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  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited September 2007


    I think we were married to the same guy!

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited September 2007

    Ok guys I'm back........getting back to our local narcissist........they live for attention.......of course they want postive attention but when people begin to figure out how toxic they are they will also take negative attention......they just have to have attention to be able to feel alive because they are basically dead on the the best way to get rid of MS is to completely ignore her and I mean completely ignore her..........she will do her best to make us respond to her.....she is going to post horrible things about the circle all over I guratenee it.......but ladies and ((((PETER))))) we have got to ignore her.....she will have to move on and go feed somewhere matter what she posts we cannot respond.......Puppy you need to screen everycall, every letter, every email because she is most attached to you for whatever reason.......ok guys sorry to be going on but we can survive our narcissist...........our circle cannot be broken and will not be all of ya'll............

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited September 2007


  • Unknown
    edited May 2008

    Good morning Shokk.  Thanks for your insight.

    How was your weekend?  I went on a cleaning spree.  Go figure!  I'm going to work on my bedroom next.

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited September 2007

    Good morning know what for some reason I cannot get into the british ladies show as much as I just love Clean House on style network.........anyway it is amazing how cleansing throwing crap away is..........and they actually cleaning......I have been following The Fly Lady's advice and throwing away 27 things a day for a week now........I have either recycled, just thrown away or given to makes me feel so good.......stuff I thought were so important to me after having cancer and ya sweetheart....................

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited September 2007

    Shokk, not only was my ex-husband a 'what you said' he must've been a bigamist, too. hahahaha  You explained him to a tee. You notice Jeannie said her "ex" too? That's the reason they're an ex.

    Jazz, back to work, work, work.

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited September 2007

    ((((Cheri))))))good morning sweetie........hope you are feeling better..............................

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited September 2007

    Cheri that's because narcissist have to have as many people around them as possible telling them how great they are.......for men that usually is lots of women.........ya'll are not going to believe this but when my ex and I were seperated but not yet divorced his girlfriend called me in the middle of the night crying saying that she had "caught" him with someone let me get this husband's girlfriend is complaing that her married boyfriend is cheating on her????????? the time I was really pissed but now it all seems so funny...........ha.............

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited September 2007

    Cheri, what can I say. It's a train wreck but it's home. 

    Jaz, puter isn't that old. But I do tend to load the poor sucker up on a regular basis. That and I have the crappiest internet connection on the planet. Waiting ever so patiently for high speed to make it to my house in the woods.

    Shokk, very well said.

    PS. I love the Fly Lady. I went thru her getter ridder program several years ago. It was freeing. Now if I could just get hubby to do the same thing we'd be living easy.

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited September 2007

    Dear Sisters-

    I feel like I have been ignoring you all.  Between my life being busy, my computer not liking this new format (still takes ages for this to load, and I keep getting kicked of) and wanting to avoid strife, I feel like I have not been here to support all my cyber sisters in need.

    First of all, I want you to know that when I am not here you are still in my thoughts and prayers...always!

    Jeannie- I have been thinking about you the past few days!  Good too see you posting again.  How's tricks?  How is your sis and her kids? Are things still stable with your eye?  We were in Homer the other day and saw a big old cruise ship and it made me think about you :)  Wanna come up for a visit again soon?

    Cheri - I can not imagine all the crap you are going through with this infection.  I have to tell you, I don't think I would handle things with as much good humor and perseverance as you do.  I hope your port behaves for you.

    Jaz - It is good to see you posting again.  I missed you when you were gone.  Thank you fro all the advice on the shingles.  I think mine is already getting a bit better....

    Shirley - You have the most outrageous sense of humor!  I have the feeling you and I would get along famously in person too.  I will always be bummed you didn't get too come to Pinkstock.  Want to come to Alaska and visit?  I don't have in bats in my attic, but are you allergic to brown bears?  I try to keep them in the yard, not in the house :)

    WildJan-  I thought about you this weekend.  We were driving to Homer and a HUGEA group of folks on bikes and trikes passed us.  I bet there was over 100 bikes.  When we got to Homer, they were all pulled off at a big scenic overlook.  Once they had their helmets off I would bet the average age was over 50!  How cool is that???  I had no idea so many "older" folks rode motorcycles...

    Charlene - How are those bowling balls doing?  I hope the soccer game was fun this weekend.

    Cy- I am so sorry to hear about the infection in your port.  That just sucks big pickles!  I am sending you hugs and haling vibes....I wish I could fix it for you.  I have to tell you that I think about your smiling face often.  Do you know how beautiful you are?  Several times at Pinkstock I would look up and see your smile....girl, I know that some of the time when we were there you felt like crap, but you ALWAYS had this glow of peace and love....You are a very special person.  Hang in there.  Let us know how we can help.

    Shel - I was glad to see a post form you too.  Do I remember that you were getting more added to the tattoo on you foot?  I remember seeing a beautiful photo, and then my addled brain thinks you were adding too it.  If so, I want to see more pictures J  I have tattoo envy, but I'm too chicken to go get one myself.  What is up with you?  Any treatment news??   I hope things are going well for you.  You always make me smile with your spunky posts.

    OK folks, I am out of time....wish I had more so I could talk to everyone by name.  Please know I am here in heart even when I am not posting. 

    Bugs and Fishes

    Deb C

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited September 2007

    Hey Sherloc......there's a college in Houston that has had to close a dorm because the air conditioning system is full of bats.........and if any of the kids that have touch bats.......they would find them dead......are having to undergo rabis shots..........if that were my kidlet I would be one pissed off mama......................

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited September 2007

    Can I say "pissed off" here........let me just say I would be one angry mom........................................

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008

    Hey to all...........I too, feel like I've ignored far to many friends lately.  Bare with me............all the stress and harrassment on here has kinda made my brain go numb and my fingers stiff.

    I think I realize why so many of us are close....................WE WERE ALL MARRIED TO THE SAME GUY FIRST TIME AROUND!!  

    Kinda laying low today, think I picked up a small bug over the details!

    Be back in a bit...........wishing all a good day!



  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited September 2007

    Denise how are you your son doing ok???????That must have scared the out of you............I did read Friday afternoon about his car accident.......just wanted you to know that said a prayer for the kidlet..........and mom.......................

  • Unknown
    edited May 2008

    Good morning Cheri, Deb, and Neesie!

    Neesie -- thanks for sparing us the details.  :> I hope you feel better soon.  How is the afghan coming that you were making. 

    Cheri -- try to stay outa trouble today, okay girlfriend.  ROFL!

    Deb -- I'm glad to hear the shingles are getting better.

    Cheryl/Cy -- I'm sorry you are going through so much.  Know that you are always in my thoughts.  I enjoyed meeting you at Pinkstock.

    Marsha -- come play or I'm gonna do the 'jan brady whine'.  And I know how you hate that!

    Sheri -- any news on your son today?  I hope he makes a flight home today.

    Hugs to all from A to the fabulous Ms Z!

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited September 2007

    well apparently the moderators have come home from their wild weekend.

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited September 2007

    Deb, warm fuzzies. I think your pretty pickin funny too.

    I don't think I am allergic to brown bears. Except maybe the eating me part. Don't think that would be very good for my breathing.

    Shokk, first lesson in living with bats is NEVER TOUCH A DEAD ONE....why you ask.....cause bats don't just drop out of the sky, 99% of the time they are rabid.

    Hi Neesie, I don't feel ignored. I'm feeling the love girlfriend.

    Think I'll go wander around and see what else has been deleted.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited September 2007

    Thank you moderators...thank you Gina...I have learned to add...I came up with the correct sum LOL.

    I am home again...I will stick with my sweet family through thick and thin.

    Love ya all...a whole bunch.


  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited September 2007

    Hmmmmm quite a few disappearing posts.

    Finally figured out how to block someone. So former ?? who is now "NoLongerReadingorPosting" has been officially ignored.

    Yeah for me.

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited September 2007

    Ahhhhhh........I got some strange sick way that's kinda cool..............musta struck a nerve with someone.......guess I'm going to have to go post in the Hamptons......want Vickie and Puppy to understand what I believe is going on.......................

  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited September 2007

    Hello my friends! Warren and I are home from out visit to my sister in Richmond. Went by in the blink of an eye, I wish we lived closer to each other.

    As usual, I'm completely out of the loop (no ones fault but my own) but I'm feeling better/stronger/etc, so I'm going to try to jump back in.

    Please know that even when I'm not posting (and in the past week, not even really reading!) I feel like you all are my family, and I think about you and I feel stronger just knowing that you are there.



  • Unknown
    edited May 2008

    Good morning, Colleen.  Welcome home.  I'm glad you had such a nice time in Richmond. 

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited September 2007

    Morning dear family,

    Ah.....thank you, moderators.....

    Going to try to read back and play catch-up

    hugs from A to Z

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,799
    edited September 2007

    Dear Circle group,

    Rest assured that we are dealing with the issues at hand. We are not able to put as many hours in over the weekend so this has delayed our progress. In the meantime, thank you for your patience.

    Thanks to those of you who have moved on!!

    Please send us pm's if anything new comes up.


    Tami and Melissa

  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited September 2007

    Holy Hectic! I think I'm glad I was out of the loop. I have always been in the dark about the "stuff" that happened prior to the circle being formed and offered up as an extra special safe place within the security of bco or during the first few months. I'm surprised to realize that I've been in the circle since September 2006 (reading), I'm not sure I got up the nerve to post until October.  I truly hope that whatever happened last week is truly deleted and over, for all of our sakes.

    Vickie - I missed the drama, but if there is one thing I know about you it is this - you reach out to someone in need without hesitating. You reached out to me when Tim left, you sent me a PM with your home phone number, you told me your story, and you told me that if I ever needed to talk all I needed to do is call you. You have never met me, and only "know" me through the circle. I don't know what happened, and I generally try to be very careful about speaking for others, but I feel like I can truly say that every member of this Circle KNOWS without a doubt that you are a kind, loving, compassionate human being. And we love you for it.

    Speaking of PMs, how do you find them?

    This will probably not post (I have about a 1 in 10 success rate so far!)

    Love to you all, A to Z.

    PS. Cheri - sorry you had a bad night. I have an extra pair of bootstraps to lend you if you need a hand...

    PPS. Nickie - job? status? hope you are well

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008

    Thank you Moderators............hopefully all will be well from now on.  Once again we stuck together and NOBODY could tear us apart!

    Shokk:  Thanks for asking about my Son.  He is fine..It wasn't as bad as first impression gave....He was just really shook up.  This Kidlet doesn't run at the top when it comes to Good Luck!

    Jasmine:  Ahhhhh..........the afghan.  Right, I'm gonna make one for my Grandson..............Thankfully, I have until January to do it.  In other words, Nope..haven't started it yet!

    Vickie, Cheri, Shirley, Susan, Madison, Jan, JanKay, Gina, Theresa, Suz, Guz, Z, Odalys, Pam, Karen, Tricia, Charlene, Peter, Amy, Liz, Deb, MB, Colleen, Cy, CasinoGirl, Christine, Shell, Puppy, ..................okay that was from all from A to Z............



  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited September 2007

    Thanks Jas! Yes, it was great! Funny, my sister and I were never close until our mom died, almost 10 years ago. Now she's one of my best friends.

    Anyway, have a great day!

  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited September 2007

    Tami and Melissa,

    A heartfelt thanks to you for all you do!


  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008

    Oh geez...playing a mind game with myself.....trying to list all without looking.  Not bad for a lady who can't remember which way she is standing most of the time.............Continued:

    Robin, Nickie, Marsha, Boo, Brenda Carrie Sheri, Cheryl, Jasmine.



  • wildabouthorses
    wildabouthorses Member Posts: 458
    edited September 2007

    The doc said DH reaction to the spider bite was probably somewhat  milder than it would have been thanks to the benedryl he's taking so he can take the stronger pain pills that he had an allergic reaction to a few weeks back. Doc never did tell us if it was a poisonous spider after he saw it but exclaimed it was a big one. I guess big for its type maybe as it was about the size of a quarter including the legs. Anyway doc gave him a steroid shot and a prescription to take so it probably was a good thing he had it checked out.

      ALASKADEB>you made me think of the time we had pulled in to a eating place and shortly afterwards a bunch of "crotch rockets" pulled in, the type sport bikes the younger ones tend to drive and do tricks with. Imagine our surprise to see all of them were at least 50 or older when they took off their helmets. They were all in the colorful riding gear the youngin's usually wear!

      Going to be interesting to go and get on a plane tommorow. I haven't been on a plane since 1994, the weekend we moved here. I had to fly from Laredo, Tx to Chicago for my Dad's funeral and then fly from Chicago to Tulsa, OK to sign papers on the house and move in! Anyone know if batteries are allowed? I'd like to take my camera with lots of extra batteries in its own case. Been cleaning out my purse after reading stuff you can and can't take. Didn't see anything about batteries though. One thing I hate about the xray devices, I found that going through them shortens the life of my hearing aide batteries!