
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited September 2007

    Hoping to bring some sunshine your way this Sunday morning.

    Its a very quiet morning this end of the circle. The sun has not peaked over the horizon and right now its very quiet. No crickets. No frogs. No birds are singing. Im sitting here wondering how in the heck did Labor Day come so soon. Wasnt it only yesterday we were talking about Spring. Time seems to pass with a blink of the eye.

    I had one of those going back to the past moments yesterday. Some of you are way to young to remember this, but it stands vividly in my mind. My SIL is having a BBQ tomorrow and DH said to me, we can go swimming! I immediately said no no no. It reminded me when I was a little girl. You never went swimming or drank water from the hose this time of year. We were worried about Polio then. It was a weird feeling to go back that far in the past and remember those particular thoughts. It was real then though. And now - Polio doesnt really exist anymore. Im hoping that we will be able to say the same thing about breast cancer some day.

    Charlene: What a great picture of Audrey on the horse. Her smile is wonderful. I do love horses.

    Denise: If I remember correctly, I think it was you who told me to use "whatever" when I was having issues with an employee at work. With regards to the retail therapy. Bummer you didnt find anything. Ive been window shopping myself and there doesnt seem to be too much in the stores that is catching my eyes either. Im a shoe person, love to have shoes to match my outfits. Cant even find a pair of shoes that I like right now. Ive thought about this whole diet thing. My head is just spinning. So I think Im gonna go see a dietician for a consult. Maybe give me some direction. I will tell you I had strawberry shortcake last night and I didnt care about the fat or calories. It was wonderful.

    SoCal: I love fruits and vegetables. Could easily become a vegetarian if I needed to. South Beach sorta screwed up my thinking. There were so many fruits and vegetables I wasnt supposed to eat. Yesterday morning I had a banana! Something which is forbidden on South Beach. Couldnt have oranges and grapefruits either. No peas, no corn. Before this weekend is over Im getting myself some corn on the cob. Havent had that in about 2 years. Just have to stay away from the hard candy. I went to CVS yesterday and bought some sugar free life savers and they are prety darn good. Especially the toffee/butterscotch ones.

    MargaretB My lesson learned is to never wander from the wagon circle. It cant get down right mean out there. Im so sorry I missed "Crazy Sexy Cancer." I was hoping they would have played it again this week-end, but no such luck. There was only one point I was trying to make. If we cant come here - to these discussion boards - and say what we really feel, then I think its hopeless. I dont think anyone should be telling us where to and where not to post. So I think it is wonderful some people can find something positive out of this experience. I used to read palms and my lifeline has a big separation, like I would be going in a different direction. Then it proceeds onward. And thats how I feel. Like this is a darkness that changed my life. I was able to finially think of one positive and that is all the friends I have made here. Were it not for bc, I would not know any of you - and you all are so very special to me.

    Cheri: I must say you sounded better in you recent post. This whole foot infection thing has to be making you bonkers. Im glad you finially figured out the infusion thing. You havent told us about any vegetables coming from your garden lately. I sure enjoyed reading about that. Im thinking next year Im gonna plant some vegetables and just hope the squirrels and rabbits dont eat them. Never did get one Pear from out Pear tree but found half bitten pears all over the yard.

    BMD: I dont know if it is because I am more aware, or because Im seeing more people getting chemo. I dont think I would have noticed the women who are bald and wearing hats before I was diagnosed. I always get a softness in my heart when I see someone now. Want to reach out and just hug them.

    Sherloc: I hope you get that bat situation taken care of very soon. I would be walking around the house covering what little hair I have. Was always told the bats would go for your hair!

    CY: Yep, those bills just keep coming. DH would rather just ignore them! For along time while I was getting treatment he didnt even show me the bills - but told me he was paying them. I have to call my insurance company and fight with them. They wont cover the radiologists charge for my CXR - considering it preventative. Oh yeah - preventative for pneumonia. Makes me crazy. Anyways, your sounding good. Have fun at the zoo, its one of my favorite things to do.

    Peter: Good night and hoping you have sweet dreams. Also hoping your feeling better and stronger when you wake up.

    karen: I sure do love a good glass of red wine. Waving and saying hello to you dear friend.

    Cheri: OK somehow I missed you falling and feeling off balance. That could be a direct result to the antibiotics and the low potassium. When do they do your next blood test?

    Jankay: Good morning sunshine sister. You sound a bit more perky this morning. Whatever did happen with your caregiver?

    Vickie: You must have had one busy day yesterday. Wondering how the shower went. Missed your tuck in post.

    So many sisters are missing, I have started to lose count. Hoping all is going well.

    Guess Im going to ahve to go on my morning walk alone today. My dog Mister is doing better, but sleeping from the medicine. I will not be taking him with me. If he starts limping, he is too big for me to carry.

    Well - time to start my Sunday routine. Will check in later.

    Odalys: BTW I loved your post on the other thread.

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited September 2007

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited September 2007
    Good morning sweet family,
    Good night Peter. Seems like your having a pretty tough time lately yourself. We'll put you in the center but no peeking at the girls getting dressed in the morning! Sweet tight and don't let the bedbugs bite.
    Good morning sunshine sister Nicki! I don't remember the polio thing but I do remember lining up to get the vaccine. Wow...what a long time ago that was. I would love to see the world in line for a cancer vaccine. I also remember getting under out desks and covering our heads in war time. They eventually figured out that the hallway was safer as there were no windows.
    Good morning Jankay...you're up might early this morning. What a sweet sad story.
    Angel...oh what a wonderful picture! I'm so glad she got her horse ride! She deserved it after the ummm...can't say it here...disappointed her so. Hope you are feeling a bit better.
    Shopmama...I've missed you too dragonfly sister...this is for you for today
    thank you too for the "just be still"...I've had a hard time with that lately but we won't go there today. Love ya!
    Karen...I pray you had a good nights sleep last night. You so deserve it.
    Gina...oh my goodness. Honey you are beautiful. You look so wonderful with your sweet afghan and book. Saying special prayers for you today.
    Nicki again...LOL...they aren't dunking me in the lake...they are dunking everyone in the creek! It's a very chilly, foggy 47 degrees outside right now so send some prayers that it warms up by 10:30 or this girls gonna freeze her behind off.
    CY...have a wonderful day at the zoo with the grandkids. I'm still fighting my radiation bill...there is no way I am paying it. Oh...well..don't even care.
    Denise...I did some retail therapy yesterday but I spent a bunch. Had a whole list of supplies that Nate needed (the schools don't supply a single thing any more)and I got him three new outfits to wear along with sneakers. whew...what a mob scene the stores were.
    Shokk..where are ya?
    Susan...do we need to come hunt you down. I don't think Robin and Cheri are up to it but I'm pretty sure I can find a posse around here somewhere.
    Liz...just sending prayers, hugs and love for the day.
    I have also seen so many women with no hair and obviously going through treatment that I have so wanted to go hug. I think maybe I will from now on.
    Love ya Iris.
    Hey to everyone from A to Z!
    I love you all!!!
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited September 2007
    Good Morning Friends. It's 5:30am. Kidlets aren't allowed to show their darling little faces till 7 so I have a bit of time for quiet.

    Cy, have a grand time with your grands.

    Margaret, All windows open here too. Another good thing about being in the hills. We cool down at night. Praying hard it isn't so hot today. Want to take the kids out for some fun. Nothing fun about crabby over-heated children.

    Peter, thanks for the fan. Rest well my friend.

    Pam, BC awareness day? Do they use pink bats? I saw a pic of some team doing that. For some reason it annoyed me to. Have a grand time in spite of pink overload.
    Hugs to you my friend.

    Nicki, by now your sun is up and shining. Mine is still hiding behind the hill. I promise the bats aren't flying freely thru my house. They do well keeping to their little world in the attic. They do get in the house occasionally but they really don't want to be in here anymore than I want them too. An open door or window and out they go. Have a great day my friend.

    Jankay, Mother/Daughter/Mentor/Friend relationship aside. She still needs to do the job she is being paid for on your terms, not hers. I understand the temper tantrums a 22 year old girl is capable of. In the real world she would be fired.

    Off to the porch to chain smoke before the kids get up. Have a great day one and all.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited September 2007
    Vicki, you are getting baptised today? Yehaw!!!
    When I was baptised the church I was going to at the time was very fond of the beach. The ocean in California is not exactly a nice place to be dunked. So I told my Pastor I wasn't gonna do it unless he could provide me with warm water. Dear man that he is he rustled up a hot tub for me. Thought that was especially nice of him.
  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited September 2007
    Morning Ladies,

    Sunday drive-by. It's not even 6 am and it's already 81 degrees. Supposed to be 105+ again in my neck of the woods. Read back a few pages and it looks like most are doing better this weekend. Prayers to all.

    Cheri - Thank you for always including me in your posts. I'm so lacking at keeping track of everyone and everything that I feel bad coming here and not mentioning each and everyone of you. I get overwhelmed and feel as if I need to mention all or nothing. You are so good at this.

    A funny yesterday. I had a bit of a meltdown over bras. I finally felt like it was time to go to Nordstroms (hate Nordies, sorry Nordie lovers, but they always make me feel like trailer trash when I'm there) and get fitted. I still can't believe my little foobettes were measured a 34DD. Well found only two bras that come in this size there. I've since found out that not very many bras come in that size without underwire. The salesgirl helped me find a comfy Wacoal one but wanted it in black. It isn't made in black?! Isn't black a basic?? I was going to go ahead and purchase the nude one as I was planning on buy two bras one in black and one in nude, but was blown off by the salesgirl when I suppose one of her regulars came in. Some frumpy looking lady my age, 50-ish. The salesgirl starts complementing her on her old lady-ish looking Ralph Lauren shoes and Ralph Lauren skirt. As if this 20 year old would really wear them. I swear the customer looked like on old school marm, but I must've not been wearing the right labels because I was blown off and the $50 bra wasn't a big enough sale for her. I left and went to Victoria's Secret and found a bra there that I like, but guess what, no black?!!!? It does come in black but they didn't have the 34DD. Left literally with tears in my eyes. Seems silly now, but I was so looking forward to new bras. My upper back has been achy lately and I know that a good fitting bra will help. I felt the difference right away.

    Thanks for listening once again to my vent.

    Happy Labor Day everyone!! Take it easy all.


    It's now 82 degrees. Whew!!
  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited September 2007

    Vickie - Congratulations on the baptism!!!

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited September 2007

    Awwww Lini, hugs for you. I've always had the I can't find a decent bra issue. I'm a 32C. Not your normal, run of the mill, I think I'll go pick up a bra at wallyworld size. I get my bras from a very small local lingerie shop. If she doesn't have what I want in my size she orders it. Daughter has the same issue being a 32DD. She orders hers online. I can find out the site if you would like.

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited September 2007
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 471
    edited September 2007
    Good morning everyone. I will catch up today but it will have to be later. Karl left with his Dad's rental car to meet his Dad & brother halfway from Delaware and to drive his Dad to the airport and Ava & I have to be ready to go soon to go pick Karl up from the airport. Here's pics of my other little angel who keeps me going every day. I couldn't decide so I posted two. The first one is of her eating her first ever corn on the cob at my sisters house. I have a picture of Audrey eating her first ever corn on the cob at the same sisters house! Ava skinned both knees up badly falling on the concrete as we were leaving the pool earlier, hence the big bandaids. BBL


  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited September 2007

    how precious charlene

  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited September 2007
    Morning all. Before I forget, for those teachers out there, I volunteer for a non-profit that benefits underprivileged kids in my county. We provide scholarships for Outdoor Education, which is a week-long science camp. We also provide funding for kids through teens that are in a temporary receiving home living situation so they can go to movies, eat dinner out, go gokart racing, etc., and our last project is providing teddy bears that the police and fire departments give to traumatized kids.n My question is - as our members age and the guests we invite to our fundraiser dinner age, I think a lot of interest is being lost on Outdoor Ed so we were thinking of maybe adding another project to stimulate interesting and funding. As a teacher, where do you think the money needs to go? These projects benefit up to age 18. Thanks for your input.

    Peter, I hope you start to feel energized soon. I feel like that little kitty a lot of times myself. Thanks for the fan. Going to need it again today and through most of the week.

    Shirley, can you get Move Free Advanced at Costco? I'll have to get some. My SD lives in Sacramento so I'll be there next weekend for the wedding. I thought it was hot here....

    Karen, hope that glass of wine put you to sleep all night.

    Pam, glad you dropped in. I know it has got to be tough for you and I cannot imagine how you cope but you do. I'm putting you in the middle of the circle for as long as you need to be there. image

    Nicki, I don't wander too far from here either. I glance at the active topics and may post on one or two but that's pretty much it. I'm sure TLC will rebroadcast Crazy Sexy Cancer - it was very good and I saw a blurb on her last night on Entertainment Tonight or one of those shows. Good for you on walking. It's hot again here so my sister and I are going to walk to Starbucks again this morning and get our cofee. Hubby says it's about a mile and a half. Maybe I'll get the pedometer out.

    Jankay, I agree with Shirley.

    Lini, glad you stopped by, and don't worry about mentioning all. Saying Amy to Z covers everyone. As far as bras, now that you know your size and the brand that fits, go online and order them. There are quite a few websites that have them, including eBay (I have bought brand new ones there, like Chantelle, Wacoal, etc.). Your Nordies is definitely not like mine. Victoria's Secret doesn't carry the size I need so I can't even go in there unless I'm picking up some Heavenly.

    Vickie, 47 degrees......it's still summer isn't it? Congrats on the baptism.

    Ok, time to start my day. Hope everyone from Amy to Z has a good day today.


    Ha, got the dreaded "post is no longer valid" but I had copied and pasted so I didn't lose it and then saw Ava. Charlene, she's adorable.
  • Gus
    Gus Member Posts: 177
    edited September 2007
    Good morning all,

    I haven't gone back to read, but I opened up this page and saw sweet little Ava's face looking at me. What a cutie!

    Be back later. Love and hugs to all,
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited September 2007
    Morning everyone, just popping in with a quick Hi and know that I'm thinking of you all. Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers.

  • casinogirl
    casinogirl Member Posts: 476
    edited September 2007
    Good morning everyone ~

    Is it just me, or are the Discussion Boards PAINFULLY slow? I have high speed Internet, and I can bring up bc.org no problem, click my way to the boards, but it takes forever to actually bring up the forums. Anyone else having this problem?

    Getting ready to do some yard work, since it's unseasonably cool this morning (70s) so maybe I can get some things done and not have heat stroke.

    Nicki - at first I didn't get the pic of the cow. I was thinking....an angel cow? heavenly milk? What the?? Then I read back to a post:

    Nicki - TGIF is right girlfriend! Holy cow!

    Charlene - Ava is just precious!

    Vickie - Diesel looks pretty happy now that he's found a loving home. (who are you kidding to think you're not keeping that dog....he knows it too, I can see it in his face. Lucky dog!)

    BF and I actually spent TWO nights at my house, but will go to his place today and get in some boat time. Can't believe this weather! We NEVER get weather like this in OK this time of year! I love it!

    Hope everyone has a safe, fun rest of the weekend.

    Hugs to all ~

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited September 2007
    Good Morning

    On my way to see the parents. Yep, on the Blackberry

    Dad turned 88 Wednesday. Even with his pacemaker-he is having problems with his heart

    Oh my, just passed another speed trap

    Charlene, your children are beautiful. Ouch, skinned knees hurt.

    Vickie, hope it does warm up for the baptism. Love ya

    Nicki, I remember the summers of staying home, scared of polio. It was indeed a scarry time.

    Cheri, I am so sorry you are going through this. Sent you something in the mail (hee hee-hope it cheers you up)

    Margaret, I did not realize you had such hot temperatures. You cool down at night. Our lows are in the 80's

    CY, I was so happy to hear your news on the scans. NED is next!!!

    Good morning GuZ and Jankay

    Jankay, thank you for the funnies. Some days this is the only laugh I have

    Shirley, everytime I read about your bats, I think of the Ghostbusters. You need some Batbusters.

    Gina, thank you for posting your picture. Your smile turned my bad day to wonderful!!! Hugs and love to you

    Gotta get off the Blackberry. Getting ready to drive on "substandard roadway-aka country back roads- and they have started cutting and planting the sugarcane, so there will be farm tractors and combines on the road

    Sending hugs from A to Z (sorry-do not mean to not mention all)
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited September 2007
    Good morning everyone..
    Peter thanks for the fan!!!!!!!!!

    Lini..just wanted to add another Nordstom's story..I bought my first prosthesis and bra at the one in Mission Valley, San Diego soon after my mastectomy and wore them for a while...the prosthesis didn't look exactly right to me so I went to another shop and they said it was defective and I should get a new one..I explained that I bought it at Nordies and they said to return it there..so I went back..they wouldn't exchange it saying it was NOT defective and were very rude...I have never been back to that store!!!!!!!!

    Shirley..I am having the grandkids today..where will I get the energy??

    Pam..good to see you..will the Braves use pink bats??? You are now sitting in the middle for a while...hope it is more peaceful..

    Nicki...I have to say the new diet sounds more healthy to me..have you tried the Go-Lightly Sugar Free Candy..it is good ...especially the cinnamon ones..

    I remember Polio...we were kids before the vaccine . Many of our friends got it and were paralyzed and in iron lungs. our Mothers were terribly scared about it..we couldn't go under the sprinklers or swimming in a public pool in the summers... A very good friend was a physical therapist who worked exclusively with polio patients to help them try to recover. Many didn't...The discovery of the vaccine was a godsend...and we all were thrilled..
    Hope all have a good day..Hugs..
  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited September 2007

    Boy has it been hot around here! We bought some palm trees and ground orchids but haven't been able to plant them. Hopefully this afternoon when the sun goes down we can plant them. I've been reading but haven't been able to post much because I've been suffering from muscle spasms on both arms. Ouchhhh!!! Last night DH massaged and wrapt both arms. I had to take a flexeril and feel a little better today. But won't be able to post too much cause I need to rest the arms.

    Charlene - your daughters are so adorable. God has blessed you with too beautiful angels.

    Jankay - Your post about 911 gave me goose bumps. God does work in misterious ways.

    Madison - I have been meaning to tell you, you remind me of me. I think if we compare notes we probably have a lot in common. I was laughing at the comment Vickie made about there being hills not mountains at Pinkstock. It sounds like we are both city girls. BTW- I'm thinking of getting a Blackberry at the end of the year when my current cell contract is over. Do you have to pay for internet connection seperately?

    BBL - I'm still under the effects of Flexeril and my brain is not responding right now. I think I need a nap.
  • BMD
    BMD Member Posts: 215
    edited September 2007

    Just reading along and we had an earthquake. I don't know where it was centered yet but it must have been a pretty good one. We don't usually feel them around here unless they are pretty good ones.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited September 2007
    Well all...I am officially baptised...COLD IS NOT THE WORD FOR IT...FRIGID!
    Had the lovely little thought that the black cloud would just disappear. No such luck. Got out of my car and closed the door leaving my keys inside (which I always do)...went to open the back door to get the towels and dry clothes out and "bang"...the freakin doors locked.
    Everyone tried to get the car unlocked...no luck...called all over...no luck...said "fudge it"...busted out the side window! Got in my car! I have full glass coverage so I'll call the insurance company Tuesday and get it fixed.
    Don't know what's wrong with me but I am downright miserable right now and I want a stinkin cigarette! Gonna go mow my lawn that I should have mowed yesterday and see if I can get in a better mood.
    Love ya all
    too much of me is missing to be Vickie
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited September 2007
    Oh my Brenda...be safe!
    Angel...Ava is a doll.
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited September 2007
    Brenda/BMD...hi there ...
    there was a 4.7 earthquake near Lake Elsinor..

    Here is a good website

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Good Afternoon to all!

    Geesh, I've got most of the furniture out of the living room and Computer room/office..pushed things aside in the bedroom and all the 'what nots' are in the kitchen. Why, You ask????
    Decided instead of just complaining about my carpets, I would scrub them today and maybe hit the couch with the machine too. Beautiful weather, open the windows and they would dry nicely.
    DH went to rent the scrubber we use and they were all gone!!!! So, here I sit in a semi-vacant house just waiting to see if it (scrubber) comes back soon or if I need to journey to parts unknown to get one!
    Geesh.....don't get ambition to often......they should know that and have what I want when I want it!!!!

  • BMD
    BMD Member Posts: 215
    edited September 2007
    SoCal that is a pretty cool site. Thanks. Did you feel it? No damage here.

    Lini I always feel like trash when I go into Nordi's too. I remember someone told me to go there for scarves when I was dx. The only scarves I saw were in a glass cabinet and I am sure were way out of my budget. The 2 girls at the counter basically ignored me when I was looking at them so I just left. The only thing they have good there are clean restrooms and a nursing room. I used that a lot when I was breastfeeding my boys.

    Vickie sorry you are having a bad morning. AAA is the best way to go for keys locked in your car. I am glad the weather is cooler there. My mom in Endicott has been tortured by the hot summer there.

    So hot again today. Thanks for the fan Peter. I did not even go to church this morning. Just hanging in the AC.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited September 2007

    Good Afternoon Everyone: It is such a beautiful day here in the Chicago end of the circle. High 80's, sunny, no humidity. For those who are going on picnics all week-end, they are having fabulous weather.

    Vickie: I am so gullible. So are they gonna dunk you in the creek or just poor a little water on you? Being Catholic, I was baptized when I was a baby - so my inquiring mind wants to know.

    Jankay: It does sound like you have a relationship with your caregiver - which is so important. So yes, emotions get all involved and very hard to set limits. Like normal family - you have disagreements every so often.

    Sherloc: Hahahahaha, baptized in a hot tub. Now thats funny. Enjoy your time with your grandchildren.

    Lini: Im so excited you popped in to say hello. Buying bras? I hate it. Im 40C and its hard to find that size. I wear a one piece so that I dont look so fat and thats even harder to find. I love the new thread you started about pink. I went to Walmart today, and to date - they dont have their pink bc stuff out yet.

    Colleen: Where the heck are you? I hope you are enjoying this Labor Day weekend.

    Liz: You have been in my thoughts all week-end. Just hang in there. We have you tucked away in the middle of the circle.

    Charlene: Great pictures of your 2 little girls. Hope you enjoy your day.

    MargaretB: Now that my pool is closed for the year, Im gonna have to figure out a whole new exercise routine. I did go for my walk this morning without my dog. DH told me he barked and cried the whole time I was gone. Saw a nest of Cardinals and the babies were learning to fly. That was pretty cool.

    Guz: Saw a great picture of you posted by CY!

    Donna: Hee hee, you have to watch me, sometimes I get crazy with my pictures. Glad you finially figured it out. Holy Cow!


    Madison: I felt like I was in the car with you while you were writing your post. We dont have sugar cane here, but we have lots and lots of corn. It is indeed as high as an elephants eye.

    SoCal: I think the diet is healthier also, once I figure it out. I love that site you post for earthquakes. Just saved it to my favorites. The first polio vacinne I got was on a sugar cube. Must have been in 2nd grade I think. The interesting thing is that although many died, many survived with lifetime disabilities. In the nursing home industry we are now seeing alot of aging people who had polio when they were kids. Im just thinking wouldnt it be great to have a vaccine for cancer. Not just bc but all kinds of cancer!

    Odalys: Muscle spasms in both arms sounds awful. I hope the flexeril starts working and your feeling better.

    BMD: Its just so weird to be sitting here in Chicago and hearing about an earthquake!

    Denise: Im getting into the urge to clean. DH does the cleaning each day, so you can guess how many cob webs and dust there is all over the place. Maybe next week-end. Think when Im done writing Ill go work on the baby afghan and watch the CUBS.

    Z: Hope you are having a great week-end too.

    Cheri: Hoping today is a better day.

    OK time to go. See ya all later.

  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited September 2007
    Happy Sunday to Everybody!!

    Happy Labor Day!


  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited September 2007
    Hi all
    I've been working and not around. Today I went back 5 pages to start taking notes and I've been at it for a couple of hours and only made it through 3 pages. So if my messages sound like they are so "last week" that's because they ARE!! I'll catch up. bbl

    hugs to all my sisters!

    Cheri I'm sorry about all the infusions. I hope it does become routine. I don't have much in the way of veins either. I thought that Amber was going to be helping you.

    Karen, I also have problems feeling tired. I am taking vitamins and supplements to try and counteract things but I am also blaming it on the AI's. That's one of the reasons why I haven't tried Effexor yet. I hear it makes you tired also. My onc says I will get used to it in time. I just try and drink more coffee.

    Oh Robin, I haven't heard anyhing about the results of your surgery. I hope you describe everything in great detail.

    Angel, if cancer has improved someone's life, they are very very lucky. I hate hearing those cutsey fairy tales also. Are you a Gemini or a Pisces? I'm so sorry to hear about the results of your ultrasound. I was already past menopause when I got cancer but I have a cyst now on my ovary. In my case they say it is nothing to worry about. Mine will not recommend an ooph unless she really thinks it is needed. World Domination will wait till you are ready.

    Liz, so sorry to hear about your MIL. Hugs and prayers for you and your family.

    Deb C I hope the surgery went well. Infections are scary things. I'm praying for both of you.

    Nicki, I think it's good you've been telling your dh your version of things. I hope he starts to listen. Tell him you like the dogs company better than you do his! I don't know if I would recommend telling him your struth while you are drinking though?
    I would go rob a bank to get $40 to have thicker hair.

    Vickie, you are so sweet. You just pick up all of us stray animals, don't you. I hope you are enjoying your long weekend. Diesel is a cutie.

    Marsha what is going on with you and your surgery???

    Hi Madison, sending you hugs.

    Colleen did you tape the PSA? You are famous! The right man is waiting for you. He just doesn't know it yet.

    Margaret I hope you are having a good day. I sure miss the Bay Area. Especially as hot as things are around here.

    Guz good luck with a new school year. Hope you get a good class.

    Jan, I'm surprised that snopes has a picture like that. I don't think that's very nice.

    Ok, Brenda put me on the list for post treatment fatigue issues. I was working this past week and just couldn't wait till the week was over and I could rest up. I'm so glad I'm not working this week. And you all are working. It must be even worse for you. Oh yes, I have had my eyebrows permantly tatooed.

    Hey Donna, glad you are having a long weekend.

    Amy, the pups sound like so much fun.

    Shirley have fun with the babies.

    shokk i hope you were at least sorta nice to your ex.....

    tgirl I so wish I could drink all night and not be sick the next day. Well, except if I could do that, I would be drunk every night.

    Suz, I hope dh is gone for a while. It might be dangerous if he comes back too soon.

    Denise, I haven't started yet. I think I'm gonna try the place here first. I will call you. We are taking about diets ya'll. I'm so afraid I will fail again.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited September 2007

    OK HELP...can someone pm me MB's full name and phone number...I have our flight tickets all ready to be purchased but if I goof on her info her tickets won't be any good!! Chemo brained me just wants to make sure!!

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited September 2007

    are you buying tickets for florida where and when??

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited September 2007

    tickets to Florida...Leaving Oct 13th returning the 20th!