sat and listened to "the guys" and after a moment decided to pipe up ... "personally there we're moments during an 8 month period that we're not quite whipping by as fast as I may have liked". After we dispersed in our different directions for our work assignments I started to think to myself about what I had said. Did I really want the time to whip by faster ??? The more I pondered, the more I have thought of just what this past year has brought to my life.
My gratitude to all my family (especially my dh and kids), friends, neighbors, co-workers, 3-day walking buddies for all of their support. It may have been a dinner prepared, a note in the mail, a ride to chemo, or just a quick phone call, but each one was extra special. I will never be able to understand how someone could tackle this journey alone.
I've also been extremely lucky to have checked out this website called Wow, what would the past year really have been like without the sisterhood established with words from all of you? As I chatted with my long time gf last weekend, I truthfully told her that I have not been too good at picking up the phone to chat and share like friends would do. I then spoke about this "bond" I have felt with you all and how I have spent A LOT of computer time sharing the ups and downs of the past year with those that have been in like shoes. I guess I felt I needed to apologize for being rather absent in our relationship but wanted her to know how much love and support I have received on-line. I thank you all for that !
So 2008 was not always great but as it comes to a close I will appreciate each day for what it was. I'll be grateful for the positive things that dealing with cancer treatment has brought into my life. I feel my priorities are better defined and my health which I have been lucky to have been able to kinda ignore for many years is now something that I will be paying more attention to and thankful to do so.
Off to share some time at friends this evening, will probably be home before the magic hour of midnight ... I'll raise my glass at 9:00 to my sister friends on the east coast, and then at 10:00 to the mid-westerners.
Have fun, be safe and enjoy those your with ... you gals are the best !!!
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Carol (and all posters) I was referred to this thread as it looks like I may start CMF this month. Carol's photo jumped out to me as I live on Bainbridge Island - close to Poulsbo.
This thread has been great for info on what I may experience. I am pretty sure I am doing oral C and M and iv F - I am also assuming I won't have a port, but don't know. I am curious where Carol went for chemo - I am going to Seattle Cancer Care Alliance.
Happy New Year -
Susan, 44, dx. 11/7/08, IDC lumpectomy 12/1/08 1.6 cm, 0/3 nodes, oncotype 23, reexcision due to not clear margin (1mm remains of dcis).
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Susan, I would love to chat ... although I'm running out the door to a New Year Day celebration. I will Private Mail (PM) you and give you my phone number ... and if you would like to share yours I be happy to give you a call ... sometimes that is easier than trying to type out everything. Let me know when a good time to chat would be !
Quickly, I ended up doing my chemo in Bremerton at Olympic Oncology ... I used SCCA (Dr. Hanah Linden, Onc) as my second opinion throughout my treatment plans and had the UW perform my mastectomy (Dr. Byrd).
I'll be in touch and would be happy to share what I can with you ... hang in there gal, you'll get through this !!!
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Susan ... me again, in case your not familiar with the Private Mail thing its on your main screen, you should see a little (1) in pink showing that you have mail ... Carol