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how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,910
    edited April 2020

    Thank you all, breathing a huge sigh of relief here. I so did not want to be the one to bring that virus into the building.

    Goldie--Cream cycle, creamsicle, who care how we spell it, it tastes GOOD!!!!

    The results were actually posted on the patient portal yesterday peeyem, I never thought to look there for it.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2020

    That nitemare is over whew.

    SusyQ I never mean to ignore u but I'm so so glad u pooped in, I ask about you but I'm sure u have been doing what u need to do but u've been missed. Oh 1/2 the time in travel which make a good deal for you. And I'm sure ur following the rules of the country so just stay safe and do what u need to do. Please don't stay away so long next time. It'so a big worry, so DON'T LET ME. <ohoh I see I'm on bold, didn't mean to>

    Sandy if nothing else Bob has to be exhausted from just changing and showering. But I'm sure everyone is glad to see him. Hoping ur little one keeps her energy up and just plain feels better.

    We had snow, but it has melted, I hope that's it now.

    Joey and I had a great talk last nite but at the end I was trying to put my chair upward and for some reason I was sliding, Well my hero started LOLing so hard and then I did, he couldn't move to help me and I just kept sliding down. Finally he took control and 1 2 3 I was fine. That brat.

    I'll check back later sty safe and well.


  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited April 2020

    FANTASTIC! NM. That is the best news. Take a minute to breathe deep, rest and get centered. You are important to us!!!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited April 2020

    Cami- I raised rabbits. If our outdoor cat messed with our rabbits, they would box them in the head with their rear paws. Cat was left stunned.

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited April 2020

    Great news, NM! Hope you plan to enjoy some adult beverages before you return to work and are able to sleep well. FYI - I am fine with whatever you wish to share here & happy if having this forum gives you a place to vent/share knowledge freely.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2020

    WOO HOO, Kim!!!! Stay well, stay safe, keep rockin' that PPE. (And take your allergy meds).

    Heidi is eating like a horse and drinking like a fish. Vet said she lost weight--but at the last visit we were told to get her to lose weight, to keep a chunky body from overwhelming those short little "Ragdoll"-esque legs. Awaiting results of routine bloodwork--not due for shots till fall. But we have to bring her back next Fri. for her annual dental. (Ugh--gotta keep her NPO after midnight first, which means feeding Happy separately).

    Our housekeeper's DH tested COVID+. One dialysis patient at Hines V.A. last week fell ill and his results came back positive, so all the hospital's dialysis patients were tested. He was sent home with instructions to isolate (which he's been doing for a couple weeks already), and ditto for her--nobody will test her unless she shows symptoms. (I told her it's a sin to tell a lie, buuuut...). None of Bob's hospitals will test him, either. She's been absolutely fanatical about disinfecting everything since the start of flu season, and they're living on separate floors of their house. They--unlike most African-Americans on the W. and S. Sides--have plenty of room to social-distance, excellent health care, and a very healthful diet. But he's a prostate cancer survivor, brittle diabetic, ex-smoker, and in near-end-stage renal disease. His only symptoms are fatigue & the "big D," but he's had those for well over 6 months.

    DOTD with takeout (and leftover ribs): Mark West 2018 Russian River Pinot Noir. (Yup--Cellars also delivers wine)! Nespresso "Cafe de Puerto Rico" espresso chaser.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,910
    edited April 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy TGIF day!Back to "normal" for me, back to work this ayem.Got a lot of stuff done puttering around the house yesterday, slept like a log last night. Feeling pretty good today, just hoping the thermometer at work agrees with the thermometer at home.Hmm,maybe I'll take the thermometer with me and check before I get out of the car! Am I getting paranoid? Probably. Dr's office never did call with the test results.I wonder how many people aren't getting results because they aren't looking on the portal? Sadie will not be happy when I leave, I don't think. Or maybe she will be, I've been doing an awful lot of hugging and belly rubbing the last couple of days. She may be ready for a break!I'm amazed that there are still no positive tests in one county in Maine. Granted, that county has few residents and lots of park and wilderness area, but to have zero cases?Way to go Piscataquis county!

    Cammy Cat--LOL at Joey laughing at you sliding out of your chair and then fixing it!

    Librarian--I did just that yesterday and last night, and feel much better. Onward and upward now!

    Jazzy--Wow, I did not realize rabbits could protect themselves so well!

    Celia--I slept very, very well last night. Saving the adult beverage, a bottle of ice wine from a local winery that I scored earlier this week, for afterwork tonight.

    Chi--I'm actually pretty lucky, as educator when we have someone on precautions I am usually the spotter--the person who watches to make sure all the precautions are used correctly and consistently, I'm not usually the person going into the room. So I have to set an example when I do use PPE, nothing like being closely watched all the time to make you pay attention to details! And I've upped the allergy meds a bit to help, too!Sorry to hear about your housekeeper's DH. I can understand her wanting to be tested.

    Spring Cocktails

    Chambord Spritz

    Fill a large wine glass with ice. Add 1 ½ oz. Chambord liqueur and 4 oz. dry white wine, and top with soda water.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2020

    NM, I'm still over the top excited that you tested negative. And I'm sure everyone at work will be happy to know that as well. I can't even imagine how I would feel if I were positive and brought it into the home. OMG, just can't imagine. You and Sadie should have a wonderful weekend. Enjoy that wine tonight.

    Cami, so glad you didn't hurt sliding out of your chair and I'm glad Joey was in there when it happeded. It might be hard to get to you if you ended up on the floor.

    Jazzy, when I read about your cat and rabbits, I thought it was the cat that was bopping the rabbits. I see now, from NM, it was the other way around!!

    Sandy, glad your cat is doing better and sorry to hear about your HK's DH. Hope he pulls through and doesn't get more symptomatic.

    I got my geraniums planted yesterday, 4 of which I got some time ago, they are a little straggly looking now and I'm debating if I should cut them back. Then a few months ago, I did cut back my older geraniums and tried to root them, most took, so I planted those as well. Put in another 6 of my teeny tiny tomato plants. I have no idea why these plants did so poorly. All my seeds saved and planted at the same time.

    This is so so true. When we went shopping a week and a half ago, I had cloth gloves on and had a heck of a time trying to open one of the produce bags.

    Image may contain: possible text that says '0า0 Tensions are high in the produce section as no one dares to lick their fingers'

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2020

    Seen this several times on FB.....WE KNEW!

    Image may contain: possible text that says ' sun gazing .com INF IN ITY Everyone is posting memes and talking about coming out of this quarantine with a new skill or side hustle. I'm just sitting here wondering how I never noticed there's a turd in Saturday.'

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2020

    600+ Free Laundry & Wash Images - Pixabay

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2020

    Afternoon ladies,.

    Wow I'm late.

    Kim glad u had a goodnite sleep, u deserve to be well rested. And I'm sure Sadie is a little upset with u, so this weekend make it all about u 2, forget what;'s not important like housework. How are ur mom and Dick doing??? Ur used to spending time with them so I'm sure u miss them. An ur wine club, Praying this will be over soon.

    Lori I forgot about opening those bags hahaha, what u need is a tiny little scissors to cut the edge and that should break the suction. I really don't know if this works, but sounds logical to me. Ur. really taking care of ur garden. This summer u should have some good stuff. Looking forward to seeing ur table filled.

    Sandy of course we're hoping ur HK's DH does well, but it sounds not so good. All that cn be done is pray.

    ILLI WHERE HAVE U BEEN AND HOW R U DOING. See I yelled that so maybe she'll hear me.

    Are all of u gals ordering groceries or going to get them??? This is a conundrum for me. And this whole house actually. IDK

    Leslie has been taking Joey for his practice rides around town to get his hrs. in for testing. She said there is not much traffic. They are usually gone about an hr. So he's trying to get that done. And I don't understand how they can do chemistry on the computer. That's such a hands on subject, but whatever.

    Well everybody please stay in an stay safe. One thing for me tho, I'm stuck in the house with Joey so he makes it all better for me.


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited April 2020


    Morning Dahhhhlinks,

    We are supposed to warm up to the 80's today. YAY.

    I neglected to mention my hubs has taken all my booze OUT. Only thing I can do is brandy. I'm getting quite used to in my diet pepsi and then of course my coffee with foofoo (sweetened cream). My favorite is 'caramel macchiato' yummy. He did it cuz I kept falling, when I did, I couldn't get up by myself. My hubs and I are same height and I'm just to heavy for him to lift. So I understand. He says I'm an alchoholic cuz I'd have 2 or 3 drinks per day. I kept saying it wasn't because of the booze but rather my dizzy spells…which I still get almost daily. And since I've been mostly stone-cold sober, I've fallen 3x's. He witnessed these falls (some I didn't tell). No broken bones just a lot of bruises n some cuts. I now have 2 walking sticks and 2 walkers. I only use when I'm having dizzy spells. I've accepted it…oy.

    OK I've prattled on enuf, but wanted to say HELLO to all the new beasties and to wish them luck in their dealings with this RatBastard and I hope they've been enjoying the pool and other ammenities.

    Hubs giving me the 'eye' so gonna close.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited April 2020

    MemaSue - when did the falling start? Have you checked with doctor on this to see if this could be a SE of the new treatment? Get a cane sister, I got one after some abdominal surgery and it is good to have handy if you need it.I hope you feel better.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2020

    9 Funny Cats to Brighten Up Your Day •

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,910
    edited April 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Saturday! Sadie and I had a lovely evening after work yesterday. A bottle of Ice Wine, some Creme de brie and Ritz crackers, a fancy chocolate bar for dessert, ahhhhhh.Slept like a log again last night. Not even bothered very much by the intermittent snow showers yesterday or expected today. I actually feel more relaxed this morning than I have in quite some time. Plan for today is to putter around the house a little, then find a fun project to work on.I've got garlic to plant for fall harvest, but the ground isn't ready to work yet, not sure what I'm going to do about that just yet. I'll figure out something, though. Really trying to motivate myself to take Sadie for a walk, though. I really need to move more on the weekends when I'm not roaming the halls like I am during the workday. Sadie says Hi to everyone.Oddly enough, my doc's office still has not notified me of my test results!Thank God for the portal!

    Goldie--I am really relieved, too. Kept telling myself that I've done everything I could, if I got infected it's not my fault, it's the way it is. Now I'm being even more careful to maintain my precious negative status! Are you a coffee drinker? I've found that straggly tomato plants respond very positively to having coffee grounds mixed in the dirt around them. That may give them a boost.One hint, though--wait for the grounds to dry out before adding them in, it works easier and less mold and other stuff transferred.I can see where that would be a problem in the produce sections!Everyone is going to come out of this will all kinds of oddball new information!

    Cammy Cat--Mom and Dick are doing OK, Dick is driving Mom crazy, I think she's finally decided to move into a retirement community when this virus thing is over with. I do miss seeing them and going to Bean Suppahs.I really want to take a drive down to Mt Desert Island and visit with the cousins and aunts and uncles. I really, really want to have a Wednesday, Women and Wine get together. I want to not be afraid to stop and chat with someone that I meet in the grocery store. I really, really, really, really want to be able to stop wearing a mask. But, what I want more is for everyone I know to be healthy, so I will endure. I looked into ordering groceries and getting curbside pick up (delivery not an option where I live, too rural), and the places doing it are booked up into next week. I am going into only 2 stores, the health food store where I get my milk and half-n-half and chocolate milk, and one grocery store where I get dog food, bread, and whatever else is needed. Neither is crowded under normal circumstances, even less so now. Anything else I mail order. Or get through the Food Drop the local Farmer's Market has set up. Got 10# of porterhouse steaks and 5# of chicken thighs to restock the freezer this week.Got to inventory the freezer and see what I need to order going forward. That's an outside pickup, no contact except the staffer stepping outside the door which is 10 feet away from the bagged orders, saying hi and reminding people to look in the cooler for the frozen items. I'm glad Joey is getting his driving hours in now while the traffic is low, that will make it easier for him. It's amazing what can be done on computers these days, that's for sure.

    Mema--now that DH has seen that the booze isn't the reason for the falls, he needs to give it back! No shame in using canes or a walker during dizzy spells. Meet you at the pool side hammocks!

    Morning, Jazzy!

    Mint Tulip Cocktail


    2 c. pink cranberry juice

    1 3/4 c. citrus vodka

    1/2 c. St. Germain liqueur

    1/4 c. fresh lemon juice, plus slices for serving

    Fresh mint sprigs, for serving


    1. Combine cranberry juice, vodka, St. Germain, and lemon juice in a pitcher.
    2. Serve over ice with lemon slices and mint sprigs.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2020

    Cami, have you rode with Joey yet? Is he a good driver?

    LDB, I hate all this falling for you, pray you don't seriously hurt yourself girl. Do you get your booze back since you still fall even w/o it? I so happy to see you here, you have no idea. Mese missed you.

    Jazzy, you skeered me about Genny falling. I'm like, I don't remember reading that. I think you meant Sue. I'll let her answer, but I assume it's due to brain mets.

    NM, we will most likely bump. But I hope you and Sadie have an awesome weekend. Maybe the 2 of you can do something special, even if just going for a ride.

    My niece who is working the Covid unit at her hospital, well her sister through her a surprise party, everyone out in the yard with signs, thanking her and her team for all she/they have done. I went to the post office yesterday on the quad, took my neighbor with me, she really enjoyed that.

    Hope everyone has a good SaTURDay!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2020

    Edited to remove photos

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2020

    DOTD: Turd Cocktail


    I don't see the recipe, just the picture and a comment about frozen Coke for the turd/ice.

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited April 2020

    Goldie, what a thoughtful bunch of people! A party like that helps everyone feel better about what is going on right now. People are really wonderful and we need to concentrate on that. I am so very glad this group seems to all be doing well and are healthy in most all respects.

    I worked in the yard again yesterday. We have soooooo many vines that get tangled around the shrubbery. I am not sure if bending over or standing on an incline is the culprit, but I am very sore this morning. The bed does look better for now. Today will be an indoor day once I get my walk in. I am reading a very interesting book about a family with schizophrenia. The parents had twelve children, ten boys and two girls. Six of the boys were diagnosed with schizophrenia around puberty. The family was used to study the nature/nurture aspect of this illness. Chapters alternate between information about the family and how scientific research is conducted. Well written and readable

    Our brilliant governor decided to reopen the public boat ramps as his first step in the reopening of our state. The nice temps and upcoming holidays need to be enjoyed out on the water with alcohol and your buddies! LOL! I am sure all will practice social distancing. Winking

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2020

    Mornin' ladies,

    ,Ah we had snow about 3 in. yesterday but viola it's about gone today and it's supposed to be warmer now for a while anyway. Nice enough to go out and visit people. Oh we can't, well nice enough to be nice.

    Hey SusyQ so glad to read u. Tell ur DH there's a time when u just fall drinks or not drinking. U gals know I don't drink and I fall about once a week. For about a few seconds I get dizzy and I go down and can't get up by myself. I don't know why but someone has to pick me up. They go behind me an put their arms under my armpits and just lift. It's the easiest way and they get me to a chair, I sit there for a couple of minutes and I get calm, then I can get up. I told my Dr. especially when they see the bruises, they're not alarmed cuz this just happens. No one has a concrete answer so...I hate when u want a drink and u can't have one.Falling is a way to tell us we're fallersand that's it. If a snail and I would have a race u'd think I would win, but never this way my fall isn't super hard.An using a walker doesn't help cuz u can hit ur head on it much easier.With a cane u can avoid hitting ur head better. Really I'm not complaining just splainin'.Make sure u talk to him about this.

    I talked to one of my GF's yesterday and she is a craft person, so she lives alone but she's busy doing all those things and painting, she says it helps her to pass the time.Well she asked me what I was doing . I asked her how long has she known me <about 60 yrs.> and have I ever made anything an I told her to shut up. I'm praying that my other GF can get here after the summer and the 4 of us can get together instead of 3 of us and we can have a sleepover like we used to. We even had them when we were married, left the DH's out, they were fine about it.Then we started having kids a whole different story then.

    I just got back, got my coffee, went to the bathroom and had a little political talk, our usual. hahaha, of course we solved everything within 5 mins. like everyone else does.

    All of u better keep safe and only do what u HAVE to do. And enjoy ur homes and I hope Kim is home today.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2020

    Lori, Lindsay is definitely a hero! The nurses are the front of the front lines, and Bob is in awe of them.

    Knock wood, my housekeeper's DH is stable (no symptoms he hadn't alreadt had for months), so he was cleared to go back to dialysis. This time, of course, every other lounge chair is vacant and all patients are masked & gloved. She hasn't been able to get tested yet (not enough tests & personnel to administer them) but is feeling ok...physically.

    I lost it over the stupidest thing last night. You know those tinfoil takeout containers with the plastic lids, right? The ones where you have to crimp the rim over the edge of the cover to keep it closed--but it's harder than it looks. Analogous to trying to stuff toothpaste back into the tube. No matter how you try, there's always an edge of the lid that sticks out over the edge of the foil and screws up the whole process. Well, after serving the leftover Cobb salad from last night there was still some left, so I tried to close the container securely enough to keep it from popping open--but I'd get about a third of the way and the lid would slip and I'd have to start all over again. I guess we're all on edge these days, but we have different things that set us off!

    Sue, no shame in using canes--I forget what book it was ("Our Bodies, Getting Older," a sequel to the "....Our Selves?") that said you should refer to canes or trekking poles as "accelerators." Hope you get to tipple--not tip--again!

    DOTD was more of that Mark West Pinot.

    Bob is off to the "belly of the beast" for the weekend. (He forgot to pack his hotel-room snacks and bottle of wine, but he's got the changes of clothes and shoes and trash bag). Word from the nursing staff is that the number of COVID+ patients on the regular wards has declined slightly. We shall see. I had to lint-roller the cat hair off the one scrub top that still fits. Meanwhile, Medicare gave his practice a nice stimulus bonus, so that can cover most of the overhead for a couple of months.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,910
    edited April 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday Funday! Not sure what Sadie and I are going to do for fun today but will come up with something. Lovely sunny day, should get up to 55 today. There was frost on the ground when I got up, can still see our breath in the air outside. I think we're going to have another cold spring and then drop right into hot and humid summer. Spent the afternoon yesterday watching disaster movies. NOT epidemic disasters, but meteors hitting the earth type disaster movies. Not sure why I like those, but I do. No accounting for taste, I suppose. Cooked up a porterhouse steak for dinner last night, now got one on the stove for a steak and egg breakfast. Going to have to get some more of those, they are GOOD!Local farm meat just tastes so much better than store bought. I know it costs more, but at my stage of life, I can choose to spend more for meat and milk and coffee if I want to, right? Sadie doesn't get the bones, as much as she would like to, but she does get some of the pan drippings on her chow as a treat once in a while. Sadie says "HI" to everyone.

    Goldie--how sweet of the sister to throw your niece a surprise party! People are getting very innovative with ways to connect. So far Sadie and I are having quite the good weekend, and enjoying it immensely! Those pics are great, gives new meaning to the idea of a block party! And the Turd Cocktail, IDK. . . . . .

    Cammy Cat--I love the idea that you and your girlfriends kept on having sleepovers even after you were married!I am home today, andI did even sleep in until almost 7 ayem!

    Chi--Glad to hear the housekeeper's DH was cleared for dialysis. It is funny what kinds of things will set us off when we are all stressed. I think we tend to be on guard against the bigger stressors and don't think about the smaller ones and so aren't "prepared" and the smaller ones get around our defenses. Wishing Bob good luck and lots of PPE availability.

    How does one top a TURD cocktail????????

    In celebration of my nasty mouse-infested kitchen. . Free tutorial with pictures on how to mix a rum cocktail in under 10 minutes by mixing drinks with rum, creme de cacao, and cream. Inspired by christmas. Recipe posted by Pintester. in the Recipes section Difficulty: Easy. Cost: Cheap. Steps: 4

    Mouse Turd Cocktail--this person's instructions are hilarious!


    1.5 ozdark Rum, or Brandy if you are lazy and don't have rum

    1/2 oz crème de cacao

    1/2 oz crème de menthe (white, preferably, but leprechaun green if that's all you've got)

    Chocolate sprinkles

    Step 1:

    Gather your ingredients. Or an approximation of them.

    Unfortunately, I drank all the rum last week during a particularly rough bout of alternately binge-watching HGTV and feeling sorry for myself because I don't live in a swanky Manhattan apartment with custom vinyl wallpaper and a white leather couch that you're not actually supposed to sit on. I had some pineapple rum left, but I didn't think that would go with mint and chocolate, so I dug some brandy out of the back of the cabinet. That'll do.

    Oh yeah– I didn't have white creme de menthe either because we don't go in for that classy shit around here. Mine is Leprechaun green. And I will add here that any cocktail I've ever made that had creme de menthe in it has turned out horribly wrong and also I despise cocktails with cream in them, especially white Russians, which make me dry heave a little just from thinking about them. So things are looking promising.

    Step 2:

    Combine everything but the chocolate sprinkles and shake.

    Because of the Leprechaun green creme de menthe, the mixed drink is, well, greener than the recipe would have you believe. (On the plus side, tomorrow I will have the pleasure of thinking back and trying to solve the mystery of what turned my poop green.)

    Step 3:

    Pour into a cocktail glass.

    Step 4:

    Garnish with the piece de resistance: chocolate sprinkles.

    First I tried just dumping them in and they sank to the bottom, so I had to float them on top of the drink with a spoon. I am that dedicated to making a gross reference to mouse turds, people.

    From <>

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited April 2020

    Good morning girls, I've been gone too long and I have no excuses. Been on FB here and there but just busy around the house and sleeping a lot cause of these meds. So I'm just gonna jump right in.

    Sue! Wow so good to see you in the Hot Toddy lounge! Sorry about the falls, glad to hear nothing broken! My Rat Bastard decided to rear it's ugly head but I'm hanging in there. Come back and pull up a bar stool soon!

    Kim, hope you enjoyed your day off and found a fun project as opposed to a chore. I walked 3 miles with some of the pooches yesterday, it's about the only exercise I'm doing right now but better than nothing. Glad to hear your facility remains virus free. My MIL is in assisted living and her building is fine but the nursing home has over 20 confirmed cases now but it's a separate building and they don't let staff float around anymore and she doesn't get her meals from them. Glad to hear your mom has decided on a retirement home, hopefully it will be sooner rather than later that this stuff settless down.

    Lori, Hope your doing ok, Im starting with this page then will go back and read, if I do it the other way around I'll never end up posting. I do remember reading about your neighbor and the food you brought her and the kind words she wrote on FB. Is she financially strapped or just unable to get out? Is that the one that rode on the quad with you? Your niece is a hero for sure, like soldiers going off to war everyday. Does she have kids? Love the pics what a nice way to celebrate her!

    Cami, So sorry to hear about your neighbor, I hope his wife is holding up ok, such a sad time to have services to deal with, not sure how they do it, I've heard funeral homes are really backed up in some areas. We are having the same weather as you, wish spring would stop teasing and just get here already.

    Sandy, glad to hear your housekeeper's DH is holding his own.Hope your DH stays safe, I think those things like the lid not going on erupt when we've let things bottle up then boom.. you get crazy over some little stupid thing like that!

    NM, oh I just went through and skimmed some previous pages and read about your Corona scare... whew!!! so happy for you that you came up negative...YAY.. WOHOO!!

    We have yet another dog that my DH managed to come home with, not sure how it will work out in the long run, he tried to say we were fostering but we both fail at that every time. When I talk about the dog leaving my DH tears up everytime. So not only do we have a 4th dog but he is a Gia-Normous 112 pound german shepherd! He is gorgeous but so big. His owner, in his 60's died suddenly and left 2 GSD's behind. I'll post some pics later. I had happy hour via FB messenger with 4 of my friends last night, it was nice haven't seen any of them in a month since last time we did that.

    Librarian, Jazzy, Celia everyone else, got to go walk pooches, see ya"ll later, have a good Sunday everyone!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited April 2020

    Kim, thanks for the swim! Water is nice!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2020

    BunnySlippers - Hop to Pop

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2020

    Mornin; ladies,

    Sandy those tops get me all effed up anytime I've ever used them. They are easy to do the first time, but after that put it in another bowl <plastic> but first drain cu to me it gets soggy. Good to hear about HDH. The net door neighbors , well he passed away and she's home from the hospital doing OK just staying in.

    Mary 3 miles??? Well compared to my 22 feet sounds like a marathon.Another dog, and a huge one at that. U2 should have a kennel, they must really love you,,,oh I can see why. Mary whenever u feel tired just rest in any way u want that feels good. Whether it's sleeping or just being comfortable just rest. And yes we do have the same type of weather and it;s called crappy right now, but soon it will be 90 degrees and miserable that way.

    Oh Kim it's Sunday just no work day. U and Sadie maybe take a walk or play in the yard, u work very hard during the week, u really need to just not o to much an gear ur body up for the coming week. And Of course give Sadie a few extra belly rubs from me, and tell her.

    Well I start my Sunday evening praying that this week something that will be super good news and knowing that this will end soon. well one of these days this has to come true, right??? But I do think it will be later then sooner cu that first day they say ok I can picture people opening up their doors and just peeking out daily for about a week. Then waiting for another week. Us oldster <not u> will be much more cautious then u young whipper snappers who are much braver an Kim will lead the group. And until Kim tells me it's OK, I'm staying put.

    Wishing everyone well wishes an calming thoughts.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited April 2020

    Wow, I accidentally wrote about Genny vs Mema Sue & summoned her up here. Good to hear from you Genny ❤️

    Now I wish to summon up Illmae. Where art thou dearest one ?

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,910
    edited April 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Monday Monkey Day!Getting up to another chilly ayem, and another weather reports calling for a dusting of snow later in the week. Sigh. The sun did come out yesterday, and was strong enough to sit out on the deck for a few minutes . I did notice that the yard is going to need some work clearing out branches and small trees that are down, but it's not dried out enough justyet. Sadie was able to find sunny patches to bask in, but she has a fur coat to help deal with the breeze and I don't!

    Genny!!! Good to see you!I did some fun puttering in the kitchen, got a bunch of bacon cooked up and some other things like that done to have healthier foods to eat this coming week. Glad your MIL is still safe, and praying it stays that way. I hope this stuff starts clearing out soon, but I'm afraid it's just ramping up toward the peak in Maine right now. And I'm happy I tested negative, too!Still trying to figure out why the temp was 99.3 that ayem. And you've got another pupper! And Big Boy, too! How old is he? Meet you at the swim up bar!


    Cammy Cat--that cat jumping is mesmerizing! Sadie says thanks for the extra belly rubs, she cashed in a few this ayem, saving the rest for this peeyem.Sadie and I did very little work yesterday, just stuff we wanted to do, including ashort nap. This will come to an end eventually, yes. I think it's wise that the Governors and such are thinking about what signs to look for that it's time to start opening up again, and planning a logical and reasonable approach, but I'm afraid too many people are too used to instant gratification are going to push for too much too soon.

    Morning, Jazzy

    sloe gin fizz

    Sloe Gin Fizz

    Ingredients in a Sloe Gin Fizz

    Once you actually find the sloe gin, it's really easy to make a sloe gin fizz! All you need is:

    • sloe gin
    • lemon juice
    • lime juice
    • simple syrup
    • club soda

    How to Make a Sloe Gin Fizz

    To make a sloe gin fizz the way they did in the 50's:

    • 2 oz Sloe Gin
    • 1 tablespoon of simple syrup
    • 3/4 oz of lemon juice
    • 3/4 oz of lime juice
    • Add to Boston Shaker with Ice
    • Shake well.
    • Pour into a glass and top with club soda, serve.

    From <>

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2020

    cats | Glamour

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2020

    Busy day in the garden yesterday. Got me a new Ninja Foodie and made ribs yesterday, 20 minute pressure cook then on the grill with bbq sauce to char. DH has doctor appt this morning, so I'll be back later or just in the morning to ketchup!
