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how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    Dorky I just want to say the cademy wards doesn't nominate hard core porn movies--assuming that the one u saw---One hahahahahahahaha

  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited February 2013

    Wow,what a partay. you girls have your underwear dis time. But youse lost your cookies looks like.dis one say kitty,dat u kat?poor dork,no one to hold your hair

  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited February 2013

    I can't even post de naughty pic of mema,too shameful. les jest say she lost eberyting,i ben picking up her clothes all ober dis place. what happen in de lounge def stay in de lounge. where de rest of you goils? i need a dwinking partner. cami-i know youse awake stalking dese boards.come out n play wit me. i know de innocent one iz sleeping so no dwinking wit her. and becks iz not here,where u went becks? we're westies,we stay up later den dese uder girls. fine,i go n play wit pants.dork iz sleeping in de toylet and neber know.  

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    Indie I did wake up and browsed around but u have the pictures of proof.. That'sne reason no pics of me dat's for shoa--I don't like waking up in de middle of de nite then my whole day is screwed up--der goes my dark print uh uh dat usually mean I'm serious but I'm hardly ever serious so u'r still late on u'r time I'm 4"30AM my time and I tink I might  need to try to go back to sleep now--- so I popped Morning.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited February 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  Welcome to another MonkeyDay!

    Cammy--It's gonna be hard for you while your sister is gone, isn't it?  Well, you can come here and moan and get drunk and deal that way.  ~~Ooh, a reality show based on the life in the HTL sounds like a real winner!  Hmm, probably have to have one of those "Viewer Discretions is Advised" warnings, we tend to be pretty 'earthy' at times! 

    BBBBernie--YOW!  That's one big explosion of cake!  ~~LOL!  When I think about winter prep for my car I often wonder if I should rent a trailer for the season and load it up with all that plus a cot and kerosene heater. . . .

    Mema--Hey, what kind of plans did you have for Sunday Funday?  Did they work out?  Did you have fun?????

    Beck--Oh, yes,. We have massages here.  The Tenders and Wenches are all certified massage therapists, too!  Hmm, I think the massage rooms are through the casino.  The inside ones, that it.  There are massage stations around the pool, too, over near the hot tub.  ~~BTW, we don't care if you say something to all of us, just as long as you come on and say 'hi!' and have a dwinkypoo.  ~~Your GD Annie sounds adorable!  ~~Good advice about not looking at the coffee while you are carrying it! 

    DorKable--Hooray for the found wedding ring!  Excuse to Partay!  ~~ YW, and {{{{{hugs}}}}} back! ~~ I've  missed doing the picture posts, but simply don't have time on workday ayems.  Gonna try to get some in on the weekends. 

    ORLA--the Rad Onc story is a long one.  Short version:  my 'sunburn' from rads looked like a third degree burn.  I got treatment from 3 directions some days and 2 directions other days, was called by someone else's name when I was leaving several times, developed severe pain, then truncal lymphedema which the RadOnc said was untreatable, the center "lost" my records when they moved to a new site and never set me up with a Med Onc after rads, developed radionecrosis--spots in the breast that died from over-radiation, turned into abcesses, had to have surgery to open them up, they wouldn't heal because of the radiation damage, wound up having a mastectomy after a summer of hospitlizations, hyperbaric treatments and untreated pain.  I wasn't told what kind of rads or how much I got until 4 years later when I threatened to go public with how I was treated there.  I still have muscle damage from rads, and expect I have lung and heart damage as well.  But no one will even look into it, since "that almost never happens."  Still makes me mad, and I'm still working on forgiving the Rad Onc and all the staff at the center.  Yeah, that is the SHORT version. 

    Wahine--What this country needs is a good ID card that can be used where a driver's license would be.  You know, for verifying addresses, age, etc.  Part of the reason people don't want to give up their licenses is because then they can't pay for things with checks, or open accounts or other stuff like that.  You even have to show your license as a picture ID to get medical care now! ~~AWOL--Away with Other Ladies--what the Tenders and Wenches sometimes are!  We need a term for us Loungettes.  AWAT/Away With a Tender, no that one is sexist.  Hmm, gonna have to think on this. 

    Cammy--sounds like a good idea to give your DD some space for a few days!  And I love the dwinky and pill combo, makes for greatly relaxed times!

    Wahine--not sure who that is, but it's clear she's never had breast surgery.  Is it weird that that is what I thought of first when I saw that pic?

    Kat & Dork--NICE DRESS!


    Undy--I apologize for all us easties that can't keep up with you westies!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Oscar Mayer Weiner

    1 oz gin

    1 oz vodka

    3/4 oz cherry brandy

    1 dash grenadine syrup

    1 oz pineapple juice

    1 oz Hi-C® orange soda

    Add ingredients to a snifter filled with ice. Garnish

    with an orange wedge and a stemmed cherry.

    Serve with cocktail wieners

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited February 2013

    Nm wow u should sue pain and suffering

    grammys I looked at the winners today I loved argo great movie

    I see wahine and dork were walking the red carpert last night

    just got the flight cabashed not doing that this week

    pop in later

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2013

    Cami, not much to report on DH. BP is down somewhat, but I think because of meds, which is good. Still has the cough and seeing the doctor Thursday. Coffee and the lounge is my first stop in the morning too. Hopefully your sisters vacation will go by quickly for you. What kind of “questions” were you getting from your computer when you rebooted? Cute kitty wondering who moderation is.

    Good to see you and your humor this morning B.

    SuziQT, my Bluetooth wasn’t holding a charge as good as when I got it, so I’m telling myself that so as not to feel so bad about losing it. And not nearly as bad as my DD who lost her Ipad mini, left it on the ferry.

    Beckers, that is a cute story about your g’dau touching the monitor. And no, you cannot go off the page if you have started responding, but…………..I guess you know that now. Several of us are grammy’s. Prolly about half. I’m one, but mine are step grand children and live in CA. Of course you can get a massage, and you can choose the masoose…lol.

    DorK, so so sooooooooo glad they found your mom’s wedding band, and soooooooo glad you are feeling better. So wanted that weight off of your shoulders and your plate empty. You definitely deserve that massage too. And we ALL love you girl. BDW (by da way) how’s dat puka doing?

    Lara, side effects for what?

    Kathy, we have missed you. I too foygot what you sayed about AWOL, but it was a good one! Funny how our brains DON’T work! Hope the fig tree is ok. Love the butt view of Oscar, LMAO. And losing your dress? Ummmmm, I saw Hunk behind you, mese tinks he snook up behind you and did dat.

    Cami, I’ll bet you were one helluva bar tender, and you look mahvalous girl in your Oscar COCKTAIL gown.

    Oh darn Sue, what’s got the Beav pissed off?

    Love the finger pull baby Dork, but did you have to throw the mother focker in dere?

    Well, you ladies of de night wuz bizzy, I am still a page behind, will try and sneak in latah. Got up late, 6:30 and it’s COLD, 3 degrees!

    Happy Monkey Day

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited February 2013

    Morning DahhhlllinKs!

    WOWZA….what a nite wif Mr Bigger…and guess what…dat cowboy rode in too and…well…best left unsaid…dis is not XXX rated site…LOL.

    I twied watching Awards n fell asleep right before Best Picture!!  I not complaining…as I was rode hard and put away wet…well in my mind I was…sloppy dwunk heehee.

    Undie - LOL…dat da woist…’no one to hold da hair’.  But after seeing poor Dork wif her head in da torlet…mese thot…’hey..I don’t hab enuf hair to worry bout it anymore’ LOL.  Tank ewe for not posting pic of me n Bigger n dat cowboy.  Mese tinks everyone gits da mental pic anyway!

    NM - Wow…how horrible!!  I just can’t imagine the hell u went thru…even jes the nutshell as u say…still enuf for me to understand it was HELL!  ((NM))

    Bernie - so happy to read a yoke from you…Hope your spirits are better today!

    Beckers - ((Beckers))  My mom too had macD and had to give up her license.  But had the state ID card.  It was VERY hard transition as she was always so independent, loved to bowl and play pool.  I lost her April 20, 2011.  But I still talk to her often.  It’s all good!

    Cami - OMG….dat a horrible story…and I can jes see those other peeps getting all bent outta shape…a-holes!!

    Dork - glad moms ring was found.  Is she still wearing it or did one of you girls convince her to let you guys put it somewhere for safe keeping?  Cwacked up wif da ‘finger pull’ but agree wif Lowee…why u let ugly in?

    Lowee - yeah  blue tooth not as bad as ipad..ugh.  I don’t memeberr what got da beav in an uproar last nite…dh berry sweet dis morn so I musta had sense enuf to keep mese mouth shut and not said anything I regret. 

    Wawa - or shud I say ‘hello kitty’??  heehee.  Tank ewe fer saying dat bout mese impression of Ms Stone/my alter ego…dat last one is perdy sexy!  I missed Seth..was really struggling to stay awake…shudda hit da record button!

    Hey Lara!

    Gotta git...lots to do today.  Hope everyone has a Goot MonKeyDay!!

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited February 2013

    Good morning!!!! Dat was some Oscar Meyer Wiener par-Tay last night! Getting ready to jump out of bed and get my coffee. BBL

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited February 2013

    Gud Morgen Frauleins!

    Ok...dats de extent of mese goiman. I shud brush up on some portagee since we will be in Madeira soon. Also in Germany, but jest a 4 hr layover in Frankfurter (lol).

    Yeah, my parents had the state ID card for HI,but with them, it wasn't the pic ID (cuz the state ID has a pic), it is the loss of independence that giving up your DL imposes. So I am glad they have it, but like I sed earlier, I DO drive them when I can. Want to keep their driving at a bare minimum.

    NM, I didn't realize all that you had to go thru. Geez that is rough! How is the truncal LE? Is it under control? I keep thinking the fat I have gained in my midsection is from LE's....but I know its really from fat. I always had a flat tummy till BC....even when I gained weight, my tummy was flat. Now, its not just muffin top, its the entire cake top! Prolly a big wedding cake top! Thanks for reminding me... that I said AWOL was for when the Tenders or Wenches are missing, and they are "Away With Other Ladies". Now why can't I remember dat?????

    Yeah, Shannon I'll be the one with the Hello Kitty underwear...would like my figure to be like that again...I can dream, right? Sure hope you and Beckers get awesome is that!! The best times are when we get to meet up with the bweaties from this amazing to get to meet in person...instant connection!

    Missing Allison...but know you are so bizzy, girlfriend...hope you can stop in at the HTL soon though....gotta reclaim your barstool ya know!

    Lori, How many days till Sue gets there??? You must be soooooooooooooooooooooo fercited!!! Awesome that you will get to show her your neck of the desert! Even tho I have met up with SEVEN gals from this thread, I have only seen one gal's home, and that was Cyndie's! So its really awesome to get to picture her there, looking out those big windows, getting to walk to the beach, or to the cute town..its a PURRFECT location, and she is such a neat housekeeper (unlike meese)!

    OK,HUGS to you all on dis MonkeyDey...special hugs going out to Bernie, as they mourn the loss of their friend, and to Dorkie as she tries to empty her plate and get on top of things. PLUS special prayers for her ex-DH too, as well as her parents and her sweet DD. Didn't get to mention everyone, but I love you all and care for you all deeply!

    Kat (Hello Kitty)

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited February 2013

    Looky here at what Mr. Big caught runnin around last night in the HTL!!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited February 2013

    Beckers, is that avatar a pic of you? Very beautiful girl! Now, as far as what Mr. Big caught in the HTL....eeecccckkkkkkkk!!! LOL! Guess someone found Sue's beaver....j/k Sue!

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited February 2013

    Thank you Wahine. Putting on my happy face in prep for going back out into the world next week. Scary stuff getting off disability and going back to work. I do patient care and I'm just not the same person after BC. Plus, Tamoxifen makes me a bit rowdy. I will have to exercise restraint. I used to be nice! Ha!

    They was out by da pool, beav was loose, cowboy had to lasso the poor lil guy and Mr. Bigs scooped him up. Das all I reneember!!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited February 2013

    side effects is a movie goldie

    I am leaving for dallas tomm fun fun

    talk to goils when I get back

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited February 2013
  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited February 2013

    Hello Loungettes...Kat..didnt know you were bilingual....I say if you can order a beer and ask for the bathroom that is all you need to get by. That is some pic of Susan Sarandon...I seriously wonder if she realized that she left ZERO to the imagination or if she just drank too much to care it was falling off...I much prefer the look both you and Dorty boast in your DorKathy pic.

    Quite an Oscar party here last night!! 

    Very cool Beckers that you live so close to Undie.  You should plan to go to that Kareoke place where Kats friend is. Sorry about your dad and your mom's loss of indipendence.  See, we are here for more than just the RB ..constant support and love . 

    Dorty...youse funnee with your efuctuation with Mole boy and his ho sister. 

    Cami...where is it your sister is going? 

    SuZQT...I had forgotten all about that Sharon Stone and all that Comando stuff...hahahaha....I really did do good with you and her.... couldnt get out of going to Dallas?  Thought you werent going to go.  What changed?

    Cant wait to get off of work and start my evening..this is going to be a difficult adjustment.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    Wow I miss a few hrs. and I don't double screen so whatever I say that's it.

    Lori when I rebooted as Kat suggested I was asked like do I want HD or 2 other choices, if I want to add more  color??? or less Do I want a narrator?? or quiet mode---Do I want them to ignore more than double keys hit" That's all I memeber now but I just kept everything the same way and now all my screens are whitr all white-working better just all one  color with black print and other little things missing so I really don't know what to do here.

    Now Sue's leaving and Kat's leaving right. My sister is going to FL for 2 weeks 1 week they are staying with good friends and the 2nd week they are staying with my Brother--(he lives ther most of the winter) with his new girlfriend which we hardly know--My SIL died 3 yrs ago--but when u don't know someone as well it's kind of odd. Well we think so.

    U know everyone who I see on here new and older are so beautiful--I can't stand it. hahaha

    I'm so glad to see Dork post some (((DORK))) I wish when any of u are hurting about anything I could help but there's not much I an do, except be here. We should live on a compound by Lori she's got the room. and

    Lori eery single time u talk about snow or weather I still go ha, but it's AZ I honestly necer knew that all that weather happens. zi was only in Phoenix a couple of times and all I know is hot and sand storms ick.

    It's monkyday and I know even thos I don't work--I'm not crazy bout it for some reason..I like Thirstday tho always did.??? and I worked Sat. so I don't know the reasonin behind my thinking.

    Lori my onc called today to make sure I do this MRI and I said my girlfriend (U) are keeping track of my app'ts. hahaha So she figures now I won't get it wrong. I didn't tell her u live in AZ tho. LOL Don't worry I have it written in 3 places. Now my down the throat and up the ass is on another delay.

    Well u traveling ladies--I'll be back and I want to know when everyone is leaving--maybe I'll remember

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2013

    Cam, no worries, I will be partaying with you now, all dey and all night! I say no more here.

    Happy monkEYdEY goils, wishing you all an abundance of peace, praying for good health and toasting to happiness....ChEErS!

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited February 2013

    Hi girls! How was your monkey day? What is Tuesday called? My day was good. Went to my Mom's, went on hike #3, Woah! Actually started getting assignments booked for work so I guess this is really happening. I realized today I haven't wore a real bra for almost a year and I gets the jiggles with my tummy in my boobies now, plus PS gave me some bigger ones :-/ ....not even sure what size I wear. Who else is going back to work next week? I can't remember.

    Undies and I are going to have lunch real soon and we can plan to go to karaoke nite and meet Wahine's friend Sheila. It will be nice. I must have gone to bed early last nite Undies. You had to represent westies on your own in the HTL. Hope we didn't trash the place at the Oscar par-Tay.

    Dork - So sorry your Mom has Alzheimer's. I can't even imagine. It is so hard to watch parents decline. Glad you found her ring!

    Wahine - My Mom does live close. One exit over. My brother lives there as her care taker and my sister and I help. your parents sound like they are doing good. I was laughing about your cake top. ha! I used to call my muffin top a Costco muffin top. It stuck out further than my chest!

    Memasue - My Mom was very active bowling and all. Was diagnosed with MacD in her late 40's. She didn't let it stop her. Since my Dad passed she has had heart trouble. They

    can't find a reason for her unstable blood pressures. I think it may be broken heart

    syndrome. Sorry you lost your mom. I am dreading it.

    Cami - Sorry your sister is going away. I too live with my sister right now. You are getting the booty scope? I have a referral for mine. Don't want to know right now. One thing at a time!

    Cindy - it is such a caring group at the HTL.

    Native - RADS sounds horrible for you. That is the main reason you see I had lumpectomies and BMX. I had bilateral BC and did not want rads to my entire chest because of the dangers.

    Enough of my rambles.... I'm sure I BBL.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    Hey Dorky----everytime I see u'r pic Iget happy cuz I know u can't post so much now--and I unnerstan--so it's all right. Jus don't stop drinkin' then eberyting will be really upside/down. if I could have written it upside down I would have, but I know not how to do dat. but anoder drink and it will look dat way.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2013

    Heyya Bec n Cam!

    Todey is twosdey, dat means ya dqink two at a time, goil! yipppeee!! raise yer glass wtih me goils and sez CheeRs!

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited February 2013

    Cheers! Two fisted dwinkses!!! Need to decide now whatsittobe fo mese...

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited February 2013

    Cami??? Where you iz at?? Hollar!! Hellooooooo in here. Tap tap tap (that was a classic btw)

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited February 2013

    Paddy, Niall and Liam are riding home from the pub on Paddy's motorbike when they're stopped by a traffic cop."This motorcycle is only licenced to carry two people," says the cop. "There's three of you, so someone'll have to get off and walk.""Three of us?" says Paddy, turning to Liam. "What the feck happened to Mick and Rory?"

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited February 2013

    Lol! Bernie. That was a good one. Did Camcam every show up. I'm getting sleepy. Think Imma call it a night.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    Oh I iss everyone---LOL Bernie I was just going to rest mese eyeballs den whapI fell asleep Beckers----Now I'm up and no one is--BUT I just took some drugs hahaha me and my Drugs-Never leave the house without dem.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited February 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  Lovely red sunrise this ayem, but today is supposed to be nice, with more weather tomorrow.  Sigh.  Be glad for spring to arrive!

    ORLA-- I tried to file a malpractice suit, but the records were "perfect"  and no one would take it on.  Only have 2 years to do that, so now I'm trying to forgive and let go. ~~ What does it mean when a flight gets "cabashed"?  Don't know that term. 

    Mema--It was HE##.  That's why I say I am a bc cancer TREATMENT survivor.  I know the bc would have killed me eventually, but I'm not at all convinced that it would have totally ruined my life for 3 years in the process.  Well, maybe at the end, but then people would believe me that I was in pain and treat it.  So sometimes I regret ever having treatment for the beast in the first place.  And with the anniversary of the diagnosis coming up it's been on my mind  lately. 

    Wahine--the truncal LE, which was mostly in that breast, went away with the mastectomy.  OK, sometimes I think there is a little swelling along the ribcage on that side, but nothing bothersome.  The pain from it is totally gone.  And I've got the wedding cake top, too!  Working, slowly, on getting rid of it. 

    Beck--oh, my, how cute! 

    ORLA--please tell me that poor gal doesn't know about the "back door"!

    CynCyn--hope the transition from work to off work without too much trouble!

    Cammy--it's bad enough to have all those tests, but to have one keep getting put off--SUCKS!!!!!

    Happy Monkey day to you, too, DorKable! 

    Beck--I got smaller foobs when I had recon, 3 years ago?  Yeah, 3 years ago.  Still don't know what size bra I would need.  Keep thinking I ought to go get some of the pretty ones I could never wear before just because I can!


    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the 2 for Twosday

    Pour a double batch of your favorite dwinky into 2 glasses, drink from each hand!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2013

    Dat wuz really coot Beckers “Oscar Meyer Weiners”. And is that you in your avatar? Why aren’t you a beauty!

    Oh Cami, too funny about no porn movies at the Oscars!!!!

    LOL Shannon, you always paint the best pictures of our parties! And The Innocent One was most likely in bed, you right ‘bout dat. But I’z a westie too, and so is Pwoud Mary. We just older, so go to bed earlier! Ooooo, I hope you and Beckers can meet, you are too close not to.

    WOWSA NM, I don’t think I knew your whole story and the ordeal you went through. The chit we have to go through! (((((NM)))))) Love OMW (Oscar Meyer Weiner) DOTD. Which I missed, cuz I couldn’t finish reading!

    Well Ms Prowd Mary, glad all is goot on de home front and you moosta keept you mouf shut!

    One monf from today Kat, I gets wet sloppy eyeball kisses! OMG, LMAO @ finding Sue’s beaver!!!!!!

    Well shoot Lara, first I read you weren’t going to TX, now I see you are?

    Cyn, are you back to working 5 days now?

    Dort, I’m with Cyn and your funny enfuctuation wif dat moler focker and his ho sister.

    Cami, I have no idea what is going on with your computer……sorry I can’t help L And yes, we can all live here, 80 acres more than enough room! I am 4 hours from Phoenix, north and east. In fact, I’m only about 20 miles (as the crow flies) from NM. (That would be New Mexico, and not Native Mainer) LOL, glad your pills kicked in, cute picture.

    Ok, I’m all caught up, need to grab 2 drinks of something and hit de shower!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2013

    Hi Girls, happy twosdey, come and git yer dwinks on. So mese not gonna go to work todey. And maybe not tomorree or de nest day. I tail ye all secretly wat bese habbening but not here, ya hear?

    Beck, love your avatar, you have a berry purdy smile and gorgeous hair goil. It is always nice to put a face to a fella lloungette. Can have a seat next to me. Or Cam. or NM. Sumbuddy, annybuddy??