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how about drinking?



  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited February 2013

    Dang chit...I have lost 2 posts in a row...not used to my new laptop yet...too touchy (and NOT in the way the Tenders  touch me! LOL)....I keep hitting the wrong key or sumtin, and *poof* my post is gone. Don't feel like writing it all again, but will just say a couple of things. First of all, HI everyone! ANd, BEckers, this is sooooooo amazing....I have a dear friend who lives in Banning, where you live! Small world! I was out there to be her bridesmaid about 3 yrs ago. She and her DH host karaoke nights in diff clubs there. SHe has an amazing voice and I have some cd's she made.

    That was funny chit, Julie!

    Bernie, I am so saddened by your loss, and hope you are doing okay. Just come back in the HTL when you feel up to it. We all miss you, though! Hope the service goes well tomorrow, and that everyone was able to come in. Can't believe I will be seeing you soon!!!

    Well, just another pop in, and pop out....willl dwink and chat more babes.....


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2013

    hey Beck, no one has ever asked for child care here but hail, it can happen. *poof*, dere is now de best child care, wese hired mary poopins and she is sooo good with de kids.

    nm, tanks for de beautiful prayer. I had another really bad day and had a meltdown involving exploding cake. yep, had no idea dat slamming a plate of cake could possibly send icing ten feet. i shamefully hit two coworkers, de dude across from me has icing in his hair and in his keyboard. anudder goil had it on her desk. mese, i was licking it offa mese and eatting it up. I wuz humbarrased. no harm done, mese coworkers are foygiving.

    Cyn, you getting wawa store there, you will love it. it is mese faborite confenience store, run so nicely and great food which is quick to go, u order at a machiney, not to be funcused with wahiney de machiney, it like an atm but it is a food machiney. I tailed goils years ago here dat de Wawa chain started locally across de river on de suburbs of filthadelphia. wawa is de name of de town where it all started as a farm and grew into big big corporation.

    I jest litterall spit out mese dwink, watching jimmy kimmel. he said dat it rumored dat kim kardashian is rumored to be leaving de show. he said it is also rumored dat bruce jenner's face gonna fall off!!!! I am lmao at de taught of his face on de floor. If I wuz his kid, i would step on his face whilst I has chit on de bottom of mese shoes!!


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2013

    dang chit, mese bumped ya kat. wuuuuuuut upppppp?? ooooh, mese sese you with Meester Big again, dat wuuuut up.

    I am so tired, wish I could hang but mese bed calling me. mese bed's name is pants, he is a fine fine bed.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited February 2013

    Hiya AdorKable! LOL....go on, get into your bed Pants...or let Pants get into you....or whatevah! Enjoy! Yuppers, mese is wid Mr. Bigg so mese gotz ta git going.....he doesn't like to wait....otherwise he is done in record time and dat ain't gud!

    Nighty Night! Turn out de light...don't wanna fight...don't let bedbugs bite...enjoy de Tenders and Wenches tonight...


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2013

    nice poem kat. lemme gib it a try (call me copykat hehe, get it)

    star light star bright, stars shine on mese fwends tonight. no to turn of de light, dorky gonna no nighty night.

    luv you all. sorry i am not tawking to all ye goils. time can be an enema enemy.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited February 2013

    LOL, Love the "copykat"! Good poem, get in're keeping Pants waiting...Wink

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited February 2013

    Wahine, small world! My parents have lived in Banning for a long time. In Sun Lakes country club. I used to live near Ontario Airport about 45 miles away from Banning.

    Laughing at the pic in my head of the exploding cake Dork. I had a bowl of rice cereal explode once. Amazing how the contents of the dish head the opposite direction when placed down with force! (All over my DH's jeans. He was forgivin too.)

  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited February 2013

    drinks photo drinks.gif Did I miss the par-tay? Does that mean I have ALL the tenders to meseself? YAY!!!  It's an even smaller world girls-I too live near Banning.

  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited February 2013

    Dis dude was in de lost and found. see he was lost and mese found him. Nobody claimed him so he's mine;)

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    I'M AWAKE---DAMN----everone's nicely tucked away-- but me.

    Becker Joey is my 8 yr old grandson--and we live together so he's my baby. LOL

    Now I slept off my drinks and have to start all over again--Wow this is a lot of work keeping a steady stream of drink going so I'm steadily drunk enough but not all slobery. which is actually easier.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited February 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  How is everyone this ayem? 

    CynCyn--aw, Rees is adorable!  And you are right, spring/summer/fall in Maine is glorious!

    Goldie--it was some party, wasn't it?  Sadie brought home some treats from the HTL Puppy Park, too.  I've got stuff to clean up all over the house!  Oooh, Haagen Dazs cocktails! Yummy!

    Juliet--OH MY GOODNESS!   You got me on that one! 

    CynCyn--I'm with you on the video.  I even have it bookmarked  and use it as a special pick-me-up when I need one! 

    Juliet--Love the prayer!  I often pray a similar one:

    Cammy--I was always intimidated by saying prayers until one night at a women's group we talked about praying as talking to God.  We talked about how God didn't need to hear "special" words or "prayery" language, that He understood plain English.  After all, if He can understand prayers sent from the heart without words at all, he can understand plain English!  Ever since then He and I have had an ongoing conversation.  I like being able to talk to Him without having to worry about how I am saying things.  ~~ Juliet got me, too, with that story. Funny! 

    Bec--Good for you for going on a hike!   Need to start walking again, and it's just starting to be daylight long enough after I get home from work to do that.  Feels good once you get goining!

    CynCyn--walking on the beach?  I'm thinking about snowshoeing!  Aarrgghhh!

    Bec--the percotini fountain is a drink fountain with percocet martinis flowing in it.  It's always running for Loungettes who need some relief from aches and pains from surgery, exercise, over-indulging with the tenders or whatever. 

    Undy--ooohhhh, nice! 

    Wahine--oh oh, the post gremlin is after Wahine!  Time to search him out and toss him out of the Lounge again!

    DorKable--exploding cake?  Now I have this really interesting mental picture of an icing volcano exploding in the office!  Glad the co-workers are forgiving.

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Saturday Special

    1 oz Jack Daniel's® Tennessee whiskey

    1 bottle Bacardi Breezer® Orange

    Pour Jack Daniel's whiskey into a pint glass. Add Bacardi Breezer and serve.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited February 2013

    is this the photo you mean lori!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2013

    So Reese is still SirPoopsAlot Cyn? But he so cute, you can’t possibly get mad at him. Oh yeah, Keith Urban can stay for sure, he is a doll!!! I don’t care for Randy either, so all three of them can go as far as I’m concerned.

    Cami, whatchu going to the doctor for now girl? And how did it go? Great reasoning on the pickles and alcohol, so….not only are you funny, you’re smart too. Does Joey watch scary movies with you?

    Beckers, did  ya take your Haagen Daz drinks with you on your hike? Not sure if anyone has answered you or not, so if they did, ignore this. Lara had TE’s in before and they had to come out, I think they started coming out on their own. She had to heal and now has new TE’s in. Percotini fountain is a fountain with Percocet martinis for those in pain. We also pass out fukitols when needed. Wow, 11 months out of work? Never thought about a day care here. Not thinking that would be a good idea!

    Lara, I’m sure the no gym thing is just temporary right? And for your own good. Pickles and champagne…….I’d do without the pickles too!

    Sha nay nay, you stay away too long. But you bring some nice eye candy when you do return. And what are you doing on the floor looking up dat guys……………uhhhhhhh, well you know! Oh wow, you live near Beckers, yes?

    Kathy, it’s those darn short cut key strokes that cause certain things to happen, such as wiping out a post! Did you try the undo thingy? I’ve also hit keys and it takes me back a page, so back to My Favorites here on BCO, then you can’t recover a post. But no idea what keys I hit to do that! Which is another reason why I work in Word first. Are your eyes all healed?

    Ooops, I see Dorfy added de Day Care. OMG, did you really do that with the cake? Forgive me, but you had me cracking up, cuz I could see all happening. Mese praying dat you feeling better and in a better frame of mind. Cute poems from you and Katrinka.

    I have the video in “my favorites” NM, or I don’t know if I could find it otherwise! And I’m totally with you on the prayers and just talking to the Big Guy. I took a hike up our hill, that is next to our house. Our water tanks are up on top of it. When I got to the top, my mom called me. So I was walking around the tanks trying to get out of the wind, and saw I had dropped my other cell phone. Well when I got back down, I noticed my Bluetooth missing! So now I have to go back up there today, and hope I find it! Oh WOW, looks like wese getting smashed on this Sa TURD ay.

    You silly girl Julie, no not dat photo. The one with you holding that drink with palm tree in it. But that one, you sure look like you habin a goot time!!!

    Cami, what happened at de doctors?

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited February 2013

    pickles it worked I feel great

    Hi cyn yes ill try to rest but I cant just walked again I want my body back

    beckers its going on a year masectomy last jan with immed recom

    tes came out

    4 months noo boobs

    tes back in

    sooo we will see worked all through this just took 8 weeks off for the first and 8 weeks off for this I travel mon thru thursday back on the road mon

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited February 2013
  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited February 2013

    there u go cyn walk or jump on the beach lol

    going to lunch wuth the whole family its my step mothers fathers b day 89 years old and they renewed his drivers license yesterday lol

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited February 2013

    Morning DahhhlllinKs!

    Cami - Dr appt yest? Tell us how it went pweeze!!  Oh how well I member those 10 hail Marys!  Did you n Joey watch a scary moobie?

    Cyn - Rees is jes soooo cute!!  My man was Mr. Bigger da other nite…n boooYAAA!  Oh and don’t forget to add mileage to you medical deductions.  Round trip each time you went to doc ofc, hosp, etc.  Don’t forget your meds too.

    Julie - loved the joke….tried to remember the name of the gun to tail my gf’s yest on our walk…cudn’t remember…hate mese pbrain sumtimes!

    Beckers - LOL…yeah….it’s easy to get sidetracked wif all da nekkid boyz round da lounge.  LOL….I won’t be doing anything but mayb ‘drinkin’ da sex on da beach…but if’s I git tooo dwunk…I’ll call ya K?  Sorry to hear about your dad…How is your mom doing?

    NM - loved the prayer yest…you have such a way with words.

    Wa Wa  -Oh Yeah…I forgot to comment….…I love the AWOL definition too…LOL!   You and D having da poet kno it bedtime stories had mese laughing dis morning.

    Lori - I finally figured it out!!  Iz sooo pwoud mary…heehee…I’m talking bout getting the HTL link to copy to my files…I knows I not tooo bright when it comes to dat chit.  I didn’t  tink about jes putting in my fav’s list…jeeez!  I hate being without my Bluetooth…I hope you find it.  Is it windy again today?

    Lara - pickles??  Really??  U try it n keep us posted K?  O I see you did try it.  But were da pickles sweet or dill?  I hab bof ya see and I love em bof…wonder if it wud work wif one of each flavor?

    Undy - YAY…u back.  Poyfeck post for our new girl Beckers…goot job!  I tail Beckers I won’t be ‘doin’ da sex on da beach…but after seeing dat guy..mebe I change my mind!!

    OMG….I guess I gonna check this Banning place out.  I been to Palm Springs…my late auntie lived on a golf course in Indian Wells?? not sure bout dat.  But it was a neat place.  I amazed at all u live/been there. 

    Dork - funny story bout the sploding cake.  I can see frosting in da co-workers hair…am glad dey forgib u.  I hope you feeling better dis morning and dat you hab a mucho better day!

    Hope all mese goils hab a fab day!!!  Lubslubslubslubslubs all ya'all

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2013

    Good morning loves! I just wanted to say how grateful I am for a new day. OMG, this week has been the worst of my life or so it felt like it. I ran away from work yesterday at about 3 pee em and went to my car. I had a berry hard time getting my legs to take me back up to the floor where I work. I was able to re-enter the building but my direction was to HR to resign. Before I went, I sat on the potty with my pants up (had to make dat disclaimer) and prayed. And I prayed. I them took a symbolic piece of toilet paper and put it in my bra (had no pockets in my skinny jeans, friday is casual dey). The peice of TP was God as I knew I needed him so much to guide me. My legs finally marched me back to my desk vs resigning from my job of nearly 13 years. I was okay for awhile until the big birthday bash. This new gal, one who has been "stealing" my prior consultants that I work with and happens to be the BIL of a director, had a big 30th bday bash. The BIL wanted to embarrass her. I wanted to bash her over the head with the tire rod in mese car twunk. Anyway, at 4 pee em, de entire group of people on my floor stood up and started to clap for dis goil. I was on de phone and trying to bix sumting I effed up. i again got irritated. well wehn they brought me a piece of cake, and that was it. I slammed it. I was covered with icing. I just sat with my head low until 5pm then left and picked up working from home. ugh. dis job of mine aint no piece of cake, twue dat!

    tanks for listening. dere is more but legally, I cant get into it. I tink god is punishing mese for effing with my fraud guy.

    luv you all!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    Oh I wrote before --I tink but don't member--I'm awake now Joey made me coffee and aerved it to me--that doll and yes sometimes we wath scary movies together depending on what it's about -.  I didn't sleep well Joey did have a bad dream and Katie must have too cuz they were both all over me--silly guys.

    Dork I wish there was a video of u smashing down the cake--I've never seen that happen before--sorry I laughed at u'r downpour of being upset, but I was picturing the cake. I of course would have still eaten it. but that's just me.

    And I thought I told u about my crappy Dr.s visit-  Now she a doll, so so nice but very worried about me--it took a while for me to assure her I was not worried about all this so I calmed her down then we really talked. They found I had two discs that are shot and my vertabra there is also very bad, now they hae to see if cancer is the culprit so I need more tests. BUT I was so happy (she did say I was one of her most unusual patients--not a compliment) because I knew now I didn't have Maunchausens disease and the pain was real not just in my mind. And she said u have alot of pain and I was Oh thank God. She wants to give me stronger pain meds but I just paid for these so next time I'll get them. It okk 3 people 4 x to take my blood pressure cuz it's from my leg and finally I got a GOOD reading for once. About time so she called my Onc. and we made an app't for my back MRI Mar 8th cuz I asked for the big tube and figured what's another week. They were very upset that I was told I had more cancer and I assured them over and over I was not and he didn't mean to tell me, he thought I knew--cuz he was so nice--but it's not for sure til they say it is--So I don't have it now see how nice things work out. So next week I get all the blood work done (again) like that doesn't happen all the time and the following week THE TUBE hahahaha  oh Lori 1;45PM U the one who keeps track for me Thank you. LOL

    So that's my Dr. experience this week--pretty much what I thought and it's sunny today but chilly and windy too.

    Oh and not all my pics. are coming in on my screen some are--Orange i love the prancing on the beach--priceless

    The Lounge has been quiet the last couple of nites---but it will pick up, I know.

    (((DORK))) I don't know what to say to comfort u in any way--there is so much for u right now, but I know u know we're all here for u in anyway possible.

    Kat u'r eyes--how are they? They should be lookin' better now right? I'm anxious to see them like crazy.

    OK I've bored u gals nuff- so I'll be back--u'll see. hahaha 

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited February 2013

    Good morning ladies. So glad for the Percotini fountain, as I now feel the muscles that took me on that hike. I went up to water tower too. Will look for blue toof today. Ha!

    Don't book your vacation to Banning too soon. Not too much to do in this town!

    Dork, is this job worth it? I know paychecks are good, but it sounds very stressful. You refrained from resigning tho? You will get some time off for your DIEP and you can regroup.

    So I'm on iPad and I can't hit previous to read and remember who did what for how many cookies last night. So hello to those I missed (which is everyone since I only addressed Dork) I will get this down.

    So grateful for the smiles...happy sa-turd day. (that right?)

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    Dork I bumped into u'r post---U'r not being punished by God or anyone--it's jst life that happens to u. He loves u and so do we. U'r doing nothing wrong just got caught up in a bad situation. So no guilt for u, it's to stressful--I pray for u and u'r family cuz right now u all need the prayers and for some reason I know this will end up being not so bad--even for u'r parents--u'll see. Just hold u'rself together and t will start sorting out--really.

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited February 2013

    Well, my beautiful Babes. The memorial ceremony for my friend from Belgium went very well today.  As is our way I gave the toast -

    The passing of Bibiche has left a void that can never be filled.

    Rest in Peace, my brother, my friend, my President.

    Well ride together again.


  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited February 2013

    Condolences Bernie and prayers for peace.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    I'm so sorry Bernie---may God bring u peace in u'r heart.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited February 2013

    bernie so sorry liked what u said

    if u miss posts just jump in

    Lunch was yummy love being with my family

    its rainy and cols so back in my pjs and scary movies

    cammie we watch the scary movies hope your blood tests will come back ok I hate hearing that

    dork u will get through this chit the cake lol

    Hi mema

    pop in later

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited February 2013
    funny pictures
  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    Orange again i love u'r pics. LOL

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited February 2013

    bernie-so sorry for your friends loss.a wonderful toast to him.   ((((((((((dorty)))))))))))))    back in work tonight and its birthday cake night.hopefully no exploding cake.      cyn ,hope you enjoyed your walk on the beach,for our friends up north we were really cold last weekend in fl !       lara love the pictures,hope you enjoyed the party, cammi-glad joey is looking after you,hpe the back pain is under control. everybody have a good night

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    The never forgetting birthday cake--we will forever tink of dat when der is one.

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited February 2013

    The cakeplosion does make you laugh to imagine huh Cami? Hope you are doin okay with this spine issue. The most nervous time for me yet was waiting for CT when a spot showed on my pre op chest xray. Praying for you as you wait.