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how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2020

    Mornin' ladies,

    Jazzy that many people, OMG that's way to many. 1 is to much, let alone ur number. I'm so sorry.

    Sandy I agree with JC Bob sounded burnt out and who can blame him, he's right up in front watching all that's going on and in the know of everything. Like u said he had a good nite sleep so hopefully that will help for a while. But what he's going thru I'm surprised he's been going so long and holding up so well. He's quite a man and is not stopping.All these front line people are in a war that's insane..

    I just fell asleep for a while. LOL

    Some of the grocery stores are closed tomorrow so the kids are going today, shortly so I got my list ready, I got a few extra things cuz of Easter. They probably won't have it but I took a chance.We sang HB to Marty last nite, just us. The three worst voices that Go as bestowed o anyone, but we did it anyway. My sister''s BD and my mom's too.

    Well one thing when we get up in the morning Marty's gone to work and none of us know the day of the week anymore, we have to look it up. It's like one long day with naps when it gets dark. But I'm happy I'm stuck in with Les and Joey especially, I think I' be miserable if I couldn't see Joe. Oh he got <right before this started> those invisible liners for his teeth. I honestly din't notice right away. He changes them every wednesday he's on his 5th week so far.What a difference than those big braces Jodie had to wear. I remember how she hated them an after 2 yrs. she took them off herself. I was so mad. But it was almost the time and they turned out fine. I told you she was always a brat and just did things on her own.

    Well everyone have a safe day an a goo one.


    P.S. Anyone notice more people on FB than usual, I guess it keeps everyone busy. The only thing that bothers me is the political thing. I'm not on there for that. I'm on for just the fun and catching up to people. Oh well.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,910
    edited April 2020

    good morning Loungettes!Just a quick poop in Sadie and I are doing fine. The power is out from our nor’easter that dropped almost 2 feet a very heavy wet snow, and we’re currently in the car in line at McDonald’s so I can number one charge the phone number to warm up my feet and number three warm-upSadies feet.

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited April 2020

    Wild Peep here. For anyone who is not a sewer, on another bco Topic some very easy instructions were posted. Using fabric dinner napkins for mine, which works quite well. Here are the instructions.

    And, for some seasonal amusement, greetings from the Easter Dog!

    Image may contain: outdoor

  • janky
    janky Member Posts: 478
    edited April 2020

    Just hopping in to say all is well here, haven't caught up on all posts but,

    goldie - you are an amazing. caring individual, as are so many here, and it is so nice to see! I am a firm believer in 'what goes around comes around' and your neighbor is reflective of that for sure. I wish I was more like you in that I can quite easily sit and not do anything even though I have a houseful of things that need to be done ;) Oh well, slow and steady for me.

    daffodil chocolate latte signing off for the time being, stay healthy and well. Cheers!

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited April 2020

    Wild Peep back again. Forgot in my earlier post to say the instructions are for a no-sew mask. Goodnight.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited April 2020

    Good morning friends- blessings to all on this Easter Sunday and to those who celebrate this holiday. It will be a different Easter this year for sure, but hope folks can attend service remotely/on line if you are so inclined. If you are having some sort of meal with your spouse or other family members who are with you in your home, hoping your dinner is tasty!

    I was out yesterday for a bit to get some food and check the my busines PO box. They had allowed the gardening centers and nurseries to stay open because they sell seeds and small plants for gardens, considered agriculture and essential service. Decided to do a small victory garden and wanted some more things to plant so I did a drive by, but the police apparently showed up as they opened with cease and desist orders. Big box stores like Lowes and Home Depot are allowed to sell though, drove by one of those yesterday and it was mobbed. SMH. Then I ran into a parade for someone birthday yesterday with people not just in cars but walking and without masks too. I can't even......

    I got news this week one of my contract opps is on hold, but could still happen in the future. I also been talking to a big company about a FTE position that I knew had been open for awhile and that I was contacted about. I had some good conversations with the HR person, and was supposed to talk to the hiring manager for a second conversation, but weeks have gone by and nothing. Friday I got the letter saying they were continuing on to look for a better fit. I happen to know that position has been open forever and know other people who have applied for it with no success. I thanked the person I had been contacted by for their time and wished them well.

    Goldie- you are so kind to help your neighbor and others have as well. I am sure having some protein really helped her. So much need in the world right now, helping one person is how we can help. Thank you for being you. Hoping your day is peaceful.

    NM- I saw the pics on FB of the huge snow storm. Are you and Miss Sadie okay? I have other friends and some family in Maine and one said she got 8 inches, sounds like some areas got feet? Stay safe sister. Winter go away!

    Chi- how nice that you got to see your housekeeper this week. I know she is not only a helper but a friend too. I am not having my cleaning company right now, but will resume when the lockdown lifts. Hope you and Bob are having a peaceful day today.

    Cami- your kitty meme's and GIFs keep me going! Sending love to you and the family today.

    Ill- checking in on you sister. You doing a bit better?

    Genny- how about you, how are you feeling this weekend?

    Cella C, Karen, Yoga, Mistyeyes, Janky and everyone else I am probably missing. Wishing you a day of peace and love with your families.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited April 2020

    Good morning and Happy Easter! Just a quick pop-in before I head out with the pooches. Wanted to thank you all for the support, I'm feeling SO much better, Had a nice long talk with my son, DH took me out for a long drive yesterday, it was a sunny day which helped. I'm gonna poop in later and get all caught up...

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2020

    fluffy cats bunny cute cat furry cute animals easter fluffy cats ...Happy Easter to all who celebrate, and I think ur still in Passover so may it be peaceful as well.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2020




    1 egg white
    1.5 oz Absolut Vanilla vodka
    1 oz triple sec
    .75 oz milk
    .75 oz fresh squeezed orange juice

    In a shaker glass filled with ice, add egg white from freshly cracked egg (discard yolk, or put aside for other use). Add vodka, triple sec, milk and orange juice. Shake vigorously. Prepare rim of martini glass with orange zest and sugar-in-the-raw. Decorate glass like an Easter egg using drops of raspberry and strawberry puree. Strain cocktail into martini glass.Drops of raspberry and strawberry puree for glass decoration

    This wasn't easy so I screwed it up of course.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2020

    Mornin' Ladies,

    Happy Holiday to all whatever u celebrate. BTW that drink is an Easter drink just ha a hard time copying it. but I finally did it.

    I just found out my next door neighbor passed away early this morning. He really was the kind of neighbor everyone should have. extremely nice, caring and crazy about joey. Joey would do his yard for him and anything else he couldn't do. They'd argue about money, Joey never wanted to take it but he would tell him u can never help me again if u don't. We' have our garage sales together and I loved sitting out there and talking to both of them. When Les was in bed they'd bring meals over <unfortunately neither one could cook, but they meant well> He just wasn't strong enough either right now, he just had a stroke, but we think she's doing better <I hope>. Oh how we all pray this will be over soon.

    Well my sister had a decent BD a couple of her kids came over outside and sat all apart and visited for a couple of hrs. with some of her grandchildren, so that was good. But she thought maybe the cops would be called cuz just talking to each other was so loud but they were left alone. They all brought food and wore all the gear. It was strange cu getting food was one at a time. But we did talk a lot with some good laughs. we usually talk at least 2 hrs. but it's after nine pm so no one usually calls and interrupts us, that's why we talk so late. I haven't seen her in a few months now, way to long and we talked about my weight...haha I weigh less than her now,,,but I certainly don't look like it.She has no hanging skin all over she's always maintained an even weight <that's one reason I tell her I hate her> my cousin same way. Our mothers would actually pay them to eat more when we were growing up, while they locked everything up for me.Remember I told you I got the apple and they would get a sandwich an shake after dinner. U have to hate anyone like that.

    Everyone sounds like ur keeping busy one way or another Kudos to all of you, this is not easy. Except we really don't hear from Illi much, I pray she's doing a whole lot better.

    Is anyone going to cook a traditional Easter meal today??? seems like a lot of work for a few people. we're not, just a hassle I guess. But Sandy and Karen it seems like u'll stick to ur tradition. That's good.

    Sandy ur really doing well with ur weight, especially since u face temptation every day. That's very hard to stay on any kind of diet. U've worked hard for this weight loss. But I know when u see the weight coming off it's a big incentive, but still hard. And u should be proud. I still wish I really liked fish tho.

    Every single day I think and say a prayer for you Kim, u've always been super at what u do and now ur even more deserving of praise. U r special and keep on keeping on Thank you for just being you. And wow the snow u got was recockulous, u really got dumped on. We had lots of rain, of course nothing like what u had.

    Andeveryone with all u've gone thru and now this and no one complains, it's a wonder to me.

    Oh Joey's letting his hair grow YIKES u'd think he was planning a bank robbery. well I did put my 2 cents in and told them to leave him a lone, let it be,he has to be a teenager doing something and if this is it ignore it til he gets tired of it <I hope I'm right> so we'll see.

    Lori how is ur son doing? This has to be especially hard for him I would think. And what's going on with ur DD, u haven't said lately.

    Jazzy I so enjoy ur pick for the day it makes me smile and sometimes it's kinda sad to me. But either way it's great.

    WISHING U ALL A HAPPY DAY AND A QUIET ONE and remember if ur bored, it's a good thing.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited April 2020

    By the way, since Cami mentioned my pick of the day, here is one I heard yesterday for the first time in a long time. It's one of my favorite Quincy Jones peices from the 1990s.

    And BTW, if you are on FB and can get to his FB page, Quincy posted a concert that was done in Paris last summer called the Celebration of Music and one of the single best on line concerts I have ever seen. There was an artist who did a live version of this that is a jaw dropper. Find it!

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited April 2020

    Happy Easter, everyone! Hope all were able to celebrate in some way that brings you peace. DH and I were able to get our three mile walk in before the rain came. I did miss having my family over for Easter brunch. I was able to text with my DIL for about an hour this morning. We discussed yard work and how much we miss socializing. After lunch, I made brownies and beer bread. Later this afternoon I will make a pot of chili for dinner and the freezer. We have enough freezer and pantry stuff to go until probably Friday. I made a strawberry smoothie this morning with no banana. Not a nice color (kinda like putty) and did not taste that good. Oh well, no more smoothies until I can do a grocery run.

    Tomorrow I will do a virtual wine tasting with a group of friends. One friend is dropping off small bottles we will taste and compare over Zoom. Not sure how it will work out, but won’t care after sampling enough wine! Crazy how we find ways to get in a little socializing during this time.

    Hopefully the storms will not be too bad wherever you live. The bad stuff is supposed to hit here early tomorrow morning.

    Take care and stay safe

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2020

    Happy Easter from Smartie Lemon Drop!

    Cami, so sorry about your neighbor. May his memory be for a blessing.

    Have a friend at temple who showed severe cold symptoms a couple of weeks ago but her COVID test was negative. She relapsed, was tested again--still negative, told she has bacterial sinusitis. She reports feeling better now, not having to take decongestants or use her inhaler.

    Last night's citywide singalong was "Lean on Me," in memory of Bill Withers. It was supposed to be broadcast on 87.5FM. I downloaded & printed the lyrics & chords (taped them to a porch column), cued up the station's webpage, and at 6:58 brought my laptop & guitar out to the porch. But every time I clicked "play," I got the same stupid promo for the station. So at precisely 7pm, I launched into the song--intro, riffs, even the outro. Nobody came out to their own porches nor opened their windows--it had started to rain and was beginning to get a bit chilly. I sang my heart out--a couple of cars came down the block, their drivers looking at me as if I were nuts (they're only half-wrong). But I know that the entire city was singing along: it was on the news, neighborhood by neighborhood. For next time, I'd better go down to the basement or up to the attic to find my old-school boombox.

    Gordy still has a job for now--but since the workload is lighter (and several employees were let go), he's doing both his fraud mitigation AND customer-service live chat, working till midnight. We had a nice phone visit last night (can't FaceTime because he has a Samsung phone, and doesn't have his MacBook set up for it--maybe he can FaceTime me but not vice versa). We may try Google Hangouts (never did learn how to use it) or Facebook Live Chat using Chrome instead of Safari, which doesn't support it. On his next day off, I'm going over to his house to walk the dog with him & Leslie (6' apart, of course). Leslie is crazy-busy, what with all those parents who don't feel up to home-schooling their kids but can afford online tutoring. She's working harder (and making more money) than when she taught in a classroom.

    Bob was off today! We were going to have a Passover brunch and an Easter dinner, but something told me to order the latter early--in fact, several restaurants were out of their meat specials (and we're getting a bit tired of fish--Bob was "Lent-ed out"). So I went on to GrubHub and typed in "Easter" and "Lamb" in the search box. Lo and behold, I found a bar in Andersonville (next 'hood south, where we used to live before we bought our house) that offered a choice of ham or rack of lamb dinners, for $20! I ordered one of each, with a couple of veggie sides because I didn't want the potatoes. The portions were so big we're going to have them again for tomorrow night's dinner. I had no idea the place offered any food other than burgers & sandwiches! we ate dinner for lunch--Bob pointed out it was exactly what (and when) we used to have for Easter brunch!

    So we had "breakfast for supper:" matzo brei (rhymes with "lotsa rye." Like French toast, only made with matzo softened in hot water to soak up the batter). I made mine with whole wheat matzo, Bob had regular matzo (and a double portion).

    DsOTD: with Easter dinner, the last of that 2011 LaSpinetta Casanova Chianti; with the matzo brei, 2018 "Pool Boy" French rosé.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,910
    edited April 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Well, it's been a rather exciting few days for me and Sadie. Got a call early Friday ayem, one of the nurses couldn't get in to work due to trees down across her road thanks to a Nor"Easter that dropped 2 feet of the heavy wet stuff, took down trees, branches, powerlines, and just about anything else it could get hold of. Had to call my neighbor to pull me out of my driveway with his backhoe. Yup, backhoe.

    He'd taken the plow off the pick up. He put it back on later. He had to knock snow off the trees so they would stand up so we could get through the driveway.Oh, yeah, my power went out sometime Thursday night/early Friday ayem. I got to work, finally, got put to work passing medications, and promptly made a major medication mistake. Fortunately, no harm done and the resident forgave me, but I felt terrible all day. Got home, still no power. Not really surprised, but not fun, either. Sadie and I cuddled up under the covers Friday night, got up to no power Saturday. Spent time in the car charging the phone and warming the tootsies, all 6 of them. Went to Micky D's drive through for hot coffee. Went out again in the peeyem to pick up the Farm Drop order--that's a bunch of local farms that have set up a way to order from them on line, and they package and leave the package on a local business's delivery dock to replace Farmer's Markets. Got some still warm cinnamon rolls along with some cheese and frozen chicken thighs. And another hot coffee. Sadie got two rides and loved it! Back home to no power, no heat. Cuddled up through the night, got up to a house cold enough to see our breath. Cleaned up as best we could and she and I went in to work since I had computer work that needed to get done by today. We were watching the electric company's website while I was working (and charging my phone and Kindle, I didn't sign in so that will be my pay for the day) and watched the number of people in my town without power start to go down.When we left for home about half the town had power, so 50/50 that my power would be on when I got home. It wasn't, but there were 3 trucks working on the lines in 1 1/2 miles of my road, so power was back within half an hour of getting home. It felt soooo good to get heat and hot water back!Oh, yeah, in the middle of all this my Mom leaves me a message to call when I get home from work. Dick had another TIA and was in the hospital. He's home now, no stroke this time, but I'm afraid it's only a matter of time before he does have one. Anyway, Mom caught him washing a cooking pot in the toilet, and that was the final straw, so as soon as the quarantine is over she is going to start looking for a retirement complex apartment and move out. Come to find out, Dick's kids have been talking about putting him into assisted living for a while now. Dick's dementia has definitely progressed, he really can't live alone and Mom can't really handle the 24 hour care. It's going to be a very interesting summer, I'm afraid.

    Still no Covid-19 in my nursing home, and we are still working hard to keep that way. It has hit some nursing homes in nearby towns, including one that I have been in with students when I was teaching. As many staff as residents testing positive. I know from beingin there that the staff probably didn't take all the precautions seriously enough or management didn't start them early enough. And I am NOT blaming the staff,they are mostly young people with little experience and in need of strong leadership, and that nursing home does not have strong leadership. But it's getting closer to home, one of my former students is married to a Nurse's Aid in a different nursing home that has had positive tests, and has been tested, and now they are waiting for results.

    Oh great, 23,000 customers still without electricity from the Nor'Easter, and there is a high wind warning up for tonight and into tomorrow, with warnings that it may cause more power outages. The storm we just had would be a major disaster with 24 hour coverage if it weren't for Covid-19. Maine could use some prayers and positive thoughts right about now, but not as badly as the tornado hit areas I've just heard about. Such a scary time.

    Chi--it sounds like Bob has a good point. Maintaining hope is important, blindly cheerleading is not helpful. It make people not take things seriously enough. The current situation is shining quite a bright light on the disparities that are out there, with some children struggling to keep up with school while not having internet access, increasing food insecurity, and all the other changes going on.

    Librarian--good points about the changes Chi's DH is facing.

    Chi--glad Bob is doing better. So glad your housekeeper was able to get in for few minutes.

    Goldie--the deer do funny trimming jobs, don't they? Oh my goodness, what a response to your neighbor and from her as well!That kind of story rekindles my faith in human beings.

    Dizzy Peep, here!LOL!

    Cammy--Keeping track of the days of the week is getting harder for us working folks, too. And the wondering when the virus is going hit hard here, and what the weather will do next is making for lots of short-tempered and frightened people.

    Celia--Love the Easter Doggo!

    Hi, Janky!

    Teka-- I miss being able to just stop into a restaurant, too. Thank goodness for take out!

    Jazzy--I wonder what (or who) that company is looking for to fill that position? It would be interesting to know.When a position has been open for a long time despite having applicants it makes me wonder just what is really going on. I live in a little snow belt, always get a bit more snow than average, and got a good 2 feet of snow in this last one.And I devoutly hope it IS the last one for this season! Sadie and I got through ok.

    Morning, Genny!

    Cammy Cat--pretty DOTD! I am so sorry to hear about your neighbor's passing. Sounds like your sister had a unique BD celebration!If growing out his hair is all the rebellion Joes does, you folks are doing well!

    Jazzy--thanks for the link!

    OK, will finish ketchuping tomorrow, off to work for me today.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2020

    Cami, happy belated birthday to those in your family that had them. And I too am glad you have Joey and Les. And I agree about more posts on FB than usual. Sorry to hear about the passing of your neighbor, but confused as to who had the stroke. All is good with my kids. My son is staying with his dad, he says he's not drinking. And my daughter is trying to pick up odd jobs for money, as everything there is down. No one traveling there right now, so the villa's are not being rented out. It will be interesting to see what Joey's hair will look like.

    NM, I'm so sorry you lost power and had to go to Mickey D's just to power your phone and warm the tootsies, my gosh! 2' of snow, CRAZY! Oh dear, and the medication mistake. I know you felt bad about that, I would too. Glad the resident was forgiving, we all make mistakes, but thankfully that wasn't a harmful one. Oh my, washing a pot in the toilet? Interesting summer for sure, I hope Dick will be ok with all the change that is coming up. Praying for no more bad weather, you have had enough! And thank you to as well for your kind words.

    Celia, cute Weiner Bunny! Amazing no sew mask instructions. I suppose you could do it with any fabric.

    Janky, thank you for the kind words. I can sit and do nothing in the mornings when I get up and have my coffee, check FB and chat here with my loungettes. If I sit for a break, it's usually only about 5-10 minutes.

    Teka, I'm jealous of anyone that can get any kind of food take out. And I would be happy if we only had a good home town restaurant! It's an hour one way to town for us.

    Jazzy, what is FTE position? Full Time _____? Oh nevermind, I looked it up, full-time equivalent, but not totally sure I understand it. But good luck on that front! And thank you for your kind words as well.

    Mary, glad you are feeling better. You are going to have your ups and downs right now, it's alot to take in and deal with. I'm here for you, and I love you.

    JCS, sounds like you made the most of your day. Good luck with the virtual wine tasting. I freeze bananas for my smoothies, then if I run out, there they are in the freezer. If you do do that, peel them! I freeze mine in halves and just wrap in plastic wrap.

    Sandy, good for you for sticking with the neighbor sing a long, but sorry no one else shared your compassion. Glad to hear Gordy and Leslie are still working. Maybe Leslie will change her job after all of this to online tutoring?

    Nothing special for us yesterday, got a little rain and it's currently raining. So no orders will be going out today. Been talking with a young lady, yes young, that is in the nursing home that my mom was in, and she has the virus and said almost every patient there has it!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2020

    Lets just make the DOTD a simple one, that way we can all say we had Corona!

    See the source image

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2020

    ...and an appropriate funny for "the drinking thread" for my lounge lizards to enjoy!

    Image may contain: possible text that says 'Me: it's not about how many times you fall, it's about how many times you get back up Cop: that's not how field sobriety tests work'

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited April 2020

    Goodness! Storms went through really early this morning. Much thunder and lightning so of course the power went out. I use a white noise machine and the sudden silence was what woke me up! Power came back on within an hour or so. Sorry NM! There is a large limb down in the courtyard that will take a while to clean up.

    Not much else happening. My DH is asking about going to the grocery store. We really do not need anything except for fresh produce. We could use some toilet paper. Still have several rolls, so it’s not an emergency. I will do laundry and some surface cleaning today. Have my wine tasting Happy Hour this evening. I need to find another series to watch as we finished Ozark. What a crazy show!

    Not sure how long to keep the social distancing going. Doubt I can make it until May 1st without seeing family. My personal goal is this Friday. After that I will relax and let the family back in. Actually have an appointment with my MO that morning! My hair is really growing back, but looks like crap. Be a while before it is ready for public viewing!

    Take care

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited April 2020

    Hi friends- it sounds like everyone made it through Passover, Holy Week, etc. Next up will be our long holiday weekends for the summer months. Those holidays are really my favorite all year long and guess we will have to see if we will be free to move about (more), etc. I already told myself I need to be ready to be wearing a mask all year long, that may become a new normal.

    My day was quiet and made a pork loan with roasted carrots and potatoes in the oven. It was yummy. I have some really nice looking leeks from my trip to the store this past weekend and planning to make that today. It is a rainy day here which is really good to see as it's been very dry and everything is coming out right now (trees especially need it as they are leafing out).

    Not sure I mentioned this but I some cousins who did a zoom meeting a couple weeks ago. It was so fun and heartwarming to see everyone, and they are doing another one today. I encouraged my sister to join today, but we will see. She and I started getting in to a fight yesterday about something stupid and just shut it down and said I did not want to argue with her about things on Easter, and that lead to us wrapping up our conversation.

    Oh and the comment I saw about positive hope vs. trying to be too positive no matter what is going on. There is a term I have come to hear more often through time called "toxic positivity" where people always have to spin even the worst of situations to come out to be a positive no matter what horrible thing is going on. I have heard these things from people my whole life during my own personal crises, and it really NOT helpful. We all have ways of getting through tough times, and sometimes there will be good things that come out of difficult times, but I personally can't listen to people who do that in the midst of the worst of the worst. I get contacted by a lot of training types who are trying to sell me on line training services right now to "develop a new skill", or train for a new certification. We are trying to surive right now, not thrive? Toxic.

    Chi- that dinner you found (and for a good price too) sounded perfect for your day. I hope you get to do a call with Gordie and Les soon. Have you looked in to Zoom or Skype? I love that you sang the Bill Withers song too. I loved his music. I pray Bob continues on with all he needs to do and stays well.

    Cami- I am sorry to hear about loosing that nice neighbor. Good ones are hard to come by, I have some nice ones near me. Hugs to you and your family friend.

    JCS- I love how you get out so regularly for your walks. Being outside helps me a lot through these times. I heard there are some very severe storms in the south and some heading your way so be careful.

    Goldie- FTE is an human resource term that means full time employee vs. contractor, which is what I do. Sorry I did not spell that out better for everyone. I hope you are getting some of this moisture too. I know you are a veggie planter, are you getting some things started or are you not able to get some supplies right now?

    NM- I am sorry you have been through all these weather woes on top of everything that has been going on for you with your job and the pandemic concerns. Sleeping in a cold house is never fun, I remember it well from times in my youth growing up back east and loosing power/heat with storms. I am glad your facility is still Covid free sister. Oh and things getting worse with Dick and mom, oiy sister. As we say in our family, problems don't come in threes, they come in six packs. Keeping you in my prayers for safety during this time sister.

    Teka- how are things in North Country. Did you get snow too?

    Wishing everyone a good start to the week. One day at a time folks.....

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,315
    edited April 2020

    Thanks ladies for making my day.

    Goldie for the "falling/persevering" message. I sent it to all my law enforcement relatives & friends. A laugh in the morning is a wonderful thing.

    Jazzy for the term "toxic positivity". That's going into my personal word cache.

    NM - I saw this morning that Maine is of three states that are at highest risk. Thanks the amazing job you do up there. And even w/o heat!!!

    Wine of the week is Carson Ridge Cabernet from Total Wine. I got a "6 pack" on sale for $9.00 a bottle. Really easy to drink.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited April 2020

    It's snowing like crazy here right now! Shocked

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2020

    We're getting snow tomorrow & Wed., although it likely won't stick.

    With Easter leftovers, Bob killed off the Pool Boy rosé and I Coravin-ed myself a couple oz. of 2019 Georges Duboeuf Beaujolais no-longer-so-Nouveau.

    Leslie became an online tutor--and tutor-recruiter--last summer. So when (and if) this is over, she will continue to do that.

    Bob is going into Little Co. of Mary Hospital (the hellhole that serves a nearby ghetto) to do consults this weekend--and seeing as how most of the patients there have COVID, he will be seeing them. He claims he has to do the consults in order to be able to take even 1/3 of his salary--every cent he makes at Union Health goes into the practice. His nurses are taking home as much as he is now. How fair is that? And his partner's boyfriend is a retinologist, who still sees patients (just doesn't do surgeries for now). He can easily afford her health insurance premiums.

    He refuses to retire--he wanted to before all this, was planning to do only Union Health starting in July, but now I bet he dreads not having anything to do: no sports to watch, no movies to see, no travel...well, welcome to MY world. I'm just furious--I'm not leaving the house any more, my primary says I should back out of performing & teaching at a folk festival this June (assuming it doesn't get cancelled--which if the organizer listens to our Gov., it would be). I'm washing my hands till they crack, Lysol-ing everything, yada yada...all for naught if he brings the virus home.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,910
    edited April 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday! My county now has confirmed community transmission of COVID-19. My nursing home has shut down even further, no longer allowing take out food to be delivered to the facility, not allowing outside food containers to come into the building, mail being quarantined for 48 hours before delivery. Only 2 staff allowed in the break room at one time.No one allowed to work with a temperature higher than 99.0 (CDC's guidance is 100.3).Reminders to follow social distancing and wear a mask when out in public, and limit being in public while off duty to minimize bringing the virus into the building. At least the wind storm didn't take out very many power lines last night. Sadie says HI to everyone, and she is sharing her moans of pleasure while getting belly rubs and ear scratches with you all!

    Librarian--I like the Zoom wine tasting party idea! I bet you'llhave a lot of fun. I'm missing socializing, too. Thank goodness for this group, it's helping keep me sane.

    Chi--Good for you for going out on the porch and singing! Who cares if some stranger thinks you are a little off kilter? My goodness, what a find for dinner!Glad to hear Gordy is still working and that Leslie is doing so well.

    Goldie--This is definitely going to be a summer of changes. I can't believe the President is already talking about opening up some from quarantine, we won't have statistics and science to base those decisions on for another week or two. Epidemiologically, it generally takes a couple of weeks to see the effect of any quarantine or other measures put into place. I hope the state governors do step up and make their own decisions based on what is best for theirs and neighboring states.Keeping the virus out of a facility is paramount, onceit gets in it's nearly impossible to stop it from spreading. Also, 100% of the residents are tested, and all of the staff are offered testing. In Maine, there are 4 nursing homes with the virus, and 80% of the residents and staff testing positive have no symptoms. It's so very sneaky that way.

    I've had Corona!!LOL at the sobriety test!

    Librarian--please be careful about letting people back in, this virus is spreading through people with no symptoms. Every break in social distancing and non-essential travel is a way it keeps going. And if you are going to the MO office, consider that you will be exposed there and could pass it on to your family.

    Jazzy--I like the "toxic positivity" term. Maintaining hope and positivity is one thing, not accepting the reality of the situation is not healthy. I am praying that this spring's nasty weather is over and done with for now. I need home to be my refuge right now, and that means warm enough to not see my, or Sadie's, breath! Boy, there is going to be a lot of clean up work to do once the yards dry out enough, so many branches and even trees down. Fortunately, no damage to anything.Problems do seem to come in waves, don't they?

    Minus--Yup, Maine is one of the states with the oldest population, so more of the population is at risk for severe disease. So far, we're doing ok for the most part.698 confirmed cases, 19 deaths, all but one or two over the age of 60.Sounds like you got a great deal on the wine!

    Chi--I am praying DH doesn't bring the virus home to you. What a situation he and you are facing. So hard.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2020

    Workout of the Day - Primal Empowerment Home of CrossFit Thumbs Up

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2020

    JCS and others missing family. Be grateful that you even have family to miss. And when this is over you can see them on the regular basis that you are used to. I miss my family every day, virus or no virus, I see my children once a year and my brothers maybe twice.

    JCS, sorry about the storms, hopefully the limb didn't do any damage.

    Jazzy, I think you are able to handle your sister perfectly! And as Barney would say "nip it, nip it in the bud". Toxic Positivity, seeing this image makes me realize I do some of the things. Such as "just be positive". As for the garden, I have posted about that. I have some tomatoes in, 2 peppers, some summer squash I am experimenting with (an indoor planting) and onions. Trellis set for the beans, but not planted. Seeds are hard to come by. We got snow, had 2 squalls go through. Had a customer call me from near Malpais National Monument and said they got 8" of snow!

    See the source image

    See the source image

    MinusTwo, glad to bring a smile and glad you could pass it on. Hope your law enforcement people got a chuckle too.

    Sandy, sorry for the issues you are having to deal with at home. You should have Bob go stay at Gordy's and have Gordy & Les come stay with you!

    NM, I assume it's part of your responsibility to make sure the new rules are enforced? God Bless you girl! And yes, we still have our little group and def. practicing "social distancing" among us! I can't believe the weather you are having, good grief...2' of snow!

    DOTD: A Positive Cocktail
    Choose your flavor and add the libation of your choice!

    See the source image

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2020

    Mornin' ladies,

    Wow lots going on.

    JC I really like the get together for wine thing ur going to do Great idea. I ope it's as fun as it sounds.

    Chi u really did get a good deal for all your food. And always glad to hear Gordy and Leslie are doing all right. But let face it, I think we all worry about Bob and what he can bring home to you. Jeez all he is seeing is covid patients <sounds like> IDK this is all so crazy, but Bob is in the storm of things.

    Of course Kim ur in another area of the storm., same one just different area. So Kim u keep on dealing with everything every day. And then not to have electric I'd go crazy. The goofiest part is when u didn't know when it would go on or off. Sitting in Micky D's charging things. Oh boy.

    Jazzy did u say snow too. Or was that Sandy. If it was Sa ndy that means me too, no doubt. Jazzy everything is so unpredictable for all of you too. We are like all living in a real live case of Outer Limits and it's scary.

    Lori The husband passed away but his wife is still in the hospital and I don't know how they handle these funerals at this time. With people not being able to be close together. I guess we'll find out. I thought ur DD was in a slow time with all this Covid going around. Not many people are traveling and I think her main salary is from travel. Ur concern for ur kids spread all over the place. Sorry but that sucks for you I'm sure.

    My niece went to see her brand new grandchild Sunday, but I never said a thing still. I know they used to say babies have immunity, but mothers don't and this is something so new who knows what and who it can infect. I don't think I would take this chance but that's just me not them. And I have to say babies are beautiful so is this one. With dark hair an lots of it.

    Sandy like the idea of everyone getting together, but it seems like ur the only one. Still a great idea. I've noticed on the news people somehow setting up a time an doing soething. Keeps everyone in a better mood.

    Oh Misty , Celia, Teka and hoping I didn't miss anyone. We just have to hang in there, praying it won't be to much longer.

    I pray all of us to be well an seeing our family and friends soon so our summer is a good one with nice parties, showers and weddings

    Mary I know this is very hard or you but Lori can probably help u the most an our prayers will help u figure this whole thing out.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2020

    My post was all over the place and couldn't make it smaller. I almost lost if so I quickly just hit submit way down the line.

    Lori like the libation idea that's the way to make a drink, whatever makes everything tastes good, that the kind of drink to have,

    Sending love to all of you an care and don't catch anything not even a cold. Just stay in and think it will all be worth it pretty oon.


  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited April 2020

    The wine tasting was fun once we got all the Zoom issues worked out. The wines were from Scott & Cellars. It is a boutique winery that makes more “clean” wines without all the sulfates. I had a Zinfandel that was pretty tasty. Sandy probably knows more about this winery than I do. Not sure I will buy any, but the experience was enjoyable.

    I did take my younger son some brownies yesterday. We stood in the yard and had conversation. We made plans for pruning and putting in some hardscape. I think it made both of us feel good. I really am distancing from strangers, sanitizing what I can and continuing to stay as healthy as possible. I worry about the economy and what life will be like ten years from now. I have no control so I do not spend much time there.

    I mayhave to replace my picture with my new hair. It is very white and fuzzy. I wonder if I cut it would the fuzzy go away? I want not be too attached to it should I need to go back on chemo. The future is fun to plan for, but scary to think about.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited April 2020

    Good morning friends- quick message, yes we did get a snow storm yesterday. I woke up to rain but by late morning, it had changed to snow and lasted for several hours. Given our temps have been in the 70s for highs lately, it did not stick down on the ground, but the gigantic flakes were cool to see falling; most bigger than a quarter. Other areas of the the state (Goldie, El Malpais area over near grants an hour to the west) got up to a foot of snow. I covered up plants and other potted things last night as we went below freezing (will do so again tonight too). Last gasp of winter usually comes in April, but seen it snow here as late as Memorial Day on at least one occaison.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2020

    I don't want Bob bringing disease into Gordy & Leslie's apt. and I'm sure neither do they & their landlord (besides, my cats would probably torture their little pooch). And if I had Gordy & Leslie over, I'd have to totally decontaminate our house first.

    We've agreed that the plan for Bob's every-other-weekend Little Co. duty is to have him take 2 changes of clothes and a trash bag--stay in a hotel Sat. night to strip/shower/sleep; and on Sun. before coming home, to strip & change in the attending physicians' lounge men's room, disinfect his steering wheel & door-handles, then strip again at home and dash (well, hobble with those creaky knees and awful bunions) upstairs to dump his clothes, shower and change into fresh scrubs. (Our first floor bathroom does not have a working shower--to get one, assuming we could find a willing plumber, would run >$10K, and that was the figure quoted us a decade ago). I am the one doing all the home Lysol-ing and laundry (and burning through gloves at a scary clip). The residents' quarters has the hospital's only staff shower--he doesn't want to "trespass," but if ever there were a time to pull rank...