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how about drinking?



  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited April 2020

    Good morning, All! Grey and gloomy here this morning. The line of storms moved through during the night. I didn’t hear a thing due to my white noise machine. The weather should improve during the week.

    Our governor is reopening the state. The beaches will open except for the places around Charleston where the mayors disagree and will keep them closed. Retail stores will open tomorrow. The stay at home/work from home rules will still apply and no school yet. Sounds like all this will be difficult to do. The retail stores will have to limit customers (5 people/1000ft). Not sure how that will get done. How are people supposed to work if there is no child care or schools for the kids to attend. Maybe they can spend the day at the lake! LOL! Sheesh...

    I am having the kids over tomorrow! We will order the Taco bar from a local restaurant and eat outdoors. I think this is a way to see each other without breaking too many rules. We can keep some distance and breath fresh air. Everyone seems excited to be getting together. I will disinfect the house in preparation for hosting. I think I am the most excited

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2020


    Picture this....

    You wake up with a terrible cough, a fever, and severe body aches. Immediately, you run to the doctor, unfortunately you're diagnosed with coronavirus COVID-19. For the last two weeks, you've been unaware that you were infected. For the last two weeks, you've "followed the rules", got together with some close friends for pizza, had a few people over, even visited some parks and beaches, even filled up your gas tank. You figured, "I don't feel sick" and "I can't stop living my life!"

    You spend a few days home on the couch sick, feeling pretty crappy but then you're well again because you're young, healthy and strong!

    But, your friend caught it from you and she visited her 82-year-old grandfather, who uses oxygen tanks daily to help him breath because he has COPD and heart failure. Now, he's dead! Due to social distancing rules, the funeral is limited to ten people that can't hug each other!

    Your co-worker, who has asthma, caught it too, during your little pizza get together. Now, he's in the ICU fighting for his life. Alone. He has an amazing family that can't visit him in the hospital.
    The cashier at the restaurant where you picked up the pizza, carried the infection home on his clothes to his wife, who has MS, which makes her immuno-suppressed. She's not as lucky as you, so she's admitted to the hospital because she's having trouble breathing. Alone. No visitors.

    The lady at the gas station where you stopped to fill up, she had hypertension. The money you gave her, had the virus on it. Her medication for her hypertension is an ACE inhibitor allowing the virus to ravish her lungs. She died in her sleep. She was a single mother and the sole provider for her minor child....

    And this is how COVD19 spreads....and kills. It Doesnt care WHO You are Where You come from. Rich, middle class or Poor...

    Spread Awareness COVID19

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2020

    Mornin' ladies,

    Well it'ss Monday, for most of us it's like any other day, just a few that work right now. Jeez I started this over 1 an 1/2 hrs. ago First I fell asleep then I took some calls.Again I fell asleep now it;s a few hours. Now this is proof what I do all day. The exact same thing I always did. I just ate some jello first. it was in those little cups and different flavors, that's my latest "have a taste for" thing, I usually eat 2 at a time an that's enough. Of course the cherry is my favorite so I save those for last, but they are all pretty good. LOL

    Jazzy keep on summoning so everyone gets here.

    Kim u sound good, now listen to me...Do not overwork. OK I'm done And do u really tell Sadie that I'm sending her extra rubs, cuz u'd better.

    My first call came this morning around 4am waking me up and I have no idea what I'm talking about so I had to check to see if anyone understands me and for some reason Bob always does. I talked to him a few times yesterday so that broke up my day and Daniel let me use his CC to pay for my private stuff from Walmart. Remember I didn't want to get paid this last month, but I figured what they are buying an bringing me is costing him more. I didn't mean to do that, but I do miss my Starbucks that Dan brings. OH well I am more of a liability then anything else.

    Tha's my day so far ladies, but I'll be back.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,315
    edited April 2020

    Goldie - thanks for posting that "food for thought".

    Too many people don't understand the virus spread. I have lots of friends who are missing their grown children & grandchildren (not to mention friends). One decided to have all her family over for a dinner in the back yard last week. The problem is, the kids are still working. Sure, everybody is trying to sterilize and stay safe - but as NM keeps telling us, the incubation period can be from 3 - 10 days. You may feel fine, but... I got an email last night that she has a fever, cough & headache. Not good.

    Drink of the day - Chateau St. Michelle Syrah. And maybe a screwdriver so I can get some extra Vit C

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited April 2020

    Making my drink of the day in a few minutes, the Chambord Spritz Native Mainer posted on 4/17.

    Goldie - Also appreciate your "food for thought".

    The news showing "re-open" protests with no social distancing/no masks are making me crazy! What is wrong with people?

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited April 2020

    Now, here's for some serenity (colors will go with that Chambord drink) - Lake Erie Sunset, April 19, 2020 - Buffalo, NY

    Image may contain: ocean, sky, cloud, outdoor, nature and water

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited April 2020

    Cruising along the patio today


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2020

    Lori, great post. However, there is quite a bit of disagreement with the French "study" (which was based on theoretical biopharmacology--not even in vitro) implicating ACE inhibitors & ARBs in exacerbating COVID pneumonia. In fact, the medical journal (and society publishing it) expressly discredited it. The virus actually uses ACE2 receptors on the lung surface to access the alveoli and replicate, so perhaps an ACE inhibitor could be somewhat protective. However, hypertension--especially if poorly controlled--is a risk factor.

    Here is the latest (published today) about treating BC during this pandemic--one of the doctors writing the paper was my own BC surgeon Kathy Yao:

    What it says is that many treatments (and most diagnostic procedures) for BC can be safely deferred until the pandemic has passed (or at least the curve durably flattened). This includes surgery for DCIS and early (especially Luminal A) IDC--in fact, the recommendation with those with Stage I or IIA node-negative (or only 1 positive node) ER+/PR+/HER2- IDC is to begin neoadjuvant endocrine therapy and delay surgery. If surgery is performed, it should be lumpectomy, or mastectomy without reconstruction--and radiation can be delayed up to 20 weeks post-op--and that high dose short protocol is preferable. And for women >65 with Luminal A and low OncotypeDX scores, it suggests that radiation should be targeted, short protocol--or can be avoided entirely. It also recommends all Prolia and Zometa treatments be suspended, and DEXA scans deferred. For our Stage IV sisters, routine re-staging (PET scans, tumor markers, etc.) can be deferred so long as symptoms don't worsen. The main objective is to minimize live in-person patient-physician interactions and avoid visits to medical facilities whenever possible.

    The biggest takeaway is that after the pandemic is over (and after--God willing--a vaccine & effective treatment have been released to market), the way most early breast cancers are treated might be forever revised: less urgency, less-invasive treatments; and that for advanced BC, general health, immune maintenance and symptom relief may become the focus. What a change from even 40 years ago, when all patients (even DCIS) got modified radical mastectomies, chemo and long whole-breast radiation!

    You, of course, should ask your own surgeon, MO and RO before following any of this advice. Bob's partner--4 wks post-lumpectomy--was going to get radiation, but didn't know when; but now her low-OncotypeDX, node-negative, clean margin tumor and age 62 may make her a candidate for aromatase inhibitors alone, or at least wait 4 months before starting radiation.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited April 2020

    Cami, I sure took your advice today, laid on my big old hiney and did nothing today.I do think our good news will be much later than sooner unfortunately. You do hafta eat a little sumtin besides Jello sometimes tho. What's Joey been doing on lockdown?

    JCS, it'll be interesting to see if your state gets surges with the reopening. Our governor here is still keeping us pretty much closed up at least until May 1st but probably beyond. I'm going to go see my kids next Sunday, I decided on once/month, it will give me something to look forward to at least. I can't wait, haven't seen them in about 5 weeks! Hope you enjoy your visit!

    Lori, Food for thought is just that, I saw on the news that a 5 year old died from it today, so sad. My next door neighbor's daughter still has all kinds of people there all the time and the mom babysitting her sister's kids 2 days/week, plus going back and forth to her boyfriend's house, waiting to hear of someone in her circle getting it. Your ribs looked fantastic!

    NM, yep, 4 dogs once again.... He's starting to settle down a bit, it'll take awhile for him to feel secure here. He follow my husband everywhere he goes, I call my DH the shepherd whisperer or like the pied piper only german shepherds instead of rats (thank God). I don't really think we've hit our peak yet in Ohio, i think people will get more relaxed when the weather warms up and they'LL let their guard down.

    Celia, oh what a beautiful picture, can't wait till it warms up and I can go watch it for myself! I live about 2 miles from Lake Erie.

    Minus, I think that as this lockdown goes on more and more will bend the rules, it's going to make for an interesting summer. Such a crazy, scary time.

    Jazzy thanks for calling me back! I would also like to summon up Illmae, maybe together we can get her attention.

    We are going to Molly and Rocky's on Saturday, I'm so excited! I hope the weather cooperates and we can have a bonfire. They have been in self quarantine for 2 weeks because they just go back from winter in Florida... so their hose has been empty and they have been home, she didn't even go to the grocery store, had her daughter stock her fridge for her. So it's about the safest place I know of to get away. She's not crazy about the idea of my 4 dogs but since she's my bff she has to put up with us! we have a neighbor that has a DJ business with her husband, they threw a 1 hour party in their driveway yesterday, it was fun, took 2 of our dogs and there were other dogs fro them to visit and quite a few people and we did a little social distancing dancing in the cul-de-sac. Then we went to another neighbor and he turned on the stereo in his garage and we took lawn chairs and hung out in the driveway and drank wine. It was a good way to get to know the neighbors, they said they'd do it again next month. It was almost 60 yesterday so it was really nice.

    OK, so I'll post some pics and see you all tomorrow!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited April 2020


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited April 2020


    A war of wills!!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2020

    Okay, medical geekiness out of the way. Back to our (modified) regularly-scheduled lives.

    I was a laundering fool all weekend. Kept my mind off Bob being at the hospitals. He is super-pissed-off that his stay Sat. night at the Oak Lawn Hilton did not earn him any HHonors points. Why? Because it was booked via Expedia. But wait--he didn't use Expedia, he went straight to the hotel's own website! (He had tried to do it the old-fashioned way, by phoning--but the hotel operator, assuming it even was the hotel operator, turfed him off to Hilton's central reservations system...and a thickly-accented reservationist somewhere in the Indian subcontinent). Nowhere on the website was it divulged that there was any "third-party" aggregator involved! He spent a furious hour complaining, going up the corporate chain as high as possible--everyone with Indian accents telling him that sorry, reservations made through "third-party aggregators" are ineligible for HHonors points. What's even more infuriating is that as a Gold Level member, he was always given an Executive floor room, with full lounge access (free drinks, hot hors d'ouevres, and a hot breakfast). But he paid full price and still had to pay a buck for a hard-boiled egg from the "convenience shop" behind the desk. He got nowhere with corporate--all they were willing to do was give him the URL for a "complaint" webpage.

    Gordy had warned me about this. He works for Vivid Seats (for as long as it stays in business). For the past few weeks, he was not just doing his fraud-analyst job but also his old job of Customer Service live chat. Now he has been instructed to tell customers that they are entitled only to a future full credit--no refund, no more promised "120% credit." He feels guilty and is terrified that the company will be slapped with a class-action suit; but unless the sports leagues reopen with live attendance, the company will have to suspend operations. Airlines are all issuing only credits towards future flights (albeit many extending the validity period to two years). The entertainment and hospitality industries (at least the major corporate ones) know they face near-extinction, and are desperately hanging on to every cent they have for as long as they can because the gravy train has derailed and may never be repaired enough to get back on to the track.

    Bob had fewer COVID patients at Little Company this time, and his PPE was so robust that he was issued not just an N95 but a full-fledged respirator with a backpack compressor. At Holy Cross, a dozen telemetry nurses have tested positive--they had no patient contact, just sat at their monitors in the nurses' station. (No PPE for them). At Advocate Christ, all of his cardiology consults who either had symptoms or tested positive were taken from him and assigned to the special COVID-floor staff doctors.

    My first podiatrist (the one who prescribed my orthotics) was forced to retire, even though he's 2 years younger than I am. His office is at Glenbrook Hospital, which is now NorthShore's all-COVID hospital (varying degrees of severity in different sealed-off wings). He was told that if he wanted to keep working, he would have to treat COVID patients--not as a podiatrist but doing critical care. He decided (wisely) life is too short for that.

    My housekeeper's DH is getting his dialysis done at a brand-new COVID-only dialysis center in Villa Park--only two patients in the room at a time. That is because Hines V.A. Hospital needs all of its own dialysis machines for ICU patients, because the "cytokine storms" cause kidney failure in the sickest patients.

    With defrosted Easter leftovers (wings, lamb chop, green beans) I had a robust 2017 Viña Robles Paso Robles Huerhuero Vineyard rosé--the one Bob forgot to take to the hotel with him.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,910
    edited April 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday! Another chilly ayem here, but at least the sun will be out for a while. The weather guesser is talking about ANOTHER 1-3 inches of snow coming! I mean, really???Are we sure this isn't the end of the world? Looks like I'm going to turn into a night shift nurse for 2 weeks. One of our regulars has back issues, gets regular anti-inflammatory shots, can't get them right now cuz that's not essential medical care, and has gotten to the point that she can't work. Now, it becomes essential, but she can't get in for a while. So I'm going to cover for 2 weeks.Before everyone starts yelling at me, I'll be working 6 overnight shift in 14 days, that will add up to about 38 hours per week. No overtime, no extra, just a shift in hours.Don't tell anyone, but I'm actually looking forward to the change in duties. It's getting tiresome going over the same information over and over again, and ragging on people for touching their mask or not doing hand hygiene. Sadie may or may not be happy, I'll be home more overall, but gone longer when I'm away.

    Morning, Cammy Cat!

    Goldie--ok, what is a Ninja Foodie? Those ribs look DELICIOUS!

    Librarian--the stores here have had shopper limits based on size for a few weeks. The smaller stores put out carts, one for each shopper allowed, everyone entering must take a cart. No cart, no entry until someone comes out and the cart is sanitized. I went to Sam's Club to pick up my prescriptions yesterday, they are using their membership tracking tech, your bar code is scanned on the way in and on the way out so they know how many are in the building. I was amazed how many people were not wearing face coverings. The reopening process is going to be difficult at times, I'm sure. You must be so excited to see the kids! I hope you have a wonderful time.

    Goldie--Very well said!

    Cammy Cat--Yes, I do tell Sadie who the extra belly rubs are from, as I'm giving them, and also I tell her when the "deposits" get put in to her "belly rub bank" so she can keep track and make sure I'm not embezzling.And I am being very careful not to overwork. And you are NOT a liability! You are an important part of Dan's life, and Joey's and Leslies, and everyone else's, including ours here in the Lounge.

    MinusTwo--I'm praying for your friend, those symptoms are worrisome. I hope she isn't at high risk for getting the severe form of Covid.

    Celia--the 're-pen' protestors are driving me crazy too.I saw a post on FB, everyone who protests should carry a card stating they decline treatment for COVID-19 due to the infringement of their rights. I want to add that they will pay for the medical care, lost wages, and/or funeral expenses for everyone who catches it because of their actions.Love that pic, and enjoy that Chambord!

    Jazzy--what kind of bird is that?He looks very odd!

    Chi--It's sad that it takes a pandemic to trigger a shift in bc treatment focus away from numbers and protocols and toward quality of life and ultimate outcomes. Isn't the US the only country left that isn't using the shorter, more targeted radiation protocols routinely?

    Genny--Nothing like having a huge puppy following your DH around! Shepherds are notorious for attaching themselves to one person particularly. People probably will let their guard down as the weather warms up and as there is more and more talk about opening things up.I just pray things don't get opened up too soon and too fast. On the other hand, things can't keep going on like this, either. And people have got to understand that when things start opening up, more nursing homes will have COVID-19. The staff will be more exposed while off duty and eventually it will get in. Nursing homes are already taking a lot of blame for "allowing" the virus in, and with the assumption that the staff did not do something they should have or did something they shouldn't.Those pics nail how boys and girls pose for pics!Wow, he is a BIG BOY!

    Chi--good heavens what a run-a-round on the points! Lots of guarantees and such will probably change after all this. So scary how fragile the house of cards is turning out to be. Glad Bob had fewer people testing positive to see. I'm glad he has access to that level of PPE. A podiatrist managing critical care patients?I think he made the right choice there. I'm praying for the housekeepers DH, and the COVID-only dialysis center. Talk about at tough situation.

    Pisco Sour

    Pisco Sour

    Pisco is a very unusual tasting grape brandy made from the muscat grape in Peru and Chile. The Pisco Sour is the leading cocktail in both countries, and like the Bloody Mary in this country, everyone thinks his or her recipe is the best, including me.


    • 1 1/2 ounces pisco
    • 3/4 ounce fresh lemon juice
    • 1 ounce Rich Simple Syrup
    • 1 small egg white
    • Several drops of angostura bitters


    Shake all the ingredients with ice and strain into a small cocktail glass. Garnish with several drops of angostura bitters on top of the foam.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2020

    JCS, I agree about all of doing rather well health wise, considering all that is going on. And I say gardening IS exercise! Enjoy your kids today, I think it's today and be safe.

    Cami, I do hope you and your GF's, all 4 of you can get together. And a sleep over, WOWSA, how fun. Y'all should just get a room down the road at the Hiton, or the Holiday Inn. If my business phone rang at 4 am, it would just go to voice mail, I'm not answering, even if I am up. Or if it were my personal phone.

    Sandy, good news from your HK and I hope your DH stays safe and you both remain healthy.

    NM, I hope you and Sadie had another relaxing weekend. The funny thing about my nieces is, you wouldn't believe how much they fight and go for weeks sometimes not talking to each other. How did you cook your T-Bones? Those are my favorite, especially that small piece on the side. I saw that mouse turd cocktail, but didn't read it. But this time I did...funny! I liked your comment about cooking up a bunch of bacon so you could have healthier meals this week. Night shift, the 11-7? Will be tough adjusting I would think. The Ninja Foodie is a pressure cooker, slow cooker, air fryer, all in one and even does more.

    Mary, my neighbor that is help is not strapped, but she doesn't have any transportation, but I do think she spends her money foolishly. She wanted to buy me a houseplant for all that I have done for her, and I told her I appreciate the thought, but rather she didn't and to keep her money. And yes, she is the one I took with me on the quad. My neice does not have any children, just got married 18 months ago. I hope the fatigue will level off for you. I had it bad when I first started Xeloda, but after awhile, I didn't really have it all. I get it sometimes with the Verzenio, but it's late in the day, almost bedtime anyways. Can't wait to see your new fur baby, what's his name and who took the other one? The neighbor party sounds nice and going to Molly's as well. All sounds pretty safe. Oh my, like NM said, he is a BIG BOY!

    MinusTwo, your friend that had the family over is not feeling well now? I hope she is ok and I bet she regrets doing it now.

    Celia, I totally agree with you on the protests. People are stupid and possibly making this worse. Therefore prolonging the re-opening of the country. Beautiful sunset.

    Jazzy, love your little quails, they are so cute.

    It is amazing when you do go somewhere, how many people are NOT wearing masks. Yesterday after DH's dr. appt. I wanted to look for some seeds. The Ace Hardware store we stopped at had a sign on the door, no mask/no entry. I think I have everything I want for the garden

    Image result for ninja foodie

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited April 2020

    Hi ladies- quick poop in on a couple things.....

    Genny- glad I summoned you back. I checked the threads and the last posting I could find by Illimae was back around 4/12 probably around the last time we heard from her. Maybe she is just taking a break here, and taking care of herself. Sending much love Illimae if you are lurking but don't want to chat right now......

    NM- the bird is a quail. We have families of them around here and a collection of them is called a bevy or covey. They visit my yard often, usually because of left over bird seed from the winter feeder. This one in the picture is a male, as noted by the red cap on his head. They have a really cool call and also make these cute cooing noises when they are around. So I usually will hear them before I see them. I have a family of a good 6-8 who swing through here daily, usually early morning and at dusk.

    Wishing everyone a good day. Stay well my people....

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2020

    Sorry, But Your Cat Is Actually A Total Jerk. It's Just Science ...

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2020

    Mornin ladies,

    All right Kim I'm not saying anything about changing shifts, not one word, not even one letter, not even a thought. I will not mention how lonely Sadie willbe during the night, I will not say how u always put everyone first to accommodate everyone else never thinking about you. I won't even mention that it is going to be hard trying to work at a different time and how tired u'll be. See I didn't say anything.

    I think everyone is waiting for the re opening and wants it done with. But I also don't think rushing it would help one thing, probably make it worse. I think wen they do re open, I know I'll wait anyway cuz I'll be with fear in my heart an head and my whole body. I scare easily. An this doesn't look like it will happen to soon. I've been going on FB a little more an it's getting overly posted political crap, I'm mostly ignoring that cuzz it just starts bad feelings and I have noticed not as many people getting involved which is good. I like to go one there for fun stuff and such beautiful pictures and just keeping in touch. I don't want to have to think about being serious.

    I'm sorry I'm not addressing anyone, I read everything 2x. took notes an now I can;'t read my own handwriting. I don't think anyone talked about t.he planets. So this time I'm just sending my good wishes and prayers that everyone is safe an staying that way.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited April 2020

    NM- I hope the night shift turns out to be something that is less difficult for you. Whenever I have done night work with data center stuff, or go lives, I have to say the schedule change was tough to adjust to but not having to deal with as much people stuff was good. Sadie will sleep all night and greet you when you get home. I like how Cami did not say anything to you about this at all either in her post, lol.

    And I finished those tasty ribs off for lunch tody too!

    Saw this map on FB today about recommended closure based on current health care data. Looks like we may have another month to go, and will hear more what the governor is thinking about the May 3rd date stay at home date.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2020

    Acc. to that map, we have slightly over a month left--assuming they can ramp up testing here for both the virus and antibodies. Y'know, it's been exactly a month since our Gov. (who is even better than I originally thought--some family dynasties are better than others) shut down all nonessential businesses and five weeks since the bars & restaurants were ordered to ditch dine-in and drink-in. I've gotten used to this, and with the weather getting better (still have snow potential if anything like last yr.), I will be getting out to exercise a lot more often. Have three surgical and three washable cloth masks, so I'm set. Our landscaper is finally coming out to aerate, seed & mow (and rake the debris from my herb garden--my parsley & chives are now harvestable, and strawberries are beginning to poke out) so I can order tomato plants, soil & stakes (we have big pots & cages from last year). and get to work on those too.

    Had my weight mgmt. checkup by phone today. I'm at goal! (The symbolism of moving the big "clunk" weight from the 150 to the 100 notch on my scale has me choked up emotionally--even though the "little" weight is at 149.75. Haven't been there since 1991). Think I'll keep going and see where my body wants to be. At least 10 lbs. of that is excess skin, but since I'm not getting fungal infections from it and this pandemic has me reconsidering ANY elective surgeries except for pain relief when we reach the "new normal," I can live with it. I don't care if short-sleeve tees show my "bat wings," and I can always wear longer sleeves. As to my "apron," tighter jeans & bike shorts hide that--and I ditched midriff-baring swimsuits decades ago.

    Last night I did cheat royally, bec. I couldn't sleep (Bob's snoring, my restless legs & pulsatile tinnitus). So I went downstairs and ate a little no-grain paleo-granola (a cheat because it has a bit of maple), then a sheet of whole wheat matzo with melted provolone, then (gulp) a KIND bar (OK, but I actually like the Atkins bars better). In desperation, took a Lyrica--which knocked me out and gave me interesting dreams till 1:30pm! Amazingly, the kitties hadn't thrown up from hunger pangs (they still had a little kibble in their dishes).

    Got one of those headband/sleep masks with built-in Bluetooth speakers, but it wouldn't pair with my phone no matter how I tried, so I used it to hold my AirPodPro in place and as a sleep mask. It is the best sleep mask I've ever tried!

    Gonna make my almondmilk breve capp in a few (DOTD till dinner). Since I'm grilling steak tonight, we will kill off that half-bottle of McPhail "The Flyer" Pinot Noir.

    Jazzy, I love that quail pic. (Now there'll be one more thing I'll feel guilty about eating). Funny you should mention its "call:" another name for quail is "bobwhite," because its call sounds like "Bob White."

    Kim, you'll get no disapproval from me about the night shifts--I'm now used to duty calling. As the billboards now say, "not all superheroes wear capes."

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,315
    edited April 2020

    Quick update from our dear illimae. She's still struggling with the nerve damage that makes it VERY hard to swallow. Also she's having problems with vomiting. UGH. Not to mention how much she misses being able to eat real food. She does have doc appointments lined up, but just doesn't feel up to posting right now. She said to let you all know she'll be back soon.

  • lilyfrombeppu
    lilyfrombeppu Member Posts: 29
    edited April 2020

    Thank you for letting us know. I've been worried.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,910
    edited April 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Didn't get up to 3 inches of snow, but did get up to a good coating.


    So tired of cold weather and snow. I did get to sit in the sun for a little bit yesterday while trying to get some phone tech working (better reception outside the building) that felt so nice except for the chilly breeze. Walking out of work across the parking lot in the very cold rain was not fun yesterday. Sadie was not impressed with her trip out this ayem, it was one of the shortest in a long time!

    Goldie--Sadie and I did have a relaxing weekend, thank you. Right now I'm cooking the steaks by searing in a hot cast iron pan then finishing them in the oven until done. I'd rather grill, but the grill needs to be replaced. I haven't tried on line shopping for a grill yet. It's sad when family won't talk to each other over relatively small things. The night shift will be a bit of an adaptation, 7 peeyem to 7 ayem,but I'm not sleeping so well at night right now anyway. And it's only for 2 weeks and 6 shifts. And it will cut out a very big chunk of very expensive overtime. Maybe I should have said I cooked up the bacon to have TASTIER meals this week, it would be more accurate! Bacon mac and cheese after work Monday. Chicken with mashed potato with cheese and bacon yesterday. The Ninja Foodie sounds like quite the item. Do you use it often?

    Jazzy--thanks for the bird info!He's quite the good looking bird. I've been thinking of Illimae, too.

    Cammy Cat--Yes, Cammy, I see that you haven't said a word about my TEMPORARY shift change, carefully arranged so that I never work more than 2 nights in a row and with a long weekend on each end of two weeks for preparation and recovery. I'm very sure that I can accommodate this request AND take care of myself at the same time.I love how much you care and appreciate how you take care of me and Sadie!I know people are ready for reopening, I understand that. I want that, too, but I know what can happen if we do it too soon. It is getting harder to avoid the political crap on Facebook, isn't it?

    Jazzy--I'm actually looking forward to the temporary night shift schedule as a break from the hour to hour monitoring of so many info sources for the latest changes in regulations and expectations, ragging on staff who aren't using PPE correctly or doing hand hygiene properly, listening to complaints about how (fill in the authority figure of your choice) isn't managing the situation the right way, listening to fears about what will happen if someone in the family catches this,or plans to walk off the job if asked to take care of someone who tests positive, and on and on. It amazes me how everyone can be an expert, yet not follow procedures we've been following for years and years.Ah, well, that's human nature, right?Interesting model for reopening timing. Seems reasonable for Maine, assuming the care rate starts dropping soon AND the testing can get ramped up to where it needs to be.

    Chi--I am so jealous of you folks who can play in the gardens!Congrats on reaching the weight goal!I can imagine the emotional reaction to moving that big "clunk" weight down! Thanks for the kind words, just doing what I can to take care of our residents and keep the facility afloat during hard times, BUT at the same time taking care of myself. I don't see it as being a superhero, really.

    Minus--thanks for the Illi update.It's ok she doesn't feel like posting.Still praying for her.

    Morning, Lily.

    This cocktail, from Seven Lamps in Atlanta, incorporates three of our favorite things: gin, honey, and watermelon. Here's the recipe:1.5 oz St. George Terroir Gin .5 oz Savannah Bee Company honey water .75 oz watermelon juice Slice of watermelon (garnish) Basil (garnish)Combine honey and water 1:1 to make honey water. Combine all ingredients, then charge and shake with ice in a Perlini carbonated cocktail shaker. Strain into a cocktail glass with a slice of watermelon and basil garnish.

    Slice of Life


    1.5 oz St. George Terroir Gin

    .5 oz Savannah Bee Company honey water

    .75 oz watermelon juice

    Slice of watermelon (garnish)

    Basil (garnish)


    Combine honey and water 1:1 to make honey water. Combine all ingredients, then charge and shake with ice in a Perlini carbonated cocktail shaker. Strain into a cocktail glass with a slice of watermelon and basil garnish.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2020

    Oh Cami, you are too funny. Not telling NM what you are thinking! Brilliant!

    Jazzy, that map is an eye opener. However, I like the date for AZ. So scary to even think about reopening states. I pray this does not make this problem bigger than it already is.

    Sandy, congrats on the weight loss.

    MinusTwo, thank you for letting us know about Illimae.

    NM, I like to do steaks in my cast iron too, but I do not put them in the oven. I just got the Nija, so only used it once for the ribs. I'm scared of the reopening too. I can't believe your weather, and Sunday here will be 90, not looking forward to that!

    Tis our busy season, so I'm working out in the office, taking phone calls and helping to pack orders.

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited April 2020

    Good morning! Had a great time with my kids last night. We talked and talked along with much laughter. It just warms my heart to see them and know for sure they are doing well.

    Our governor has opened the beaches, but several mayors of the coastal towns are keeping them closed. The governor has also opened non-personal retail businesses. There are still “rules” for how many people can be in the store. How that will be monitored is beyond me. My son at the bike store has told me people just come in and do not want to wait their turn. I think I will just continue to use common sense to protect myself.

    I should get back out in the yard, but am going through a lazy period. I have a Zoom cocktail hour with some friends this afternoon. Might have storms here on Thursday. Take care all and stay safe!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited April 2020

    MinusTwo- thank you for the updates on Illimae.Will keep in my prayers. Let her know we are thinking of her and wishing her better says if you are in touch again

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited April 2020

    Minus - Thanks for the updates on Illimae. Sending prayers & healing thoughts.

    Jazzy - Took a better look at that map online. Shocked to see that Kentucky has a June 8th date. Our tri-state neighbors Ohio and Indiana have earlier dates. Even New York has an earlier date!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2020

    Sorry, But Your Cat Is Actually A Total Jerk. It's Just Science ...

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2020

    Afternoon ladies.

    Minus thank u so much for the update we've all been so concerned.

    So Miss Maine everything is going well for u and sadie, did she tell u that or are u guessing. When r u people going to stop getting snow, Of course we did have it a couple of days ago. But u guys get carried away with it. Strange. Now I understand steven Kings books

    I kind of envy u garden people <I said kind of> u can get things underway and know u've created something whether to enjoy looking at or eating.

    Lori if that map is about right I wouldn;t have thought Utah was like u. Of course I didn't even know Utah was near u. I always figured Utah was very separated within the state how people live. And where they live.

    Oh Sandy u made it. Good for you.

    OH I had my Dr's app't today on the PHONE what an experience. I told her I would tell her the whole truth and nothin'but the truth all I heard was her laughing.thru most of it. I just wanted to make sure I got my meds renewed. But I had to tell her about my weight, lost another 20 lbs, which at this point she's not happy and is more concerned. So when this thing is over now she even has more tests. I told u all I'm at my HS weight but don't look it, that's for sure. Lori since I saw u this loss is after I saw you. Which u know I don't look like weight was lost <well as much as I have lost> I've lost 130 and I don't see it. IDK it's confusing to me.But then again I didn't know Utah was near AZ. so who am I to judge.Wwell at least I got my meds so I withstood her scaring me cuz I don't have to feel as much pain. so.....

    Lori do u know when u and Mary came here we were about 2 weeks before the lockdown was in place. Didn't think it was so close.

    OK ladies enough about me and my woes, so nothing else to say LOL

    I am so glad we heard about Illi just praying things go much better for her.

    Stay safe and well everyone.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2020

    Celia, I think those opening dates are keyed to the beginning dates of a particular state’s spike. NY & IN spiked earlier than KY (even though a tiny part of IN borders KY, in the Cincy metro area).

    Praying for Ilona—putting her in my Mi Sheberach list tonight.

    Chilly today, but still warm enough to sit out on the deck and enjoy my coffee before the clouds rolled in. Bob wants Chinese food tonight, so will look for a decent place (NOT the one around the corner, which uses only American veggies and drowns everything in the same sweet-salty brown glop) that delivers—and has some low-carb things. We grilled last night and enjoyed that MacPhail 2018 The Flyer Pinot Noir

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited April 2020

    ChiSandy - The info about spiking does seem to help explain. I live in the Cinci metro area, about 10 miles south of Cinci.

    Gorgeous weather here today! On my way to mix up a Chambord Spritzer & have something for dinner.