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how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    Beckers I have not worries at all--Drs. can get so dramtic more than I do---so please don't think I worry and as far as the pain I'e had this for awhile so it's liveable---have anoder drink to de bird day cake. LOL

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited February 2013

    Good for you Cami....Cheers mate!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    Right back at u Beckers

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited February 2013


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2013

    I tink I see I tink I see I tink I see I tink I see a ............partay!

    Thanks Karen (((( ))))) , right back atcha. Nice to see you drinking with me!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    Oh Dork so worried about u, but I know u'r plate is full, to bad it's not delicious food. How do u feel?

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited February 2013

    Hi dork. We wiz laughin bout the cake. Whuchu dwinkin? Wut u call Sunday here? We skip Mondays right?

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited February 2013

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited February 2013

      someone sin our fountain

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2013

    Hope you had a nice dinner out with your family Lara, where did ya’s go? Happy Birthday to your step grandfather. I guess that is what he would be?

    Sue, would you get scared if you didn’t do the hail Mary’s? Do they still do that? Went looking for my bluetoof, no luck. And yes windy yesterday, again today AND with more snow!

    DorKy, so sawry you had dat ruff day darling, but God does not punish love, he guides. And he prolly wuz de One dat guided you to phuck wif dat dudes mind, to teach him a lesson.

    Cami, I will try to remember your test on the 8th, 1:45. Dats one week from Frieday and also would have been Lynda’s birfday. Praying that it is just the dics and no cancer, just hate the pain you are in. Sue has it in her back, Kathy and I both have herniated discs, so we can somewhat relate. What are they doing about the heiny scope?

    Oh Beckers, if you find a bluetoof, will you send to me? And don’t worry about missing anyone, no one in here gets angry, well at least at one another! Can’t you click on the page numbers at the top or bottom of the posts?

    So nice that you were able to give a toast to your friend Bernie….Salute! However, we are glad to have you back.

    It’s Funday Sunday Beck, or whatever you want to call it. We don’t really skip Monday, we just call it Monkey Day.

    Hi Karen!

    Where be our Wawa?

    Haha Julie, dat’s Cyn’s avatar…..Drinkerbell. Looks like Stella to me!!!

    How’s about some Stress Relief?

    mexican rehearsal dinner signature drink

    2 parts silver tequila 1 part agave nectar 3 to 4 parts fresh watermelon juice (I pureed in a blender, then strained) 1/2 - 1 part freshly squeezed lime juice

    Add all ingredients to a shaker filled with ice; shake, then strain and serve either straight up in a martini glass or over ice. Garnish and serve!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited February 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  Another snowy Sunday, but only supposed to be a few inches and very light and fluffy, easy to sweep off the deck.  The best kind of snow, very pretty, not too much trouble.  Here's  the newspaper pic of an accident I drove by shortly after it happened on Friday.  If this can happen at an in-town, 25  mph intersection on clear dry roads it's a wonder anyone gets anywhere when it's wet or slippery!  The reports say one of the vehicles ran a red light.  I'm not sure which one.  The vehicle on it's side had 2 children in it, one of them 9 years old, the other younger.  The 9 year old was taken to the hospital along with a couple of the adults.  No life threatening injuries, though, thank You, Lord. 


    Goldie--I simply cannot manage juggling 2 cell phones, I admire you for doing that!  I've got 3 blue tooth thingys, 'cause one is always lost, and one is always got a dead battery, so that leaves me with one that's working!  Hopeless, aren't we?  Sounds like the hill is a great place to walk. 


    ORLA--You have been through a lot, too much IMHO.  Not fair.  89 and got his license renewed?  Either he's very, very healthy or the someone missed a small detail processing that request!


    Mema--Good advice to Cyn re: deductions.  Also we can deduct the premiums for our health insurance, dental expenses including travel, eye care including travel, toothpaste, toothbrushes, glasses/contacts, contact solutions, it's amazing what can be deducted! 


    DorKable--I do not believe that God is effing with you.  His book (you know, the Bible) does talk about forgiveness and repentance, but it never says someone who does wrong does not have to deal with the consequences of that wrong.  And I know what I'm talking about, I've been struggling with and working on forgiveness for the RadOnc that ruined my life for 3 years. God does instruct us to forgive, but He does not take away the consequences.  That guy committed fraud. One  consequence of fraud is prosecution.  You did nothing wrong in pointing out that possible consequence. That is not "messing with" the guy.  Likewise, when the new gal steals your clients God does not require you to keep quiet and not follow up, He only requires that you do it properly, through channels at work set up for dealing with that kind of thing.  You can choose to not do anything and wait for God's time for her to experience the consequences of her actions, too.  But God WILL bring her comeuppance eventually, in one way or another.  I'm sure other people have noticed what is happening.  Take the high road and you'll come out on top eventually.  In the meantime, keep leaning on God and keep up the good work.  Can you work more from home and keep yourself out of the office politics for a bit?  I wish you weren't having a hard time like you are.  Wish I could do something to change things for you.  Love the symbolic piece  toilet paper thing!


    Cammy--I can relate to the being happy there is a real cause for the pain. I tell my PCP all the time that I've turned into a hypochondriac, expecting the worst for each ache and pain and each medication side effect I get!  With more and more of us surviving bc treatment you'd thing that Med Onc office staff would be trained in thigh blood pressures as a matter of routine.  Sound like it's time some noise was being made about this.  ~~Don’t blame you for wanting the big tube, I live in fear of needing an MRI 'cause I know I can't stand being confined in the dark with loud noises.  I'd freak out for sure!  I have the greatest respect for people who can go through CTs and MRIs without any problem. 


      Bec--don't worry about getting to everyone every post, that's not the point here.  I'm a bit of a perfectionist, so I have to do that and use Word and a split screen to do it, but that's just me.  I remember my DIEP summer--that one was hard but not as hard as the summer of rads or the summer of the rotting breast after rads.  You definitely get time to think during recovery!


    BBBBernie--All my sympathy for the loss of your friend.  Each death leaves a void in our lives.  Time and new friends refill the bucket of love and caring, but the holes remain with us always. 


    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Birthday Cake

    1 ounce vanilla vodka

    1 ounce Frangelico liqueur

    1 ounce pineapple juice

    1 ounce cranberry juice

    ice cube

    sugar, to coat rim of glass

    shaved coconut (to garnish)


    Combine all ingredients in a drink shaker and shake gently twice.

    Rim a glass with the sugar and add ice cubes.

    Pour over ice and garnish with shaved coconut.

    PGS's note:  drop in an ice cube when served for an Exploding Birthday Cake

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2013

    NM, such great words for Dorty, I'm sure they will bring her some comfort. You rock lady! I took both of my phones as they both have different providers. Signals are weak out hear, so you never know which one might or might not work. I take them as I am walking alone, and if something were to happen, and I were able, I could make a call to my DH.

    Oh Dear...........sure wouldn't want that jumping out of my cake!!!!!

    Glad everyone was ok in that accident. You sure had to be wondering when you went by. I always say a prayer when I go by accidents.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    Happy sunday morning <img class=" width="320" height="320" />

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    Good Morning everyone

    NM that accident looks horrendous---it's amazing that they ended up bein all right. And u can always say the right things for all of us to make things feel better--all I can do is ditto whateer u say. It's a gift that u have--I think we all feel those things but hard to put into words.

    Lori u'r another one that puts words together for tru meaning--we just follow Or I do follow u'r leads. Oh and I wrote this down on 3 different places Lori so I should be all right this time. U haen't mentioned u'r DH the last couple of days-how is he doing? And I love the drinks sounds yummy--good for Sunday brunch.


    I'm not quite awake yet--I come here first, but I do have my coffe just have to drink it. LOL

    Kat I rebooted my computer and there were so many quesrions that I didn't know but I just went along--it's workin better but now I see all these strange things on here that I have I guess put on???? I said One day i'll be a hacker that day looks further and further away.

    I'm going to be moaning for 2 weeks, my sister will be on vacarion and I talk to her everyday and we always make each other laugh--I told her she's a bitch for leaving me for that long. and she is.But she's worked at being a bitch and she has achieved her goal--mine came more naturally. She was always the trusting and nice one--haha not anymore. My power of bitchiness won out. Oh and my GF from FL wrote me that when she comes in I can feel up her boobies again--it reminds me of the good old days and she always lets me. So I'm looking forward to that.

    Remind me when anyone goes on vacation--everyone seems like they come and go like world travelors that I see on TV--u gals can do a reality show 0hb 0h that's an idea a reality show about cancer women and Se's and we can act real mean and bitchy and drink alot and act meaner and it could promote nBC while it entertains--except we'd be laughing while we were trying to act mean to each other. but they could cut that out. Hey they put everyone else on these stupid shows why not a bunch of us. They can even set up out lounge with the tendahs. Oh my mind is a myriad of insanity. (is that the right word?)

    OK I will take a break for now          so I'll be back as usual

    I hope Sunday brings good feelings for everyone

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited February 2013

    Exploding cake

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited February 2013

    A government warning said that anyone travelling in icy conditions should take a shovel, blankets or sleeping bag, extra clothing including a scarf, hat and gloves. Also a 24 hour supply of food and drink, de-icer, rock salt, torch and spare batteries.In addition, they should take a Safety Triangle, tow rope, petrol can, first aid kit and jump leads.......................I felt a right prat on the bus this morning....


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited February 2013

    Bernie - I am sooo sorry ((B))

    Lori - yes...I was always scared of da church teachings back den.  I learned to let go of almost all of it...cept the guilt.  I still don't kno how they imbed it so deeply into our minds.  Of course, our parents were raised same and kept that guilt trip a coming.  I'm better tho.  Saawweee u didn't find ur bluetooth...I hate that!  But dat DOTD...wif da killa and melon...oooooo WOWZA!

    Cami - I too marked it on mese calendar...I can so relate.  But you have a gr8 'tude....ya jes gotta laugh right?  I can do the tube...hate the IV's tho.  My next tube will be sometime in April...after I go see our GOLDIE...yahoooooo!!  Love your idea bout a bc reality sho...LOL.  You jes hang out with us while your sister away...we keep you company...not the same I kno, but better n nuttin honey!

    NM - glad no one was seriously hurt...horrific!  You always have best da best.

    D - ya kno you are sooo loved by all of us right?  We always be here for kno that too.  Wish I cud take some of your burden...I wud gladly if I cud.  So...we give u strength and I ask God everyday and nite and  to give u strength.  You ARE strong...don't forget K?  (((D)))

    Hi to WaWa, Beckers, Lara, Julie and anyone else I'm missing.  It's SUNDAY FUNDAY and dh and I have actually got some plans.  Mind outta gutter girls...not dat kinda fun stuff.Frown

    Lubslubslubslubslubs all ya'll!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    Oh Bernie I'm so glad u'r back--missed u everyday.

    And we are never going to let Dorky forget about her cake. LOL Thanks

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013


  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited February 2013

    Good morning girls! I look forward to coming to reading your posts.

    I found all the muscles in my legs I forgot about. Second day after I started this hike thing and I am walking funny! Do we get massages in here? Thought I saw foot massages in banana hammock on you tube video (that I love btw)

    iPad: ok so I start writing and I think, "now who said that again?" So, I go back a page and then come back and everything is gone. I'm falling behind in tech savvy world. I gotta go on my PC so I can put an avatar pic. I am a Grammy but not a little ol lady one. When we were on PC yesterday, Annie (3 year old granddaughter and my joy) kept touching screen on monitor thinking it work like iPad. :-)

    Check back later. Need another cup of coffee!

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited February 2013

    Don't look at the coffee. Dats the trick to don spill it when you carry it across house. Just sayin.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2013

    hi girls, I am feeling a lot better today. I just spent a few hours working. Got good news that my mom's wedding band was found. That is one load of my back!

    I cracked up at Beck taking about de cakeplosion, funny word. I used it in my email apology this morning lol. good work, Recebba.

    NM, what great words, I just wanna wrap my arms around you and give you a tank you hug. I loved your post today too with all the pictures too. I have missed that.

    Bernie, sending you love and more hugs. I hope the pain of your loss gets easier.

    Cam, you cracked me up in telling the doctor that it will be alright. I jest love you too. I love all of you and thank you again for your love and support during these tough times. The news that my mom's wedding ring is now back in our hands was great news and a great way to start the day. When the home called, the nurse first told me that everything was fine, they got the ring. I cried some happy tears and have not cried since. I was crying every hour for the past few days which is very unlike me. My face is a hot mess.

    Pants, can you give me a massage? And one for all of my girls too. Girls, get in line. And have some bday cake dwinkies whilst ye wait.

    CheerS! no mo fears!!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited February 2013

    cammie love the pics yes my bitchness is natural

    Nm what happened ? radONC

    Dork glad u r feeling better

    just checked woek emails they want me in texas thats getting smashed calling PS to send note right away im not flting my first week back sso sorry

    The power of the NOTE

    I just went to the mall and barey made it saw side effects so good

    I am just getting accumulated I thought I was going down so many people at the mall the last thing im doing is flying to texas

    But go see side effects

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited February 2013
    funny pictures
  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited February 2013

    funny pictures

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2013

    I love the little kitty you posted Cam, dwink with moderation, yep, I could use that kitty to dwink with. so cute!

    yep, Suz, I know you would take mese pain jest because you such a sweeeeet goil. And mese know you luvs me too, I feel de love, I really do.

    Well gonna head to mom's place and see what's cookin lol. I will not stay long as I need to continue mese fundey sundey partay! yippeeeeee!!

    Titty'z up if you got em, my one foob is up! cheerS!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited February 2013

    Lara..."Long Yellow Things"....soooo funnnneeeeeee!!! Glad (I guess?) your step-grandfather got his license renewed. Shockingly both my parents got theirs renewed recently is 92 and dad is 96! I know though that if I had not been with them,they wouldn't have passed. I do drive them places as much as I can though....just in case.

    Bernie, I can only imagine how sad all of you are to have lost such a good friend. What a fitting memorial you had, after the service in Belgium. Hope your DH is feeling better. Nice to see your funnies again...we all missed ya! But I get to see you next month...HOORAY!!! And Sue gets to see Lori next month....HOORAY again!!!

    Sorry I have been AWOL...(I forgot what meaning I gave to that! lol)....been bizzy and then I try to read 3+pages at once and don't remember anything I wanted to comment on!

    OH yeah, hope maybe someday Beckers and Shannon can meet, since they live sooooo close. If either of you live near Paddy O'Reillys 41 W. Ramsey St. Banning, Ca, my friend and her DH host karaoke there on Tues and Thurs nights. Not sure if it is a nice place or a dive, though. When I was there to be in her wedding, they were hosting karaoke at one of the Eagles clubs or was waaaaaaay out of the way! She does have a lovely voice though...she was my kids babysitter when they were babies..and we've been close friends ever since.

    Well, a lovely day here, and nice and warm, but cold weather is heading back here, so I am gonna go back outside and do some stuff. I also might need to see how my DH is pruning one of the humongous fig trees...I just noticed he put up the papertowel holder very crooked, so I am concerned. WHY he decided to put it up is beyond me, since I always do those things. Looks like I will have to continue to do

    Luv 'n Sundey Hugs,


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    Dork I'm so glad they found u'r mom's ring and also to see u post again, it's makes mese fart flutter.

    And Kat u've been MIA too don't do dat.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited February 2013

    Hi Cami....will ya foigive mese...pwetty pwease? With Pants on top???lol. Oh, does MIA mean..."MrBig Is Awesome"?????

    Time for Pau Hana!!!! WooHoo......Seagrams7/DietCoke, coming right up.....Gentleman Jack/Diet Coke for Dotty.....whatcha dwinkin Cami?? Anyone else here on dis Sundey Fundey???